


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tens of kilovolts) still effectively altered electroosmosis.
2 to the level comparable to injection through electroosmosis.
3                                           AC electroosmosis (ACEO) flow and label-free electrochemica
4  yield a pressure-gradient that counteracted electroosmosis and diminished the net fluid flow in the
5  (PDMS) using methylcellulose (MC) to reduce electroosmosis and peak drift.
6 and lipophilic residues profoundly inhibited electroosmosis and, presumably, peptide flux.
7 rokinetic flow (combined electrophoresis and electroosmosis) and dielectrophoresis.
8 es of dielectrophoresis, electrophoresis, ac-electroosmosis, and Brownian motion.
9 d through the channel by electrophoresis and electroosmosis, and to be isolated according to their ch
10 ields, suggesting that mechanisms other than electroosmosis are involved.
11 results of our initial attempt to develop an electroosmosis-based nanopipettor.
12                                   Control of electroosmosis by an external voltage in capillaries of
13            The efficiency for the control of electroosmosis by the applied external field is improved
14 e identified, including channel passivation, electroosmosis control, and IEF linearity control.
15 phoretic velocity of the analyte exceeds the electroosmosis-driven bulk fluid flow velocity at only t
16                                              Electroosmosis-driven molecular translocation has been o
17 system and whose triggering derives from the electroosmosis effect.
18  low-dispersion geometries are applicable to electroosmosis, electrophoresis, and some pressure-drive
19 in which sample migration was realized using electroosmosis/electrophoresis.
20 sly developed a perfusion technique based on electroosmosis (EO), called EO push-pull perfusion (EOPP
21                                              Electroosmosis has been utilized to pump solutions at fl
22  both outlet channels of the tee by reducing electroosmosis in the ground channel relative to that of
23  Voltage-dependent creep seems to arise from electroosmosis in the seal.
24  are such that there is less fluid coming by electroosmosis into the cross from the sample/reagent ch
25 he sample/reagent channel than is leaving by electroosmosis into the separation and waste channels.
26             Spatially selective reduction of electroosmosis is accomplished by coating the walls of t
27                       Independent control of electroosmosis is important for separation science techn
28 he solution is driven across the membrane by electroosmosis is responsible for solute accumulation.
29                   Since the pump is based on electroosmosis, it has no moving parts.
30 c coating with CTAB can be used to eliminate electroosmosis or to reverse its direction, depending on
31                                              Electroosmosis, originating in the double-layer of a sma
32 ing electrokinetic flows (electrophoresis or electroosmosis) rather than pressure-driven flows becaus
33 ing fluid delivery--which include valves and electroosmosis--require sophisticated microfabrication o
34                          We demonstrate that electroosmosis theory compares well with the observed pn
35                                        Using electroosmosis to drive flow through microfluidic channe
36 ocessor, a global flow field generated by ac electroosmosis transports the embedded particles to the
37                                              Electroosmosis was used to pull perfusate containing sec
38  were placed in wells on the microchips, and electroosmosis was used to transport aliquots of these r
39 ted which provides more efficient control of electroosmosis with an applied external voltage field.

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