


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e region of D1-D3 representation (identified electrophysiologically).
2 AR composition toward NR2A or NR2B, as shown electrophysiologically.
3 rd function in sensory pathways investigated electrophysiologically.
4 d related functional changes were identified electrophysiologically.
5 ally, histologically, ultrastructurally, and electrophysiologically.
6  to the percentage of active neurons defined electrophysiologically.
7 eflects the capacity of the heart to remodel electrophysiologically.
8  have been difficult or impossible to detect electrophysiologically.
9 an embryonic kidney cells, and characterized electrophysiologically.
10  inhibit T stellate cells, are distinguished electrophysiologically.
11 hydryl-specific reagent pCMBS(-) was assayed electrophysiologically.
12  abducens internuclear pathway as determined electrophysiologically.
13          Junctional conductance was measured electrophysiologically.
14 n Xenopus oocytes by oxidation were examined electrophysiologically.
15 or fura-2, and transmitter release, measured electrophysiologically.
16 how limited phenotypic changes when analyzed electrophysiologically.
17  although it appears to be so clinically and electrophysiologically.
18  minutes following MCAO, and SD was detected electrophysiologically.
19 oma-axon configuration and synapses explored electrophysiologically.
20 e that differ molecularly, anatomically, and electrophysiologically.
21 ver-affected peers, both hemodynamically and electrophysiologically.
22  of beta2M286C-pCMBS bond formation, tracked electrophysiologically.
23  mammalian systems, both morphologically and electrophysiologically.
24 set of criteria to identify dopamine neurons electrophysiologically.
25 on and the sensory ganglionopathy documented electrophysiologically.
26 ng dendrites while recording neuronal somata electrophysiologically.
27 as expressed in Xenopus oocytes and analyzed electrophysiologically.
28 ted to be phosphorylation sites and examined electrophysiologically.
29                                              Electrophysiologically, 11-year-olds evidenced superiori
30 rtical representation of the hand was mapped electrophysiologically 15-25 weeks after the dorsal root
31 ral C2 spinal cord hemisection was confirmed electrophysiologically 24 h after injury.
32 gh extensively studied both behaviorally and electrophysiologically, a general theoretical framework
33 nd isochrones identified: 1) the location of electrophysiologically abnormal infarct substrate; 2) th
34 r, these results show that the repertoire of electrophysiologically active 5-HT receptors in prefront
35  naive human neuroepithelial cell becomes an electrophysiologically active neuron remains unknown.
36 ved from pluripotent stem cells develop into electrophysiologically active neurons at heterogeneous r
37 tent stem cell (iPSC)-derived NPCs, yielding electrophysiologically active neurons within just 3 wk.
38 te human induced pluripotent stem cells into electrophysiologically active RGCs.
39 d density of dendritic spines and numbers of electrophysiologically active synapses after exposure to
40          Although donor-derived neurons were electrophysiologically active within chimeric regions, t
41 demonstrated, however, it is unknown whether electrophysiologically-active somatic cells derived from
42 D3-receptor-expressing pyramidal neurons are electrophysiologically and anatomically separable from n
43 rom adult transgenic mice were characterized electrophysiologically and anatomically.
44 E activity by several nucleotides, monitored electrophysiologically and biochemically, is reversed by
45 he acetylcholine receptor (AChR) as measured electrophysiologically and by imaging techniques.
46 ctivation of thalamic axons was demonstrated electrophysiologically and by two-photon sampling of cal
47                                           In electrophysiologically and functionally identified brady
48 nosynaptic group II input were characterized electrophysiologically and labeled intracellularly with
49 jaw representations in rat S1 was determined electrophysiologically and marked by dye iontophoresis i
50                               In the rat, we electrophysiologically and morphologically characterized
51 nds, upper Layer 2/3 ChCs belong to a single electrophysiologically and morphologically defined popul
52 a functional diversity of GABAA receptors in electrophysiologically and morphologically identified co
53 e-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from electrophysiologically and morphologically identified SP
54 e coupled transport of Cl- and H+ determined electrophysiologically and on protein structure determin
55 , while ICa, Q and Ca2+ release were studied electrophysiologically and optically under voltage-clamp
56 activity state of the local neuronal circuit electrophysiologically and optically.
57 lian cochlear nuclei was probed and compared electrophysiologically and pharmacologically with the ra
58 very the extent of regeneration was assessed electrophysiologically and the percentage area of collag
59 ts that the capacity of the heart to remodel electrophysiologically and to manifest memory during dev
60 94 (Derm-A594), desensitization was measured electrophysiologically and trafficking was followed by t
61              We detected this reduction both electrophysiologically and ultrastructurally.
62 of these cross-linked channels were examined electrophysiologically and were found to have gating pro
63   Neuroanatomical tracers were injected into electrophysiologically and/or architectonically defined
64 ctivated neurons which are identified either electrophysiologically and/or immunocytochemically.
65  vitro by their expression of EGFP, analyzed electrophysiologically, and described in morphological d
66                We distinguish it clinically, electrophysiologically, and genetically from previously
67 ts with CMT2P were characterized clinically, electrophysiologically, and genetically.
68 nsitive temporoammonic-CA1 synapse, measured electrophysiologically, and increased levels of the GluA
69 L-type channels have been well characterized electrophysiologically, and many such studies have demon
70 ptide-channel interaction have been explored electrophysiologically, and these studies have identifie
71 nding to the downregulation of I(DS) defined electrophysiologically around hatching.
72  effects of these lipid signals are detected electrophysiologically as CB1-dependent alterations in c
73 was expressed in Xenopus oocytes and studied electrophysiologically as well as with [3H]GABA flux; GA
74                                     In cats, electrophysiologically assessed neuronal plasticity is m
75                      The results showed that electrophysiologically at least two types of cells exist
76 synaptic vesicle fusion, which was monitored electrophysiologically at millisecond time resolution.
77 ndividual proton binding-unbinding reactions electrophysiologically at the level of a single proton o
78 lthough hemichannel opening was not detected electrophysiologically at the resting potential, infrequ
79 ough L-type Ca2+ channels (ICa) was measured electrophysiologically at the same time as Ca2+ influx w
80  in the mammalian brain has not been studied electrophysiologically at the single-unit level.
81  corresponding constructs were characterized electrophysiologically, at the single-channel level.
82 Rs at PC-BC and PC-MC synapses was confirmed electrophysiologically, based on measures of spermine-de
83 hen no statistical differences were observed electrophysiologically between db/db and db/+ mice studi
84               Marked changes were identified electrophysiologically (bradycardia and prolonged QT int
85 sory afferent nerves in vivo can be obtained electrophysiologically by extracellular recording of act
86 stinkbug, Nezara viridula, were investigated electrophysiologically by single-cell recordings and sta
87            These observations were confirmed electrophysiologically by the measured urethral sphincte
88 blished functional synapses, as demonstrated electrophysiologically by the presence of an H-reflex.
89 l and mesophyll protoplasts was investigated electrophysiologically (by microelectrode impalement and
90 paraffin-embedded 6-microm sections, and (b) electrophysiologically, by counting the number of 400 mi
91 ivery techniques do not allow researchers to electrophysiologically characterize cells and to thereby
92 chemistry, we demonstrate in this study that electrophysiologically characterized auditory neurons ca
93     Based on retrograde tracer injections in electrophysiologically characterized cortical loci, we s
94 as applied to individual morphologically and electrophysiologically characterized local interneurons.
95    In addition, intracellular dye filling of electrophysiologically characterized progenitor cells in
96 as explored using post hoc immunostaining of electrophysiologically characterized rat alpha-MNs in vi
97                      Visually identified and electrophysiologically characterized sympathetic pregang
98  of FS and LTS cells were reconstructed from electrophysiologically characterized, biocytin-filled ce
99 acellularly recorded and morphologically and electrophysiologically characterized.
100                            The enhanced I(h) electrophysiologically compensates for the enhanced I(A)
101 ous diffraction in crystals grown in Br-, an electrophysiologically competent Cl- analogue, the well-
102                                These studies electrophysiologically confirm a pathway between the MPO
103 tic cerebellar degeneration groups developed electrophysiologically confirmed Lambert-Eaton myastheni
104 t six patients with clinically diagnosed and electrophysiologically confirmed motor neurone disease (
105 ching in the absence of myasthenic symptoms, electrophysiologically confirmed to be neuromyotonia.
106     Under whole-cell patch clamp, the DMS is electrophysiologically contiguous with the peripheral pl
107 ntennal lobe projection neurons, as observed electrophysiologically, could parsimoniously underlie th
108 y, cells of each type located in the RM were electrophysiologically defined and intracellularly fille
109  and had sharp, histochemically apparent and electrophysiologically defined borders.
110 cipal lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) to the electrophysiologically defined cerebellar cortical c1 an
111 x, and they related to architectonically and electrophysiologically defined cortical areas.
112 cing (RNAseq) to analyze their expression in electrophysiologically defined interneurons and projecti
113 etween changes in behavioral performance and electrophysiologically defined motor representations ind
114   In this study, we use microinjections into electrophysiologically defined primary hippocampal rat n
115 study we examine the thalamic connections of electrophysiologically defined regions in area 3a and ar
116 rent study was to identify the proportion of electrophysiologically defined, putative, presympathetic
117 ts different modulatory actions on different electrophysiologically-defined classes of layer V sensor
118       We have employed a morphologically and electrophysiologically detailed mathematical model of a
119       Contrary to other reports, we found no electrophysiologically detectable interaction between VD
120 jected in these representations close to the electrophysiologically determined hand-face border.
121 s region of cortex approximately matches the electrophysiologically determined region of seizure onse
122                   The laminar morphology and electrophysiologically determined retinotopic organizati
123 mensions of this channel are consistent with electrophysiologically determined size dependence of qua
124 ally exhibit social interaction deficits and electrophysiologically display increased synaptic inhibi
125 ng cluster analysis, we identified two major electrophysiologically distinct CeL neuron classes in mo
126 crete cortical regions are biochemically and electrophysiologically distinct from one another so as t
127 amidale; in stratum oriens, HC PV cells were electrophysiologically distinct from somatostatin-contai
128 ) in the pontine micturition center (PMC) is electrophysiologically distinct from their Crh-negative
129 trated that EGFP-TH(+) neurons comprise four electrophysiologically distinct neuron types whose elect
130 l dissociation of an anatomic pathway into 2 electrophysiologically distinct pathways has been hypoth
131 anoreceptors are carried by anatomically and electrophysiologically distinct pathways that remain sep
132  show that there are two morphologically and electrophysiologically distinct principal cell types tha
133 inct molecular entities underlie the various electrophysiologically distinct repolarizing K+ currents
134 f the striatum differentially influences two electrophysiologically distinct sets of striatal neurons
135 urons in mouse brain slices, we show that an electrophysiologically distinct subset of ARC neurons co
136 rons during UP/DOWN states and found that an electrophysiologically distinct subset of layer 5 regula
137 ular initiation of UP states is driven by an electrophysiologically distinct subset of morphologicall
138 interneurons can be differentiated into four electrophysiologically distinct subtypes based on their
139 TH(+)/GABAergic interneurons comprising four electrophysiologically distinct subtypes whose electroph
140             Here we show that at least three electrophysiologically distinct types of astrocytes can
141 ic oscillatory bursting properties, but were electrophysiologically distinguished by more pronounced
142                           M1-L4 neurons were electrophysiologically diverse but morphologically unifo
143 tribution of Kv1 alpha- and beta-subunits to electrophysiologically diverse neuronal K+ currents.
144                                              Electrophysiologically, effects of orthographic regulari
145 red with blacks, whites randomly assigned to electrophysiologically (EP)-guided therapy had a lower r
146 or localization, we immunocytochemically and electrophysiologically examined receptors in coracle mut
147                                              Electrophysiologically, female serotonergic neurons show
148                                              Electrophysiologically, firing rate was preserved across
149 od and cone photoreceptors have been studied electrophysiologically for decades, largely with ex vivo
150 eptors enhance NMDA depolarizations recorded electrophysiologically from motoneurons.
151 oked slow inward currents that were recorded electrophysiologically from single neurons grown on micr
152               Seizure activity was monitored electrophysiologically from the dorsal hippocampus.
153 rojection neurones differed structurally and electrophysiologically from the other lamina I neurones,
154                The foreign motor endings are electrophysiologically functional and are observed on th
155 provide a direct demonstration that diverse, electrophysiologically functional neurons can be regener
156                              Neurogenesis of electrophysiologically functional neurons occurred in sp
157  stable ventricular tachycardia treated with electrophysiologically guided antiarrhythmic therapy is
158                                              Electrophysiologically guided antiarrhythmic therapy wit
159 controlled trial to test the hypothesis that electrophysiologically guided antiarrhythmic therapy wou
160                        Our data suggest that electrophysiologically guided class 1A AAD treatment has
161  patients with Brugada syndrome treated with electrophysiologically guided class 1A antiarrhythmic dr
162  (AC) by stereotaxic pressure injections and electrophysiologically guided iontophoretic injections o
163 ythmia were 25 percent among those receiving electrophysiologically guided therapy and 32 percent amo
164 ate was lower among the patients assigned to electrophysiologically guided therapy and treated with a
165 for a mean of 36 +/- 30 months, who received electrophysiologically guided therapy for hemodynamicall
166 c arrest (84 women and 271 men) referred for electrophysiologically guided therapy were analyzed retr
167 uli, the performance of rats with bilateral, electrophysiologically guided, electrolytic lesions of t
168                                              Electrophysiologically, H-wave amplitudes in the hindlim
169 l and clinical AF studies, simulations in an electrophysiologically heterogeneous model of the PV-LAJ
170 step-function opsin), which we characterized electrophysiologically, histologically and behaviorally
171 iPSC)-derived fibroblasts of BD patients are electrophysiologically hyperexcitable.
172 Cl(-) conductance is activated by CaMKII, is electrophysiologically identical to the CaMKII-activated
173                   Dorsal rootlets containing electrophysiologically identified axons projecting from
174           We used intracellular labelling of electrophysiologically identified cells along with immun
175  expression are thought to correspond to the electrophysiologically identified epileptic focus and in
176 cellular recordings from morphologically and electrophysiologically identified HVc neurons revealed t
177                          This was done on 22 electrophysiologically identified intracellularly labell
178  this reactivation, we injected tracers into electrophysiologically identified locations in cortex of
179  examined the thalamocortical connections of electrophysiologically identified locations in the hand
180 c connections of intracellularly labeled and electrophysiologically identified mossy cells were studi
181  the morphology of local axon collaterals of electrophysiologically identified MS/DB neurons using in
182       Intracellular injection of biocytin to electrophysiologically identified neurones (n = 34) reve
183 primary afferent spinal synapses, and ENK in electrophysiologically identified neurons of hamster spi
184 neurons connected strongly with one class of electrophysiologically identified neurons, but weakly wi
185  performed on the dendrites and somata of 25 electrophysiologically identified preganglionic neurons
186 er corroborated by the lack of ErbB4 mRNA in electrophysiologically identified pyramidal neurons as d
187 ine (PE) on synaptically evoked responses of electrophysiologically identified pyramidal neurons in l
188                                     Here, we electrophysiologically identified second-order NTS neuro
189 ls, neuroanatomical tracers were placed into electrophysiologically identified sites in PV and/or the
190 ers by injections of anterograde tracer into electrophysiologically identified sites in SI.
191  of anatomical tracers were placed into five electrophysiologically identified somatosensory areas: t
192                                     Here, we electrophysiologically identify and characterize a nativ
193 , but neither pathway has been characterized electrophysiologically in behaving animals.
194 lular membrane border and characterized them electrophysiologically in complex with KCNE1 under the i
195 nsitive neurons identified and characterized electrophysiologically in first-order and higher-order r
196 and the functional K+ channels characterized electrophysiologically in myocardial cells are explored.
197  expression of alpha subunits in motoneurons electrophysiologically in neonatal slices of mouse spina
198 D-aspartate (NMDA)-evoked responses measured electrophysiologically in neostriatal slices.
199 e potency of selected steroids was confirmed electrophysiologically in oocytes expressing cloned huma
200 sses of Ca2+ current have been characterized electrophysiologically in plant membranes.
201    However, no YVDAC2 channels were detected electrophysiologically in reconstituted systems.
202  conducting neurons similar to those studied electrophysiologically in some other species.
203 l-like neurons that were first characterized electrophysiologically in the presence of BDNF and subje
204 ncidence of ectopic neural activity recorded electrophysiologically in the same model.
205  central input from sensory neurons measured electrophysiologically in vivo.
206 r calcium in human embryonic kidney cells or electrophysiologically in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
207 alpha, 5 alpha-P and Co 2-1970 were examined electrophysiologically in Xenopus oo-cytes expressing al
208 CKA binding assay in rat brain membranes and electrophysiologically in Xenopus oocytes expressing 1a/
209 , neurons identified immunocytochemically or electrophysiologically incorporated bromodeoxyuridine, c
210 ong the neural-abneural axis, but these were electrophysiologically indistinct.
211 fective tecadenoson bolus for termination of electrophysiologically induced PSVT.
212  anatomic VT circuit: those with clinical or electrophysiologically induced VT.
213                                SURx alone is electrophysiologically inert.
214 ogically blocking native conductances and/or electrophysiologically inserting virtual conductances.
215                  Neurones were characterized electrophysiologically into GABAergic and cholinergic ne
216 f the kinetics of selected NhaA variants was electrophysiologically investigated and analyzed with a
217 euronal activity of N-desmethylclozapine was electrophysiologically investigated in hippocampal rat b
218                                              Electrophysiologically, iPSCMNs developed passive membra
219 periments showing that attention-as measured electrophysiologically-is allocated to visual search tar
220                                When analyzed electrophysiologically, L18A, the most severely compromi
221                                              Electrophysiologically, layer II neurons in monkeys exhi
222 uestions, the representation of the hand was electrophysiologically mapped (by unitary receptive fiel
223 n the contralateral somatosensory cortex was electrophysiologically mapped to define hand deafferenta
224      I(h) recorded in nucleated patches from electrophysiologically mature MSO neurons (>P18) exhibit
225                            These neurons are electrophysiologically mature, display spontaneous activ
226 ions is developed and implemented to compute electrophysiologically measurable properties of the KcsA
227 ssed in Xenopus oocytes and its activity was electrophysiologically measured by microelectrode record
228 lar junction (NMJ), then microscopically and electrophysiologically measured postsynaptic glutamate r
229 rical simulations that accurately reproduced electrophysiologically measured vesicle release/replenis
230 by GCMC/BD is approximately 10% higher than (electrophysiologically measured) experimental values, wh
231 eceptors/HIV type 1 (HIV-1) coreceptors were electrophysiologically monitored in Xenopus laevis oocyt
232 rs but no AMPA receptors can account for the electrophysiologically observed 'silent synapse'.
233 ist activity among these analogs when tested electrophysiologically on alpha4beta2 nAChRs.
234 Uniglomerular projection neurons, identified electrophysiologically or morphologically, were stained
235 he ferret LGNd possesses a cell type that is electrophysiologically, pharmacologically, anatomically,
236                                              Electrophysiologically, plasticity was altered at excita
237  pronounced activation of the DA system both electrophysiologically (population activity; i.e., numbe
238 l neurons resemble, both morphologically and electrophysiologically, previously described neurons in
239                                           We electrophysiologically profiled human striatal neurons d
240 years; 7 males, 3 females) were studied with electrophysiologically proven CIP.
241                         Channel activity was electrophysiologically quantified in alpha(1)beta(2)gamm
242                              Fibroblasts are electrophysiologically quiescent in the healthy heart.
243    Epithelial barrier function was monitored electrophysiologically, receptors for TGF-beta1 were loc
244 wardly rectifying potassium channels (GIRKs) electrophysiologically recorded in brain slices.
245 esthetized and awake states, consistent with electrophysiologically recorded maps in areas 3b and 1 i
246 thod avoids the need for resectioning of the electrophysiologically recorded slices.
247 olorectal neoplasia, molecular transport was electrophysiologically registered in Ussing-chamber set-
248 onic muscle stimulation, triggers pumps that electrophysiologically resemble typical rapid pumps.
249 named alpha-conotoxin MII, was identified by electrophysiologically screening venom fractions against
250                                              Electrophysiologically, sevoflurane favors activation an
251                      Thus, DMH is made up of electrophysiologically similar neurons and PVN-projectin
252  of M1 ipRGCs, which are morphologically and electrophysiologically similar, innervate different brai
253                                              Electrophysiologically, sleep-promoting neurons in the V
254                                              Electrophysiologically, SMN modulation in muscles reveal
255 to determine whether the RSC and the ACA are electrophysiologically specifically active during basal
256 vivo signal conduction properties or in vivo electrophysiologically stimulated arrhythmias.
257 channel in its voltage-dependent gating were electrophysiologically studied in Xenopus oocytes.
258                                 We expressed electrophysiologically tagged NMDARs in rat hippocampal
259 , NR2A, and NR2B subunits were optically and electrophysiologically tagged.
260  we impaired neurotransmitter refilling, and electrophysiologically tested the role of vesicle reuse
261  blue and yellow light, we first demonstrate electrophysiologically that lobula plate tangential cell
262 e model appears of limited use for analysing electrophysiologically the effects of anti-ganglioside a
263                      This study demonstrates electrophysiologically the effects that normal horizonta
264      In our previous study, we characterized electrophysiologically the mechanism of citrate transpor
265 spinal cord-hindlimb preparation to identify electrophysiologically the pools of foreign motoneurons
266                                              Electrophysiologically, the epithelium of the VNO of suc
267                                  When tested electrophysiologically, the flies with abnormal axons sh
268 es have been particularly well characterized electrophysiologically, the transduction mechanisms that
269                                              Electrophysiologically, this pyramidal cell excitation i
270 arch was to characterize morphologically and electrophysiologically tissue slices obtained from the h
271  containing the injection sites was explored electrophysiologically to allow the details of the topog
272  connections have recently been demonstrated electrophysiologically to be relatively weak--in contras
273 xpress functional GABA receptors and respond electrophysiologically to GABA.
274                      Linear lesions that are electrophysiologically transmural and continuous can be
275 opionic acid (AMPA) receptors, as determined electrophysiologically under steady-state conditions in
276      Neuronal responses to stimuli, measured electrophysiologically, unfold over several hundred mill
277 ing desensitization, have been characterized electrophysiologically using brain slice preparations, w
278 te dependence and kinetics of TID inhibition electrophysiologically using rapidly superfused membrane
279 hresholds were measured psychophysically and electrophysiologically using square-wave gratings contai
280 5.18 hours in bed per. day and 4.78 hours of electrophysiologically verified sleep per day over the f
281 ility) of the sos mutant root cells measured electrophysiologically was normal in control conditions.
282                                              Electrophysiologically, we observed reduction in transie
283               Twenty-one PVN neurons studied electrophysiologically were filled with biocytin.
284                           We also determined electrophysiologically whether gabapentin causes displac
285  four anesthetized rhesus monkeys was mapped electrophysiologically with both pure-tone (PT) and broa
286  (NR1(100)+NR2A) receptors was characterized electrophysiologically with respect to efficacy and pote
287 t-DRL months, hand representation was mapped electrophysiologically within the somatosensory cortex,
288 uR levels, assayed immunohistochemically and electrophysiologically, without affecting NMJ growth, th

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