


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 yndrome characterized by severe polyuria and electrolyte imbalance.
2 tensive skin and chest infections as well as electrolyte imbalance.
3 g toxicities were dehydration, diarrhea, and electrolyte imbalances.
4 ronic kidney disease (1.1%-16.4%), fluid and electrolyte imbalance (18.9%-35.3%), pneumonia (4.4%-6.3
5      Preterm newborn infants may suffer from electrolyte imbalance and poor growth as a result of tub
6 meability barrier can result in dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and poor thermoregulation.
7                                Correction of electrolyte imbalance and prevention of bradycardia whil
8 ring perspiration is an excellent marker for electrolyte imbalance and provides valuable information
9 gents, bronchodilators, and drugs that cause electrolyte imbalances and bradyarrhythmias.
10 gen, indicative of kidney damage, as well as electrolyte imbalances and weight loss in the animals.
11  combination included fever, nausea, emesis, electrolyte imbalance, and fluid retention that were not
12 linical pathology parameters of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and metabolic acidosis (P < 0.05)
13 r heat-related illness, acute renal failure, electrolyte imbalance, and nephritis in California, heat
14                                              Electrolyte imbalances are common in critically ill pati
15   Foxa1(-/-) mice are dehydrated and exhibit electrolyte imbalance as evidenced by elevated hematocri
16 seases consists of correcting fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance by oral or parenteral rehydration.
17                           No hypoglycemia or electrolyte imbalance could be shown in rats receiving t
18                      Our data reveal several electrolyte imbalances different and unique to postopera
19 sea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, electrolyte imbalance, hyperglycemia, dermatitis, and he
20 al deafness, ataxia, mental retardation, and electrolyte imbalance (hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis,
21 , gastrointestinal bleeding in 1, and severe electrolyte imbalance in 1, all of which were associated
22 a may help to explain the pathophysiology of electrolyte imbalances in excitable tissues.
23 yed diagnosis and can lead to emaciation and electrolyte imbalance, making the patient a suboptimal s
24 provoke such seizures include organ failure, electrolyte imbalance, medication and medication withdra
25                       A history of fluid and electrolyte imbalance (odds ratio [OR] = 1.43; 95% confi
26 k (OR, 5.4; 95% CI, 2.7-10.9), and fluid and electrolyte imbalance (OR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.5-2.4) were as
27 rosis and Liddle syndrome, result from water-electrolyte imbalance partly due to malfunction of ENaC
28 tions during infancy include temperature and electrolyte imbalance, recurrent infections, and failure
29 egies did not differ significantly regarding electrolyte imbalance, renal failure, or shock.
30                                              Electrolyte imbalances, such as reduced serum K+ levels
31 emia (low serum potassium level) is a common electrolyte imbalance that can cause a defect in urinary
32 ial, patients with a correctable cause of an electrolyte imbalance were excluded from study participa
33 sk factors and the impact of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance will improve health outcomes.

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