


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  energy of the conformational changes of the eight-membered ring.
2 on strategy to construct nitrogen-containing eight-membered rings.
3 aightforward fashion, including six- through eight-membered rings.
4 hods, (2) structures incorporating seven- or eight-membered rings, (3) selective heteroatom doping, a
5 , H-FER, H-MOR) and between OH groups within eight-membered ring (8-MR) side pockets and 12-MR main c
6 rbed methyl groups occurs selectively within eight-membered ring (8-MR) zeolite channels.
7  the dimensions of the transport-controlling eight-membered ring (8MR) are elucidated by Rietveld ana
8 tep deprotection/oxidative cyclization of an eight-membered ring amino-ketone to the unique hydroxyla
9  showcases the power of RCM for constructing eight-membered rings and features a highly diastereosele
10 e traps affords diverse functionality on the eight-membered ring backbone.
11      They are mainly hexadecamers, with each eight-membered ring composed of one or two (in Archaea)
12 ovaleric acid led to jadomycin AVA, a second eight-membered ring-containing jadomycin.
13 rom transannular closure of the intermediate eight-membered-ring cycloadduct.
14 AR) studies have indicated that the six- and eight-membered ring derivatives had diminished activity
15 isulfide bond (Cys(1)-Cys(2)) which forms an eight-membered ring during the catalytic cycle.
16 e developed, including a highly Z-selective, eight-membered-ring-forming intramolecular Julia-Kociens
17 t examples accounting for the preparation of eight-membered rings from bis(allenes) in the absence of
18 o the theoretical prediction that seven- and eight-membered ring-fused pyrazoline systems could be fo
19 h was carried out to form seven-membered and eight-membered rings, giving rise to tetranitro dipyrazo
20 system sterically induces a puckering of the eight-membered ring in the anion radical of tert-butoxy-
21 -3 is composed of silicate layers containing eight-membered rings in all three principal crystal dire
22 ghly functionalized five-, six-, seven-, and eight-membered rings in modest to good yields.
23 rs medium-ring unsaturated amines (including eight-membered rings) in high yield, with exceptional en
24  Key steps include a rapid assembly of a key eight-membered-ring intermediate employing ring-closing
25 n-4-ene with a cis-ring fusion, in which the eight-membered ring is forced to adopt a highly strained
26 orientation of the pendant moieties from the eight-membered ring is more compact for the major trans
27 he stable acyl-enzyme, which incorporates an eight-membered ring, is a covalent derivative of Ser70 l
28 ered gamma-lactams provide six-, seven-, and eight-membered ring lactams.
29 elective synthesis of substituted seven- and eight-membered ring lactams.
30              Oxidation of mixed S(Se, Te)/Si eight-membered ring mesocycles with NOPF6 or Br2 gives d
31 ns with a protonated amidine fragment of the eight-membered ring neutralizing the charge of the inter
32 of the five stereogenic centers found in the eight-membered ring of Taxol.
33 on of this alkynylaldehyde, to construct the eight-membered ring of the target, unexpectedly provided
34 as a doubly toroidal particle containing two eight-membered rings of approximately 60-kDa ATPase subu
35 8-endo ketyl-olefin coupling to assemble the eight-membered ring present in the target concomitantly
36 were nearly 10(6)-fold between the five- and eight-membered ring series.
37 th the tendency for cations to occupy double eight-membered ring sites rather than single eight-membe
38 eight-membered ring sites rather than single eight-membered ring sites.
39 portance each class of enzymes places on the eight-membered ring structure in the catalytic cycle.
40 cribe the metathesis reactions of a strained eight-membered ring that contains both alkene and alkyne
41  adopt a preferred conformation involving an eight-membered ring that resembles a gamma-turn.
42 sing metathesis results in a multifunctional eight-membered ring that then undergoes an internal S(N)
43  extended one-dimensional lines of five- and eight-membered rings that are domain boundaries and stac
44 the system corresponding to one electron per eight-membered ring (the tetraanion tetraradical).
45 ism in the ribosome would proceed through an eight-membered ring transition state, involving a proton
46 ough concerted mechanisms of four-, six- and eight-membered ring transition states, and a stepwise me
47 ubsequent ring-expansion reaction to give an eight-membered ring valence isomer.
48  compared to one where it was tethered by an eight-membered ring was less than 100-fold, suggesting t
49 at are connected to each other through small eight-membered-ring windows, resulting in a unidirection
50 here is relatively little interaction of the eight-membered ring with active site residues.
51  the ring-closing metathesis generates a new eight-membered ring with an "in-out" intrabridgehead rel

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