


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 teraction and IS reduction that expanded the electrical double layer.
2 sensor results in an enhanced overlapping of electrical double layers, and apparently a more ordered
3 egrating models to reduce the effects of the electrical double layer are subsequently covered.
4                   Such adsorption creates an electrical double layer around the CNTs within which the
5  of the large current due to charging of the electrical double layer as well as surface faradaic reac
6 mall nanocapillary diameters, the overlap of electrical double layers associated with opposite walls
7 ermittivity of membranes and any cell walls, electrical double layers associated with surface charges
8                   Capacitive charging of the electrical double layer at opposing ends of each BPE all
9 faces by changing the characteristics of the electrical double layer at the solid-solution interface,
10 nanotubes to charge the solution side of the electrical double layer at the tube walls.
11              Ionic redistribution within the electrical double layer by fluid flow has been considere
12                 Our result suggests that the electrical double layer can be used to pattern nanoscale
13 uantum capacitance of RGO (Cq) and effective electrical double layer capacitance (C(EDL)) contribute
14 ce-potential difference can be determined by electrical double layer capacitance (EDLC) between the n
15 he origin of this behaviour by measuring the electrical double-layer capacitance in one to five-layer
16  new theoretical models in understanding the electrical double-layer capacitance of carbon electrodes
17                                 Experimental electrical double-layer capacitances of porous carbon el
18    Such conversion gives these ACTs an ideal electrical double-layer capacitive behavior.
19          When integrated with a carbon-based electrical double layer capacitor, nearly ideal electrod
20 e power density and charge-discharge time of electrical double layer capacitors are largely determine
21 h specific energy and high specific power in electrical double layer capacitors.
22 rge surface areas are typically employed for electrical double-layer capacitors to improve gravimetri
23 e practical energy densities of carbon-based electrical double-layer capacitors.
24                   The energy is stored in an electrical double layer composed of an extended Stern la
25 d significant effects on GO stability due to electrical double layer compression, similar to other co
26 ase in electrolyte concentration resulted in electrical double-layer compression of the negatively ch
27               The molecular structure of the electrical double layer determines the chemistry in all
28 n, this sonochemical byproduct collapses the electrical double layer, disrupting the dispersion stabi
29 tion, and we found that the thickness of the electrical double layer does not depend on the charge of
30 he interface can be further explained by the electrical double layer (EDL) model dominated by the dif
31 iver clean water while storing energy in the electrical double layer (EDL) near a charged surface in
32  phenomenon that modulates the charge in the electrical double layer (EDL).
33 s that are comparable to the thickness of an electrical double layer (EDL).
34                                        Thick electrical double layers (EDLs) (kappa a approximately 1
35                                     When the electrical double layers (EDLs) formed adjacent to the D
36  within nanometer-scale channels with finite electrical double layers (EDLs).
37                However, for kappah < 10, the electrical double layer extends into the nanochannels, a
38 tudy provides evidence for a sharply defined electrical double layer for large coupling strengths in
39 ned polarization of CF interface dipoles and electrical-double-layer formation.
40 tions have begun to clarify the structure of electrical double layers formed on hydrated clay mineral
41 or the detection of cardiac troponin I using electrical double layer gated high field AlGaN/GaN HEMT
42 surfaces influenced by the properties of the electrical double layer in the aqueous phase film and su
43 n particular to those solutions producing an electrical double layer in the order of a few tens of na
44 phenomenon, a molecular-level picture of the electrical double layer in working devices is still lack
45 t of particle retention is not controlled by electrical double layer interactions.
46       It is based on a fundamental aspect of electrical double layers, namely, their huge capacitance
47 osition of redox-active moieties, within the electrical double layer, on the apparent formal potentia
48 he ion exclusion-enrichment effect caused by electrical double layer overlapping induces cationic sel
49  a new protocol for QD film deposition using electrical double-layered PbS QD inks, prepared by solut
50             One aim is to yield insight into electrical double layer physics and study the applicabil
51  of zero charge is generally consistent with electrical double layer properties, but the irregular pa
52 el instrument, the Scanning Electrometer for Electrical Double-layer (SEED) has been developed to mea
53 e method is called Scanning Electrometer for Electrical Double-layer (SEED).
54 capacitance is governed by classical surface electrical double layers, showing no evidence of quantum
55                                          The electrical double layer significantly responds to the ap
56 potential of the carbon layer determines the electrical double-layer structure that, in turn, affects
57 he liquid crystal and the diffuse part of an electrical double layer that evolves upon oxidation of f
58 of charges suspended in the medium and to an electrical double layer that forms at each electrode-med
59 el with a mean pore size on the order of the electrical double layer thickness imparts ion-permselect
60 rged protein at distances beyond that of the electrical double-layer thickness.
61 he potential drop from the initiation of the electrical double layer to different distances above it.
62                                              Electrical double layer transistors using ionic liquids
63  of buffer electrolyte, the thickness of the electrical double layer was extended so the interfacial
64 ch allowed us to obtain the thickness of the electrical double layer when multivalent inorganic catio
65 mulation of hydronium ions, H(3)O(+), in the electrical double layer, which drive the reaction togeth

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