


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  both skeletal muscle and the muscle-derived electric organ.
2 ilitated by its restricted expression in the electric organ.
3  a chloride (Cl(-)) channel from the Torpedo electric organ.
4 ignal (350-500 Hz) created by the fish's own electric organ.
5 tners in postsynaptic membranes from Torpedo electric organ.
6 ctrocytes in isolated columns of the Torpedo electric organ.
7 g it between the two poles of their powerful electric organ.
8 AChR-rich membranes from Torpedo californica electric organ.
9  the electromotor neurons that innervate the electric organ.
10 unohistochemistry during regeneration of the electric organ.
11 al and cellular pathways in the evolution of electric organs.
12 ree lineages that have independently evolved electric organs.
13 finity binding to the alphagamma site on the electric organ acetylcholine receptor.
14 c acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from Torpedo electric organ and mammalian muscle contains high affini
15 el (Electrophorus electricus) and sequencing electric organ and skeletal muscle transcriptomes from t
16   In addition, we isolated MuSK from Torpedo electric organ and used nanoelectrospray tandem mass spe
17     We investigated whether the evolution of electric organs and electric signal diversity in two ind
18 ays, synaptic vesicles purified from Torpedo electric organ are also immunoreactive for PMCA as well
19        Mature electrocytes, the cells of the electric organ, are considerably larger than the muscle
20  the simultaneous action potentials (APs) of electric organ cells (electrocytes) in the periphery.
21                                          The electric organ cells of Sternopygus generate action pote
22 itary cell line), action potential duration (electric organ cells), and intrinsic excitability and se
23 n and large differences in the morphology of electric organ cells, independent lineages have leverage
24 ost regular biological oscillator known, the electric organ command nucleus in the brainstem of wave-
25 ojects to DP-PCN and receives input from the electric organ corollary discharge pathway.
26 hese characteristics suggest that artificial electric organs could be used to power next-generation i
27 ges of the effects of the fish's specialized electric organ discharge (EOD) and suggest that a cerebe
28 uency difference (Df) between the fish's own electric organ discharge (EOD) and that of a neighbor, w
29 ly probe their environment by emitting brief electric organ discharge (EOD) pulses.
30    In Sternopygus, mature females produce an electric organ discharge (EOD) that is higher in frequen
31 es a high-frequency (600-1000 Hz) sinusoidal electric organ discharge (EOD) with males discharging at
32  the electric organ Na(+) current shapes the electric organ discharge (EOD), a sexually dimorphic, an
33 h produce an oscillating electric field, the electric organ discharge (EOD), used in electrolocation
34 dict sensory input resulting from the fish's electric organ discharge (EOD).
35 iated with the motor command that drives the electric organ discharge (EOD).
36                                        Every electric organ discharge command is followed within 3 ms
37                         Decelerations of the electric organ discharge frequency were measured in resp
38 t underlie increases in the amplitude of the electric organ discharge observed in social interactions
39 ") waves usually precede transient shifts in electric organ discharge rate.
40 female brown ghost knife fish modulate their electric organ discharge to produce discrete courtship s
41 r circuitry controlling the production of an electric organ discharge, projects to the Vv.
42 s encoded into the temporal patterning of an electric organ discharge.
43 annel gene to alter channel kinetics for the electric organ discharge.
44 er in response to the animal's own wave-type electric organ discharges (EODs) ().
45     Gymnotiform electric fish modulate their electric organ discharges (EODs) by reshaping the electr
46 om its high-frequency (approximately 400 Hz) electric organ discharges (EODs) received at different p
47     Gymnotiform weakly electric fish produce electric organ discharges (EODs) that function in electr
48                  Mormyrid fish generate weak electric organ discharges (EODs) used for communication
49  electric fish have species- and sex-typical electric organ discharges (EODs).
50 capacitance of electrolocation objects or by electric organ discharges of other individuals.
51 r environments and communicate by generating electric organ discharges through the simultaneous actio
52 varies the time intervals between successive electric organ discharges to communicate.
53 communicate by varying the intervals between electric organ discharges.
54         In most groups of electric fish, the electric organ (EO) derives from striated muscle cells t
55                                          The electric organ (EO) of the weakly electric fish Sternopy
56 Electrocytes, the current-producing cells of electric organs (EOs) in electric fish, are unique in th
57 escens requires that specialized cells in an electric organ generate APs with large Na(+) currents at
58                                 The myogenic electric organ has evolved six times in fishes to produc
59 h but Na(v)1.4bL is the dominant form in the electric organ implying electric organ-specific transcri
60 xpressed instead in the evolutionarily novel electric organ in both lineages of electric fishes.
61    Transcript abundance of Na(v)1.4bL in the electric organ is positively correlated with EOD frequen
62 ic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in Torpedo electric organ membranes.
63 single 2.4 kb transcript abundant in Torpedo electric organ, moderately expressed in spinal cord and
64 variation in the rate of inactivation of the electric organ Na(+) current shapes the electric organ d
65 s indicate that neurexin is not expressed at electric organ nerve terminals, as expected by the neure
66       The two agonist-binding domains of the electric organ nicotinic acetylcholine receptor are loca
67                                          The electric organ of electric fish develops from a myogenic
68                                          The electric organ of fishes transdifferentiates from muscle
69 nerve terminal, we examined neurexins in the electric organ of the elasmobranch electric fish.
70                                          The electric organ of the knifefish Electrophorus electricus
71  About a decade ago, cell membranes from the electric organ of Torpedo and from the rat brain were tr
72 und that synaptic vesicles isolated from the electric organ of Torpedo californica, a model cholinerg
73 gic synaptic vesicles were isolated from the electric organ of Torpedo californica.
74  of the nicotinic receptor isolated from the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata.
75  ACh transport by vesicles isolated from the electric organ of Torpedo were determined using a pH-jum
76  Two lineages of fishes convergently evolved electric organs; recent research has shown that they ind
77 oline with nAChR-rich membranes from Torpedo electric organ revealed equal affinities (K(eq) = 12 mic
78 dominant form in the electric organ implying electric organ-specific transcriptional regulation.
79 h a 900-kDa laminin on synaptosomes from the electric organ synapse that is similar to the neuromuscu
80 e we report such a transmembrane link at the electric organ synapse, which is homologous to the NMJ.
81 ha4 and beta2 chains are concentrated at the electric organ synapse.
82 stroglycan and other constituents of Torpedo electric organ synaptic membranes.
83                            We immunopurified electric organ synaptosomes and found on their surface t
84           The effect is to short-circuit the electric organ through the threat, with increasing power
85         These results reveal a unique use of electric organs to a unique end; eels superimpose electr
86 receptor (nAChR)-rich membranes from Torpedo electric organ with [(14)C]halothane and determined by E
87 receptor (nAChR)-rich membranes from Torpedo electric organ with a photoactivatable analog, [(3)H]azi

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