


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y may be primarily attributed to an enhanced electrophilicity.
2  suggested the possibility of boron-centered electrophilicity.
3  unusual methylation substrates due to their electrophilicity.
4 , one with greater and the other with lesser electrophilicity.
5 ules by virtue of their dual nucleophilicity/electrophilicity.
6  the driving force to obtain increased alkyl electrophilicity.
7 e poles of three helices, for increasing its electrophilicity.
8 anine, effects did not correlate at all with electrophilicities.
9 d phenyl propargyl alcohols having different electrophilicities.
10                      To enhance the carbonyl electrophilicity, an alpha-difluorinated analogue (R = H
11 lpropenoyl)oxazolidin-2-ones, featuring high electrophilicity and conformational homogeneity, are syn
12  shift values; it also leads to an increased electrophilicity and higher reactivity for catalysts up
13 ic and electronic factors that influence the electrophilicity and reversibility of Michael acceptors.
14 plet to singlet intersystem crossing and the electrophilicity) and on the medium (formation of a comp
15 arity/polarizability, hydrogen-bond acidity (electrophilicity), and hydrogen-bond basicity (nucleophi
16 rd halogen bond formation by enhancing their electrophilicity, and explain the absence of M-Cl...F-C
17 nslates to coordination distortion, may tune electrophilicity, and hence, reactivity.
18 ion in reactivity reflects the difference in electrophilicity between the various rhodium carbenoid i
19                                              Electrophilicity can be conferred by both enzymatic and
20 zhydrylium ions are on the same log k2 vs E (electrophilicity) correlation shows that both reaction s
21                         A local multiorbital electrophilicity descriptor, the local electron attachme
22 humol also increased respiration, suggesting electrophilicity did not play a role.
23 otocyclization, consistent with the enhanced electrophilicity displayed by the ring-closed form.
24                                        While electrophilicities E correlate poorly with the LUMO ener
25 2) were found to correlate linearly with the electrophilicities E of the reference electrophiles, as
26 efficiencies were found to increase with the electrophilicity (EA) of the radical.
27 n = 3 (1.16), supporting the hypothesis that electrophilicity increases concomitantly with substituti
28     The computed natural charges reveal that electrophilicity increases upon both annelation and carb
29 e as the carbene stability decreases and its electrophilicity increases, and also as alkene reactivit
30 oorly with the LUMO energies and with Parr's electrophilicity index omega, good correlations were fou
31 died by evaluating their nucleophilicity and electrophilicity indices.
32 en discussed in terms of nucleophilicity and electrophilicity indices.
33 ophiles and the measured rate constants, the electrophilicities of the indol-3-ylmethylium ions 3(a-k
34 re enzyme catalysis, but rather exploits the electrophilicity of 1,3-BPG, was found by proteomic prof
35 nditions, consistent with an increase in the electrophilicity of a high-valent iron-oxo intermediate
36              Not all PLP enzymes require the electrophilicity of a protonated pyridine ring to enable
37                            We found that the electrophilicity of AdoMet and its onium congeners follo
38            Both approaches capitalize on the electrophilicity of alpha-sulfonyl radicals and their pr
39 sess the primary coordination sphere and the electrophilicity of alphaKG.
40 ation of Ni (OH)2 to NiOOH by increasing the electrophilicity of catalytic interface.
41 ucleophilicity of the starting arene and the electrophilicity of cationic intermediates generated fro
42                   By exploiting the inherent electrophilicity of diaryliodonium salts, we have found
43   The observed reactivity is opposite to the electrophilicity of polar carbonyl groups resulting from
44 s that MtbB and MttB may exploit the unusual electrophilicity of pyrrolysine during catalysis.
45 er surface can affect the reactive sites and electrophilicity of SO2.
46 reduction are positively correlated with the electrophilicity of the active site pyrazine unit and ca
47 cs over distinct time domains by varying the electrophilicity of the acylating reagent.
48 iazeniumdiolate group greatly suppresses the electrophilicity of the adjacent C horizontal lineN carb
49      The trifluoromethyl group increased the electrophilicity of the adjacent carbonyl group and decr
50 oselectivity observed is a result of greater electrophilicity of the alpha-keto ester toward the Bres
51  through ring strain, salicylates reduce the electrophilicity of the aryl ester through an intramolec
52 ctroscopy provides no evidence for increased electrophilicity of the beta-vinyl carbons (the presumed
53 f the imidazole component that increases the electrophilicity of the C-2 position on the imidazole.
54 ture/activity relationships suggest that the electrophilicity of the C2-C3 olefin is critical for the
55 is structural modification leads to enhanced electrophilicity of the carbene center with retention of
56                                          The electrophilicity of the carbonyl group in the resulting
57 red to as the "axial gateway", maintains the electrophilicity of the catalyst by shielding the reacti
58 ridinyl nitrogen of the PLP, influencing the electrophilicity of the cofactor.
59 , O-transfer-reactivity follows the relative electrophilicity of the complexes, whereas the correspon
60 n contrast to penicillin, which enhances the electrophilicity of the cyclic amide through ring strain
61                             We show that the electrophilicity of the diazofluorene appears to be a si
62 t in choline oxidase, His(466) modulates the electrophilicity of the enzyme-bound flavin and the pola
63  flavinylation of the protein, the decreased electrophilicity of the flavin, and the consequent loss
64                                   Due to the electrophilicity of the fluorinated amide, this palladiu
65 uction in activity is due to the decrease in electrophilicity of the FMN.
66 hetic study with different nucleophiles, the electrophilicity of the intermediate iminium ion was est
67 finding was explained in terms of the higher electrophilicity of the iron center and the higher avail
68                                              Electrophilicity of the ligand-binding Mg ion is increas
69                        This effect increases electrophilicity of the metal and lowers the calculated
70                This protonation enhances the electrophilicity of the methyl group, in agreement with
71     These data suggest that the two-electron electrophilicity of the Mn(O) valence tautomers dominate
72 adical to damage dipeptides increases as the electrophilicity of the phenyl radical increases.
73                            However, the high electrophilicity of the phosphorus center has so far pre
74 entatives has been attributed to the extreme electrophilicity of the putative C-NacNac adducts.
75 f the radicals studied was determined by the electrophilicity of the radical, which can be characteri
76                 A systematic increase in the electrophilicity of the radicals by modification of the
77                                          The electrophilicity of the radicals does not appear to have
78  strongly dependent on both the polarity and electrophilicity of the solvent and (ii) solvatochromic
79 oordination number and polarity may tune the electrophilicity of zinc.
80             The critical role of the carbene electrophilicity on the outcome of reactions is discusse
81                               The higher the electrophilicity (or EA) of the radical, the greater the
82  allowed for the quantification of benzyne's electrophilicity parameter.
83 cted to a correlation analysis to derive the electrophilicity parameters E for acceptor-substituted b
84  N) allowed us to calculate 15 new empirical electrophilicity parameters E for Michael acceptors 1 an
85 the diffusion-clock method and also provides electrophilicity parameters E for other substituted aryn
86 nzhydrylium ions correlate linearly with the electrophilicity parameters E of the benzhydrylium ions
87  in CH3CN solution and used to determine the electrophilicity parameters E of the cations defined by
88 termined in this work were combined with the electrophilicity parameters E of the corresponding catio
89 It was, therefore, possible to calculate the electrophilicity parameters E of the different positions
90 fferent quinones correlate linearly with the electrophilicity parameters E of the quinones, which hav
91 d from the linear plots of log k2 versus the electrophilicity parameters E of these reference electro
92                                          The electrophilicity parameters E thus determined can be use
93                                         With electrophilicity parameters from E = -10.69 (Ar = p-MeOC
94                                 Despite that electrophilicity parameters have now been established fo
95   It is proposed that modulation of cofactor electrophilicity plays a central role in controlling rea
96                    Group nucleophilicity and electrophilicity profiles help describe the bond-breakin
97                      The radicals' different electrophilicities result in variations in the reaction
98 alyst generates an iminium ion of sufficient electrophilicity to enable 1,2-attack by an alcohol.
99 s with electrophilic character that transfer electrophilicity to silicon by Si-H activation.
100            QMs' spectroscopic properties and electrophilicity were both significantly affected by bet
101           Six reactive groups with modulated electrophilicity were combined with 11 nonreactive moiet
102 idifying effect on peptide backbones and its electrophilicity which allows site-specific thiol ligati

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