


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 its high conduction rather than the internal electric field.
2 trokinetic and require an externally applied electric field.
3  a SrCoO2.5-sigma film in the presence of an electric field.
4 se to the combined effect of temperature and electric field.
5 ted sample and leads to a stronger localized electric field.
6 l (CA) in the presence and the absence of an electric field.
7  in biological and chemical systems under an electric field.
8 ght while under the influence of a sustained electric field.
9 parate electron and hole layers by a tunable electric field.
10 y using spark discharge and manipulating the electric field.
11 ntrol the direction of magnetization with an electric field.
12 e highest energy storage density at the same electric field.
13 for any polar molecule in the presence of an electric field.
14 articles under the influence of a nonuniform electric field.
15 mism--which we show can be manipulated by an electric field.
16 ds on the time derivative of the surrounding electric field.
17 asing the interface by the application of an electric field.
18 les (MENs) intrinsically couple magnetic and electric fields.
19  the remote control of anion-pi catalysis by electric fields.
20 ization in response to external and built-in electric fields.
21 nce tunability of up to 1150% under moderate electric fields.
22 reducing the detrimental effects of built-in electric fields.
23 e moving origami parts by externally applied electric fields.
24  the responsiveness of anion-pi catalysts to electric fields.
25  can be moved and repositioned using applied electric fields.
26 ect extremely small changes in environmental electric fields.
27 oped lattices, thus revealing the buildup of electric fields.
28 us donor that can be controlled by microwave electric fields.
29 re enriched with magnesium ions using Pulsed Electric Fields.
30 neural activity via weak, externally applied electric fields.
31 el to predict the nerve responses to imposed electric fields.
32 ntrol, IRE with 100 mus, 1 Hz, 90 pulses and electric fields 2000-2500 V/cm and MHIRE treatment respe
33 Stark effect make it possible to measure the electric field a substrate molecule experiences when bou
34 ance gives rise to strong enhancement of the electric field above the grating structure, which can be
35  transition to cylindrical domains under the electric field, accompanied by a transient rise in the e
36 he decorated graphene areas, thus induced an electric field across the boundary between the decorated
37    The simulation results show a very strong electric field across the c-Si/a-B interface systems whe
38 ially in ten epilepsy patients and estimated electric fields across the entire brain by leveraging ca
39 This was achieved by the application of high electric fields along the two loading channels and a low
40 te, and which exhibits minimal change in the electric field amplitude and polarization state upon rot
41 emonstrate here is the result of an enhanced electric field and distinct electronic properties at the
42 der the simultaneous influence of an applied electric field and light irradiation.
43 udied the effects of increasing the external electric field and reducing the spring constant of a can
44 recombination due to the presence of a local electric field and spatially isolated, high mobility, tw
45 nducting to become polarized in the external electric field and the electrochemiluminescence intensit
46  defects can migrate in perovskites under an electric field and/or light illumination, potentially pr
47 e giant reversible strokes at relatively low electric fields and altogether avoid preactuation mechan
48 ons are elicited by biologically significant electric fields and by naturally occurring mutations of
49  for molecules measured by DTIMS at multiple electric fields and compute their associated collisional
50 late cell-to-cell coupling via extracellular electric fields and depletion of local sodium ion nanodo
51 t group-level maps that weighted TMS-induced electric fields and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
52 copene bioaccessibility upon combined pulsed electric fields and heating and heating only was observe
53 significantly decreased upon combined pulsed electric fields and heating and pulsed electric fields o
54                   Results showed that pulsed electric fields and heating applied in combination or in
55 re found upon combined and individual pulsed electric fields and heating, except in the following cas
56 vacancies (VI 's) in MAPbI3 films, driven by electric fields and light illumination, can induce prono
57  demonstrated by coupling ion migration with electric fields and light illumination.
58 e responses under external stimulus, such as electric fields and light radiation, have only recently
59                       However, metals screen electric fields and this has, so far, prevented their us
60  In addition to the known contributions from electric-field and chemical enhancement, several new mod
61 arious external stimuli such as temperature, electric field, and light irradiation.
62 17 eV), the VI 's can readily drift under an electric field, and spontaneously diffuse with a concent
63                        Exposed to increasing electric fields, anion-pi catalysts show an increase in
64                                         This electric field appears to be responsible for the creatio
65 e this instability and its consequences, the electric field applied to single crystals of methylammon
66                                       Pulsed electric fields applied to cells have been used as an in
67 ngs provide a direct demonstration that weak electric fields applied to the scalp significantly affec
68 typically requires at least a 10-fold higher electric field ( approximately 10 kV/cm), resulting in v
69 ed the cell death response to high-frequency electric fields ( approximately 1 mus).
70 ponse to conventional electroporation pulsed-electric fields ( approximately 100 mus), consistent wit
71 ctrophoresis (iDEP), the required nonuniform electric fields are generated with insulating structures
72                                  Interfacial electric fields are important in several areas of chemis
73  structure and its tunability under external electric fields are investigated at room temperature by
74 ssure pulses as delivery method, moderate DC electric fields are used to drive charged molecules out
75  MeV-GeV energy by exploiting the ultra-high electric fields arising from the interaction of intense
76  directly compares biophysical properties of electric fields arising from transcranial electric stimu
77  Finally, we point to creation of a built-in electric field as a key to achieve functionality, includ
78 ace, that is, the existence and relevance of electric-field-assisted anion-pi catalysis.
79                       The orientation of the electric field at the reactive site of [B12 Cl11 ](-) re
80          By delivering to the brain multiple electric fields at frequencies too high to recruit neura
81 f water structure, elementary water motions, electric fields at hydrated biointerfaces, and processes
82  to understand the crucial and often elusive electric fields at interfaces.
83 nified framework stressing the importance of electric fields at the active site.
84  be reversibly reconfigured using an applied electric field, at room temperature and after device fab
85 stribution of charges, thus forming internal electric fields, bending the semiconductor bands, and fi
86                              Under increased electric fields, both EC entropy and adiabatic temperatu
87 illations on nuclear spins exclusively using electric fields by employing the donor-bound electron as
88  parallel by applying an alternating-current electric field, by changing the anchoring conditions of
89                          Such an alternating electric field can change normal stochastic adatom diffu
90                Here the authors show that an electric field can drive uniform motion of baby skyrmion
91                 Here we show that a vertical electric field can dynamically extend the photoresponse
92 trical measurements indicate that a vertical electric field can effectively reduce its transport band
93     Moreover, the addition of the transverse electric field can modulate the bipolar magnetic semicon
94    It is also a mystery as to whether or not electric fields can enhance hydrocarbon conversion in an
95 l as the application of an external positive electric field, can significantly increase the Ni oxidat
96 ttributed to the screening effect of surface electric field caused by the substrate.
97 tical calculations show that a perpendicular electric field causes a shift in the electronic energy l
98 tive sites and approaching the source of the electric field close to the transistor surface.
99 rally in Maxwell's equations for magnetic or electric fields components.
100 iagnostic for single-shot measurement of the electric-field components of electromagnetic pulses from
101  nanoparticles can significantly enhance the electric field configuration on the cell membrane which
102                                          The electric field confinement leads to major advantages suc
103                                              Electric field control of magnetism provides a promising
104                In this paper, we demonstrate electric field control of the Anomalous Hall Transport i
105  we describe the reversible and non-volatile electric-field control of dual-ion (oxygen and hydrogen)
106 ic semiconductor nanostructure and realizing electric-field control of magnetoresistance for future s
107 These findings open up opportunities for the electric-field control of multistate phase transformatio
108                          Here we demonstrate electric-field control of the electronic transport at fe
109 l form of magnetoelectric coupling, allowing electric-field control of three different magnetic groun
110                                              Electric-field-controlled level crossings between states
111                                          The electric field could cause the KTN to undergo a phase tr
112 iac tissue model incorporating extracellular electric field coupling, intercellular cleft sodium nano
113 dation of WS2 on a SiO2 substrate by a local electric field created using an atomic force microscope
114 se due to their atypical polarization-versus-electric field curves.
115   Depth-profiling analysis incorporating the electric field dependent dielectric constant in SrTiO3 r
116 e-blanched juice using high intensity pulsed electric field, derived from pre-processed tomato was th
117 trating that the presence of the oscillating electric field did not influence the mechanisms and rate
118 re- vs. postmortem, TES-induced intracranial electric fields differ significantly in both strength an
119 on of electrons by slowly evolving, powerful electric fields directed along the magnetic field lines
120  by other commonly overlooked effects: axial electric field distortion and voltage ramping.
121 presence of the filler particles resulted in electric field distortions and dissimilar particle behav
122 tical model that accounts for changes in the electric field distribution around the waveguide, allowi
123 s also found that hydration finely tunes the electric field distribution between AuNPs in the SNL fil
124                 These structures distort the electric field distribution when an electric potential i
125                                        While electric field doping is well understood, assessment of
126 idized silver foils in the presence of local electric fields drastically decrease the overpotential o
127 lectrokinetic instability refers to unstable electric field-driven disturbance to fluid flows, which
128          Here we present the discovery of an electric-field-driven, water-mediated reversible phase c
129 ich occurs only for a magnetic-field-aligned electric field (E parallelB).
130 ever, the effect of current amplitude on the electric field (E-field) in the brain has not been previ
131                                              Electric field effects in ferromagnetic metal/dielectric
132                      The effects of external electric field (Efield) on chemical reactions were studi
133                                   Endogenous electric fields (EFs) are involved in developmental regu
134 permeabilization of cell membranes by pulsed electric fields (electroporation) remain obscure despite
135 shift of the matter-wave fringes in a static electric field encodes the molecular susceptibility and
136  profile, optical absorption, and integrated electric field enhancement of the catalyst, we have been
137 many kinks on its surface, which allow local electric field enhancement through light-matter interact
138 n the multiple fields results in a prominent electric field envelope modulated at the difference freq
139 s in the living mouse brain could follow the electric field envelope.
140  this study, we characterize the equilibrium electric field fluctuations at the interfacial region of
141 r protecting solid-state qubits from uniform electric field fluctuations by generalizing the concept
142 tability patterns and the measured threshold electric fields for ferrofluids of different concentrati
143 n combined with hydrodynamic drag forces and electric field forces, provides a rich range of possible
144 sor performance is optimized with respect to electric field frequency, cell concentration, incubation
145 aneous rotational switching when applying an electric field from the tip of a scanning tunnelling mic
146 ications of the charge density to screen the electric field generated at the double layer.
147 opology by external perturbations such as an electric field generated by gate electrodes-similar to w
148 horetic mechanism which involves alternating electric fields generated by the competing reduction and
149  electrical stimulation, i.e., the spread of electric fields generated.
150 te which shows no signature of change in the electric field gradient (nuclear quadrupolar frequency)
151                                          The electric-field gradient across the boundary of two solut
152  posts in a microfluidic device around which electric field gradients are created by the application
153 ver, an intrinsic by-product of the enormous electric field gradients inherent to plasma accelerators
154                                          The electric field has a negligible effect on magnetic order
155 stry in the presence of significant external electric fields has been dominated by end-channel detect
156 al biokinetic effects of radiofrequency (RF) electric-field hyperthermia as an adjunctive therapy to
157  in its few-layer form, an exceedingly large electric field in the order of several volts per nanomet
158 separates ions based on their response to an electric field in the presence of a drift gas.
159 lds along the two loading channels and a low electric field in the separation channel, with one groun
160 ged dopants can drift upon application of an electric field in thin films of doped P3HT over surprisi
161 r, the magnitude and spatial distribution of electric fields in the human brain are unknown.
162 nediimide surface in anion-pi catalysts with electric fields increases the recognition of anionic int
163  Rb dosed MoSe2 that suggest possibility for electric field induced indirect to direct band-gap trans
164 lti-ferroic materials have paved the way for electric field induced low energy and fast switching of
165  a detailed theoretical investigation of the electric field induced mixing effect, in which the up an
166 re and dynamics of a vortex core mediated by electric-field induced structural phase transition in a
167                                              Electric-field-induced charge separation (polarization)
168                                              Electric-field-induced magnetic switching can lead to a
169  of single proteins as they move through the electric field inside the nanopore.
170 of interlayer coupling can be manipulated by electric fields, instead of electric currents, thereby o
171                     The calculation of total electric field intensity (DeltaE) in the GO-based sensin
172  in the amplitude and phase of the wave into electric field intensity at the output.
173 s, hence optimizing the associated localized electric field intensity.
174 ene in ZnO was optimized using simulation of electric field intensity.
175 results provide the proper range for applied electric-field intensity and number of pulses for safe p
176 and-gap in MoSe2 can be achieved if a strong electric field is applied, which is a step towards optoe
177 eorientation of the polarization as external electric field is applied.
178 luid and water interface when the applied DC electric field is beyond a threshold value.
179  using remote dielectrophoresis, in which an electric field is coupled into a microfluidic channel us
180                                          The electric field is found to generate an additional spin-o
181                                    Breakdown electric field is in the range of 3.0-3.3 MV/cm, which i
182 rmost layers, implying that the gate-induced electric field is not definitely felt by >4th layer.
183                             Hence, a reduced electric field is obtained within the remaining dielectr
184  ability to control a magnetic phase with an electric field is of great current interest for a variet
185 ver, the analysis of frequencies in terms of electric fields is potentially complicated by the large
186 on is valid for arbitrary combinations of dc electric field, laser electric field, laser frequency, m
187 ary combinations of dc electric field, laser electric field, laser frequency, metal work function and
188 erfacial magnetic anisotropy energy per unit electric field) leading in turn to high switching energy
189 ar state, to a large value under the maximum electric field, leading to drastically improved recyclab
190                           Application of the electric field leads to an appreciable tuning of the die
191  storage properties of variations in doping, electric field magnitude and direction, epitaxial strain
192 le-head anatomy is considered, the predicted electric field magnitudes correlate with the recorded va
193 ave capacitively coupled radiofrequency (RF) electric-fields may reach inaccessible targets in vivo.
194 magnetic (AFM) based nanojunctions by purely electric field means (rather than E-field induced strain
195 key analyte classes and their dependences on electric field mirror those at ambient pressure.
196                                              Electric field modulation of magnetic properties via mag
197  with graphene's low absorption and the high electric fields necessary to change graphene's optical c
198 n up to a 30-fold reduction in the threshold electric field needed to initiate nanochannel entry.
199 ls by electroporation with nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) facilitates their response to the
200 le deep tissue focusing of nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) for non-invasive nerve and muscle
201                            Nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) are emerging as a novel modality
202 illator detectors is collected under a small electric field of 1.8 V mm(-1) at room temperature.
203  and tripropylamine as the coreactant, at an electric field of 14 V cm(-1).
204 tions of antibiotics were observed under the electric field of a quadruple electrode array using ligh
205 ond and picosecond fluctuations in the local electric field of the membrane, estimating the standard
206 s the wake, its momentum is modulated by the electric field of the wake, leading to a density variati
207 transport mechanism, which occurs at applied electric fields of 1 mV nm(-1) , provides a new approach
208 ith the oxidized TTF(+) distributions in the electric fields of the charged electrode.
209 ts of the KE07 and KE70 enzymes, whereas the electric fields of the remainder of the enzyme and solve
210 with a figure of merit (curvature divided by electric field) of 3.33 MV(-1), comparable to that of st
211                                              Electric fields often play a role in guiding the associa
212  rapidly screen the effect of an alternating electric field on cancer and normal cells within an in v
213 uce its transport bandgap, the impact of the electric field on light-matter interaction remains uncle
214 sed by changing the direction of the applied electric field on the PMN-PT substrate, which fully repl
215 analyze the effects of an externally applied electric field on thermal fluctuations for a binary elec
216 aking the in-plane symmetry of graphene with electric fields on AB-stacked bilayers or stacked van de
217 lthough previous work reported the effect of electric fields on bacterial mortality for a variety of
218         Differences in the effects of pulsed electric fields on bioaccessibility among different toma
219 es and the magnitude and polarity of applied electric fields on biofilm development has not been comp
220 pole operated with rf voltages generating an electric field only in the radial direction.
221 ulsed electric fields and heating and pulsed electric fields only.
222 tages of the computational design, utilizing electric field optimization as guidance.
223  inducing magnetization by application of an electric field or vice versa, holds great promise for ma
224 rough semiconductor materials due to applied electric fields or by the excitation of photocarriers.
225 e out-of-plane mirror symmetry with external electric fields or, as theoretically proposed, with an a
226 hored within the cathode due to the internal electric field originated from the spontaneous polarizat
227 AIMS) based on the derivative of mobility vs electric field over linear IMS based on absolute mobilit
228 ent platform to quickly test a wide range of electric field parameters to find the optimal set of con
229       This work studies the effect of pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment at moderate and high fiel
230  this research were to investigate if pulsed electric field (PEF) treatments caused cellular/structur
231  heat (60, 80 degrees C for 10min) or pulsed electric fields (PEF) (1.4-1.8kV/cm, 260-690kJ/kg) treat
232                                       Pulsed electric fields (PEF) and ultrasound (US) are promising
233 his work was to analyze the effect of pulsed electric fields (PEF) in mass transfer as a pre-treatmen
234 aromyces cerevisiae were treated with pulsed electric fields (PEF) in order to obtain a maximum accum
235 tevia rebaudiana mixture processed by pulsed electric fields (PEF), high voltage electrical discharge
236 ed Rb layer on the surface provides a strong electric field perpendicular to the surface within a few
237 tectures, including drastic concentration of electric field, possibility of manipulation at the nanos
238 tz frequency range in the human body induces electric fields powerful enough to cause Peripheral Nerv
239   The influence of moderate intensity pulsed electric field pre-processing on increasing the lycopene
240 transport, possibly resonant due to the high electric field present (>3 MV/cm).
241 nching, ultrasonic and high intensity pulsed electric field processing on further enhancement of the
242 le orientation can be reversed by a critical electric field, producing sharp switching of the tunnel
243 e less than 60 seconds to maintain favorable electric field profile.
244           When stimulating at 2 mA, cortical electric fields reach 0.8 V/m, the lower limit of effect
245       We propose that localized LSPR-induced electric fields result in a direct charge transfer withi
246         Finally, we show that strong applied electric fields result in anisotropically enhanced "gian
247 ctor (chi((3))) with the engineered internal electric field resulting from the two metals possessing
248 rse magnetoelectric coefficients and a large electric-field-reversed magnetization.
249 mbined with device simulations indicate that electric-field screening, consistent with ion migration,
250 nal conditions, such as applied pressure and electric field, selects the K-channel process and tunes
251 mit for atom-based, absolute radio-frequency electric field sensing of 5 muV cm(-1) Hz(-1/2).
252  blanching followed by high intensity pulsed electric field showed a significant release of trans-(4.
253 ansitions under the influence of an external electric field shows a mobile vortex core exhibiting a r
254   Breakdown of a dielectric material at high electric fields significantly limits the applicability o
255 ly be due to electrokinetic effects, and the electric field simulation by COMSOL model suggested elec
256 tic base residue contributes the most to the electric field stabilization of the transition state of
257 ic agonist treatment vs. neurostimulation by electric field stimulation (EFS) in bovine tracheal smoo
258 r neurotransmission have used indiscriminate electric field stimulation of neural elements within the
259 sample is achieved by modulating the driving electric field (stop-and-diffuse ITP mode) or applying a
260 s by appropriately adjusting temperature and electric field strength could facilitate their applicati
261                           An estimate of the electric field strength in the CT state yields approxima
262                   At optimal PEF parameters: electric field strength of 3kV/cm and pulse width of 10m
263 ates an ionic current with a greatly reduced electric field strength, with particular benefits for li
264                                 Even at high electric field strengths the cell remained largely intac
265 ca tubers were treated with PEF at different electric field strengths up to 1.2kV/cm.
266 itioned within a nanofunnel at sub-threshold electric field strengths, suggesting the utility of nano
267 f electrochemiluminescence at relatively low electric field strengths.
268   A new method capable of capturing coherent electric field structures propagating at nearly the spee
269                                           An electric field that is applied along the molecules cause
270 h velocity v gas , and a linearly increasing electric field that opposes the movement.
271 -150 J cm(-3)) and efficiencies (80-88%) for electric fields that may be within the range of feasibil
272         By embedding the sample in a uniform electric field, the Fermi velocity is substantially modi
273                                          Its electric field then stimulates the neurons.
274                           After applying the electric field through samples between two electrodes, f
275 ynamics simulations, we show that an applied electric field to an ion@C60 inside a water-filled carbo
276 er at opposing ends of each BPE allows an AC electric field to be transmitted across the entire devic
277 one crystalline phase to another by using an electric field to control ion transfer, in a process tha
278              This work reveals a torque from electric field to electrically neutral flakes that are s
279 ilaterally converging channel to amplify the electric field to magnitudes sufficient to induce electr
280 omodulation method that uses weak sinusoidal electric fields to modulate cortical activity.
281 lation (tACS) uses sinusoidal, subthreshold, electric fields to modulate cortical processing.
282                       The concept of shaping electric fields to steer light-induced processes coheren
283 ting "beat" from intersecting high-frequency electric fields to stimulate deep brain regions, opening
284                      Finally, application of electric fields to this mixed-phase system permits inter
285    Tomato fractions were subjected to pulsed electric fields treatment combined or not with heating.
286                                          The electric field tunability of MLCCs provides an important
287 rization evolves in discrete steps across 32 electric field-tuned phase transitions between states of
288 n KDP crystals was used to measure transient electric fields using a geometry easily modifiable for m
289                                    We report electric field values relevant to the reactant and trans
290 en areas of linear polarization differing in electric field vector orientation by as little as 4.4 de
291 or perylene is aligned along the axis of the electric field vector with respect to the CT species.
292 inally, a simplified COMSOL model of the ICE electric field was used to help elucidate the antifoulin
293 system employing hydrodynamically-controlled electric field waveforms, and (3) a traditional exponent
294 artially removed under the application of an electric field when the solution fills the space between
295 arbon species, or the addition of a positive electric field will improve the hydrocarbon activation p
296 s in GeTe precludes the coupling of external electric field with internal polarization, rendering it
297 ng at low-frequency alternating current (AC) electric fields with applied potentials not exceeding 10
298 nts of longitudinally polarised single-cycle electric fields with phase and group velocity between 0.
299 radient in Cu vacancies leads to an internal electric field within CuBi2O4, which can facilitate char
300  ion depletion zone (IDZ), and hence a local electric field, within a nitrocellulose flow channel.
301 ffective magnetic field can be induced by an electric field without breaking the symmetry of the stru

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