


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ransfer kinetics on the electrode at a given electrode potential.
2 small current-induced drift in the reference electrode potential.
3  (graphene oxide), producing a negative-rise electrode potential.
4  at a fixed energy while varying at will the electrode potential.
5 ution and a careful control of the reference electrode potential.
6 ctance of 1 is independent of the pH and the electrode potential.
7 adlayer structure was found to depend on the electrode potential.
8 passive layer evolution as a function of the electrode potential.
9 rids is achieved by simple adjustment of the electrode potential.
10 crease in the absolute value of the negative electrode potential.
11 t exhibited highly reproducible electrode-to-electrode potentials.
12 ented, based on surface charge densities and electrode potentials.
13  nitrogen and hydrogen over a broad range of electrode potentials.
14 ibit significantly different ferrocene-based electrode potentials.
15 n the substrate electronic properties and at electrode potentials 0.5-1.2 V lower than that of direct
16 c relationship between activation energy and electrode potential, a rather simple expression for prot
17 or the high selectivity as a function of the electrode potential: aldehyde and ketone at low potentia
18 ntal factors, including pressure and various electrode potentials along the ion path.
19 E(0)) for oxidation), where E is the applied electrode potential, alpha (~1/2) is the transfer coeffi
20  The features of ECL intensity responsive to electrode potential and solution pH under ambient condit
21                                          The electrode potential and the ellipsometric signal (corres
22                                   Reversible electrode potentials at 298 degrees K for the redox medi
23 ing bipolar electrochemistry with the actual electrode potentials being self-regulated by the redox p
24 ectrode, redox buffers were able to maintain electrode potentials below the onset of water electrolys
25 e of complementary DNA target influences the electrode potential, besides the current, owing to chang
26 es PFE allow control of redox states via the electrode potential but also the immobilized state of th
27 yield for H2 production as a function of the electrode potential, but the main finding is that CO2 re
28 e model evaluates the gating charges and the electrode potentials (c.f. measured voltage) upon charge
29 mulation also reveals that the diffusion and electrode potential cause the differences in signal cros
30 d independent electrooxidation behavior with electrode potential changes.
31                               The networked, electrode potential (current) spike generating electroch
32                  In the presence of DFP, the electrode potential decreases rapidly with time due to t
33  shown that under appropriate conditions the electrode potential determines the quasi-Fermi level thr
34 the potential sufficiently past the standard electrode potential, E degrees , of the pumping redox sp
35  furfural reduction by rationally tuning the electrode potential, electrolyte pH, and furfural concen
36 nce intensities as a function of the applied electrode potential enables construction of an effective
37 e temperature dependencies of the reversible electrode potentials for a number of charge transfer rea
38 d from < 75 nm to > 15 microm by varying the electrode potential from -600 mV to more than -1000 mV,
39 can be conveniently combined to maximize the electrode potential increase.
40 s via the combination of external stimuli of electrode potential, internal modulation of molecular st
41                                       As the electrode potential is swept to positive potentials thro
42  configuration and adjustment of the working electrode potential, it was found that reserpine oxidati
43 t it exhibits linear responses to changes in electrode potential, making the ROMIAC suitable for mobi
44 king electrode, the solvent systems, and the electrode potentials necessary to accumulate and strip t
45                            While a sustained electrode potential of -0.85 V fails to reduce the disul
46                          In this method, the electrode potential of a SC-ISE is reset by short-circui
47 e amperometric EC detection circuit provides electrode potentials of +/-2 VDC and gains of 1, 10, and
48 e initial and final phases, and the standard electrode potentials of the active electrodes.
49     Thermogalvanic effect, the dependence of electrode potential on temperature, can construct such c
50 s redox capacitive charging as a function of electrode potential one not only reproduces observations
51 ns were identified on-site by monitoring the electrode potential online.
52                           Modulations of the electrode potential or catalytic turnover result in the
53                                          For electrode potentials outside the redox-active region, th
54 EMPM are controlled by switching the working electrode potential, rather than via a switch in mobile-
55  rate on CpFe concentration, film thickness, electrode potential relative to the CpFe formal potentia
56 -terminated BDF can be tuned by changing the electrode potentials showing clearly an off/on/off singl
57                              Controlling the electrode potential such that the film mediates oxidatio
58 cal decomposition rate was controlled by the electrode potential, suggesting a rare example of a liqu
59 cope and a bipotentiostat for control of the electrode potential, the oxidation and reduction process
60  be accelerated either by tuning the working electrode potential to a more negative value or by lower
61                                Switching the electrode potential to temporarily favor either an anodi
62 is suggests the intriguing prospect of using electrode potential to tune surface interactions and to
63 ons required multiple HPLC runs at different electrode potentials to construct hydrodynamic current-p
64                             Depending on the electrode potential, two successive catalytic pathways h
65 2)H(4) conversion as function of the applied electrode potential using differentially pumped electroc
66 to TPB*+ radical cation as a function of the electrode potential was achieved via selective ion monit
67  the formation of TPB2+ as a function of the electrode potential was also monitored.
68 n, PdRox:NAD+ + 2e- --> PdRrd:NAD+, when the electrode potential was lowered.
69 presence of MnO2 also positively shifted the electrode potential window of sodium removal, reducing p
70 eactions are avoided by maintaining the gold electrode potential within the ideally polarizable regio

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