


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in 43 (10.3%) and were associated with other electrographic abnormalities previously reported to indi
2 d LDH measurements were well correlated with electrographic activity and neuron counts, respectively.
3 lation requires systems that detect abnormal electrographic activity and provide stimulation (closed
4 ot coupled to the production of pathological electrographic activity nor were they due to cell death.
5                                 The specific electrographic activity responsible for seizure-induced
6         Mutants exhibit spontaneous abnormal electrographic activity, hyperactivity and convulsive be
7 s in the appearance of cortical epileptiform electrographic activity, increases of seizure duration a
8 BA(A) receptors is sufficient to elicit both electrographic and behavioral correlates of seizures in
9 after seizure onset strongly suppresses both electrographic and behavioral seizures induced by kainic
10   Flupirtine was also effective in arresting electrographic and behavioral seizures when administered
11 tish phenotype exhibit spontaneous recurrent electrographic and behavioral seizures.
12 time was sufficient to immediately interrupt electrographic and behavioral seizures.
13 ular (AV) node reentry tachycardia: combined electrographic and radiographic features.
14 er observed in sham-injured animals and have electrographic appearance similar to the onset of obviou
15 ese findings reveal gene-linked quantitative electrographic biomarkers free from epileptiform activit
16 ese findings reveal gene-linked quantitative electrographic biomarkers in the absence of epileptiform
17 thdrawal cycles reduced behavioral (HIC) and electrographic (BSE) signs of seizure activity in a dose
18 e response that did not have a corresponding electrographic change on electroencephalogram consistent
19                          However, the abrupt electrographic changes and large brief cardio-respirator
20 lar system ranging from transient and benign electrographic changes to myocardial injury, cardiomyopa
21               In all 21 patients with stored electrographic data and appropriate interventions, the i
22                  We present the clinical and electrographic data of 17 patients with reading-induced
23 tients and outpatients suggest that abnormal electrographic discharges can be detected before there i
24 ies, including staring-freezing episodes and electrographic (EEG) seizures.
25 d with seizure duration (P = 0.001) and with electrographic evidence of seizure spread to the contral
26 xplored the biomarker potential of different electrographic features in five models of PIE.
27 gut dysmotility and a movement disorder) and electrographic features including hypsarrhythmia (associ
28  are extended periods without behavioural or electrographic ictal events.
29 Similarly, action potentials recorded during electrographic interictal activity in the 'high [K+]o' m
30  In control rats, bFGF strongly enhanced the electrographic NMDA responses.
31             Seizures during cEEG were purely electrographic (no detectable clinical correlate) in the
32                                              Electrographic-only seizures were present in 9 of 32 sub
33 , were defined based on the evolution of the electrographic pattern and clinical semiology.
34 ork mechanisms underlying these two distinct electrographic patterns might be helpful in designing di
35 he brain can trigger seizures with different electrographic patterns.
36           To determine whether nonconvulsive electrographic post-traumatic seizures result in increas
37                Adult cats were implanted for electrographic recording and with bipolar unilateral sti
38 th LAS were defined by a complete absence of electrographic recording by a circular mapping catheter
39 network connectivity matrix from non-seizure electrographic recordings of patients and use these conn
40 ts and addresses both clinical remission and electrographic resolution of hypsarrhythmia.
41                            Concurrently, the electrographic responses to NMDA and clonidine were pote
42  stimulation of the trigeminal nerve reduced electrographic seizure activity by up to 78%, and bilate
43 , Lis1+/- hippocampi are prone to interictal electrographic seizure activity in an elevated [K(+)](o)
44 he induction of epileptogenesis by prolonged electrographic seizure activity induced through low-Mg2+
45 al uncoupling of neonatal seizures refers to electrographic seizure activity that is not clinically m
46 nobarbital was most effective in suppressing electrographic seizure activity, but MK-801 had a slight
47 erm memory loss, insomnia, and temporal lobe electrographic seizure activity.
48 monitoring revealed repetitive temporal lobe electrographic seizure activity.
49 scribe how to use transcranial US to disrupt electrographic seizure activity.
50 ostfertilization confirmed the occurrence of electrographic seizure activity; seizure-like behaviors
51 mice, CYM2503 increased the latency to first electrographic seizure and decreased the total time in s
52 peritoneally, increased the latency to first electrographic seizure and the latency to first stage 3
53 primary efficacy endpoint was a reduction in electrographic seizure burden of more than 80% without t
54 amic measurement of [Ca2+]i during prolonged electrographic seizure discharges in an in vitro SE mode
55 nd induces myoclonic behavioral seizures and electrographic seizure discharges in the BLA and hippoca
56                   First, we demonstrate that electrographic seizure events, induced by pentylenetetra
57   'Preictal' (30 s immediately preceding the electrographic seizure onset) and ictal phases, 'ictal-o
58 atients, starting between 98 and 14 s before electrographic seizure onset, and the maps had a degree
59  cell death and its relationship to specific electrographic seizure patterns in a rat model of focall
60 id onset and end of deficits associated with electrographic seizure start and end.
61 s, and did not differ until the onset of the electrographic seizure.
62 indings in 12 of 14 patients (86%) including electrographic seizures (n = 10) and acute changes relat
63 ions (OR, 3.24; 95% CI, 1.31-8.00; P = .01), electrographic seizures (OR, 2.85; 95% CI, 1.13-7.19; P
64  patients with neurological injury to detect electrographic seizures and clinically important changes
65                We aimed to determine whether electrographic seizures and electrographic status epilep
66                                              Electrographic seizures and electrographic status epilep
67            Dlx1 mutant mice show generalized electrographic seizures and histological evidence of sei
68 ausing mutation into mouse brain resulted in electrographic seizures and impaired hemispheric archite
69 e associated with a high prevalence (75%) of electrographic seizures and might serve as an early pred
70 pear normal histologically, show spontaneous electrographic seizures and reduced power of gamma oscil
71 ation of the epileptogenic region terminates electrographic seizures and reduces the frequency of cli
72  grafting markedly reduced the occurrence of electrographic seizures and restored behavioral deficits
73                                              Electrographic seizures are seizures that are evident on
74 eely moving rats induced both behavioral and electrographic seizures as well as cytotoxicity.
75 e in vivo characterization and rescue of the electrographic seizures associated with TSC.
76           The mice also display clinical and electrographic seizures both spontaneously and with phys
77                             In patients with electrographic seizures detected by ICE, scalp EEG demon
78 ept 28, 2013, we screened 30 infants who had electrographic seizures due to hypoxic ischaemic encepha
79  in unanesthetized mice, low-stage, clinical electrographic seizures had minimal effect on dendritic
80                                         Most electrographic seizures have no associated clinical chan
81 42%) had seizures, which were categorized as electrographic seizures in 41 (20.5%) and electrographic
82 eo-EEG confirmed the presence of spontaneous electrographic seizures in Lis1 mutant mice.
83 n hippocampal slices in vitro and attenuated electrographic seizures in neonatal rats in vivo.
84 , as well as high rates of identification of electrographic seizures in patients with unexplained acu
85 Continuous electroencephalography may detect electrographic seizures in some subjects.
86 e revealed abnormal epileptic discharges and electrographic seizures in three of six homozygotes.
87 ons, as well as resistance to behavioral and electrographic seizures in vivo.
88 )](o), 4-aminopyridine, and bicuculline, and electrographic seizures induced by high [K(+)](o) in CA3
89     Studies have shown that a high burden of electrographic seizures is associated with worsened clin
90 ognition and rapid treatment of clinical and electrographic seizures is important during acute illnes
91 E characterized by continuous behavioral and electrographic seizures lasting for hours.
92 who had hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy and electrographic seizures not responding to a loading-dose
93                                The effect of electrographic seizures on outcome is the focus of activ
94 re used to evaluate the associations between electrographic seizures or electrographic status epilept
95 were observed in anesthetized animals during electrographic seizures over a 3-hour period.
96  frequency of the spontaneous behavioral and electrographic seizures progressively increased over tim
97 ine whether identification and management of electrographic seizures reduces secondary brain injury a
98 e was decreased, and the average duration of electrographic seizures was longer in Kchip2(-/-) mice c
99 idence interval 3.7, 80; p < 0.001), whereas electrographic seizures were not associated with an incr
100         Spontaneous, synchronized spikes and electrographic seizures with behavioral accompaniments w
101         Mutant animals developed spontaneous electrographic seizures, as well as long-term deficits i
102  patterns can be identified that, similar to electrographic seizures, cause brain tissue hypoxia, a m
103   Electrographic status epilepticus, but not electrographic seizures, is associated with mortality an
104 halographs were scored as 1) no seizures, 2) electrographic seizures, or 3) electrographic status epi
105 ure episode when there were no behavioral or electrographic seizures, we found enhanced spontaneous a
106 ation, as well as spontaneous behavioral and electrographic seizures.
107 etworks have a marked propensity to generate electrographic seizures.
108 n dentate granule cells, which in turn cause electrographic seizures.
109 ole) that inhibits convulsive behaviours and electrographic seizures.
110 es, single-trial visual evoked responses and electrographic seizures.
111 in the duration and frequency of spontaneous electrographic seizures.
112 very of visual function, including increased electrographic signaling and endogenous 11-cis-retinal p
113 ical evaluation of epileptogenicity based on electrographic signatures in intracerebral electroenceph
114 e different patient-specific aetiologies and electrographic signatures, our model suggests that dynam
115 s commonly associated with seizures and with electrographic spike-waves.
116 ociations between electrographic seizures or electrographic status epilepticus and mortality or short
117 etermine whether electrographic seizures and electrographic status epilepticus are associated with hi
118                  Electrographic seizures and electrographic status epilepticus are common in critical
119 as electrographic seizures in 41 (20.5%) and electrographic status epilepticus in 43 (21.5%).
120                   In multivariable analysis, electrographic status epilepticus was associated with an
121                                              Electrographic status epilepticus, but not electrographi
122  seizures, 2) electrographic seizures, or 3) electrographic status epilepticus.
123                 Early treatment, rather than electrographic suppression of SE, correlated with preven
124                           The currently used electrographic terminology, including J-point elevation,
125 y Hospital) database containing clinical and electrographic variables on 5427 continuous EEG sessions
126            Similarities to patients included electrographic waveform patterns at seizure onset, varia
127 ure rate and relative severity (clinical and electrographic) were performed, and differences were ass

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