


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                  This study examined whether electrolytic ablation of the periventricular anteroventr
2                                         Both electrolytic and IA MPOA lesions significantly increased
3           This study examined the effects of electrolytic and ibotenic acid (IA) lesions of the media
4                                              Electrolytic and ibotenic acid lesions of the PMd have b
5    The present study compared the effects of electrolytic and neurotoxic lesions of MHDC nuclei in ra
6 asuring fear-related freezing behavior after electrolytic and neurotoxic lesions of the LA or LA/BA n
7 drodynamic spectroscopic characterization of electrolytic and rf-sputtered solid Cu coatings that we
8                    The local structure in an electrolytic background is deformed by micro- and nanosc
9 nction is communicated with its own external electrolytic buffer which is used both to supply electri
10                                     Aluminum electrolytic capacitors (AECs) are widely used for alter
11 ntial to complement or replace batteries and electrolytic capacitors in a variety of applications.
12              We present here a new microbial electrolytic carbon capture (MECC) approach to potential
13 production of high-pressure gases inside the electrolytic cell (a major cause of membrane degradation
14 lid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and solid oxide electrolytic cells (SOECs).
15 hough highly acidic conditions are common in electrolytic cells, this is a rare example of a homogene
16               Rats received either bilateral electrolytic cerebellar dentate nuclei lesions or sham s
17 C (nominally 99 at. % (13)C) was measured by electrolytic CO(2) generation to be 98.9 at. % (13)C.
18 ectrodeposition can be achieved following an electrolytic conditioning process.
19 e chiral selector under optimized background electrolytic conditions.
20 ch of the haloacids which contributes to the electrolytic conductance.
21                              It appears that electrolytic conduction of the solution wetting of the n
22 lutions are generally assumed to be superior electrolytic conductors because of the unique dielectric
23                       In untreated controls, electrolytic coronary injury (50 microA, 3 hours) result
24              In nanopore sequencing devices, electrolytic current signals are sensitive to base modif
25      DNA occluding the pore mouth blocks the electrolytic current through the pore; these current blo
26 clearly decreases the acidity, increases the electrolytic current, and decreases the stability of the
27 eries are swallowed, they limit the external electrolytic currents responsible for tissue injury.
28                                 In contrast, electrolytic damage to the PPC had no effect on conditio
29                             In Experiment 1, electrolytic damage to the RSP either before or immediat
30 lysis of kinetic mechanism and growth during electrolytic deposition processes.
31 iration lesions were combined with bilateral electrolytic destruction of the medial NTS and the DMV,
32 fumes from fumigation chambers onto GAC, and electrolytic destruction of the sorbed CH3Br could mitig
33 We found that the permissive effect of large electrolytic DMH lesions on cold-induced hypothermia was
34  system equipped with isocratic pumps and an electrolytic eluent generator (EG) is introduced, replac
35 e were examined at 6 months after unilateral electrolytic entorhinal cortex lesions.
36 al to the sensitivity of charge detection in electrolytic environments, such as in field-effect trans
37  electrospray system as a controlled-current electrolytic flow cell.
38 ically charged macromolecules hydrated in an electrolytic fluid.
39 r the development of practical catalysts for electrolytic fuel synthesis.
40  liquid-metal Galinstan interconnects and an electrolytic gate dielectric comprised of honey.
41 for 13-carbon isotope analysis is based upon electrolytic generation of carbon dioxide into the preev
42 ace plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor utilizing electrolytic grafting of diazonium salts to individually
43          Energy savings through accompanying electrolytic H2 and O2 production were accounted for.
44                                   Unilateral electrolytic hippocampal lesions in adult rats typically
45  that the deficits observed previously after electrolytic hippocampal lesions were the result of dama
46 ced a deficit similar to that observed after electrolytic hippocampal lesions.
47 lower overpotential and higher efficiency in electrolytic hydrogen production.
48 gus, by determining the effects of bilateral electrolytic IGL lesions (IGL(X)) on: (i) photic entrain
49  side effects in a nonhuman primate model of electrolytic-induced arterial thrombosis.
50 fects of the treatments were evaluated after electrolytic injury (250 microA for 180 minutes) in the
51 n similar to Par4(-/-) mice following venous electrolytic injury but were more susceptible than Par4(
52 in both the rabbit veno-venous shunt and dog electrolytic injury models.
53              Thrombogenesis was initiated by electrolytic injury of the intimal surface of the left c
54                                              Electrolytic injury of the left circumflex coronary arte
55 dog model of left circumflex coronary artery electrolytic injury was used to assess the oral antithro
56 y thrombosis was induced in dogs by vascular electrolytic injury.
57 d explore fundamental and applied aspects of electrolytic interfaces incorporating nanoscale building
58 ate maize meal, would be more effective than electrolytic iron in addressing both iron and zinc defic
59 cronutrient fortification-mix, with no iron, electrolytic iron or NaFeEDTA on the availabilities of i
60                              While replacing electrolytic iron with NaFeEDTA in multi-micronutrient f
61                                    Replacing electrolytic iron with NaFeEDTA significantly (p 0.05) i
62                                              Electrolytic LA lesions attenuated post-shock freezing,
63 this question, we ablated the SCN of mice by electrolytic lesion and examined hippocampus-dependent m
64 rats were subjected to either sham (SHAM) or electrolytic lesion of both the dorsal and ventral part
65    This study investigated the effects of an electrolytic lesion of the commissural subnucleus of the
66                We have shown previously that electrolytic lesion of the MnPO attenuated the increased
67                                              Electrolytic lesion of the SCN 2 d after training for co
68          This study examined whether a prior electrolytic lesion of the tissue surrounding the antero
69 essed the possibility that the effect of the electrolytic lesion resulted from damage to fibers origi
70 nd thus may be functionally equivalent to an electrolytic lesion, but without allowing time for neura
71 dologies, such as electrical stimulation and electrolytic lesion.
72 nistration of an NMDA receptor antagonist or electrolytic lesioning of the pontine Kolliker-Fuse nucl
73 n (PPI) of the acoustic startle reflex after electrolytic lesions aimed at the central NAcc, the NAcc
74 tudies we tested the effects of bilateral of electrolytic lesions and reversible inactivation of the
75  of the rostral hypothalamus sustained large electrolytic lesions at either the rostral or the caudal
76 ing the anatomical and functional effects of electrolytic lesions at the level of the lateral hypotha
77                                              Electrolytic lesions before or after training were place
78                        Pretraining bilateral electrolytic lesions blocked the acquisition of conditio
79  lesions of the Ce reduced flank marking and electrolytic lesions completely inhibited flank marking
80                                     However, electrolytic lesions damage both cell bodies and fibers
81                                    Moreover, electrolytic lesions demarcating physiological tuning pr
82 a by HPLC three weeks following placement of electrolytic lesions in DRN.
83                              Using selective electrolytic lesions in rats, here we examined the role
84 9b and 29c/d, and was severely attenuated by electrolytic lesions in the dorsal hippocampus.
85           Three weeks following placement of electrolytic lesions in the DRN, the concentrations of 5
86           We discovered, however, that small electrolytic lesions in the midbrain severely impair a c
87  also inhibited in animals that had received electrolytic lesions in the rostral ventromedial medulla
88                                     In rats, electrolytic lesions in these regions may give rise to t
89                                        Large electrolytic lesions including the rostral ventral nucle
90 ellar cortex that was confirmed using small, electrolytic lesions of cerebellar cortex.
91 lar response and to CTA learning in general, electrolytic lesions of insular (gustatory) cortex (IC)
92                                              Electrolytic lesions of insular cortex blocked behaviora
93 ts were given either unilateral or bilateral electrolytic lesions of insular cortex or 'sham' operati
94                                    Bilateral electrolytic lesions of MCVA significantly reduced, by o
95                                    Bilateral electrolytic lesions of NaCN sensitive sites of RVL, whi
96                                    Bilateral electrolytic lesions of RVLM did not affect responses fr
97                           Animals were given electrolytic lesions of the ACC and then trained in the
98                                 In contrast, electrolytic lesions of the AHN and VMH reduced freezing
99                                              Electrolytic lesions of the amygdala effectively blocked
100 ts were given either unilateral or bilateral electrolytic lesions of the amygdala or "sham' operation
101 lar response and to CTA learning in general, electrolytic lesions of the amygdala were combined with
102 in conscious rats which had received sham or electrolytic lesions of the anteroventral third ventricl
103 th bilateral, electrophysiologically guided, electrolytic lesions of the area was examined in Experim
104  to female rats demonstrating that bilateral electrolytic lesions of the BNST increased immobility an
105 ntrast to ibotenic lesions of the CeA, small electrolytic lesions of the CeA strongly affected both p
106             PPI was significantly reduced by electrolytic lesions of the central NAcc, as well as by
107 ulation) in experimental rats [that received electrolytic lesions of the central nucleus of the amygd
108 M. Kim and M. Davis previously reported that electrolytic lesions of the central nucleus of the amygd
109                              After bilateral electrolytic lesions of the cPAGl,vl during gestation or
110 ive experiments that examined the effects of electrolytic lesions of the dlPAG and the vPAG in learne
111                We have shown previously that electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus (DH) prod
112                     In each study, rats with electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus and sham-
113 startle almost completely, whereas the large electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus did not b
114  able to replicate our original finding that electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus render ra
115             Previous studies have shown that electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus render th
116            In the past, we showed that large electrolytic lesions of the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DM
117 nts for generating HD cell activity, we made electrolytic lesions of the DTN or LMN in rats and scree
118     Experiment I investigated the effects of electrolytic lesions of the entorhinal cortex on LI in a
119                                              Electrolytic lesions of the fasciculus retroflexus block
120 ions of the parahippocampal region (PARA) or electrolytic lesions of the fimbria-fornix (FNX) and wer
121                                    Bilateral electrolytic lesions of the globus pallidus (GP), superi
122         The learning capacities of rats with electrolytic lesions of the gustatory thalamus (GT) were
123 taste preferences and aversions of rats with electrolytic lesions of the gustatory thalamus (GT).
124 ive contrast, was eliminated after bilateral electrolytic lesions of the gustatory thalamus.
125   Mice received control lesions or bilateral electrolytic lesions of the habenula and were tested for
126                                    Bilateral electrolytic lesions of the lateral and ventrolateral ca
127 Importantly, this bias was abolished by both electrolytic lesions of the LHb and selective ablation o
128 den hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) received electrolytic lesions of the Me or sham surgery and were
129                                              Electrolytic lesions of the medial septal area were perf
130                                              Electrolytic lesions of the medial septal region leads t
131       S. Berry and R. Thompson reported that electrolytic lesions of the medial septum significantly
132 n testing this hypothesis, it was found that electrolytic lesions of the medial septum, but not the l
133 anol consumption paradigm by confirming that electrolytic lesions of the NAc core decreased ethanol c
134                                              Electrolytic lesions of the NAc core increased locomotio
135 anterior thalamus after either neurotoxic or electrolytic lesions of the NPH.
136                                    Bilateral electrolytic lesions of the nucleus of the solitary trac
137  Adult female rats received either bilateral electrolytic lesions of the PDA or sham lesions.
138                                              Electrolytic lesions of the PMd did not reduce TMT-induc
139 amine this possibility, effects of bilateral electrolytic lesions of the POM on singing and other beh
140                             In Experiment 1, electrolytic lesions of the POR or PER produced impairme
141 n AL and FR groups received either bilateral electrolytic lesions of the PVN (PVNx) or sham lesions (
142    Our laboratory recently demonstrated that electrolytic lesions of the retrosplenial cortex (RSP),
143 t this hypothesis, we produced neurotoxic or electrolytic lesions of the RSP and recorded HD cells in
144                                              Electrolytic lesions of the RT or MLF but not the LC/PVG
145                                              Electrolytic lesions of the SCN abolished circadian loco
146                                  Pretraining electrolytic lesions of the VH reproduced the effects of
147                                        Small electrolytic lesions of the VLL of ventrolateral tegment
148                                     Subtotal electrolytic lesions of this division of the Psol caused
149 e, separate animals were prepared with small electrolytic lesions placed in the RVM.
150                                              Electrolytic lesions placed in the ventromedial hypothal
151 nt expression of AVP in the BNST and MeA and electrolytic lesions to eliminate the SCN, effectively e
152 e use the CPP procedure along with selective electrolytic lesions to examine the neural areas underly
153                  We have used aspiration and electrolytic lesions to investigate the contributions of
154                                              Electrolytic lesions to the amygdala, a limbic structure
155 roup than in the sham group, suggesting that electrolytic lesions to the medial septum can enhance LI
156            Experiment 1 explored the role of electrolytic lesions to the MT in the formalin test.
157        It was hypothesized that animals with electrolytic lesions to the MT would have attenuated paw
158                                 Animals with electrolytic lesions to their cerebellum (targeting the
159 , suggesting that the blockade seen with the electrolytic lesions was caused by damage to fibers of p
160                                              Electrolytic lesions were made bilaterally in RN inhibit
161                                              Electrolytic lesions were made in the medial prefrontal
162                               However, these electrolytic lesions were nonselective and may have also
163                                              Electrolytic lesions were produced in the medial or medi
164                       As expected, bilateral electrolytic lesions within the AV3V region (the ventral
165                                              Electrolytic lesions, which destroyed 31+/-0.04% of the
166 interpositus nucleus (muscimol) or permanent electrolytic lesions.
167 inactivation confirmed previous results with electrolytic lesions.
168  impairments were produced by neurotoxic and electrolytic lesions.
169 stigated using c-fos immunocytochemistry and electrolytic lesions.
170 were divided into three groups: a unilateral electrolytic LH lesion group (n = 6), a sham lesion grou
171  a ferritic steel with deuterium by means of electrolytic loading to achieve a high hydrogen concentr
172              Five systems were investigated: electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD), the model compound
173 ed as a conductive skeleton to anchor highly electrolytic manganese nanoparticles (Mn NPs), which wer
174 es greater than that of previous reports for electrolytic manganese oxide.
175                                              Electrolytic medial septal (MS) lesions, which depleted
176  and thus aggregated upon exposure to a high electrolytic medium.
177 rement (ECM) conducted on the solid ice, and electrolytic meltwater conductivity, EMWC.
178                                              Electrolytic microlesions aimed at the dorsomedial porti
179 pendence of these pathways in mice by making electrolytic microlesions of the two inferior olivary nu
180 metric sensitivity to humidity comparable to electrolytic MnO2 and 17 times lower than the monolithic
181                    Therefore, the effects of electrolytic MS lesions derive from the resulting combin
182           Experiment 3 tested the effects of electrolytic MT lesions on escape/avoidance behavior in
183           Experiment 2 tested the effects of electrolytic MT lesions on mechanical paw withdrawal thr
184 3(B)Fe(+) at -45 degrees C demonstrates that electrolytic N2 reduction to NH3 is feasible.
185 in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) but neither electrolytic nor pharmacological lesions of this or any
186                                   Unilateral electrolytic or cytochemical lesions placed in the thala
187 d a rodent model of CPS by making unilateral electrolytic or demyelinating lesions centered on the sp
188           To test this hypothesis, bilateral electrolytic or excitotoxic ibotenic acid MG nuclear les
189                                   After both electrolytic or neurotoxic lesions of the AD, no cells w
190         To test this hypothesis, we produced electrolytic or neurotoxic lesions of the IPN and record
191                                    Rats with electrolytic or neurotoxic lesions of the POR or PER wer
192 he first three experiments, rats with either electrolytic or NMDA lesions of the dorsal hippocampus a
193 nderwent sham surgery (SH), bilateral BX, or electrolytic or radiofrequency lesions of the: medial nu
194  and at 14-15 days of age received bilateral electrolytic or sham lesions aimed at the MPOA.
195                             Rabbits received electrolytic or sham lesions of the ventral subiculum fo
196                                          The electrolytic phase transformation actuator offers a new
197 d as an electrolyte for microbially assisted electrolytic production of H2 and OH(-) at the cathode a
198                                              Electrolytic reactions between plasma electrons and aque
199 ide evidence that, during the ES ionization, electrolytic reactions occur mainly in the ES tip region
200                           Using flow-through electrolytic reactors equipped with Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5 mesh e
201 ne, up to 4.6 times higher than noncatalyzed electrolytic reactors.
202 lfide bonds of insulin were fully cleaved by electrolytic reduction and both the A and B chains of th
203           In this approach, proteins undergo electrolytic reduction in an electrochemical cell to bre
204 24 vs 75 backbone cleavages before and after electrolytic reduction, respectively) and lysozyme (5 vs
205 (5 vs 66 backbone cleavages before and after electrolytic reduction, respectively).
206 ubject to pronounced intensity decrease upon electrolytic reduction, suggesting a new way to identify
207 opropanation reaction when subjected to bulk electrolytic reductions.
208 this contribution, a wireless method for the electrolytic sampling of heavy metals at special bismuth
209   The oscillatory behavior is governed by an electrolytic self-diffusiophoretic mechanism which invol
210 ven) translocation of the DNA molecule in an electrolytic solution across the membrane through the na
211 hich introduce additional body forces in the electrolytic solution and create new modes of mass trans
212                      This device utilizes an electrolytic solution containing the analyte specimen as
213 nize from a distance its homologous match in electrolytic solution without unzipping.
214 e applied at the interface of two immiscible electrolytic solutions (ITIES) in an electrochemical cel
215                                              Electrolytic spray deposition was used to pattern surfac
216 olytically generated hydroxide eluent and an electrolytic suppressor, the eluent is passed into a mem
217       In this study, an innovative microbial electrolytic system was developed to capture, separate a
218 alized wastewater treatment, applications of electrolytic systems for treatment of domestic wastewate
219 ed canine hearts suspended in a torso-shaped electrolytic tank, we simultaneously recorded electrogra
220 ne the electron density from the extremes of electrolytic through to true metallic behavior.
221                                 As a result, electrolytic treatment followed by fast-scan voltammetry
222      Our findings demonstrate that combining electrolytic treatment with aerobic biodegradation may b
223 by a combination of mechanical polishing and electrolytic treatment, where the latter involved modera
224                 The effects of neurotoxic or electrolytic ventral subicular (vSUB) lesions on the acq
225            We have reexamined the effects of electrolytic vmPFC lesions made before training on the a
226 uction levels (6 mM vs 18 mM for BDD) during electrolytic wastewater treatment.
227                                              Electrolytic water oxidation using earth-abundant elemen
228  here is the first copper-based catalyst for electrolytic water oxidation.
229 w transition metals to mediate heterogeneous electrolytic water splitting in acidic media by exploiti
230 energy in the form of hydrogen (H2) fuel via electrolytic water splitting requires the development of

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