


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ons ranging from 2 mM to 50 mM when analyzed electrophoretically.
2  spectroscopically, chromatographically, and electrophoretically.
3                   Dimerization was monitored electrophoretically.
4 d allowing amplified products to be resolved electrophoretically.
5 e molecular weight of its subunit determined electrophoretically (69,000) correspond to the product o
6 ecombinant proteins migrated abnormally slow electrophoretically a characteristic that was demonstrat
7 d this phenomenon quantitatively and found 1 electrophoretically abnormal hG6PD variant among 93 inde
8 ecules, including polypeptides and proteins, electrophoretically accumulate into the traps and subseq
9  multiple chromosomal DNA fragments resolved electrophoretically after digestion with BamHI, HindIII,
10 of the tumor-derived cell lines expressed an electrophoretically altered form of pp60(c-src), suggest
11 scein-labeled PCR products are amplified and electrophoretically analyzed in a gel-filled microchanne
12  be injected into the separation channel and electrophoretically analyzed.
13 rounds, and degrees of obesity were analyzed electrophoretically and by direct sequencing.
14 electroactive derivatives that are separated electrophoretically and detected at the end-column elect
15 cally modified capillary and are transported electrophoretically and electroosmotically to probe site
16 e-affinity chromatography and is shown to be electrophoretically and kinetically indistinguishable fr
17 structurally distinct and could be separated electrophoretically and studied individually.
18 he immunoprecipitated reporter were resolved electrophoretically and their relative amounts quantitat
19 henylhyrazine (DNPH), separated the proteins electrophoretically, and assessed DNPH reactivity by imm
20 developed with anti-IL-7 mAb, PPBSF migrates electrophoretically as a covalently bound approximately
21 ell adhesion, and the cells were transported electrophoretically by applying potentials to the fluid
22 nd P(2X1wt) receptors were indistinguishable electrophoretically by Western blot or by immunoprecipit
23 an abasic site or furan within a DNA duplex, electrophoretically captured in the alpha-HL vestibule a
24 n abasic site, was continuously monitored by electrophoretically capturing reaction substrate or prod
25 A in such a way that host chromosomes, which electrophoretically comigrate with the chosen YACs, are
26          Fluorescently labeled proteins were electrophoretically concentrated on microfabricated devi
27 d to alter the population by T7 of these two electrophoretically defined states.
28   By combining laccase with catalase enzymes electrophoretically deposited by means of AC electric fi
29                                              Electrophoretically deposited colloidal particles were o
30 ht-emitting diodes (QD-LEDs) fabricated with electrophoretically deposited films of CdSe/ZnS core/she
31                             In present work, electrophoretically deposited nanocomposite films of pol
32 g 3-aminopropyl triethoxy saline (APTES) and electrophoretically deposited on the indium tin oxide co
33 tructured magnesium oxide (nanoMgO) has been electrophoretically deposited on the indium-tin-oxide (I
34                   These Cys-La(OH)3 NPs were electrophoretically deposited onto an indium-tin-oxide g
35 sitively charged polyaniline colloids can be electrophoretically deposited onto various substrate mat
36 FB1) by field effect capacitive method using electrophoretically deposited reduced graphene oxide (RG
37 tic cell death and activation of at least 18 electrophoretically distinct cysteine-dependent aspartat
38 (a) allele on the cosmid expresses an enzyme electrophoretically distinct from that of the endogenous
39 ssel foot protein 3 slow (mfp-3s, one of two electrophoretically distinct interfacial adhesive protei
40  Asynchronous wild-type cultures contain two electrophoretically distinct isoforms of Spc110p as dete
41      TarK directs the synthesis of a second, electrophoretically distinct polyribitol-containing teic
42                                      Several electrophoretically distinct protein-DNA complexes were
43 ion chromatography, and is composed of three electrophoretically distinct subunits with Mr values of
44                                  Samples are electrophoretically driven across the membranes such tha
45 ingle-stranded polynucleotide molecules were electrophoretically driven into the alpha-hemolysin prot
46 ection accuracy compared to the conventional electrophoretically driven methods.
47 nanopore sequencing, where a DNA molecule is electrophoretically driven through a graphene nanopore.
48 opore recordings, individual DNA strands are electrophoretically driven through a nanoscale pore lead
49 urified DNA sequencing reaction products are electrophoretically driven through the chamber; extensio
50  short cationic peptide angiotensin II to be electrophoretically driven through the conducting pathwa
51 a precise amount of transfection agent to be electrophoretically driven through the nanochannel, the
52     A variety of different DNA polymers were electrophoretically driven through the nanopore of an al
53 rizing single molecules of ssDNA as they are electrophoretically driven through the pore.
54 and release detection, charged particles are electrophoretically driven to the opening of a small por
55                 Ionic current signals during electrophoretically driven translocation of DNA through
56                                          The electrophoretically driven transport of double-stranded
57 al at 1.3 V versus AgCl/Ag electrode, is not electrophoretically driven, but is instead controlled by
58 llowing capture, the particle is released by electrophoretically driving it out of the pore opening a
59 analytical capabilities that are achieved by electrophoretically driving molecules in solution throug
60 ncentrated inline sample plugs are formed by electrophoretically driving Sanger sequencing extension
61 barcode can be assigned with 94% accuracy by electrophoretically driving the DNA structures through a
62 visualized using coomassie blue staining and electrophoretically extracted from the gels with protein
63                               The cells were electrophoretically focused at the channel cross and det
64                                 In this way, electrophoretically fractionated components that exit th
65                    DNA molecules were driven electrophoretically from a nanoslit into a nanochannel t
66 erated neutral peroxide species is separated electrophoretically from the anionic uric and ascorbic a
67  the dihedral angle between helices II and V electrophoretically has allowed us to build a model for
68 se 1-phosphatase activities co-purify in our electrophoretically homogeneous enzyme preparations.
69  recombinant GM2A protein was purified to an electrophoretically homogeneous form and was found to st
70              We have isolated this enzyme in electrophoretically homogeneous form from the culture su
71                    KDN-sialidase purified to electrophoretically homogeneous form was found to have a
72                                              Electrophoretically homogeneous IMPase was prepared from
73 iwi PME inhibitor protein to obtain a single electrophoretically homogeneous protein.
74 es, it retained full enzymatic activity, was electrophoretically homogeneous, and is a good candidate
75 ermal fibroblast PRL was immunologically and electrophoretically identical to decidual and pituitary
76 ed with YOYO-1, they were induced to migrate electrophoretically in a polymer solution and imaged.
77 ion of latent antithrombin to plasma results electrophoretically in a quantitative shift to the slowe
78 negative species in a mixture to be analyzed electrophoretically in ca. 6 micros, a period several-fo
79 ethod to determine the number of clonotypes (electrophoretically indistinguishable cloned cDNAs) as a
80                                           We electrophoretically inject DNA molecules into the cage t
81               The resulting PCR products are electrophoretically injected onto the CE column for sepa
82         These components were then separated electrophoretically into five resolved bands.
83 ntly, target and ladder protein species were electrophoretically introduced into the antibody-pattern
84 ng sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles that were electrophoretically introduced into the capillary.
85 subsequently assayed inside capillaries with electrophoretically mediated microanalysis (EMMA) at bot
86      The protocol uses the plug-plug mode of electrophoretically mediated microanalysis, with nanolit
87 aminopeptidase was assayed on the chip using electrophoretically mediated microanalysis.
88 the stacking ends when all the micelles have electrophoretically migrated to the boundary.
89 hase and that similar modification to a less electrophoretically mobile form could be induced by bacu
90 the beads acquire negative charge and become electrophoretically mobile.
91 ance change measurement of a pore blocked by electrophoretically mobilized bead-(peptide nucleic acid
92 directly with the CE separation channel, the electrophoretically mobilized target fragments are quant
93                                When resolved electrophoretically, one or more low-mobility DNA-protei
94 ed carbon nanotubes (nMgO-cMWCNTs) deposited electrophoretically onto indium tin oxide (ITO) coated g
95 efficacy of the technique was illustrated by electrophoretically patterning polyaniline thin films on
96                                              Electrophoretically pure GRP94 displayed low, but signif
97                                          The electrophoretically pure OPRTase was characterized and f
98             Five fractionation steps yielded electrophoretically pure S-CEP with an M(r) of 79,000.
99 y bound bacterial contaminants despite being electrophoretically pure.
100 hanical inoculation of tomato seedlings with electrophoretically purified (-)PSTVd RNA led to a small
101                               Examination of electrophoretically resolved randomly generated PCR ampl
102 the fluorescence intensities associated with electrophoretically resolved reaction products.
103 n from Tetrahymena thermophila results in an electrophoretically retarded species, indicative of bend
104  that uses capillary electrophoresis (CE) to electrophoretically sample and separate both protein and
105              Online assays were performed by electrophoretically sampling anti-insulin antibody (Ab),
106  Upon incubation with nuclear extract, three electrophoretically separable protein complexes were for
107  by iodinated laminin and merosin overlay of electrophoretically separated and blotted dystrophin-gly
108                 The resulting fragments were electrophoretically separated and sequenced.
109                                  Analyses of electrophoretically separated denatured RNAs indicated t
110                         Visualization of the electrophoretically separated fluorescent assay products
111 ting fiber is used for the excitation of the electrophoretically separated fluorophore-labeled DNA se
112 antified following staining of the resulting electrophoretically separated fragments.
113 the identification of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretically separated proteins using an electros
114 Bands of similar sizes were also detected in electrophoretically separated tegument fractions of viri
115 electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry of electrophoretically separated, LK-bound proteins identif
116                     A commercial system that electrophoretically separates rep-PCR amplicons on micro
117 /DNA cross-linking and immunoperturbation of electrophoretically shifted complexes formed between RAS
118 cribed/translated Ras by ExoS identified two electrophoretically shifted forms of Ras, which was cons
119 Phosphorylation of Ser235 converts pAP to an electrophoretically slower-mobility isoform, pAP*; subse
120  among RNAP subunits and the formation of an electrophoretically stable association between MerR and
121 0.25 ng double-stranded DNA per band in post-electrophoretically stained agarose gels.
122                                              Electrophoretically sweeping a fixed sample volume again
123  peptides are negatively charged and migrate electrophoretically toward the cathode through the avidi
124 ing capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and electrophoretically transferred into droplets.
125   The proteins in the resolving gel are then electrophoretically transferred to a receiving gel previ
126 rom a contaminant protein and then separated electrophoretically using these devices.
127                            Proteins injected electrophoretically were trapped on the upstream side of
128 ty of 1.0 mA/cm(2) after coating its surface electrophoretically with 2.0 nm IrOx nanoparticles.
129                                  It migrates electrophoretically with an apparent molecular mass of 6

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