


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  perceptual ability, and performance of safe electrocautery.
2 , TSP at the level of the fossa ovalis using electrocautery and a standard open-ended Brockenbrough n
3 led basin was developed to simulate TSP with electrocautery and a standard transseptal needle.
4  Punctures were performed without the use of electrocautery and by delivering radiofrequency energy t
5                                              Electrocautery and lasers, in an oxygen-enriched environ
6 ment of benign prostatic hyperplasia was the electrocautery-based transurethral resection of the pros
7 ction control, including performing laser or electrocautery in ventilated rooms using standard precau
8                                           If electrocautery is to be used, pacemakers should be place
9 inum-garnet laser, argon plasma coagulation, electrocautery, nonthermal ablation with alcohol injecti
10                 Adult mice were subjected to electrocautery of the right kidney followed by left neph
11 y to the transseptal needle using a standard electrocautery pen at 3 target sites (fossa ovalis, non-
12                                   Aggressive electrocautery resection with urethral stent placement a
13 is traditionally performed using a monopolar electrocautery system resulting in the possibility of ce
14        Powered sheaths now include laser and electrocautery systems, both improving the ease of lead
15                               For TSPs using electrocautery, the frequency of coring was at least 21%
16            The application of radiofrequency electrocautery to a standard, open-ended transseptal nee

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