


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 articles (e.g., bacteriostaticity, increased electrical conductivity).
2 ch as an elevated surface area and excellent electrical conductivity.
3 ithium ions and at the same time with a good electrical conductivity.
4 nation of high optical transparency and high electrical conductivity.
5 om the glass matrix and show relatively high electrical conductivity.
6  nanotube sheets, which provide strength and electrical conductivity.
7  have competitive advantages in terms of its electrical conductivity.
8 tubular remodeling significantly affect TATS electrical conductivity.
9 properties, large surface area and excellent electrical conductivity.
10 ulators remains challenging due to their low electrical conductivity.
11                         The network provides electrical conductivity.
12  to date by a lack of MOFs that display high electrical conductivity.
13 e nanosheets with high surface area and high electrical conductivity.
14 in large part to a lack of MOFs that display electrical conductivity.
15 d for PEDOT and generally increases with the electrical conductivity.
16 k coefficient with only little impact on the electrical conductivity.
17 urface area, high nitrogen content, and good electrical conductivity.
18 g properties that include magnetism and high electrical conductivity.
19 -organic solid that exhibits remarkably high electrical conductivity.
20 g laser-induced graphene (LIG) exhibits high electrical conductivity.
21 rtant energy materials but suffers from poor electrical conductivity.
22 and display complementary properties such as electrical conductivity.
23 erving the material quality and showing good electrical conductivity.
24 O5 nanowires show significant improvement in electrical conductivity.
25  in the presence of sulfides correlated with electrical conductivity.
26 nealing, resulting in a fourfold increase in electrical conductivity.
27 of heat transport with little degradation of electrical conductivity.
28 t biographene papers have high toughness and electrical conductivity.
29 lication of Mn2O3 is limited due to its poor electrical conductivity.
30 engineering, yielding 3.5 x 10(4) S m(-1) in electrical conductivity.
31  droplets to connected networks that support electrical conductivity.
32 s, high specific surface area, and excellent electrical conductivity.
33  of graphene nanoribbons for improving their electrical conductivity.
34 120 K with an abrupt change in structure and electrical conductivity.
35 high magnetic ordering temperatures and high electrical conductivity.
36 o thermal conductivity to be proportional to electrical conductivity.
37  edge sites, porosity, heteroatom doping and electrical conductivity.
38 eets with ordered metal divacancies and high electrical conductivities.
39 electrocatalysts through finely tuning their electrical conductivities.
40 r mobility, thus allowing to reach very high electrical conductivities.
41 - 5.4 g/100g), ash (0.531 +/- 0.632 g/100g), electrical conductivity (1.1 +/- 0.780 ms/cm), pH of (3.
42 cific surface area (396 m(2) g(-1)) and high electrical conductivity (102 S cm(-1)).
43 tegrated graphene structure exhibited a high electrical conductivity (127.3 S cm(-1)) and good flexib
44 1% total sugar; 413.81 +/- 178.48 muS cm(-1) electrical conductivity; 17.58 +/- 7.68 meq/kg free acid
45 lize microcystin-LR antibody and improve the electrical conductivity, 2,5-di-(2-thienyl)-1-pyrrole-1-
46 ation of ultralow thermal conductivity, high electrical conductivity (282 S.cm(-1)), and high hole mo
47  carrier mobility verified by an increase in electrical conductivity (5 times for MoS2/h-BN and 2 tim
48    Demineralized water, water with increased electrical conductivity, a water-oil emulsion, and monoe
49  layers, good mechanical stability, and high electrical conductivity, allow Si NPs to easily expand b
50 tion of CNTs also significantly improved the electrical conductivity along with a higher photoconduct
51 or drawbacks are, however, an inherently low electrical conductivity and a limited hole diffusion len
52 rahigh power factor, which comes from a high electrical conductivity and a strongly enhanced Seebeck
53 hancement originates from a greatly improved electrical conductivity and activity for oxygen-evolutio
54 lymer composite with high surface area, high electrical conductivity and catalytic activity provides
55 etic semiconductors (n-FMSs) exhibiting high electrical conductivity and Curie temperature (Tc) above
56 ion of graphene fibers with high thermal and electrical conductivity and enhanced mechanical strength
57  efficiency up to 15.40% due to the improved electrical conductivity and enhanced perovskite film qua
58 tios of 0, 2, 5, 10, and 15 wt % to increase electrical conductivity and facilitate electron transfer
59  first oxide in which a relationship between electrical conductivity and fluctuating/localized electr
60 ies in the design of new materials with high electrical conductivity and for the field of spintronics
61 s class have recently demonstrated excellent electrical conductivity and high charge mobility.
62 hevron nanoribbons, thus achieving increased electrical conductivity and improved chemical sensing ca
63 e the free carriers concentration, enhancing electrical conductivity and infrared absorption.
64 the last few years, mainly due to their high electrical conductivity and large surface area.
65                       The need for both high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity cre
66                                With the high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity, th
67 , like colour, shape, elasticity, viscosity, electrical conductivity and magnetism, is well known.
68 sparency of graphene, together with its good electrical conductivity and mechanical robustness, enabl
69 ical distribution was related mainly to soil electrical conductivity and Na content.
70 ype organic thermoelectric materials of high electrical conductivity and of 1D electronic structure.
71                                 Due to their electrical conductivity and optical transparency, slides
72                                              Electrical conductivity and partial pressure of CO2 (PCO
73 he change in innate milk properties, such as electrical conductivity and pH, upon addition of adulter
74 s detected by monitoring the changes in milk electrical conductivity and pH.
75 of CNF loading on the mechanical properties, electrical conductivity and piezoresistive behavior was
76 nd a low detection limit of 0.17nM thanks to electrical conductivity and porous structure of PPy.
77 ions, which result in significant changes of electrical conductivity and providing amplified sensitiv
78                        We demonstrate p-type electrical conductivity and remarkable electrochemical p
79 osites exhibit an abnormal decoupling of the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient as a fun
80 alent sulfur doping simultaneously increases electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient in Bi2 T
81                       Compromise between the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient limits t
82                          Here we analyse the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient together
83 late which improves electron delocalization, electrical conductivity and sodium uptake capacity.
84 lectrical conductivity (r=0.76, p<0.01), and electrical conductivity and specific rotation (r=0.74, p
85 le solids, ash, free acid, pH, HMF contents, electrical conductivity and specific rotation were found
86 h electron injection efficiency due to their electrical conductivity and strong electronic coupling t
87  an overview of recent approaches to enhance electrical conductivity and structural stability of cath
88 ean value of hydroximethyl furfural, colour, electrical conductivity and sucrose content.
89 lMA-aligned CNT hydrogels showed anisotropic electrical conductivity and superior mechanical properti
90 nstrate that incompatible properties such as electrical conductivity and TCR can be achieved simultan
91 ibits superior performance because of higher electrical conductivity and the capture of the soluble i
92                 The py-PDA enhances both the electrical conductivity and the mechanical strength of t
93 ion, which in turn affect the nanocomposites electrical conductivity and their catalytic performance.
94  strength, while maintaining good ductility, electrical conductivity and thermal stability.
95 (Eg approximately 0.85 eV) exhibit excellent electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power factors
96  band structure and creates a plateau in the electrical conductivity and thermopower from 600 to 800
97        Then, apparent diffusion is linked to electrical conductivity and used to evaluate the efficie
98               PMA-doped films show increased electrical conductivity and work function, reduced solub
99 early equal density but distinctly different electrical conductivities, and also offer considerable p
100 erties such as extremely low densities, high electrical conductivities, and remarkable mechanical pro
101 n Toronto, Canada, by quantifying three BTs, electrical conductivity, and delta(18)O in high-frequenc
102 mpressibility, high fatigue resistance, high electrical conductivity, and excellent thermal-insulatio
103 e- and post-buckling elasticity, outstanding electrical conductivity, and extraordinary physicochemic
104 ular graphene films with open porosity, high electrical conductivity, and good tensile strength, can
105 ech anical properties: specific capacitance, electrical conductivity, and large surface area with mes
106 den dissociation of the molecules, a jump in electrical conductivity, and loss of electron localizati
107 tions of physical properties (e.g., density, electrical conductivity, and magnetism) in bismuth could
108 rmined by measuring the Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity in eac
109 notubes in the nanocomposite results in high electrical conductivity, and thus highly effective elect
110  The fabricated Zn conductors show excellent electrical conductivity ( approximately 1.124 x 10(6) S
111                          Because of its high electrical conductivity ( approximately 10 Omega per squ
112 nanocomposite thin film materials boast high electrical conductivity ( approximately 400 S/m), good N
113 occur primarily within layers and interlayer electrical conductivities are low.
114 piezoelectric coupling coefficient and a low electrical conductivity are desired for enabling high el
115 al properties such as dramatically increased electrical conductivity are observed thanks to the pre-e
116 endent transition from n-type into p-type in electrical conductivity arising from phase transition (i
117 he films were anatase TiO2, with good n-type electrical conductivities as determined via Hall effect
118 inly resides in their unique properties with electrical conductivities as high as 10(4) S cm(-1), the
119  edges, approximately 50 mum resolution, and electrical conductivity as high as 4.67 x 10(4) S cm(-1)
120 ly a result of their hydrophilicity and high electrical conductivity, as well as the ability of the e
121                                Opacities and electrical conductivities at ~100 GPa are non-equilibriu
122         This increases the undoped, specific electrical conductivity at least an order of magnitude t
123                                          The electrical conductivity behavior of different dry matter
124 tracer" transport modeling based on observed electrical conductivity, better assimilation of meteorol
125 tion (Na(+)) provides thin films with higher electrical conductivity, but a comparable thermopower, c
126 ed not only by high optical transparency and electrical conductivity, but also by mechanical strength
127  resistance measurements reveal an increased electrical conductivity by 300% in the pressure-treated
128 t a constant high carrier concentration, the electrical conductivity can be improved via carrier mobi
129 triphenylene)2 (Ni3(HITP)2), a MOF with high electrical conductivity, can serve as the sole electrode
130     The three synthetic steps in turn render electrical conductivity, catalytic activity and stabilit
131 , such as sugars, moisture, acidity, ash and electrical conductivity, color, 5-HMF and diastase activ
132    A composite analysis of precipitation and electrical conductivity data provides strong evidence th
133 ic relationship between moisture content and electrical conductivity data was developed for the soil
134                   At very high pressure, the electrical conductivity decreases on compression, opposi
135  grain boundaries, and thereby increases the electrical conductivity despite the presence of numerous
136 cts from degradation leads to an increase in electrical conductivity during the first 69 days.
137 wing locations throughout India with varying electrical conductivity (EC), including coastal saline,
138  organic carbon, total suspended solids, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), leachate flow rates, and m
139  together as laser peen sintering (LPS), the electrical conductivity enhancement is dramatic.
140 ategy to address the intrinsic issue of poor electrical conductivity for NiO-based materials with sig
141 ty ratio and by the minority carrier partial electrical conductivity for the intrinsic and extrinsic
142       The more superior and uniform vertical electrical conductivity found in CPE-K reduces the serie
143 s (moisture, hydroxymethyl furfural, colour, electrical conductivity, free acidity, glucose, fructose
144                                              Electrical conductivity, Hall effect, and thermopower me
145           More recently, the change in their electrical conductivity has also been extensively studie
146                    Five periods of increased electrical conductivity have been found in the karst con
147 unctional groups, particularly quinones, and electrical conductivity have both been hypothesized to p
148  of these phases, geophysical probes such as electrical conductivity have provided conflicting result
149 its pristine counterpart, has shown improved electrical conductivity, high rate capability and excell
150 e MOS flash memory, but they suffer from low electrical conductivity, high resistance, low device yie
151 y, we investigate the application of complex electrical conductivity imaging, a geophysical method, t
152                                   The higher electrical conductivity implies that the Jovian and Satu
153                            Regions with high electrical conductivities in subduction zones have attra
154              The plasma electron density and electrical conductivities in the channel were found be 1
155 both the seismic low velocities and the high electrical conductivities in the upper part of the asthe
156 osmotic shock and then applied to probe TATS electrical conductivity in failing heart cells.
157   We report a strategy for realizing tunable electrical conductivity in metal-organic frameworks (MOF
158 the first demonstration of tunable intrinsic electrical conductivity in this class of materials and s
159 ess, unlike other methods to realize tunable electrical conductivity in this material.
160 IRE treatment zones are sensitive to varying electrical conductivity in tissues.
161 s to an abrupt seismic velocity decrease and electrical conductivity increase with depth, perhaps ind
162                                              Electrical conductivity increases modestly with moderate
163                                  Whereas the electrical conductivity increases uniformly with increas
164  Seebeck coefficient by 20% in parallel with electrical conductivity is also observed.
165                             For all samples, electrical conductivity is highest when parallel to the
166 he pressure-induced amorphous Ta2O5, and the electrical conductivity is improved by an order of magni
167                                              Electrical conductivity (kappa) measurements of natural
168 e S is the Seebeck coefficient, sigma is the electrical conductivity, kappa is the total thermal cond
169 d as fuel cell catalyst support due to their electrical conductivity, large surface areas and stabili
170 enerating human myocardial tissue and showed electrical conductivity, left ventricular pressure devel
171  as graphene is vital for limiting parasitic electrical conductivity losses in future electronic appl
172 lkalinity 0.4 vs 1.4 mol H(+) kg(-1)), lower electrical conductivity (mean EC 0.3 vs 2.1 mS cm(-1)),
173  and compared to standard techniques such as electrical conductivity measurement (ECM) conducted on t
174                                              Electrical conductivity measurements on single Au-Pd sup
175 vil cells up to ~20 GPa, while complementary electrical conductivity measurements were conducted in a
176 trometric experiments, as well as supporting electrical conductivity measurements, indicate that LiCu
177 of polarons is supported by spectroscopy and electrical-conductivity measurements.
178 s such as pH, free, lactonic, total acidity, electrical conductivity, moisture, ash, lactonic/free ac
179 ion of pH, free, lactonic and total acidity, electrical conductivity, moisture, ash, lactonic/free ac
180                                              Electrical conductivity, moisture, Hunter color values,
181 ough RDX transformation correlated with char electrical conductivity, no RDX transformation was obser
182                       Sharp increases in the electrical conductivity occurred at approximately 848 an
183                                              Electrical conductivity occurred only through the mercur
184 backbone alignment, resulting in record-high electrical conductivities of 4,600 +/- 100 S/cm while ma
185      The seismic low velocities and the high electrical conductivities of the asthenosphere are attri
186 structure, morphology, material content, and electrical conductivities of the films are characterized
187 ults clearly indicate that the values of the electrical conductivities of the super-thin BNNSs and th
188  quadlayer thin film (470 nm thick) exhibits electrical conductivity of 1.08 x 10(5) S m(-1) and a Se
189                                              Electrical conductivity of 38.512 M.S/m, thermal conduct
190  at temperatures of 750 K while providing an electrical conductivity of 5.48 x 10(3) S m(-1), relativ
191  800 degrees C, the layered PBFM showed high electrical conductivity of 59.2 S cm(-1) in 5% H2 and pe
192                                           An electrical conductivity of 790 S cm(-1) and a power fact
193    At 800 degrees C, layered PBMO shows high electrical conductivity of 8.16 S cm(-1) in 5% H2 and de
194                                         High electrical conductivity of 94.66 IACS and low TCR of 1,4
195 ctive approach to significantly increase the electrical conductivity of a NiOx hole-transporting laye
196 vestigate mechanisms controlling the complex electrical conductivity of a porous media using noninvas
197   To date, the effects of dehydration on the electrical conductivity of antigorite remain poorly unde
198               Based on these results for the electrical conductivity of antigorite, we conclude that
199      Here, we report new measurements of the electrical conductivity of both natural and hot-pressed
200                                    While the electrical conductivity of bulk-scale group 14 materials
201                        Here we determine the electrical conductivity of carbon-dioxide-rich and water
202 gh specific strength, specific stiffness and electrical conductivity of CNT fibers demonstrate the po
203                                          The electrical conductivity of different carbon blacks (FW 2
204                            The metallic-like electrical conductivity of Geobacter sulfurreducens pili
205  900 degrees C, the thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of graphene films reduced on Cu
206 anic frameworks, the physical durability and electrical conductivity of graphitic materials, and the
207 wn from the colorimetric information and the electrical conductivity of honey.
208 molecular dynamics simulations show that the electrical conductivity of liquid SiO2 is semimetallic a
209 ductivity of carbon fibers with the specific electrical conductivity of metals.
210  Here, high-pressure techniques enhanced the electrical conductivity of Mn2O3 significantly.
211     Furthermore, our results, along with the electrical conductivity of molten carbonated peridotite
212 ir electronic bandgap and improvement in the electrical conductivity of nanoribbon-based thin films.
213 sults constrain the contribution of H to the electrical conductivity of olivine to be sigmaH = 10(2.1
214 e effects of external magnetic fields on the electrical conductivity of organic semiconductors have b
215 computational model was developed to analyze electrical conductivity of random metal nanowire network
216  Based on first-principles calculations, the electrical conductivity of SLMoS2 is calculated by Boltz
217 nd include nanosheet aggregation and the low electrical conductivity of some 2D nanomaterials.
218 enzyme like activity attributing to the high electrical conductivity of the entrapped copper nanoclus
219         Instead of sodium levels, we propose electrical conductivity of the extract as an equivalent
220 ty in the CNTs helps to minimally reduce the electrical conductivity of the hybrid, resulting in a la
221  fluctuations can still be used to probe the electrical conductivity of the interior.
222  sea-floor magnetotelluric data to image the electrical conductivity of the LAB beneath the edge of t
223 e jerks, and provides a strong constraint on electrical conductivity of the lower mantle, which can i
224 ous limit, while the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity of the material were retained.
225                                          The electrical conductivity of the materials was significant
226 uation performance is attributed to the high electrical conductivity of the metallic 1T phase of MoS2
227 ructures grown on glass, and the anisotropic electrical conductivity of the nanotubes.
228 thermoelectric inks and the poor density and electrical conductivity of the printed films.
229 s, the tensile strength, Young's modulus and electrical conductivity of the PVA/GNR composite at a fi
230                                              Electrical conductivity of the selectrolyte-filled porou
231  increased due to FI, resulting in increased electrical conductivity of the soil solution, which led
232                                          The electrical conductivity of these crystals is on the orde
233 is performance originates from the excellent electrical conductivity of Ti3C2Tx films (4600 Siemens p
234 potential sodium anode material, but the low electrical conductivity of TiO2 often limits the rate ca
235 show 300%, 450% and 230% improvements in the electrical conductivity on the 'surface', 'through-thick
236 e low-symmetry domains also exhibit enhanced electrical conductivity on the order of 1 S m(-1) .
237 f the traditional analyses and in particular electrical conductivity, optical rotation, pH and sugar
238 onal materials in which ferroelectricity and electrical conductivity or light-harvesting properties c
239 ctions even for electronic systems with zero electrical conductivity or with zero electron density.
240                          Tunable, air-stable electrical conductivity over six orders of magnitude is
241 ter insoluble solids (p<0.01), ash (p<0.01), electrical conductivity (p<0.001) and specific rotation
242 r polyacetylenes are important materials for electrical conductivity, paramagnetic susceptibility, op
243 used to develop a database of water content, electrical conductivity, pH, ash content, visual appeara
244 s were observed between moisture content and electrical conductivity (r=0.76, p<0.01), and electrical
245                                         High electrical conductivities reaching 1 S/m can be explaine
246                    Precisely engineering the electrical conductivity represents a promising strategy
247 e rates of EDLCs scale with surface area and electrical conductivity, respectively, porous carbons su
248 een attributed to limited ion access and low electrical conductivity, resulting in incomplete electro
249                          However, increasing electrical conductivity seems an efficient alternative f
250                  By varying applied voltage, electrical conductivity, seepage velocity, and influent
251               We found that the variation in electrical conductivity shown in the tomograms correlate
252                      The thermopower (S) and electrical conductivity (sigma) in conventional semicond
253 omposite boasts an extraordinary anisotropic electrical conductivity (sigma|| /sigma perpendicular )
254 nd shortest S...S contact, shows the largest electrical conductivity, sigma = 2.86 (+/-0.53) x 10(-4)
255 oyed with 1% Sn, 5% Ag, 5% Ni and 30% Ni had electrical conductivities similar to Cu but unlike Cu, r
256 CNS structures possess ultrathin walls, good electrical conductivity, strong adhesion, excellent stru
257 plains the oceanic low-velocity zone and the electrical conductivity structure of the mantle.
258                    The correlation with char electrical conductivity suggests that sulfides are oxidi
259 at CuI exhibits 2 orders of magnitude higher electrical conductivity than spiro-OMeTAD which allows f
260 spacing, most likely owing to alterations of electrical conductivity that occur after successive appl
261  of tetragonal and orthorhombic phases), the electrical conductivity, the Seebeck coefficient, and th
262 he asthenosphere, can therefore produce high electrical conductivities there.
263 cause it requires the independent control of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and Seebec
264 devices are employed to measure the in-plane electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and Seebe
265                                  Solid-state electrical conductivity, thermopower, and thermal conduc
266      With a large surface area and excellent electrical conductivity, this binder-free anode was foun
267 s outside LiFePO4 nanoparticles increase the electrical conductivity, thus ultimately facilitating re
268      Here we use the ratio of the thermal to electrical conductivities to probe the nature of the ele
269 y of LMH and find metallic hydrogen's static electrical conductivity to be 11,000-15,000 S/cm, substa
270      These can increase the sulfur cathode's electrical conductivity to improve the battery's power c
271 oit the formal analogy between diffusion and electrical conductivity to link the latter with the diff
272                                   To provide electrical conductivity to the paper-based cathode and a
273   Doping of ClBDPPV with 25 mol% TBAF boosts electrical conductivity to up to 0.62 S cm(-1) , among t
274                      The doped films exhibit electrical conductivities up to 70 S cm(-1) .
275                       This network generates electrical conductivities up to two orders of magnitude
276      Moreover, antimonene polygons show high electrical conductivity up to 10(4) S m(-1) and good opt
277                    Simultaneous increases in electrical conductivity (up to 200%) and thermopower (up
278 th optical transmittance (up to twofold) and electrical conductivity (up to two orders of magnitude),
279 mond indenter and shows a reversible drop in electrical conductivity upon indentation.
280  mantle (</=250 ppm wt) can account for high electrical conductivity values (10(-2)-10(-1) S/m) obser
281                                     The bulk electrical conductivity values of both Fe2(DSBDC) and Fe
282 ere, we demonstrate this compound to exhibit electrical conductivity values up to sigma = 1.4(7) x 10
283 s addressed by producing chars of increasing electrical conductivity via pyrolysis of wood shavings a
284 logues find interesting properties including electrical conductivity, viscoelasticity, thermal robust
285              In this work, the importance of electrical conductivity was addressed by producing chars
286                                    Increased electrical conductivity was observed for the plasma trea
287                        The moisture content, electrical conductivity, water activity, ashes content,
288 -micron sized LFO and a nanocarbon with high electrical conductivity were successfully synthesized fo
289 ries slightly increase the measured in-plane electrical conductivity, whereas tilt boundaries slightl
290 onitored by measurement of the anisotropy of electrical conductivity which is extremely sensitive to
291 its advantages of good safety, stability and electrical conductivity, which are held by all the carbo
292 ever, is conventionally coupled to very poor electrical conductivity, which has thus far prevented th
293 and conversion devices because of their high electrical conductivity, which is promoted by the good i
294  a three orders of magnitude increase in THz electrical conductivity, which suggests the potential fo
295 ability from interstacked structure and high electrical conductivity, which would provide the short d
296 which results in the significant increase of electrical conductivity with relatively high Seebeck coe
297 lity to combine functional properties (e.g., electrical conductivity) with shape memory behavior.
298 exhibited excellent mechanical integrity and electrical conductivity within a wide range of tensile a
299  leads to lower thermal conductivity, higher electrical conductivity without sacrifice of Seebeck coe
300 vitro and in vivo biocompatibility, and high electrical conductivity without the need for additional

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