


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 utions in the electric fields of the charged electrode.
2  the resorufin reduction on the modified ITO electrode.
3 ncovalent immobilization onto a carbon cloth electrode.
4 gold-nanoparticle-patterned indium tin oxide electrode.
5 (AuNPs)/fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) glass electrode.
6 reachable for a direct communication with an electrode.
7 of proton reduction on an inert carbon fiber electrode.
8 rticles on the glass surface surrounding the electrode.
9 ace of ZnO/Pt-Pd nanocomposites modified FTO electrode.
10  criteria for the necessary conducting front electrode.
11 ctrocatalytically active Ni/Ni(OH)2/graphite electrode.
12 e occurred in the region near the collection electrode.
13 ed electrons induce proton reduction at a Pt electrode.
14  interact weakly with the positively charged electrode.
15 rom the sciatic nerve with a 16-contact cuff electrode.
16 which was overcome by specific ion selective electrode.
17 ell is attached and directly changeable with electrode.
18 riments with a commercial rotating ring disk electrode.
19 mphipathic viral peptide on a screen-printed electrode.
20  upon that of neurons close to the recording electrode.
21 ophenol (PAP) which could be monitored on an electrode.
22 trochemical processes with two - dimensional electrodes.
23 he oxygen evolution reaction at Ni and Ni/Fe electrodes.
24 abling the stable operation of lithium metal electrodes.
25 ct contact between the lower MoS2 layers and electrodes.
26 ox states relative to the Fermi level of the electrodes.
27 formance and the reversibility of the ITO/Au electrodes.
28 ctrodes and silver/silver chloride reference electrodes.
29 e protein electrochemical sensors and enzyme electrodes.
30 oxidation of NO as compared to other control electrodes.
31 en" adsorption in the step sites of platinum electrodes.
32 -based Mg(2+)-, Ca(2+)-, and Na(+)-selective electrodes.
33 ers and finite density of states of graphene electrodes.
34 ecific design that includes four pin working-electrodes.
35  similar to an array with integrated counter electrodes.
36 to yield transducer layers for ion-selective electrodes.
37 ved by employing two different work function electrodes.
38 catalysis, gas sensing and as Li-ion battery electrodes.
39 d sandwiched between top and bottom graphene electrodes.
40  the dielectric surface between the adjacent electrodes.
41 niaturize the sensor and couple it with a Pt electrode (25 mum diameter each) for use as a dual scann
42  To assess the performance of these modified electrodes, a model protein, lysozyme (Lys), was selecte
43                 It was demonstrated that the electrode acted effectively due to the direct electron e
44 is lower than the ones formed with Au and Ag electrodes, again in contrast to the trends in the metal
45                                 Hence, these electrodes allow for the in situ mechanistic and kinetic
46  improved by up to 60% compared to using AZO electrodes alone due to enhanced coverage of the top ele
47 h of silver nanoparticles in the ITO counter-electrode, altering the optical extinction response.
48 aining dataset, connectivity between the DBS electrode and a distributed network of brain regions cor
49                                  The working electrode and counter electrode consist of platinum and
50 in the peripheral primate retina with single-electrode and several types of multi-electrode stimulati
51 ncentrated pomegranate dye, graphite counter electrode and TiCl4 treatment of the photo-anode.
52 roM to 50nM] in comparison to ta-C thin film electrodes and (ii) the coating method significantly aff
53  microFED incorporates counter and reference electrodes and eight carbon-based working electrodes, wh
54 ube electrodes, graphite electrodes, polymer electrodes and metals).
55 iginating from interface defects between the electrodes and NbOx layer.
56 ochemical biosensors based on screen-printed electrodes and peptides are promising alternatives for m
57 metry using polyaniline (PAni)-based working electrodes and silver/silver chloride reference electrod
58 arbon dioxide reduction over CuAg bimetallic electrodes and surface alloys, which we find to be more
59 ial and/or the Schottky contacts between the electrodes and the SWCNTs might have played an important
60 athodes on NiO-coated indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes and their H2-generating ability upon light ir
61 each droplet individually using 2D arrays of electrodes and ultrahigh throughput droplet microfluidic
62 ) with incubation time of 20min for FA based electrode, and for BA based electrode detection limit wa
63 nsors previously reported using conventional electrodes, and its application for real food samples pr
64 r future transparent, conductive, capacitive electrodes, and translate into technologically viable de
65 is work demonstrates the importance of MXene electrode architecture on the electrochemical performanc
66 ar design results in an artificial biohybrid electrode architecture, combining the photophysical feat
67                                          The electrodes are described and characterized herein.
68                                          The electrodes are obtained using Ag nanoparticles, AgBr, KB
69     It is shown that the described reference electrodes are relatively insensitive to the changes in
70                     Three - dimensional (3D) electrodes are successfully used to overcome the limitat
71 (CNTs) which were casted on a carbon working electrode area of a three-electrode system and oxidized.
72 ding cylinder (current proportional, variant electrode area), to "convergent" at long time where its
73 ing of electrophysiology from a high-density electrode array and dopamine dynamics from a carbon-fibe
74 as then integrated over comb structured gold electrode array based sensor chip.
75     We apply our new technique to dual micro-electrode array in vivo recordings from two distinct reg
76 el technique that combines large-scale micro-electrode array recordings with genetic identification a
77 gle electrodes at the apex or middle of long electrode arrays.
78 tage of 1.64 V is achieved using the ternary electrode as both the anode and cathode, and the perform
79  for the working (WE), counter and reference electrode as mounted in the IR spectrometer cause the fo
80 2,(Ag)3|(80-monolayer-poly-Fe(vbpy)3(2+)|GCE electrode at -1.33 V vs. reversible hydrogen electrode (
81 de-modulation rate of pulse trains on single electrodes at the apex or middle of long electrode array
82 d a gold nanoparticle-modified glassy carbon electrode (AuNPs-GCE) was demonstrated.
83 and electrochemically active surface area of electrodes becoming accessible to the ferricyanide react
84 lly-designed nanoplasmonic sensor as working electrode, both electrical and spectral responses on the
85 rged Fc units and the negatively charged top electrode, but remains constant at reverse bias when the
86 ractions were captured on BRG nanostructured electrode by using specific anti-E.coli DNA aptamer (Kd
87 d in a weak link between two superconducting electrodes by Andreev reflections.
88 yl layers were covalently grafted on the six electrodes by electroreduction of diazonium salt.
89 rocessable, can be produced as thin films on electrodes by oxidative polymerizations, are pi-conjugat
90                                          The electrodes can be removed after testing and further modi
91 el and a set of experiments showing how soft electrodes can be successfully employed in capacitive de
92 of individual metal nanoparticles (NPs) with electrodes can provide new insights into their electroca
93  techniques, such as vibrating ion-selective electrodes, carbon fiber amperometry, and magnetic reson
94                    This all-CNT thread three electrode cell has been evaluated as a microsensor for t
95 ganate spinel positive and graphite negative electrodes chemistry.
96 rofabricated optically transparent thin-film electrode chip for fluorescence and absorption spectroel
97  of 10 mM K3[Fe(CN)6] in 0.1 M KCl using the electrode chip gave a diffusion coefficient of 1.59 x 10
98 lic voltammetry measurements showed that the electrode chip was comparable to a standard electrochemi
99 t had been deposited by drop casting onto Si electrodes coated with 60 nm of amorphous TiO2 and 20 nm
100 th the nanomaterials, allowed to enhance the electrode conductivity thus obtaining a more sensitive a
101                                      In dual electrode configuration, a variety coupling schemes, (un
102            The working electrode and counter electrode consist of platinum and are functionalized by
103 ing of the oligophenylene backbone to the Au electrodes, consistent with experimental transport data.
104 ant consists of (i) a module to localize the electrode contact positions using imaging data from a th
105                          Evoked responses at electrode contacts outside the stimulation site were use
106 l inspection of power distribution matrixes, electrode contacts with HFOs and VHFOs were detected and
107 revealed that the novel GC/rGO-Nf@Ag6 sensor electrode could be a potential candidate for the detecti
108                             The twin working electrode described is particularly suitable for studyin
109 djusting the applied voltage or changing the electrode design.
110 min for FA based electrode, and for BA based electrode detection limit was 28cellsml(-1) with incubat
111  electrophoretic dye delivery from a suction electrode directly through the neuronal sheath of nerves
112 aptic currents of neurons near the recording electrode, due to the use of a distant reference electro
113 rspecies electron transfer (IET), or from an electrode during MES rely on: (i) mediators such as H2;
114 ative placement of the reference and counter electrodes (e.g., placed at the same or the opposite end
115 demonstrated using a simple, monolithic, two-electrode electrochemical biosensor.
116                                    Undesired electrode-electrolyte interactions prevent the use of ma
117 minimization of inactive materials, and good electrode-electrolyte interfaces.
118 on gel electrolyte synthesis, gives enhanced electrode-electrolyte interfaces.
119 odeposition of PEDOT/GO produces the optimal electrode, exhibiting an 880% increase in sensitivity, a
120                        The proposed modified electrode exhibits high electrocatalytic activity toward
121                           The surface of the electrode exhibits high sensitivity to small changes in
122 ter papers were used not only as support for electrode fabrication but also as separator of the bioba
123 epeated cycles compared to the compact MWCNT electrode films.
124  fabricating Fe2O3NPs/rGO/PEDOT modified FTO electrode for determining ACh level in serum samples, th
125 ctrode was constructed using Au-DNs modified electrode for nitrite ions and found improved sensitivit
126 BND) was reported as an efficient and stable electrode for selective reduction of CO2 to ethanol.
127  binder-free, high-performance gas diffusion electrode for the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to f
128 tion and validation of a novel ion-selective electrode for the highly sensitive and selective determi
129 rface, (Cu) m ,(Ag) n |polymer|glassy carbon electrode (GCE), as shown by X-ray photoelectron spectro
130 l action (in systems such as carbon nanotube electrodes, graphite electrodes, polymer electrodes and
131 ivity using electrohysterogram (EHG) surface electrodes has been attempted to monitor uterine contrac
132 s that act as reusable reference and counter electrodes has been developed.
133 eries based on spinel transition-metal oxide electrodes have exhibited excellent electrochemical perf
134  (ISOs), the optical analog of ion-selective electrodes, have played an increasingly important role i
135                                          The electrode holder for the working (WE), counter and refer
136 r determining language lateralization before electrode implantation and is especially useful for excl
137 ficits had developed, rats underwent STN-DBS electrode implantation ipsilateral to the vector-injecte
138 ive neurophysiological target mapping during electrode implantation.
139 ctly from the human brain using intracranial electrodes implanted in patients undergoing treatment fo
140                         The slope of a SWCNT electrode in a target concentration range (10(2) 10(6)ce
141 opolymerization as a thin film on an Au film electrode in an electrochemical miniaturized microfluidi
142 ed in terms of oxygen consumption by a Clark electrode in an oxygen-tight cell.
143 ffects the carrier injection from the source electrode in back-gated field effect transistors.
144 ed surface potentials of nickel (vs. Ag|AgCl electrode in solution) for the mica-nickel confined inte
145  NPs aggregate in solution and attach to the electrode in the aggregated form.
146 oltammetric response from the ss-HSDNA/rGOae electrode in three different charges of the redox mediat
147 field potentials from deep brain stimulation electrodes in 9 Parkinson's disease patients.
148 tinct mechanisms are operable on metallic Cu electrodes in acidic electrolytes: (i) electrocatalytic
149                                              Electrodes in each droplet simultaneously measured the l
150 rates the successful use of such coatings as electrodes in high-performance electrochromic devices.
151 priate tunable-by-doping materials for front electrodes in near-field ThermoPhotoVoltaics, specifical
152 edoped region forms at the negatively biased electrode, increasing the overall resistance of the thin
153 s approach, insulating matrix and conductive electrode inks are directly printed in specific layouts.
154 tilizes the ionic current flowing between an electrode inserted inside a nanopipette probe containing
155 xidation prior to diffusing away from the Au electrode into the bulk solution.
156 e dimethyl carbonate is only formed when the electrode is able to decompose/oxidize MeOH to form (ads
157                     The fabricated microwire electrode is further applied to the system of irreversib
158 atomic force microscopy (CAFM) without a top electrode is not feasible because the nanometer-scale ra
159                                    A diamond electrode is surface-functionalized with polyclonal anti
160 hometer shows that the rotation speed of the electrode is the same as that of the magnetic driver.
161 ductance of thiol-terminated silanes with Pt electrodes is lower than the ones formed with Au and Ag
162 nover and electronic charge transfer with an electrode, is a centrally important challenge in the fie
163                            The ion selective electrode (ISE) membranes with tren-based tris-urea bis(
164 T-C14-based solid contact (SC) ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) (H(+), K(+), and Na(+)) have outstandi
165 r-based solid contact (SC) for ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) that could become the ultimate, genera
166 PSS)-based) solid contact (SC) ion-selective electrodes (ISEs), the surfaces of Pt, Au, and GC electr
167 d from In2 Se3 crystals on a graphene bottom electrode, it is shown that SET/RESET programmed states
168  in limit of detection and minimally altered electrode kinetics.
169 inated using the Ag layer with two reference electrodes located at inlet and outlet.
170 the highest for planar micro-supercapacitors electrodes made of nanomaterials.
171 h energy densities up to 200 Wh/(kg of total electrode mass) for >1,000 cycles at approximately 100%
172  dense silver IDEs, which suggested that the electrode material and/or the Schottky contacts between
173 bility under electrical stimulation of a new electrode material fabricated from lithographically patt
174 mposite (TiO2-G) and its use as an effective electrode material in an amperometric hypoxanthine (Hx)
175 roWcm(-2)) calculated based on the volume of electrode material with OCV 0.741+/-0.021V.
176 ndustrially scalable class of supercapacitor electrode material.
177 ife have predominantly focused on the active electrode materials and electrolytes.
178 tivalent ions such as Mg(2+) and Al(3+) into electrode materials remains an elusive goal.
179 f the various emerging high-voltage positive electrode materials that have the potential to satisfy t
180 drogen peroxide (H2O2) and as supercapacitor electrode materials.
181 ation, the all-optical simplicity of virtual-electrodes may prove significant for the future developm
182 in oxide electrodes revealed 36% activity by electrode mediated direct electron transfer in compariso
183                       A disposable thin-film electrode modified with a droplet of a gel-polymer elect
184 y four-fold as compared to the corresponding electrode modified without C60-monoadduct.
185 rochemistry is totally inhibited on graphite electrodes modified with an insulating nitrocellulose fi
186 hybridization rate of DNA complexes, and (3) electrode morphology-dependent blocking effects.
187 ion owing to the unique benefits of Mg metal electrodes, namely high reversibility without dendrite f
188 ckel nanoparticles modified on glassy carbon electrode (Ni@f-MWCNT/GCE) were synthesized through micr
189 me, we report a family of sodium-ion battery electrodes obtained by replacing stepwise the oxygen ato
190 rich layered transition metal oxide positive electrodes offer access to anion redox at high potential
191  a multiplexer and connected all measurement electrodes on the 384-MMEA to a single contact point.
192 es alone due to enhanced coverage of the top electrode over the 3-D structures, decreasing the series
193 ificant difference between aluminum and iron electrodes (P value of 0.0526-0.9487).
194 friendly method for the fabrication of paper electrode (PE) using silver nanoparticles capped with oc
195  who were implanted with entorhinal cortical electrodes performing virtual navigation tasks to memori
196 containing electrolyte solution and a second electrode placed in a bulk electrolyte bath, to provide
197 2 with an ICD and 31 without) undergoing DBS electrode placement surgery.
198                       Transparent conducting electrodes play a fundamental role in far-field PhotoVol
199  online preconcentration technique, reversed electrode polarity stacking mode (REPSM), was applied fo
200 such as carbon nanotube electrodes, graphite electrodes, polymer electrodes and metals).
201 , was varied systematically over an array of electrodes positioned along the flow axis.
202 d polypyrrole (PPy) modified pencil graphite electrodes (PPy/PGE).
203  improved sensitivity relative to the sensor electrode prepared from wild-type M13, Y3E peptides engi
204 power generation, the EFC device with RVC-Au electrodes provided high volumetric power density of 1.1
205 he RLG, a shorted configuration of half-cell electrodes provided the logic low level and decoupled co
206 n-chip iridium oxide (IrOx) pseudo-reference electrode provides the required stability for measuremen
207  demonstrated in both real and simulated 512-electrode recordings in the peripheral primate retina wi
208 o)sensors operated in the conventional three-electrode regime powered by a potentiostat.
209  BM3 adsorbed on unmodified indium tin oxide electrodes revealed 36% activity by electrode mediated d
210 electrode at -1.33 V vs. reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) in 0.5 M KHCO3, with 8 ppm added benzotr
211 otential at -0.53 V (vs. reversible hydrogen electrode, RHE) and C2-C3 faradaic efficiency (FE) reach
212  sealed electrochemical cell that allows for electrode rotation while simultaneously providing a gast
213 d to three diodes required for the Euclidean electrode's higher voltage.
214  kinds of ionic liquid (IL) can increase the electrode sensing current toward different analytes.
215 heavy metals in drinking water, and the four-electrode sensor can distinguish lead from other heavy m
216                                      The two-electrode sensor can identify the existence of a variety
217 mmetry (SW-ASV) conducted at both solid gold electrode (SGE) and a gold nanoparticle-modified glassy
218                       The resulting modified electrodes show enhanced electron transfer properties an
219                The P(EDOT-PdBPI-co-HKCN)/GOx electrode showed good selectivity in the presence of eth
220 GC than Pt, and allowed drastic reduction of electrode size while maintaining same amount of delivere
221 lled by a strong electrostatic effect at the electrode/solution interface.
222 ereby, PHA was immobilized on screen printed electrodes (SPE) through a blend formation with poly(eth
223 racterizing short-term plasticity from multi-electrode spike recordings in vivo.
224  single-electrode and several types of multi-electrode stimulation.
225 aphy [duration: 54 h (34, 66)] from subdural electrode strips was analysed over Days 0-3 after initia
226 (ssDNA) probe sequences on a wide variety of electrode substrates.
227 for metal determination, but the traditional electrodes, such as carbon or gold/platinum, are costly
228 ic capacity of the microbes that inhabit the electrode surface and catalyze electron transfer in thes
229 monstrated by preforming an SEI layer on the electrode surface and corroborated with a mixed electrol
230 vity was mapped to genomes from cells on the electrode surface and in the supernatant.
231 or a surface mechanism, which passivates the electrode surface and limits performance.
232           The structure of gold and the real electrode surface area can be controlled by the paramete
233 by the adsorption of the electrolytes on the electrode surface at negative potentials.
234 ch is able to form a homogenous layer on the electrode surface for the assembly of gold nanoparticles
235 lecules are firstly self-assembled onto gold electrode surface for the specific recognition of target
236 igh density of PNA/DNA heteroduplexes on the electrode surface for the subsequent attachment of ATRP
237      Antibodies were immobilized on the gold electrode surface in an optimal orientation by protein G
238 duction, but uncovering the chemistry at the electrode surface remains a challenge.
239 tive concentration of dissolved CO2 near the electrode surface through rapid equilibrium between bica
240  was immobilized onto the ITO nanostructured electrode surface under formation of a biocathode, while
241 iency with which the reporter approaches the electrode surface, thus causing a change in redox curren
242 g in a flocculent, porous and nanostructured electrode surface.
243 ation of PSA-aptamer complex at the modified electrode surface.
244 was integrated in very close vicinity of the electrode surface.
245 ITO) coated polyethylene terephthalate (PET) electrode surface.
246 lize the birth and growth of metal nuclei at electrode surfaces in real time via high-speed non-conta
247 n a carbon working electrode area of a three-electrode system and oxidized.
248 tem in the hybrid paper-SPCE cell, the three-electrode system consisting of paper-WE, wire-RE and wir
249 ensor was designed and fabricated as a three electrode system with Nafion as a proton exchange membra
250 sheets integrated into a nanoporous flexible electrode system.
251                             An ion-selective electrode technique was used to measure fluoride in arch
252 hers have focused on paper-based and printed electrode technologies as the material for fabricating P
253 roduced an on top array of immersive counter electrodes that are individually addressed by a multiple
254            However, despite the use of inert electrodes, the existence of corrosion was not evaluated
255 and the development of flexible, transparent electrodes, the use of multilayer thin-films is steadily
256 is novel thin layer flow-cell screen-printed electrodes, the working electrode was modified with grap
257 trode, due to the use of a distant reference electrode, they often reflect those of synaptic activity
258 ffused semiconductors, but also for 'opaque' electrodes, tin-doped indium oxide and silver nano-films
259  Here, we use quantum-dot-coated nanopipette electrodes (tip diameters approximately 15-30 nm) to est
260 erostructure sandwiched between two graphene electrodes, to achieve high energy conversion efficiency
261 he electrocatalytic behavior of the modified electrode toward reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) forms
262 nO2 bridged assembly on SnO2/TiO2 core/shell electrodes undergoes light-driven water oxidation with a
263         The surface restructuring of Pt(111) electrodes upon electrochemical oxidation/reduction in 0
264 t was immobilized on a screen-printed carbon electrode using glutaraldehyde cross-linking method.
265 inty in in vivo measurements, in addition to electrode variability, to more critically analyze the ti
266                          Patients wore a 252-electrode vest for body surface mapping.
267                                  The working electrode was composed of indium tin oxide (ITO); the qu
268                                    Biosensor electrode was constructed using Au-DNs modified electrod
269 ochemical sensing activities of the graphene-electrode was explored as a model for bioelectrocatalysi
270                  Long term evaluation of the electrode was found to be stable.
271 f electroactive area to 388% over a standard electrode was found.
272 -cell screen-printed electrodes, the working electrode was modified with graphene materials, and an e
273                          Finally, the hybrid electrode was used for the determination of GSH and GSSG
274                  A shared grounded reference electrode was used in both systems to minimize electrica
275          The H2O2 response of the fabricated electrodes was linear from 2.5 x 10(-3) to 6.5 mM with a
276 porating slot-groove antennas into the metal electrode, we show that LED emission from randomly polar
277 rodes (ISEs), the surfaces of Pt, Au, and GC electrodes were coated with 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mum t
278                The evoked responses at these electrodes were compared to ictal perfusion values noted
279 ide (ITO); the quasi-reference and auxiliary electrodes were composed of platinum.
280 erties near the electroactive surface of the electrodes were elucidated by analyzing the calculated c
281                              Stainless steel electrodes were fabricated by 3D printing, and the surfa
282           In 15 adult mini-pigs, stimulating electrodes were placed around the dorsal and ventral vag
283 re observed, and the solid-contact reference electrodes were ready to use.
284 of parallel molecules sandwiched between the electrodes, whereas classically it should be unchanged.
285 ensor platforms is the requirement of a gate electrode, which imposes restrictions on sensor device a
286 lectrodeposited as redox indicator on a gold electrode, which was then functionalized with an electro
287 aperture is originally coupled to asymmetric electrodes, which activate the thermo-electric THz detec
288 ce electrodes and eight carbon-based working electrodes, which were modified with DNA sequences known
289 recorded intra-operatively via implanted DBS electrodes, whilst simultaneously recording muscle activ
290 Pt metal forms a closed bipolar nanoparticle electrode whose size and shape can be tunable in one sim
291 gold nanoparticles composite modified carbon electrode with the viral capsid-specific aptamer.
292           In the quest for new high-capacity electrodes with anionic redox, a still unanswered questi
293  47 and 53microW/cm(2), while CA, EC and EPC electrodes with BQ showed 260, 330 and 500microW/cm(2),
294     Here, we combine nanoscale intracellular electrodes with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
295 his insight can be invoked to design polymer electrodes with kinetic selectivity toward redox active
296 nted that involves self-cleaning Cu catalyst electrodes with unprecedented catalytic stability toward
297  vs time transients were recorded with these electrodes, with and without an additional potassium ion
298 coustic waves, producing an array of virtual electrodes within the channel.
299 sities of biofuel cells using CA, EC and EPC electrodes without BQ were 41, 47 and 53microW/cm(2), wh
300          Au NB film was fabricated on carbon electrodes working area using L(+) ascorbic acid, gold c

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