


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eported, nor have its solutions been studied electrochemically.
2 ich immunocomplex formation is then recorded electrochemically.
3 :Nafion coated electrodes were then analyzed electrochemically.
4       These changes can be readily monitored electrochemically.
5 oroughly characterized spectroscopically and electrochemically.
6 or hydrogen isotopes pumped through graphene electrochemically.
7  uncharacterized intermediate species formed electrochemically; a-Na(3-x)Sb (x approximately 0.4-0.5)
8                   In this work, we report an electrochemically activated bioconjugation reaction as a
9 tigate new commercially available substrate, electrochemically active after their dephosphorylation b
10 se of stress-composition-voltage coupling in electrochemically active alloys to harvest low-grade mec
11      The as-prepared functional composite is electrochemically active and enables to accommodate enzy
12         An increase in current production by electrochemically active bacteria activity corresponds t
13 ctively enhance the enrichment and growth of electrochemically active bacteria and facilitate the ext
14                                     Uncommon electrochemically active bacteria capable of hydrocarbon
15  electrochemical measurements suggested that electrochemically active bacteria Pseudomonas and Acinet
16 y sequence that is covalently attached to an electrochemically active conducting polymer (ECP) coatin
17                  However, the low density of electrochemically active defects in graphene synthesized
18 ransport channels on the surface through the electrochemically active doping layer.
19 onas fluorescens to study the effects of the electrochemically active ICE on bacterial density and mo
20 , we have unearthed the synergetic effect of electrochemically active iron oxide films coating and pa
21 and access to metal active sites, reveals an electrochemically active material.
22 sisting of an integrated 3D mesostructure of electrochemically active materials and graphene is prese
23 k represents a powerful platform for various electrochemically active materials to enable the next-ge
24 ivated carbon (AC) granules are colonized by electrochemically active microorganisms, which extract e
25 ctrode architecture: spherical assemblies of electrochemically active nanocrystals threaded with carb
26             The hydrothermal growth deposits electrochemically active nanomaterials uniformly through
27  process to create a self-assembled array of electrochemically active nanoparticles bound directly to
28 ctures is further increased by incorporating electrochemically active nanoparticles such as MnOx to f
29 ay rate was governed by accessibility of the electrochemically active np-Au surface by the analyte.
30     The intercalation compounds with various electrochemically active or inactive elements in the lay
31 tial, and different spatial distributions of electrochemically active phases (i.e., compositional inh
32        However, the spatial evolution of the electrochemically active phases, which is controlled by
33 ene-exo-2,3-dicarboximide), a chemically and electrochemically active polymer layer.
34 percapacitors can be engineered by combining electrochemically active polymers and redox-active elect
35                                              Electrochemically active polymers are widely used in (op
36 m inert graphene-like layered carbon into an electrochemically active substance without affecting its
37            Using SPCEs, detection limits for electrochemically active substrates, PNP, ONP, and PAP w
38 he activity, short-term (2 h) stability, and electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) of 18 elect
39                 Following the treatment, the electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) of the gold
40 f the GNR composite matrix increase the AuNP electrochemically active surface area (ECSA), lower the
41 zation of both the specific activity and the electrochemically active surface area (ECSA).
42 nowires with 15 nm mesopores exhibit a large electrochemically active surface area (ECSA, 40.5 m(2) g
43 amic process provides highly accessible, and electrochemically active surface area and facilitates ef
44  the increased permeability of the films and electrochemically active surface area of electrodes beco
45 e here a greater than 12-fold enhancement in electrochemically active surface area over conventional
46 rly tethered NPs also had significantly more electrochemically active surface area than the solution
47                Using cyclic voltammetry, the electrochemically active surface area was estimated by c
48  provides a new strategy for probing various electrochemically active thin and thick solid deposits,
49 CON-structured Na3 MnTi(PO4 )3 possesses two electrochemically active transition metals with the redo
50 ptions, Mg electrodes are observed to remain electrochemically active when cycled in the presence of
51                    Herein, a cost-effective, electrochemically active, and bio-friendly sensor elemen
52  and properties of a new highly crystalline, electrochemically active, cobalt and naphthalene diimide
53  composite carbon electrodes that are highly electrochemically active, have universal and easy fabric
54  groups, showing that while both species are electrochemically active, there exists an internal elect
55 hat the sulfur in sodium chromium sulfide is electrochemically active, undergoing oxidation/reduction
56 UME surface after collision are attached and electrochemically active.
57 ganic molecules are abundant, economical and electrochemically active; if selected correctly and rati
58  affected by electron donors in the selected electrochemically-active microorganisms.
59                                 A variety of electrochemically-active regions were observed and spati
60 pproach, is not required in the new proposed electrochemically adapted protocol.
61                              Synthesis of an electrochemically addressable [2]catenane has been achie
62 l complexes and a palladium(II) salt to form electrochemically addressable films with a high chromoph
63 nd of dense nanodot arrays, for designing an electrochemically addressable molecular nanoarray platfo
64 e daisy chains are of particular interest as electrochemically addressable molecular switches because
65 ophotometrically, and measuring ferrocyanide electrochemically, all within the bubbles.
66 gy harvesters via stress-voltage coupling in electrochemically alloyed electrodes.
67 The metal oxides of these ions can be formed electrochemically and can catalyze the oxidation of wate
68 operties of the isomers reveal a sequence of electrochemically and chemically reversible reduction pr
69 ates and vice versa and can be switched both electrochemically and chemically.
70                                           We electrochemically and pharmacologically verify the selec
71 ectrode architectures are characterised both electrochemically and physicochemically and are advantag
72                                    Herein we electrochemically and selectively extract Ti from the MA
73 encapsulated nanoparticles were investigated electrochemically and spectroscopically.
74 sus (vs) reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) electrochemically, and reach an OER mass activity of 30.
75 phenolic antioxidant moieties, as quantified electrochemically, and to the loss of DOM ultraviolet ab
76 ricated by freeze-casting and sintering were electrochemically anodized and directly used as photoano
77                                           By electrochemically anodizing the disordered multicomponen
78 ed to increasing concentrations of NiCl2 and electrochemically assayed.
79 us (ra) of 86 +/- 6 nm) in array format: (1) electrochemically assisted formation of silica deposits
80 -organic framework (mMOF) thin films via the electrochemically assisted self-assembly (EASA) techniqu
81                           The fGO is reduced electrochemically at the electrode, and the electrons co
82 or the reduction of CO2 to CO when generated electrochemically at the Fe(0) oxidation state.
83  open new ways to analyze cell cultures with electrochemically based scanning probe techniques.
84                          Here, we applied an electrochemically-based reverse engineering methodology
85  copper(II)-containing strand to distinguish electrochemically between all four canonical DNA nucleob
86 short GONRs can provide a novel platform for electrochemically biomarker detection of Parkinson's dis
87 ochemical switching mechanism of a family of electrochemically bistable 'daisy chain' rotaxane switch
88 The presence of redox-active MB was detected electrochemically by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV
89 xed-valent iron nanoparticles (NP) generated electrochemically by Fe(0) electrocoagulation (EC) show
90 e agent is benzylthiolate (RS(-)), generated electrochemically by reduction of benzyldisulfide (RSSR)
91 s significant under conditions at which they electrochemically catalyze gas evolution, even in the pr
92         Fabricated ultramicroelectrodes were electrochemically characterized and calibrated.
93 -principle shows that specific enrichment of electrochemically cleaved spirolactone-containing peptid
94 rface-bound DNA-DNA hybrids were released by electrochemically cleaving the thiol-gold linkage, and t
95   Gold dendritic nanostructures (Au-DNs) are electrochemically co-deposited from 4E peptides engineer
96  We show that such a construct is capable of electrochemically communicating with the intracellular e
97 rated metal bis(dithiolene) units to achieve electrochemically controlled capture and release of ethy
98             Increasing the pH to 12.1 by the electrochemically controlled proton sink allowed one to
99  of mesoporous nanoparticle films of TiO2 by electrochemically controlled radical polymerization.
100                                      A novel electrochemically controlled release method for nitric o
101  benzoate anion was selectively extracted by electrochemically controlled solid-phase microextraction
102 hree well-defined states was demonstrated by electrochemically controlling the redox state of the pen
103  report carbon nanotube yarn harvesters that electrochemically convert tensile or torsional mechanica
104                    The Ir(IV)O(x) NPs can be electrochemically converted to several oxidation states,
105  fluorescence spectroelectrochemistry and by electrochemically coupled-fluorescence confocal laser sc
106 structures in the bulk and at the surface of electrochemically cycled particles.
107                                          The electrochemically delithiated LiCo0.33Ni0.33Fe0.33O2 exh
108            The capped NPs were studied first electrochemically, demonstrating that the intercalation
109      Only the full coverage of ITO by either electrochemically deposited Au for a long time or by vap
110              The DNA sensor is fabricated on electrochemically deposited gold nanoparticle on self as
111 patible nanostructured polypyrrole (PPy) was electrochemically deposited inside a medical grade spina
112 de (PVC) functional membrane deposited on an electrochemically deposited internal layer of Poly(3,4-e
113                             The TiO2 film is electrochemically deposited on the Pt UME (Pt UME/TiO2),
114 FeAu, FePd, and AuPt nanoparticles (NPs) are electrochemically deposited on the Si(100) substrate, an
115                        These films have been electrochemically deposited onto conducting Au surfaces.
116 ctively deposited at the microscale and (ii) electrochemically deposited PDA can be functionalized wi
117  The influence of the layer thickness of the electrochemically deposited PEDOT(PSS)-films on the hydr
118 apped with a carbon nanotube sheet, and then electrochemically depositing pseudocapacitive MnO2 nanof
119 until the moment of observation of the first electrochemically detectable collision event.
120 .5 to 0 V vs. an Ag/AgCl reference showed no electrochemically detectable molecules with the exceptio
121 onment for complete conversion of H2S to the electrochemically detectable, sulfide (HS(-)) ion.
122  strand completed the genocomplex, which was electrochemically detected following substrate addition.
123                  Multiplex PCR products were electrochemically detected in less than 5 min at 37 degr
124 say and the antibody-antigen interaction was electrochemically detected through stripping analysis of
125 ated mRNA markers and the MLPA products were electrochemically detected via hybridization.
126 were designed to minimise interferences when electrochemically detecting cardiac troponin I in comple
127                                          The electrochemically determined core-shell sizes are in exc
128 osition (LPCVD) system with VLS procedure to electrochemically diagnose the presence of breast cancer
129         This cost is particularly large when electrochemically different endothelial-cell and smooth-
130            The switching mechanism relies on electrochemically displacing metal atoms inside the nano
131            The detection of hybridization of electrochemically doped probe miRNA, antimir-21, with it
132 tly associated with high-voltage cycling, an electrochemically driven and diffusion-controlled proces
133  of the surface with any type of mMOF by the electrochemically driven cooperative (soft-templating) m
134                               Herein, we use electrochemically driven denaturation assays monitored b
135                                              Electrochemically driven diazonium patterning is investi
136                                 In all cases electrochemically driven melting was able to discriminat
137 dize to immobilized probes then subjected to electrochemically driven melting.
138 e different oxidation states, they cannot be electrochemically driven one to another.
139                                          The electrochemically driven phase transformation is initial
140 ium ion batteries is often accompanied by an electrochemically driven phase transformation process.
141     Hard X-ray spectro-imaging can visualize electrochemically driven phase transformations but deman
142 on batteries and a model system for studying electrochemically driven phase transformations.
143 r resolving the inhomogeneity of the general electrochemically driven phase transition (for example,
144                        Signal was quantified electrochemically during the enzymatic conversion of the
145 hange at a CpG site and measuring the change electrochemically (eLCR).
146 overcame this challenge through realizing an electrochemically enhanced iontophoresis interface, inte
147                    The results show that the electrochemically etched and boiling-water immersed Al s
148 to sensor fabrication, the nanoelectrode was electrochemically etched to create a recessed nanopore,
149                                              Electrochemically exfoliated graphene (EEG) is a new gen
150 ce area, the ternary nanosheets supported on electrochemically exfoliated graphene electrodes exhibit
151 niline-ferrocene-sulfonic acid film has been electrochemically fabricated on C-dots modified pencil g
152                                              Electrochemically formed carboxyl groups on the surface
153 e removal was primarily due to reaction with electrochemically formed OH(*), while the dominant remov
154 lectrode voltammetry, demonstrate that Li2O2 electrochemically forms and decomposes upon cycling with
155   The glassy carbon electrodic substrate was electrochemically functionalized with gold nanoparticles
156 nstrate that the Co(III)2(IV)2 cubane may be electrochemically generated and the electronic propertie
157 ith a size range between 120 and 160 nm were electrochemically generated at 9.35 +/- 0.28 g Fe3O4-Fe/
158  in CV is attributed to reaction between the electrochemically generated ferrocenium (Fc(+)) ion and
159     We conclude that combined treatment with electrochemically generated H2O2 from an e-scaffold and
160 lectrochemical application of a new class of electrochemically generated hole-transporting (p-type) p
161 carboxyphenyl diazonium salt, which had been electrochemically generated in situ, to a stable 4-carbo
162 d electrochemical MS is capable of capturing electrochemically generated intermediates with half-live
163 X-ray diffraction, we show that oxidation of electrochemically generated Li2O2 occurs in two stages,
164                                          For electrochemically generated Li2O2, oxidation proceeds fi
165  to be formed through a reaction between the electrochemically generated NaO2 and the electrode binde
166 anoparticles (average diameter = 32 nm) were electrochemically generated on the surface of screen-pri
167                                              Electrochemically generated peptide-spirolactones readil
168 egg white lysozyme was identified based on 5 electrochemically generated peptides using a proteomics
169 uction potential and helped to stabilize the electrochemically generated radical anion.
170 y investigated the transformation of urea by electrochemically generated reactive chlorine species (R
171               Furthermore, detoxification of electrochemically generated reactive metabolites of para
172 by modification of carbonic anhydrase I with electrochemically generated reactive metabolites of para
173 d herein, results for the protonation of the electrochemically generated stilbene dianion demonstrate
174 the rate-determining step is the addition of electrochemically generated surface adsorbed hydrogen to
175                                              Electrochemically generated TPs of the recalcitrant phar
176  PPN films, the carbonyl groups of adjacent, electrochemically generated, NDI radical anions and dian
177                         Diazonium salts were electrochemically grafted on iron-oxide-nanoparticle-dec
178     In the first step, bromide end layer was electrochemically grafted onto the electrode surface fol
179                               The ability to electrochemically grow and transfer mesoporous silica fi
180                                              Electrochemically grown cobalt on graphene exhibits exce
181 l dramatically different morphologies of the electrochemically grown lithium peroxide dependent on th
182  the use of orthogonal chemical reactions on electrochemically grown metal nanorod arrays in porous a
183  ion channel (IC), which is readily detected electrochemically in a label-free manner with single-mol
184  nitrogen sorption and SEM) and investigated electrochemically in the form of composite EDLC electrod
185 d on the rotaxane components can be accessed electrochemically in the solid state.
186  the ability to create a localized pH change electrochemically in the vicinity of the detector electr
187      The nickel-tin anode is supported by an electrochemically inactive conductive scaffold with an e
188 ssion and maximizing the ratio of S-S to the electrochemically inactive framework.
189 reversibility attributed to the formation of electrochemically inactive MgSx species.
190  we demonstrate the feasibility of detecting electrochemically inactive single biomacromolecules, suc
191                                  Exposure of electrochemically inactive substrates to glycosidases re
192 ealed crystalline Li2S, which is shown to be electrochemically inactive.
193 of mammalian cells treated with etoposide or electrochemically induced DNA damage conditions and vari
194                                           An electrochemically induced functionalisation method has b
195                               Moreover, this electrochemically induced strain can interact with the l
196                                     To date, electrochemically induced stresses and strains in batter
197 te atomic-scale pores in the basal planes of electrochemically inert TaS2 nanosheets to functionalize
198             This is because graphene is more electrochemically inert than indium tin oxide (ITO) wher
199 attery is presented, in which multi-ions can electrochemically intercalate into graphite layers, exhi
200 h concentration of the metallic 1T phase can electrochemically intercalate ions such as H(+), Li(+),
201 ologically different np-Au films with MB was electrochemically interrogated via square wave voltammet
202 man adenocarcinoma cervical cancer cells are electrochemically investigated by means of SECM.
203 each containing ca. 30 Fe sites) displays an electrochemically irreversible oxidation with E(PEAK) at
204  reduction potential E(o) is derived for the electrochemically irreversible Pt(IV) reduction and is c
205      Comproportionation constants determined electrochemically (Kc = 10(4)-10(8)) indicate that the r
206 ]phenoxazinone) is used to fluorescently and electrochemically label an organic-in-water emulsion, wh
207 onic responses to the activation of multiple electrochemically labeled structure-switching biosensors
208 omechanical study on the damage tolerance of electrochemically lithiated silicon.
209                            Simplification of electrochemically mediated atom transfer radical polymer
210 ctive polymers through the surface-initiated electrochemically mediated atom transfer radical polymer
211 thacrylic acid (MAA) was polymerized by both electrochemically mediated ATRP and supplemental activat
212  substantiate the subpicometer resolution of electrochemically mediated bond strains detected on the
213                              Its surface was electrochemically modified using ammonium carbamate to m
214 on transparent layer of indium tin oxide was electrochemically modified with a layer of HTPS and a mo
215 three discrete conducting states accessed by electrochemically modifying the contacts.
216 sults will create novel avenues to fabricate electrochemically modulated nanofluidic diodes using con
217 Microelectrode arrays offer the potential to electrochemically monitor concentrations of molecules at
218 red amplicons was either colorimetrically or electrochemically monitored using a horseradish peroxida
219   The basic detection principle consisted in electrochemically monitoring disturbances in metabolic p
220 uction pathways of uranium by reducing U(VI) electrochemically on a magnetite electrode at pH 3.4.
221      Furthermore, detection can be performed electrochemically, optically, and via visual detection,
222 the in situ production and quantification of electrochemically or photoelectrochemically produced O2
223  is reduced to copper(I) in solution, either electrochemically or using sodium ascorbate.
224 tion catalyst, 4-amino-TEMPO, we are able to electrochemically oxidize glycerol at a carbon electrode
225      In agreement, 9,10-dihydroanthracene is electrochemically oxidized in the presence of this clust
226                                              Electrochemically oxidized Ir oxide nanoparticles, suppo
227           Phenolic antioxidants of wine were electrochemically oxidized on multi-walled carbon nanotu
228 n is a nonfluorescent molecule, which can be electrochemically oxidized to generate resorufin.
229 uperatoms that make up the polymer chain are electrochemically oxidized, they are electrostatically t
230 remains a challenge due to the difficulty in electrochemically oxidizing the insulating lithium perox
231 ayer space of thicker MoS2 by two processes: electrochemically polarizing MoS2 at negative potentials
232 ention is also paid to the immobilization of electrochemically polymerizable centers.
233                       This molecule has been electrochemically polymerized and the electrical and opt
234                                    2-ABA was electrochemically polymerized on the graphene decorated
235 ere prepared by electrochemical reduction on electrochemically polymerized poly-Fe(vbpy)3(PF6)2 film
236 grafting poly(acrylic acid) brushes and then electrochemically polymerizing a conducting polymer mono
237 ediated by the cytochrome b6f complex on the electrochemically positive side of the thylakoid membran
238                 This paper demonstrates here electrochemically powered carbon nanotube yarn muscles t
239 to the enhanced and lasting OER performance, electrochemically pre-oxidized E-Ir particles may be con
240                    The source water was also electrochemically precoagulated using aluminum and micro
241                                          The electrochemically prepared Sn and Bi catalysts proved to
242 ve in comparison to as-prepared metallic and electrochemically pretreated (E-Ir) analogues.
243 ditionally, the ability of these devices' to electrochemically produce hydrogen via the hydrogen evol
244              Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were electrochemically produced and simultaneously immobilize
245 -), and NH4(+)) on the formation and fate of electrochemically produced heterogeneous (HO(*)ads and C
246            Exposure to low concentrations of electrochemically produced HP on the membrane surface pr
247                                          The electrochemically produced HP reduced microbial cell via
248  strain and interfacial stress resulted from electrochemically pumping oxygen into or out of PCO film
249 ow temperature from abundant elements, which electrochemically reacts with nearly 1.6 Li atoms at an
250  In advanced electrical grids of the future, electrochemically rechargeable fluids of high energy den
251 orous silver electrocatalyst that is able to electrochemically reduce carbon dioxide to carbon monoxi
252 yrin based macrocyclic catalyst ink that can electrochemically reduce cortisol, captured by aptamer f
253 abricated thin layer flat cell allows one to electrochemically reduce the chloride concentration of s
254 d to GCE modified with only GO, TCNQ or TCNQ/electrochemically reduced GO.
255    Screen-printed carbon sensors coated with electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) and a se
256 etal complex (Co-salophen-IL) immobilized on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) for the
257                The CHO-IL was immobilized on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ERGO) through
258 d N-Hydroxysuccinimide coupling reagents, in electrochemically reduced graphene oxide and iridium oxi
259     In this work, a novel biosensor based on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide and iridium oxi
260 vel printed graphene electrode modified with electrochemically reduced graphene oxide was developed f
261                                              Electrochemically reduced HA enhanced NO2-to-HONO conver
262                              We show that an electrochemically reduced SnO2 porous nanowire catalyst
263                        Carbon dioxide can be electrochemically reduced to hydrocarbons over copper ca
264 e stable and inert, we find that they can be electrochemically reduced under accessible applied poten
265 .0 to -1.0V, a potential range where H2O2 is electrochemically reduced.
266 sulting sp(2) carbon is activated to produce electrochemically reducible quinone groups using a high
267                First, as disulfide bonds are electrochemically reducible, the cross-links are subject
268    The immunosensor was constructed by first electrochemically reducing 4-carboxyphenyl diazonium sal
269  found to be the most effective catalyst for electrochemically reducing carbon dioxide to products su
270 er between the enzyme and electrode at a bio-electrochemically relevant potential via HTPS layer.
271  a method to control reaction kinetics using electrochemically responsive heterogeneous catalysis (ER
272  2.1 nm with the Ru(III/II) couple remaining electrochemically reversible and E1/2 values and current
273                                    Herein we electrochemically selectively extract, at ambient temper
274 urface matrix may provide the opportunity to electrochemically sense biomarkers sensitively to ng/ml
275 bout its atomic and electronic structure and electrochemically significant sites and therefore, its s
276  exfoliated MoS2 (ce-MoS2 ) can be made into electrochemically stable (5000 cycles), and thermally ro
277 nolayer molecular detection sensitivity, and electrochemically stable and infrared transparent electr
278 fficiency for cell trapping and lysis and an electrochemically stable behavior for long operational l
279 Finally, the deposited silver particles were electrochemically stripped into KCl solution and measure
280 particles (Ptnano) from an evaluation of the electrochemically surface area (ECSA) and the breakthrou
281 rmation processing or the elaboration of the electrochemically switchable devices.
282 escence of the surface bound particles to be electrochemically switched via control of the redox stat
283 ces ligand effects in addition to strain, by electrochemically switching between the charging and dis
284                                In this work, electrochemically synthesized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)
285 PEDOT: PSS conducting polymer microwires are electrochemically synthesized with diameters ranging fro
286                                              Electrochemically, the nanoscale ITIES supported by a ro
287                                              Electrochemically, these ethynyl dithiaporphyrins underg
288 w platform to sensitively measure biomarkers electrochemically to pg/ml range with insignificant nons
289 ation products, these are enzyme-labeled and electrochemically transduced.
290 es) nanoparticles ( approximately 20 nm) are electrochemically transformed into ultra-small diameter
291        The SbSn/CoTi/Ir anode was applied to electrochemically treat human wastewater.
292    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of these electrochemically treated FA-PVSK films shows changes in
293 er sample ( approximately 100 mum), which is electrochemically triggered at a pH responsive membrane
294   Effective catalytic water-splitting can be electrochemically triggered in an alkaline solution of s
295  and sensitive bioassay that detects Mtb DNA electrochemically using colloidal gold nanoparticles.
296  out in the buffer solution, hence, detected electrochemically using Differential Pulse Voltammetric
297 egral cytochrome b subunit, was investigated electrochemically using electrodes modified with planar
298 translocations from the droplet are detected electrochemically via the Coulter principle.
299 potentials, generating a DNA-mediated signal electrochemically with a midpoint potential of 113 +/- 5
300  a general approach for storing solar energy electrochemically with high theoretical storage capacity

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