


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rastically decrease the overpotential of CO2 electroreduction.
2 zed monolayer (SOM) obtained using diazonium electroreduction.
3 surface chemistry necessary for efficient CO electroreduction.
4 atalytic hydrogenation (ECH) and (ii) direct electroreduction.
5  important role for M-OH species in peroxide electroreduction.
6 ogel from a noncatalyst to catalyst for H2O2 electroreduction.
7                                           CO electroreduction activity on oxide-derived Cu (OD-Cu) wa
8                           The solid-to-solid electroreduction and dissolution-electrodeposition mecha
9 ying lower overpotentials for carbon dioxide electroreduction and record selectivity towards ethylene
10 electroreduced films using a newly developed electroreduction approach, (2) SAM formation on freshly
11 ng a DET-based laccase (Lc) cathode for O(2) electroreduction at low overpotentials.
12            The switching resulted in an H2O2 electroreduction current density of 2.1 +/- 0.9 microA c
13 the urate electrooxidation current to the O2 electroreduction current is reduced from 1:3 to 1:100 fo
14                                 Flow of H2O2 electroreduction current when the electrode is poised ne
15 f 0 V versus Ag/AgCl, and measuring the H2O2 electroreduction current.
16 lectrochemical sensors for hydrogen peroxide electroreduction integrated with printed electrochromic
17 the four-electron electroreduction of oxygen electroreduction occurs via a series pathway on the Bi-m
18                                              Electroreduction of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(3,5-di-tert-buty
19                                              Electroreduction of an equimolar mixture of 1 and 4 give
20                    The strategy exploits the electroreduction of arenediazonium salts as a means for
21  (c-GaAs) has been prepared directly through electroreduction of As(2)O(3) dissolved in an alkaline a
22 g Fe(CN)6(3-) as the redox probe, and direct electroreduction of Au oxide thin films.
23                                              Electroreduction of carbon dioxide (CO(2))--a key compon
24                                              Electroreduction of carbon dioxide into higher-energy li
25  a minor product and key intermediate in the electroreduction of CO to ethanol on OD-Cu electrodes.
26 tivity for a single product are essential if electroreduction of CO2 is to become a viable route to t
27 e size range of approximately 1-8 nm for the electroreduction of CO2 to CO in 0.1 M KHCO3.
28 onfiguration causes complications because of electroreduction of CO2 to formate.
29  active sites and catalytic activity for the electroreduction of CO2 to fuels and chemicals.
30 on, electrooxidation of methanol and CO, and electroreduction of CO2.
31  covalently grafted on the six electrodes by electroreduction of diazonium salt.
32 corrole (Me(4)Ph(5)Cor)Co also catalyzes the electroreduction of dioxygen at E(1/2) = 0.38 V with the
33 I) corroles were tested as catalysts for the electroreduction of dioxygen to water.
34                                              Electroreduction of dissolved SiCl(4) in propylene carbo
35  the formation of an electrocatalyst for the electroreduction of H(2)O(2) to water.
36 c base layer into an electrocatalyst for the electroreduction of H2O2 to water.
37 alytic activity of Fe3O4 nanodots toward the electroreduction of H2O2 was described by cyclic voltamm
38  displays high performance catalysis towards electroreduction of H2O2 with a high sensitivity of 1.5A
39 s exhibit remarkably high activities for the electroreduction of molecular oxygen (oxygen reduction r
40  To asses the limits of the method, both the electroreduction of nitrate and UPD of lead monolayer on
41 ally deposited (UPD) lead layer inhibits the electroreduction of nitrate on a bare Cu(111) electrode.
42 catalytic base layer into a catalyst for the electroreduction of O(2) to water at +0.12 V (vs Ag/AgCl
43                                We report the electroreduction of O(2) to water under physiological co
44                                              Electroreduction of oxoanions affords hydroxide equivale
45 ow for the first time that the four-electron electroreduction of oxygen electroreduction occurs via a
46                         The mechanism of the electroreduction of oxygen on bare and Bi-submonolayer-m
47 ations of hydrogen peroxide (HP) through the electroreduction of oxygen.
48                         The mechanism of the electroreduction of peroxide on Bi-submonolayer-modified
49                              The kinetics of electroreduction of Ru(NH3)6(3+) has been studied at a p
50                                              Electroreduction of small molecules in aqueous solution
51          The latter reaction is based on the electroreduction of the Co(III) center in vitamin B12 to
52 s of the NT nitro groups and the DPV peak of electroreduction of the NTs for the MIP-NT.
53  to obtain a mixed layer is the simultaneous electroreduction of the two diazonium salts.
54                         The mechanism of the electroreduction of UO2(2+) by the RuNPs/GC was studied
55 ed understanding of the initial steps of CO2 electroreduction on copper surfaces, the best current ca
56 that leads to methane and ethylene for CO(2) electroreduction on Cu(111) was identified.
57                The mechanism of nitric oxide electroreduction on Pt(111) is investigated using a comb
58 rticle size effects during the catalytic CO2 electroreduction on size-controlled Cu nanoparticles (NP
59 r thin, evaporated Ni and Co films using our electroreduction process with thiols.
60 ed and deposited on surface by the diazonium electroreduction process.
61  relations provide novel insights in the CO2 electroreduction reaction on nanoscale surfaces.
62  to increase activity and selectivity during electroreduction reactions.
63   We showcase NiCoFeP in a membrane-free CO2 electroreduction system that achieves a 1.99 V cell volt
64 rpotential and increases the activity of CO2 electroreduction to CO.
65 ighly active toward nitrite and nitric oxide electroreduction under various pH values with ammonia as
66  pointed different approach of 5f metal ions electroreduction unlike 4p metal ions such as As(III).
67 atalytic activity and selectivity during CO2 electroreduction were analyzed and compared to a bulk Cu
68 ed onto the bottom electrode using diazonium electroreduction, which yields a stable and robust gold-
69  on the junction base electrode by diazonium electroreduction, while the counter electrode was direct

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