


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gin has been proposed for cartilaginous fish electroreceptors.
2 dges and migrating primordia, neuromasts and electroreceptors.
3 in appendage, the Schnauzenorgan, is rich in electroreceptors.
4 the central processing of sensory input from electroreceptors.
5 ver, conventional tuning curves predict poor electroreceptor afferent responses to low-frequency stim
6 by small shifts in the latency of individual electroreceptor afferent spikes after the EOD.
7 ach speed can be uniquely determined from an electroreceptor afferent's firing rate, a multiplexed ne
8 Conversely, power law adaptation modifies an electroreceptor afferent's response according to the tim
9  form of spike rate adaptation transforms an electroreceptor afferent's response to "looming" object
10 ystem of weakly electric fish, single P-type electroreceptor afferents accurately encode the time cou
11 esponse properties in tuberous and ampullary electroreceptor afferents of the weakly electric fish Ap
12  part of the phase-coding pathway; in S-type electroreceptor afferents.
13           These data confirm the homology of electroreceptors and ampullary organs in cartilaginous a
14     This calls into question the homology of electroreceptors and ampullary organs in the two lineage
15                   We compared the ability of electroreceptors and ELL efferent neurons to encode the
16 l and evolutionary links between non-teleost electroreceptors and hair cells.
17 at lateral line placodes form both ampullary electroreceptors and mechanosensory neuromasts.
18 s of ELL that receive input from mormyromast electroreceptors but were absent in the zone of ELL that
19                       Thousands of cutaneous electroreceptors detect changes in the transdermal poten
20                                     Although electroreceptors displayed relatively homogeneous respon
21                              Ampullary organ electroreceptors excited by weak cathodal electric field
22 e hypothesis that lateral line placodes form electroreceptors in cartilaginous fishes by undertaking
23 s between electrosensory signals received by electroreceptors in different parts of the body surface.
24  non-placodal origins have been proposed for electroreceptors in other taxa.
25 at receives the primary afferent fibers from electroreceptors in the skin.
26                    Spontaneously oscillating electroreceptors in weakly electric fish (Mormyridae) re
27 ne of ELL that receives input from ampullary electroreceptors, indicating markedly different processi
28    Specifically, we recorded from peripheral electroreceptor neurons, which display strong heterogene
29 at innervation is not essential for tuberous electroreceptor organ development, but that it is necess
30            Weakly electric fish use tuberous electroreceptor organs to detect their own electric fiel
31                                     Tuberous electroreceptor organs were present in regenerated reinn
32            These fish possess three types of electroreceptor organs.
33 regeneration and differentiation of tuberous electroreceptor organs.
34 rongest immunoreactivity in the knollenorgan electroreceptor pathway; in the nucleus of the electrose
35 ments had strong effects on the responses of electroreceptors, substantially reducing the amount of i
36                        One class of tuberous electroreceptors, the knollenorgans, plays a critical ro
37 efish (Polyodon spathula), which use passive electroreceptors to detect electrical signals from plank
38           Male stingrays use their ampullary electroreceptors to locate mates, but the effect of gona
39  appendage that is covered with thousands of electroreceptors, which makes the fish extremely sensiti

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