


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r scaffold that is required for building the electrical synapse.
2 junctions, which are the most common type of electrical synapse.
3 ng trafficking of gap junction components at electrical synapses.
4 d express markers indicative of chemical and electrical synapses.
5                       Special Issue entitled Electrical Synapses.
6  article is part of a Special Issue entitled Electrical Synapses.
7  simulate electrical signal transfer through electrical synapses.
8 g synchronization of inhibitory networks via electrical synapses.
9 ical synapses in developmental regulation of electrical synapses.
10  shown associated with gap junction-mediated electrical synapses.
11  role in the concerted activity generated by electrical synapses.
12 ractions in regulating gap junction-mediated electrical synapses.
13 ional conductance at these highly modifiable electrical synapses.
14 these proteins directly interact at goldfish electrical synapses.
15 l features support the concept of inhibitory electrical synapses.
16 lude the regulation of gap junction-mediated electrical synapses.
17 ids indirectly potentiate mixed chemical and electrical synapses.
18 near junctional conductance found in retinal electrical synapses.
19 ponses to depolarizing bipolar cells through electrical synapses.
20  activity-dependent short-term plasticity of electrical synapses.
21  primary afferents, mediated through central electrical synapses.
22 stinct subtypes of ON cone bipolar cells via electrical synapses.
23 rtex are mutually connected via chemical and electrical synapses.
24 port molecular and functional asymmetries at electrical synapses.
25  many neurons in the rat SCN communicate via electrical synapses.
26 t the macromolecular complexes that regulate electrical synapses.
27 orizontal system) cells via dendro-dendritic electrical synapses.
28  rod pathways, each of which is dependent on electrical synapses.
29  the shaking-B locus in the formation of its electrical synapses.
30 equence of the normal function of rectifying electrical synapses.
31 xcellent preparation for in vitro studies of electrical synapses.
32 by lateral interactions through chemical and electrical synapses.
33 ll as for short- and long-term plasticity of electrical synapses.
34 egarding the determinants of the strength of electrical synapses.
35 highly interconnected with both chemical and electrical synapses.
36 R, mGluR3, induces long-term potentiation of electrical synapses.
37 cells coupled to DAT+ cells via chemical and electrical synapses.
38 ors (mGluRs) induces long-term depression of electrical synapses.
39 can also alter coupling symmetry, rectifying electrical synapses.
40 re selectively interconnected by chemical or electrical synapses.
41  that transmit electrical signals are called electrical synapses.
42 ound that CeL neurons made chemical, but not electrical, synapses.
43              The increase in the activity of electrical synapses accompanied PMF-induced amplificatio
44  neurons, we expect them to apply broadly to electrical synapses across the brain, acting as the cruc
45           We show that communication through electrical synapses allows excitatory signalling among i
46                    Interestingly, necortical electrical synapses almost exclusively connect GABAergic
47                Here, we demonstrate that the electrical synapses also mediate phase encoding.
48 t CaMKII should be considered a component of electrical synapses, although its association is nonobli
49                             We show that the electrical synapses among many neurons in the flight cir
50 input-output relations of the DBC(C)-->AIIAC electrical synapse and the DBC(R)-->AIIAC chemical synap
51 s, confirming the predicted relation between electrical synapses and chemical synaptogenesis.
52 r cortex are linked together by chemical and electrical synapses and exert a potent feedforward inhib
53 lex because they depend both from excitatory electrical synapses and from potentially inhibitory chem
54         Given the widespread distribution of electrical synapses and glutamate receptors, our results
55 ng the circuit that was already connected by electrical synapses and producing the adult behavior, LB
56 ) cells are interconnected via GABAergic and electrical synapses and represent a major class of inhib
57  basis for molecular asymmetry at vertebrate electrical synapses and show they are required for appro
58                                              Electrical synapses and synchrony are nearly synonymous.
59  coupling of neurons by gap junctions (i.e., electrical synapses) and the expression of the neuronal
60 t mediated by cone DBCs (DBC(C)s) through an electrical synapse, and a DNQX-sensitive component media
61 st component is monosynaptic, mediated by an electrical synapse, and thus can follow haltere stimulat
62 , 42% of FS pairs had established functional electrical synapses, and 47% of FS pairs were connected
63  network of cells connected via chemical and electrical synapses, and evoke slow inhibitory synaptic
64       Some TRN neurons are interconnected by electrical synapses, and here we tested the possibility
65 -mediated synapses and gap junction-mediated electrical synapses, and networks of FS cells play a cru
66                                              Electrical synapses, and their structural manifestation,
67 rected vertically in the sagittal plane, and electrical synapses appear strictly confined to the sagi
68  the cerebral cortex, our results imply that electrical synapses are a common mechanism for generatin
69                                              Electrical synapses are a ubiquitous yet underappreciate
70                                              Electrical synapses are abundant before and during devel
71                                              Electrical synapses are abundant in the vertebrate brain
72                     Instead of static pores, electrical synapses are actually plastic, similar to che
73                                         Some electrical synapses are bidirectional; others are rectif
74                                              Electrical synapses are common between inhibitory neuron
75             In light of recent evidence that electrical synapses are common in the mammalian central
76                                   Rectifying electrical synapses are commonplace, but surprisingly li
77 At a molecular level, the building blocks of electrical synapses are connexin proteins.
78                                              Electrical synapses are created by gap junction (GJ) cha
79       These data represent direct proof that electrical synapses are critical for the propagation of
80                 Thus, our data indicate that electrical synapses are dynamic structures and that thei
81                                              Electrical synapses are emerging as complex structures,
82                                              Electrical synapses are expressed prominently in the dev
83                                              Electrical synapses are formed by gap junctions and perm
84                                              Electrical synapses are known to form networks of extens
85                                  KEY POINTS: Electrical synapses are modified by various forms of act
86                                              Electrical synapses are neuronal gap junctions that medi
87                                              Electrical synapses are often viewed as symmetrical stru
88                In addition, we observed that electrical synapses are readily identified in ECS preser
89                                              Electrical synapses are reciprocal pathways for ionic cu
90                                        While electrical synapses are still perceived by many as passi
91                                              Electrical synapses are strong and prevalent among the G
92                                              Electrical synapses are the functional correlate of gap
93 plasticity, rich diversity, and specificity, electrical synapses are thus likely to participate in th
94                                        These electrical synapses are widespread in the CNS and serve
95 brates and invertebrates, gap junction-based electrical synapses arise before chemical synaptogenesis
96 his represents both a new functional role of electrical synapses as the primary drivers of feature se
97  bulb output neurons via direct chemical and electrical synapses as well as by indirect pathways.
98  was not correlated with the distribution of electrical synapses at different electronic distances.
99  exocytosis, suggesting that the strength of electrical synapses at these terminals is sustained, at
100                                              Electrical synapses behaved as low-pass filters, reducin
101  which information reaches this kernel is an electrical synapse between ComInt 1 and one of these fiv
102                    Spike transmission at the electrical synapse between the giant fibres (GFs) and mo
103                                Disruption of electrical synapses between adjacent AIIs and between AI
104 x36/cx36 gap junctions form the heterologous electrical synapses between AII amacrine cells and BPGus
105                          We report here that electrical synapses between auditory afferents and goldf
106         The response latency is minimized by electrical synapses between auditory afferents and the M
107        The lateral excitation is mediated by electrical synapses between central terminals of primary
108                                Surprisingly, electrical synapses between Cx36-KO neurons had faster v
109 y interconnected by electrical synapses, but electrical synapses between different inhibitory cell ty
110 ce of gap junctions) enhance the strength of electrical synapses between ET cells.
111 ction neurons and is found to be mediated by electrical synapses between excitatory local interneuron
112                               Two reports of electrical synapses between identified inhibitory neuron
113            Here we show that Cx36-containing electrical synapses between inhibitory neurons of the th
114 ic networks of the hippocampus and show that electrical synapses between interneurons are a novel tar
115                                              Electrical synapses between interneurons contribute to s
116 rovided a direct demonstration of functional electrical synapses between neocortical neurons of both
117      Finally, we showed that Cx36-containing electrical synapses between neurons of the trigeminal me
118 dely expressed in the mammalian CNS and form electrical synapses between neurons.
119 tion blocker, suggesting that it arises from electrical synapses between ON DS and polyaxonal amacrin
120                     By studying chemical and electrical synapses between premotor interneurons (AVA)
121                            This implies that electrical synapses between the majority of coupled VBN
122 ther enhanced and stabilized by chemical and electrical synapses between them.
123                                              Electrical synapses between TRN neurons were absent in m
124 nductance asymmetry (rectification) than did electrical synapses between WT neurons.
125 he same type were strongly interconnected by electrical synapses, but electrical synapses between dif
126 ild-type mice, as in rats, the SCN contained electrical synapses, but electrical synapses were absent
127           Synchronized LTS activity required electrical synapses, but not fast chemical synapses.
128 f inhibitory neurons is the establishment of electrical synapses, but the function of electrical coup
129 s indicate that RA modulates horizontal cell electrical synapses by activation of novel nonnuclear RA
130 effects on the expression and maintenance of electrical synapses by cell calcium in pairs of horizont
131                                We tested for electrical synapses by recording from pairs of relay neu
132 of the tergotrochanteral motorneuron and its electrical synapses by transforming Drosophila with a Ga
133 Mg2+]i-dependent long-term plasticity of the electrical synapse can be adequately reproduced through
134                     Thus, the efficacy of an electrical synapse can be dynamically modulated in a vol
135 , but recent results suggest that rectifying electrical synapses can act as coincidence detectors, an
136                                        These electrical synapses can be functionally as important as
137 to the study of neural circuits, whereby new electrical synapses can be introduced in novel sites in
138                     The results suggest that electrical synapses can coordinate spindle-frequency rhy
139 ors, and regulation of the strength of other electrical synapses can enhance oscillatory or asynchron
140      Thus, interactions between chemical and electrical synapses can regulate the degree of electrica
141 found that disrupting either the chemical or electrical synapses causes defective escape response.
142 ational models to investigate how rectifying electrical synapses change the behavior of a small neuro
143                                     We added electrical synapses composed of the vertebrate gap junct
144                             We conclude that electrical synapses containing Cx36 are critical for the
145 gs, we predict that modulation of rectifying electrical synapses could have functional consequences f
146                     Our results suggest that electrical synapses could promote coordinated spike firi
147 ndent synaptic plasticity of Cx36-containing electrical synapses could underlie neuronal circuit reco
148 n central nervous system communicate through electrical synapses, defined here as gap junction-mediat
149 s observed by electron microscopy termed the electrical synapse density (ESD) [5].
150    We provide the first direct evidence that electrical synapses develop in a soma-soma, but not soma
151 is mediated by neurotransmitters, whereas at electrical synapses, direct ionic and metabolic coupling
152 amic relay neurons communicate primarily via electrical synapses during early postnatal development,
153 ructural changes observed in horizontal cell electrical synapses during light adaptation.
154 ation of sub- and suprathreshold activity by electrical synapses enabling synchronised SPN firing whi
155                  These results indicate that electrical synapses establish a network of fast-spiking
156                            Here we find that electrical synapse formation in vivo requires an intrace
157 oci and identified two new genes involved in electrical-synapse formation.
158             Here we show that elimination of electrical synapses formed by connexin36 altered inhibit
159  thereby conferring functional plasticity on electrical synapses formed of this protein.
160                                              Electrical synapses, formed by gap junctions, modulate s
161 reas TRN cells were extensively connected by electrical synapses from birth onward.
162 plies that lateral excitation is mediated by electrical synapses from eLNs onto PNs.
163 red for the stabilization of the GJs and for electrical synapse function.
164                       Coupling of neurons by electrical synapses (gap junctions) transiently increase
165 ns communicate through chemical synapses and electrical synapses (gap junctions).
166 atural forms of activity and the strength of electrical synapses had previously not been investigated
167 et the cellular and molecular basis of these electrical synapses has not been established.
168                                              Electrical synapses have been found among GABAergic inte
169                                              Electrical synapses have been shown to be important for
170                                              Electrical synapses have not been directly observed betw
171 , taken together with dual cell recording of electrical synapses, have led us to estimate the number
172                          The large number of electrical synapses implies that each interneuron partic
173           Much less is known, however, about electrical synapses in retinal bipolar cells than about
174       Here we report the molecular basis for electrical synapses in retinal bipolar cells, particular
175                     To determine the role of electrical synapses in such activity, we constructed mic
176                                  The role of electrical synapses in synchronizing neuronal assemblies
177       A wealth of research has revealed that electrical synapses in the central nervous system exhibi
178 hese contacts appeared similar to rectifying electrical synapses in the crayfish and were eliminated
179 suggest an important role for Cx36-dependent electrical synapses in the development of thalamic circu
180 ere, we demonstrate that putative rectifying electrical synapses in the Drosophila Giant Fiber System
181 (Lethal), which is a component of rectifying electrical synapses in the Giant Fiber escape neural cir
182 vely at chemical synapses, but modulation of electrical synapses in the mammalian brain has barely be
183 he first examples supporting the presence of electrical synapses in the mammalian CNS; however, the p
184                              We suggest that electrical synapses in the SCN help to synchronize its s
185 e two established inductors of plasticity at electrical synapses in the thalamic reticular nucleus -
186                  To examine the functions of electrical synapses in the transmission of signals from
187                                Plasticity of electrical synapses in the TRN may be a key mechanism un
188                                              Electrical synapses in the TRN precede the postnatal dev
189 ty-dependent form of long-term depression of electrical synapses in the TRN.
190           CNQX did not affect non-rectifying electrical synapses in two different pairs of neurons.
191     By contrast, we show that a broad set of electrical synapses in zebrafish, Danio rerio, require t
192 se identifiable junctions may apply to other electrical synapses, including those in mammalian brain.
193 (CNS), coupling of neurons by gap junctions (electrical synapses) increases during early post-natal d
194    The coupling of neurons by gap junctions (electrical synapses) increases during neuronal injury.
195               Unlike most chemical synapses, electrical synapses interact through axon-to-axon or den
196                        Gap junction-mediated electrical synapses interconnect diverse types of neuron
197 and thalamoreticular pathways, as well as by electrical synapses interconnecting TRN neurons.
198                  Many neurons are coupled by electrical synapses into networks that have emergent pro
199                           The DBC(C)-->AIIAC electrical synapse is approximately linear (voltage gain
200                                 The model of electrical synapse is based on electrical properties of
201 emonstrate that such complex behavior of the electrical synapse is important in shaping the response
202                       Although modulation of electrical synapses is frequently observed, the cellular
203 an overview of the known properties of these electrical synapses is given, focusing on a study in the
204             Signaling through gap junctions (electrical synapses) is important in the development of
205 mem of their neighbors, forming networks via electrical synapses known as gap junctions.
206 r of signals with high-frequency content via electrical synapses, leading to strong spiking synchroni
207       Connecting these neurons by an ectopic electrical synapse led to a loss of lateral asymmetry an
208                                        Thus, electrical synapses, like their chemical counterparts, u
209 d the possibility that gap junction-mediated electrical synapses made with neighbouring amacrine cell
210 shifts between arousal states; plasticity of electrical synapses may be a key mechanism underlying th
211                        In neuronal networks, electrical synapses may function as a modifiable resonan
212               Furthermore, the plasticity of electrical synapses may play an important role in regula
213 ses, and here we tested the possibility that electrical synapses mediate rhythmic synchrony in juveni
214 of different initial conditions, whereas the electrical synapses mitigate suppression of firing due t
215        Our findings support a novel model of electrical synapse molecular asymmetry at the level of a
216 urons are inhibitory cells interconnected by electrical synapses, most of which require the gap junct
217                  The most thoroughly studied electrical synapses occur between excitatory projection
218 NQX inhibited transmission at the rectifying electrical synapse of a mixed glutamatergic/electrical s
219 y reflects physiological differences between electrical synapses of contiguous Club endings, which re
220 cifically modulates synaptic transmission at electrical synapses of cultured retinal horizontal cells
221                                          The electrical synapses of fish retinal horizontal cells are
222 e NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on the electrical synapses of hybrid bass H2-type horizontal ce
223 at changes in the intrinsic excitability and electrical synapses of identified neurons in Aplysia's c
224 Cx36 orthologs may have a common function at electrical synapses of mammals and other vertebrates.
225  CNS, and the interplay between chemical and electrical synapses on the millisecond timescale is cruc
226 spread distribution of "mixed" (chemical and electrical) synapses on neurons throughout the spinal co
227 st-field oscillations either may not require electrical synapses or may be mediated by a hitherto unk
228  the spiking-initiated mechanisms underlying electrical synapse plasticity are similar to those that
229                      We investigated whether electrical synapses play a role in the maturation of tha
230                                              Electrical synapses play an important role in signaling
231        We have examined the effect of 5HT on electrical synapses possessing variable coupling strengt
232 ogical range show that, without chemical and electrical synapses, potassium lateral diffusion alone c
233                            Signaling through electrical synapses promoted coordinated firing among CB
234 matergic synapses can instruct plasticity at electrical synapses, providing a means for excitatory in
235                                         Some electrical synapses rectify - they pass current preferen
236 tle is known about the developmental role of electrical synapses, reflecting the limitations imposed
237 , yet little is known about how chemical and electrical synapses regulate their activity.
238  (TRN), a brain area rich in gap-junctional (electrical) synapses, regulates cortical attention to th
239  (TRN), a brain area rich in gap junctional (electrical) synapses, regulates cortical attention, init
240  In contrast, the incidence and magnitude of electrical synapses remained constant between P8 and P15
241 hip between natural activity and strength at electrical synapses remains elusive.
242 of this kinase and potential localization to electrical synapses remains undetermined.
243 ation without effects on neuronal growth and electrical synapse remodeling.
244 arly circuits composed of gap junction-based electrical synapses resemble those produced later by che
245  protein subunits constitutes a hemichannel; electrical synapses result from the docking of hemichann
246                              Modification of electrical synapses resulting from activity in coupled n
247 ected or coupled by gap junctions, a type of electrical synapse, rod-cone electrical coupling is thou
248                    Here, we show that strong electrical synapses selectively form between RGPs and th
249 ptic sites at chemical synapses, one side in electrical synapses should not necessarily be considered
250                                Specifically, electrical synapses spread signals laterally between bip
251 or by agonist, causes long-term reduction of electrical synapse strength between the inhibitory neuro
252 nt results have demonstrated modification of electrical synapse strength by varied forms of neuronal
253 e crucial link between neuronal activity and electrical synapse strength.
254 in the Golgi cell network of the cerebellum, electrical synapses synchronize resting activity, and ca
255 tly, inserting in this circuit an engineered electrical synapse that diminishes AWC inhibition of AIY
256 m a complex, interconnecting network through electrical synapses that are either heterologous (with a
257 are strongly and uniformly interconnected by electrical synapses that can drive spiking in connected
258 N neurons are also coupled to one another by electrical synapses that depend strongly on the gap junc
259                   We show that plasticity of electrical synapses that results from paired spiking act
260 in the CNS communicate via gap junctions, or electrical synapses, the regulation of which remains lar
261 to be a widespread and powerful mechanism at electrical synapses throughout the brain.
262 uraxis, implying that there are undiscovered electrical synapses throughout the central nervous syste
263 ng that shaking-B expression is required for electrical synapses throughout the nervous system.
264   The AII amacrine cell uses sign-conserving electrical synapses to modulate ON cone bipolar cell ter
265   Additionally, we found that the ability of electrical synapses to synchronize high frequency subthr
266 he interneurones mediating inhibition of the electrical synapse use glutamate as their neurotransmitt
267 r CB1-IS interneurons are interconnected via electrical synapses using paired recordings.
268  occurs via neurotransmitter release whereas electrical synapses utilize gap junctions for direct ion
269         This CNQX-mediated inhibition of the electrical synapse was blocked by concanavalin A (Con A)
270                   In paired-cell recordings, electrical synapses were able to mediate close correlati
271 , the SCN contained electrical synapses, but electrical synapses were absent in connexin36-knockout m
272                                              Electrical synapses were common among cortical interneur
273                                              Electrical synapses were common between VBN relay neuron
274                                        Thus, electrical synapses were infrequent and unlikely to infl
275                                              Electrical synapses were not found among pyramidal neuro
276 ectrophysiological recordings, we found that electrical synapses were present early and produced CI.
277                                          The electrical synapses were strong enough to synchronize sp
278                                 Classically, electrical synapses were thought only to increase the sp
279          Observed properties of chemical and electrical synapses were used to simulate connections be
280                    Tjp1b is localized to the electrical synapse, where it is required for the stabili
281  dorsal A cluster neurons were used to study electrical synapses, whereas chemical synaptic partners,
282 o independently modify coupling at different electrical synapses with its neighbors.
283 us, to light decrement, AII cells, driven by electrical synapses with ON cone bipolar cells, would hy
284  the ganglion and restore function by making electrical synapses with the usual synaptic targets of t
285 Surprisingly, we observed non-Cx36-dependent electrical synapses with unusual biophysical properties
286 vered axon grew and regenerated its specific electrical synapse within the nerve cord, as shown by re
287     Neurons are assumed to be connected with electrical synapses within their communities and with ch
288 itical for the formation and function of the electrical synapse, yet the biochemical makeup of these

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