


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ates through the transmembrane domain may be electrogenic.
2 CFT cRNA, uptake of 2, like that of Pmx, was electrogenic.
3  iron and chloroquine transport via PfCRT is electrogenic.
4 i consuming, from which it is inferred to be electrogenic.
5 y the other quinone-containing mediators was electrogenic.
6 owed that the delayed HCO(3)(-) transport is electrogenic.
7 t Slc26a6-mediated Cl(-)-oxalate exchange is electrogenic.
8 of one H(+), rendering the transport process electrogenic.
9 on the transmembrane potential and, thus, is electrogenic.
10 ccurs before serotonin release and is highly electrogenic.
11 ectroneutral, specific partial reactions are electrogenic.
12 in native AE1 and is consistent with coupled electrogenic 2:1 Cl(-)/Cl(-) exchange.
13 d not affect the energetics, consistent with electrogenic 2H(+)/ethidium(+) antiport.
14 ed by the Na(+)/I(-) symporter (NIS) with an electrogenic 2Na(+):1I(-) stoichiometry.
15 n the propidium efflux reaction, pointing to electrogenic 3H(+)/propidium(2+) antiport.
16 this study does not support a major role for electrogenic acid-base transport, it has demonstrated th
17 observations do not support a major role for electrogenic acid-base transport.
18 channels stimulates Na+,K+-ATPase, which, by electrogenic action, restores membrane potential, genera
19        Consistent with our prediction of its electrogenic activities, ablation of Slc26a6 results in
20 mpacts neural and glial physiology by direct electrogenic activity and the modulation of ion gradient
21 f action potentials that was mediated by the electrogenic activity of Na(+)/K(+) ATPase.
22 -) in exchange for cytosolic ADP(3-) via the electrogenic adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) locat
23 mal and distal colon, while NBCe1B/C encodes electrogenic, amiloride-insensitive Na-HCO3 cotransport
24 rovide evidence that glucose reabsorption is electrogenic and can account for the small negative PD n
25                                       NCX is electrogenic and depends on Na+ and Ca2+ transmembrane g
26                 As a result, SA1 and SA2 are electrogenic and do not mediate flux reversal as readily
27 t the Na(+) and H(+) transport reactions are electrogenic and do not result from secondary antiport e
28 ostly nonspecific, capable of mediating both electrogenic and electroneutral (nonelectrogenic) transp
29                                         Both electrogenic and electroneutral NBC activities are satur
30 o either one or two protons, performing both electrogenic and electroneutral transport of a single su
31 brative nucleoside transporter family can be electrogenic and establishes that these three permeases,
32     Electron efflux through NADPH oxidase is electrogenic and is compensated by H(+) efflux through p
33   Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and H(+),K(+)-ATPase are electrogenic and nonelectrogenic ion pumps, respectively
34    Although the sodium pump is intrinsically electrogenic and responsive to dynamic changes in intrac
35                      Af-Amt1 and Af-Amt3 are electrogenic and transport the ammonium and methylammoni
36 by the cloned human DAT has been shown to be electrogenic and voltage-dependent, with greater uptake
37 efflux mediated by DAT is voltage-dependent, electrogenic, and dependent on intracellular Na(+) conce
38 ansporter in HeLa cells was thiol-sensitive, electrogenic, and described by a single Michaelis-Menten
39                 Although luminal SCFAs evoke electrogenic anion secretion and smooth muscle contracti
40  exchange in normal mice, to a predominantly electrogenic anion secretion including HCO3- that occurs
41 mals, but short-circuit current, an index of electrogenic anion secretion, was reduced.
42 tracellular pH increases beyond the optimum, electrogenic antiport activity ceases, and cytoplasm aci
43                     The transport process is electrogenic as evidenced from GABA-induced inward curre
44 lies generally to all Na(+)/H(+) exchangers, electrogenic as well as electroneutral, and elegantly ex
45 were mainly dependent on the activity of the electrogenic bacteria on the anode surfaces.
46 was used as the inoculum in CMFCs for anodic electrogenic bacteria that were fully acclimated within
47 ajor limiting factor in selecting for highly electrogenic bacterial communities, while the quality of
48 nomycin, a minor fraction of activity may be electrogenic, based upon a stimulation of rate that is p
49                               This enzyme is electrogenic because it translocates electrons across th
50 y equivalent rates of electrogenic chloride, electrogenic bicarbonate, and electroneutral bicarbonate
51 s confirmed the capacity of MdtM to catalyse electrogenic bile salt/H(+) antiport.
52 uch a V(M)-dependent inhibitor would display electrogenic binding kinetics.
53       This voltage dependence was blunted by electrogenic binding of intracellular K(+) and, notably,
54 ts, therefore, document an essential role of electrogenic binding of K(+) or of H(+) to the inward-fa
55                             We emphasize the electrogenic capabilities of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) bec
56 n vitro assay that allows us to quantify the electrogenic capacity of Amt proteins.
57  sickle cell disease (SCD) exhibit increased electrogenic cation permeability, particularly following
58                                              Electrogenic cation transport is known to reside in the
59 ss different nanoscale conductors in a model electrogenic cell (electrocyte) of an electric eel.
60 l diseases as well as fundamental studies of electrogenic cells and their networks.
61 hysiological recording of a large network of electrogenic cells has long been an outstanding challeng
62 maintenance of a partial muscle phenotype by electrogenic cells of S. macrurus.
63  for the recording of action potentials from electrogenic cells.
64 mbrane subdomains in which the clustering of electrogenic channels enables action potential initiatio
65 that can be used to describe a wide range of electrogenic charge transfers in channels and transporte
66 ssed in gastrointestinal tract and can cause electrogenic chloride anion secretion.
67 in short circuit current (Isc) indicative of electrogenic chloride ion transport.
68                  This leads to cAMP-mediated electrogenic chloride secretion in intestinal epithelia.
69 sm involving adenosine-mediated induction of electrogenic chloride secretion, with concomitant water
70 ulted from approximately equivalent rates of electrogenic chloride, electrogenic bicarbonate, and ele
71 normal prostatic epithelial cells possess an electrogenic citrate transporter which mediates the cotr
72 eal that hypercapnia reduces CFTR-dependent, electrogenic Cl(-) and fluid secretion, but not CFTR-dep
73  Intestinal crypt fluid secretion, driven by electrogenic Cl(-) secretion, hydrates and sterilizes th
74   Infective diarrhoea reflects activation of electrogenic Cl(-) secretion, inhibition of electroneutr
75 nd urine, Slc26a6 may largely function as an electrogenic Cl(-)-oxalate exchanger.
76 that function either as Cl(-) channels or as electrogenic Cl(-)/H(+) exchangers.
77                We show that Slc26a6 mediates electrogenic Cl(-)/HCO3(-) exchange activities in cardio
78 stic insights into Slc26a6, a unique cardiac electrogenic Cl(-)/HCO3(-) transporter in ventricular my
79      Slc26a3 and Slc26a6 function as coupled electrogenic Cl-/HCO(3)- exchangers or as bona fide anio
80 rge underlying the transient currents of the electrogenic ClC-5 transporter.
81                     Spike duration and other electrogenic conductance were unaffected.
82 e (alpha-MDG), which acts as a substrate for electrogenic (depolarizing) sodium-glucose cotransporter
83 a: see text] from the ischemic region due to electrogenic drift and diffusion within the intra and ex
84 ded by the Ca(V)3 genes are well established electrogenic drivers for burst discharge.
85 g plasmid-borne NhaA, the well-characterized electrogenic E. coli antiporter.
86 l resulted in Cd2+ efflux, demonstrating the electrogenic effect of ZitB transport.
87                                          The electrogenic efficacy of the scGIRK channels, however, i
88 iptomic analysis provides a set of potential electrogenic entities, of which the conductance repertoi
89  (PM) lattice dimensions, sheet size, or the electrogenic environment of the ground-state chromophore
90 the antiporter function for a 3Na(+):1Ca(2+) electrogenic exchange as well as the inhibitory effects
91  acts as an anion transporter, mediating the electrogenic exchange of sulfate or oxalate for chloride
92 by LmrP with an apparent K(t) of 8.6 mum via electrogenic exchange with three or more protons.
93 omplex (cyt bc(1)) plays a major role in the electrogenic extrusion of protons across the membrane re
94 arginine and agmatine in a strictly coupled, electrogenic fashion.
95 )(-) : 1Na(+); coupling coefficient N= 1) or electrogenic forms of the transporter (NBCe; equivalent
96                             NADPH oxidase is electrogenic, generating electron current (I(e)) that is
97          Ussing chamber experiments revealed electrogenic glucose transport across the endometrium in
98                                              Electrogenic glutamate binding can be isolated in the mu
99                                              Electrogenic glutamate binding has to be considered toge
100 l spines and express both AMPA receptors and electrogenic glutamate transporters.
101 itive up to +50 mV, suggesting activation of electrogenic glutamate uptake.
102 ms: the permeability transition pore and the electrogenic H(+) channel.
103 riteria for electrogenic Na(+) transport and electrogenic H(+) transport, respectively, in the presen
104 ral HCO(3)(-) secretion, whereas STa induced electrogenic HCO(3)(-) secretion that was similar to NL.
105 cytes indicates that dDAT-mediated uptake is electrogenic; however, dDAT seems to lack the constituti
106 ed in Xenopus laevis oocytes and found to be electrogenic in the presence of nucleoside ligands for w
107                                          The electrogenic interaction of the first Na(+) ion with NaP
108 ransient inward current, as expected for the electrogenic inward movement of co-transported Na(+) In
109 se data revealed important information about electrogenic ion binding reactions of the Na,K-ATPase th
110 ssful effort to isolate the energetics of an electrogenic ion pump in an engineered in vitro environm
111 pendent current, suggesting activation of an electrogenic ion pump such as the H+ pump.
112                The ion channels that mediate electrogenic ion transport are regulated by extracellula
113 denosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate-mediated electrogenic ion transport in infected colonic tissues,
114 al activity contributes to the regulation of electrogenic ion transport in the intestine through effe
115  the effects on colonic barrier function and electrogenic ion transport in Ussing chambers.
116 elective activation of glial activity evoked electrogenic ion transport primarily through neural path
117 al NH4 (+), Na(+), and H(+) contributions to electrogenic ion transport through SLC4A11 stably expres
118 tion in tissues from GFAP::hM3Dq mice evoked electrogenic ion transport to an extent equal to the dir
119  neural pathways and was sufficient to drive electrogenic ion transport to an extent equal to the dir
120  transepithelial conductance measurements or electrogenic ion transport.
121                                          The electrogenic machinery, mitochondria and myelin form a t
122 sumed mechanistic evidence that was based on electrogenic measurements is not unique.
123  these compounds facilitate transport via an electrogenic mechanism (determined using valinomycin and
124             ETH-129 transports Ca(2+) via an electrogenic mechanism, in contrast to A23187 and ionomy
125           SLC4A11 has been proposed to be an electrogenic membrane transporter, permeable to Na(+), H
126                                 The specific electrogenic metabolism of cable bacteria generates a la
127 oastal basin demonstrate that the long-range electrogenic metabolism of cable bacteria leads to a dis
128       This study explores potential of a non-electrogenic microbe for power production in a mediatorl
129 er acetate or natural rice root exudates, by electrogenic microbial populations.
130 eases caused by point mutations in the human electrogenic Na(+) bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1/SLC4
131  the proton flux criteria of light-dependent electrogenic Na(+) pumping activity in vitro, namely, li
132 ed K(+) secretion, because of both increased electrogenic Na(+) reabsorption and increased apical mem
133          These results meet the criteria for electrogenic Na(+) transport and electrogenic H(+) trans
134  reduced ferredoxin to NAD(+) was coupled to electrogenic Na(+) transport, indicating the generation
135 gs indicate that under resting conditions an electrogenic Na(+) transporter, possibly involving an am
136 mum, N. thermophilus utilizes at least eight electrogenic Na(+)(K(+))/H(+) antiporters for cytoplasm
137 m the double-null mice was maintained by the electrogenic Na(+),K(+)-ATPase.
138  ocular disease arises from mutations in the electrogenic Na(+)-bicarbonate cotransporter NBC1 of the
139                                              Electrogenic Na(+)-bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1 varia
140 rsts of prolonged Ca(2+) release, activating electrogenic Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger activity and trigger
141                                          The electrogenic Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger mediates a substanti
142 eviously reported a topological model of the electrogenic Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBC1) in whi
143        RT-PCR detected the expression of the electrogenic Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransporter NBC1 and the
144                                       In the electrogenic Na(+)-HCO3(-) cotransporter NBCe1-A, EL-3 i
145 tion in diabetes, and that a decrease in the electrogenic Na(+)-K(+) pump current (I(NaK)) results in
146 ytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na(+)-K(+) pump current beyond steady state
147                                          The electrogenic Na(+)/bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1) of
148 directly stimulates heterologously expressed electrogenic Na(+)/bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1-A in
149 um, which couple to the action potential via electrogenic Na(+)/Ca(2)(+) exchange.
150 ht responses and show that it is mediated by electrogenic Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange.
151                                           In electrogenic Na(+)/H(+) antiporters, it has been assumed
152     We propose that both, electroneutral and electrogenic Na(+)/H(+) antiporters, represent a careful
153 udies revealed that NhaA could still perform electrogenic Na(+)/H(+) exchange even in the absence of
154  translocation complex in electroneutral and electrogenic Na(+)/H(+) exchangers.
155                       With our cloning of an electrogenic Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBC), we fou
156                                    The renal electrogenic Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBCe1-A) con
157                                          The electrogenic Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBCe1-A) tra
158 uring seizure-like events and mediated by an electrogenic Na(+)/HCO3 (-) cotransporter.
159      The duodenal enteroid model showed that electrogenic Na(+)/HCO3(-) cotransporter 1 might be a ta
160 osis transmembrane conductance regulator and electrogenic Na(+)/HCO3(-) cotransporter 1.
161 rainstem astrocytes of mice deficient in the electrogenic Na(+)/HCO3(-) cotransporter NBCe1.
162 ed with seizure activity, are mediated by an electrogenic Na(+)/HCO3- cotransporter, and are more tig
163 zation resulting from Na(+) accumulation and electrogenic Na(+)/K(+) exchange.
164 y- and sodium spike-dependent enhancement of electrogenic Na(+)/K(+) pump function.
165 r role for a long-term change in the rate of electrogenic Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase pump function in interneu
166 as postulated to arise from operation of the electrogenic Na+ -HCO3- cotransporter NBCe1.
167 ns because of limited substrate delivery for electrogenic Na+ reabsorption to KCNQ1-expressing mid to
168 enopus oocytes heterologously expressing the electrogenic Na+-HCO3- cotransporter (NBC), AQP1 and car
169                                          The electrogenic Na+-HCO3- cotransporter (NBCe1) plays a cen
170 gative shift of Vm that is characteristic of electrogenic Na+-HCO3- cotransporters.
171 r release in which hyperpolarization from an electrogenic Na+-K+ exchanger activates HCNCs.
172 iac pacemaker cell function by activation of electrogenic Na/Ca exchanger (NCX) during diastole.
173                                          The electrogenic Na/Ca exchanger (NCX) mediates bidirectiona
174 nsmembrane domains, that are conserved among electrogenic Na/HCO(3) transporters but are substituted
175 ess is the basolateral exit of HCO3- via the electrogenic Na/HCO3 co-transporter, which is the subjec
176 on exchanger (AE2); approximately 50% to the electrogenic Na/HCO3 cotransporter (NBCe1) from salamand
177 C termini of the anion exchanger AE1 and the electrogenic Na/HCO3 cotransporter NBCe1-A, enhancing tr
178                          The consequences of electrogenic NADPH oxidase activity on both membrane pot
179 nformation of SERT in (i) cancelling out the electrogenic nature of intracellular Na(+) release and (
180               We have taken advantage of the electrogenic nature of NADPH oxidase to determine its pH
181 aracteristically distinct NBC isoforms [i.e. electrogenic (NBCe) and electroneutral (NBCn)] that exhi
182 criptase PCR (RT-PCR) analyses revealed that electrogenic NBCe1B or NBCe1C (NBCe1B/C) isoform is pred
183 eletal muscle clone, 55-57% identical to the electrogenic NBCs and 33-43% identical to the anion exch
184 the NCX protein might result from maintained electrogenic NCX (with 3:1 stoichiometry, supported by a
185 us, surviving SP and WM cells are functional electrogenic neurons integrated within the postnatal vis
186 o accounts for acidic down-regulation of the electrogenic NhaA Na(+)/H(+) exchanger from Escherichia
187 ivity are the relatively recent discovery of electrogenic or electroactive bacteria and the vision of
188 Whereas mouse slc26a6 mediates bidirectional electrogenic oxalate/Cl(-) exchange, human SLC26A6-media
189 sociated with a fast, previously undetected, electrogenic partial reaction in the SNAT1 transport cyc
190              Excessive loading leads to poor electrogenic performance; therefore, operation of an MFC
191 nalyses revealed that amiloride-insensitive, electrogenic, pH gradient-dependent NBC activity is pres
192 ves a stoichiometric movement of ions and is electrogenic, postsynaptic currents mediated by EAATs sh
193  line was independent of sodium, energy, and electrogenic potential.
194 TS transport assay was used to quantify this electrogenic process and assess the interference of natu
195 rations, DCCD increases the magnitude of the electrogenic process because of a decrease in the permea
196 GABA together with sodium and chloride in an electrogenic process enabling efficient GABAergic transm
197 tion in the healthy adult PFC arises via the electrogenic process of sodium/Ca(2+) exchange.
198 CO3- efflux across the apical membrane is an electrogenic process that is facilitated by the depletio
199 cating that Ca2+ removal does not involve an electrogenic process.
200 e processes, the oxidative pathway requiring electrogenic production of superoxide by the membrane-bo
201 had no noticeable effect on the steady-state electrogenic properties of mGAT3.
202  embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells and studied electrogenic properties of the encoded proteins with who
203 aluate whether loss of Kv1.1 channels alters electrogenic properties within the nerve, we compared th
204 ingly, LdNT1.1 and LdNT1.2 exhibit different electrogenic properties, despite their close sequence ho
205 es of ion channels that would alter neuronal electrogenic properties, has not been considered.
206 c inputs in cortex but also have specialized electrogenic properties.
207 l features of sinusoidal GSH uptake, such as electrogenic property and asymmetric effects of uncharge
208 sient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na(+) that accumulated in the di
209 ree energy of electron transfer reactions to electrogenic pumping of sodium across the cell membrane.
210 s and polyclonal antibodies derived from the electrogenic rat kidney Na/HCO(3) cotransporter (rkNBC).
211 ng in a high field access channel is a major electrogenic reaction of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase.
212 -1) We attribute the recorded currents to an electrogenic reaction that includes Na(+) binding and po
213 in membrane potential alter the rate of such electrogenic reactions and so shift the distribution of
214 ctrochromic shift of carotenoids, reflecting electrogenic reactions in the bc(1) complex, and of the
215 ead to any significant effects on either the electrogenic reactions of bc(1) complex, as revealed by
216 omic bandshift of carotenoids reflecting the electrogenic reactions of the bc(1) complex.
217 py, and their functional characteristics, by electrogenic responses to glutamate.
218 udy demonstrates for the first time that the electrogenic sarcolemma membrane cardiac NCX1 can act as
219 ays to determine coupling stoichiometries of electrogenic secondary active transporters reconstituted
220 teristics of structural rearrangements of an electrogenic secondary-active cotransporter during its t
221                                              Electrogenic signals mediated by intramembrane movement
222 t is mediated predominantly by CFTR or by an electrogenic SLC26 anion exchanger.
223 ting effect of EGFR activation on epithelial electrogenic sodium absorption that would be expected to
224   In addition, persons with mutations in the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate co-transporter NBCe1 and
225                                          The electrogenic sodium bicarbonate co-transporter NBCe1 has
226  deficient in both pNBC1- and kNBC1-mediated electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransport function wer
227 enal proximal tubule cell line, deficient in electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransport function, wa
228 f HCO3 (-) into and out of astrocytes by the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1) pl
229            In the renal proximal tubule, the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter kNBC1 (103
230 AII) binds in vitro to the C-terminus of the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter kNBC1 (kNB
231 (-) : Na(+) cotransport stoichiometry of the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter kNBC1 dete
232                                          The electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter kNBC1 medi
233 he three N-terminal transcripts of the human electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBC1 are e
234                                          The electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1 (SLC
235                           SLC4A4 encodes the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1, a m
236 , the gene that encodes the widely-expressed electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1, res
237                                          The electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1-A me
238 d disruption of the Slc4a5 gene encoding the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe2 resu
239                     In pancreatic ducts, the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter pNBC1 (107
240                                          The electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter pNBC1 is b
241 smembrane topography of the human pancreatic electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter pNBC1 was
242 e first direct evidence that a complex of an electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter with CAII
243  basis for understanding disorders involving electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporters and facil
244                                      Several electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporters have been
245     The human NBC1 (SLC4A4) gene encodes the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporters kNBC1 and
246 te) transporter proteins and functions as an electrogenic sodium borate cotransporter.
247 nsient hyperpolarization by accelerating the electrogenic sodium pump.
248 on barriers and chloride pores to facilitate electrogenic sodium reabsorption and potassium and acid
249                         Aldosterone promotes electrogenic sodium reabsorption through the amiloride-s
250              In sinoatrial node (SAN) cells, electrogenic sodium-calcium exchange (NCX) is the domina
251 to promote electrical activity either by the electrogenic sodium-glucose cotransporter SGLT1, or by c
252                                          The electrogenic sodium/calcium exchanger (NCX) mediates bid
253 glutamine causes the direct activation of an electrogenic, sodium-dependent presynaptic transporter,
254  lactating breast, and other tissues with an electrogenic stoichiometry of 2 Na(+) per I(-).
255                     However, isolation of an electrogenic strain proved difficult as transfer culture
256 ol is taken up via a specific proton-coupled electrogenic symport and that this transport is essentia
257              MNTB principal neurones express electrogenic system A glutamine transporters, and were e
258 enues for the study of ion pumps and similar electrogenic targets.
259  Cl(-)/oxalate exchange by mouse slc26a6 was electrogenic, that mediated by human SLC26A6 appeared el
260 tem cells localized within a non-contractile electrogenic tissue.
261 terial Na(+)/H(+) antiporter NapA from being electrogenic to electroneutral by the mutation of a sing
262 ane potential and thus the driving force for electrogenic transepithelial transport, e.g., Na+/glucos
263 unlike XylEEc, does not perform steady-state electrogenic transport at symmetrical pH conditions.
264 designed the first functional experiments on electrogenic transport in human ES and investigated the
265 ane embedded lysine residue is essential for electrogenic transport in Na(+)/H(+) antiporters.
266       This protein complex mediates a highly electrogenic transport in Xenopus oocytes.
267          However, contrary to current dogma, electrogenic transport is not rate-limiting for water tr
268 conserved proton-binding site arguing for an electrogenic transport mode.
269 T, cloned from retina, mediates H(+)-coupled electrogenic transport of folate and its derivatives.
270                               GAT-1 mediates electrogenic transport of GABA together with sodium and
271 ential participation of K(+) channels in the electrogenic transport of human ES epithelium.
272          The GABA transporter GAT-1 mediates electrogenic transport of its substrate together with so
273 nopus oocytes, slc5a8 mediates Na(+)-coupled electrogenic transport of lactate/pyruvate as well as sh
274 ide (mAP), a specific activator of PAR-2, on electrogenic transport of mouse distal colon using short
275          In Xenopus oocytes, AtCAT6 mediated electrogenic transport of proteinogenic as well as non-p
276 calizes to lysosomes and catalyzes a robust, electrogenic transport that is selective for CAAs and st
277                                              Electrogenic transport via the species PbMon(+) may also
278 The identified K(+) channels involved in the electrogenic transport were KCNN2, KCNJ14, KCNK2, and KC
279 ted the contribution of K(+) channels in the electrogenic transport, which has been rarely identified
280 ich proteins from the Amt family can sustain electrogenic transport.
281 to more negative potentials, consistent with electrogenic transport.
282 leak current and the current associated with electrogenic transport.
283 l HCO(3)(-) transport (one SLC26 transporter-electrogenic transport; two SLC26 transporters with oppo
284  used two-electrode voltage clamp to measure electrogenic transporter current in Xenopus oocytes expo
285 L, Ct or Nt + L + Ct) produced no measurable electrogenic transporter currents in the presence of CO2
286 thereby reducing the interference with other electrogenic transporter functions).
287                 Most notably, the SLC26s are electrogenic transporters with isoform-specific stoichio
288 methylglutamate [DMG]), acting downstream of electrogenic transporters, elicited similar alterations
289 d (TBOA), indicating that they resulted from electrogenic uptake of D-aspartate.
290 stance, consistent with the well-established electrogenic uptake of this amino acid.
291                        The human CLC-5 is an electrogenic voltage-dependent 2Cl(-)/1H(+) exchanger th
292 he presence of borate, NaBC1 functions as an electrogenic, voltage-regulated, Na(+)-coupled B(OH)(4)(
293  Muller cell glutamate transporter, which is electrogenic, was monitored by the perforated-patch conf
294                                         Also electrogenic were chimeras with an NBCe1-A background bu
295 ranslocation of Na(+) across the membrane is electrogenic, whereas transport of Ca(2+) is not.
296 NCE--supports the hypothesis that the NCE is electrogenic with a stoichiometry of 3:1.
297 t is concluded that the mitochondrial NCE is electrogenic with a stoichiometry of 3:1.
298 te that Arg/Agm exchange by AdiC is strongly electrogenic with positive charge moved outward, and thu
299 hrough ZIPB was found to be nonsaturable and electrogenic, yielding membrane potentials as predicted
300 porters (SMCT) from zebrafish (Danio rerio), electrogenic (zSMCTe) and electroneutral (zSMCTn).

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