


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rature and decreasing pH, despite the higher electrostatic field.
2 curs in water, which itself exerts a sizable electrostatic field.
3 e energetic consequences of the nucleic acid electrostatic field.
4  calibrates their vibrational frequencies to electrostatic field.
5 d to quantify perturbations to the protein's electrostatic field.
6  the diffusion of ions in the presence of an electrostatic field.
7  of proteins are on average aligned with the electrostatic field.
8  and the opposite face has a strong positive electrostatic field.
9 eld and the remainder of the variance to the electrostatic field.
10  films on gold in the presence of an applied electrostatic field.
11 ng that these residues interact with the RNA electrostatic field.
12 bitrap in that ions are trapped using solely electrostatic fields.
13 from artificially created electromagnetic or electrostatic fields.
14 lerated via strong charge-separation-induced electrostatic fields.
15 vity with observed differences in steric and electrostatic fields.
16 ure by a mechanism that does not involve the electrostatic field across the bilayer, but rather elect
17 ange electrostatic interactions, whereby the electrostatic field acts as a 'funnel' that sweeps the G
18 he phenolate of Tyr 149 opposes the positive electrostatic field and attenuates the reactivity of NAD
19 as nitriles, are linearly sensitive to local electrostatic field and can serve as a molecular electri
20           Analyses of these distributions of electrostatic field and internal dynamics, together with
21 re waters is sufficient to reshape the local electrostatic field and modulate the energetics of condu
22 The difference may be due to both the larger electrostatic field and the greater asymmetry of the cha
23 binding site, which lies 80% into the pore's electrostatic field and thus exhibits a marked voltage d
24 ng correlation between the calculated steric-electrostatic fields and the observed biological activit
25  of the built-in electric field, the applied electrostatic field, and charged impurities or adsorbate
26 rmeation rate is sensitive to the inner pore electrostatic field, and they are consistent with creati
27 comparison reveals that the CoMFA steric and electrostatic fields are compatible with stereochemical
28 icance of the CoMFA models; thus, steric and electrostatic fields are the relevant descriptors for th
29  finite size of the cavity and the favorable electrostatic field arising from the pore helices.
30 e channel axis due to the strong transversal electrostatic field arising from those residues.
31 s are primarily a response to changes in the electrostatic field around the heme (a transient Stark s
32                                              Electrostatic field assistance is applied to improve NP
33                                         This electrostatic field-assisted carrier separation and perc
34 tity of supporting electrolyte to screen the electrostatic field associated with MEH+.
35  data gives an estimate of the average total electrostatic field at this location.
36    To quantitatively assess the landscape of electrostatic fields at discrete locations and orientati
37                                              Electrostatic field calculations suggest that the drug's
38 e PDB2PQR web server addresses this need for electrostatic field calculations.
39 arison to structural models, that changes in electrostatic field can be measured within the complex p
40                                              Electrostatic field changes as large as -10 MV/cm were o
41 tional Stark spectroscopy, we quantified the electrostatic field changes within the surrounding activ
42 d for each fragment, and a set of steric and electrostatic fields ("CoMFA column") is generated for e
43 eloped which uses electrodynamic rather than electrostatic fields commonly used in drift cell IM-MS i
44 eaction field approach, we have computed the electrostatic field contributions to the fluorine shield
45             Although the relative steric and electrostatic field contributions were similar to those
46 Tyr 149 is attributed mainly to the positive electrostatic field created by NAD+ and Lys 153 (4.5 kca
47 binding sites and appears to be bound by the electrostatic field created by the cationic residues, wi
48 tions report differences in the intraprotein electrostatic field, demonstrating that the dipole or ch
49     The alignment of a dipole with the local electrostatic field depends on both the topology of the
50                                          The electrostatic field distribution about RbfADelta25 is bi
51  the KH domain of the E.coli Era GTPase, its electrostatic field distribution is most similar to the
52 e observed shift in nuC=O, originates in the electrostatic field due to the alpha-helix dipole from r
53 quantitative and directional probes of local electrostatic fields, due to the vibrational Stark effec
54 output characteristics, which also points to electrostatic (field-effect) charging.
55 est since they demonstrate the importance of electrostatic field effects on Phe and Tyr C gamma chemi
56 shown to require a good description of local electrostatic field effects, and we find the best result
57  and under submerged conditions in different electrostatic fields (EFs) and were assessed for cell vi
58                                   A positive electrostatic field emanating from the center of the aqu
59               We demonstrate that long-range electrostatic fields emanating from the oxide lead to st
60 Ala "NPA" motifs), together with the protein electrostatic fields enforce a bipolar water configurati
61 h atomic precision, thereby tuning the local electrostatic field experienced by single manganese (Mn)
62 nformations show the best alignment with the electrostatic field, followed by residues in beta-strand
63 frequency correlates linearly with the local electrostatic field for both hydrogen-bonding and non-hy
64            The contributions from steric and electrostatic fields for model 1 were 0.621 and 0.379, r
65            The contributions from steric and electrostatic fields for model 2 were 0.493 and 0.507, r
66 tion band potential difference and the inner electrostatic field formed in the p-n heterojunction pro
67      These results suggest that the negative electrostatic field from the two opposing Asp carboxylat
68             It is the SHG sensitivity to the electrostatic field generated by a charged interface tha
69 f peptide bond dipole moments with the local electrostatic field generated by the rest of the molecul
70 ctivity), indicating a role for the positive electrostatic fields generated by both ABEs in enhancing
71 omplex formation with complementary negative electrostatic fields generated by FV.
72 Stark spectroscopy, and NMR studies revealed electrostatic field heterogeneity of 8 MV/cm between act
73 t are extremely confined and controllable by electrostatic fields; however, electrical detection of p
74 s simulations in the presence of a transpore electrostatic field (i.e., a voltage drop along the pore
75 n equation, quantitative computations of the electrostatic field in a sodium channel structural model
76 es can provide a direct readout of the local electrostatic field in complex molecular environments, s
77 d mixed states, have been revealed within an electrostatic field in range of -2 V to + 2 V, as well a
78                       In this mechanism, the electrostatic field in the catalytic site turns the elec
79 k is largely governed by the presence of the electrostatic field in the cavity, which is reflected by
80 ectivity due to steric and/or an anisotropic electrostatic field in the distal heme pocket being resp
81                          The role of the RNA electrostatic field in this interaction was explored usi
82 tark effect spectroscopy was used to measure electrostatic fields in the hydrophobic region of the ac
83                    Calculation of difference electrostatic fields in the pore model predicted that li
84 ompensation of reduced fluctuations of local electrostatic fields in the presence of an apolar solute
85 d the sensitivity of carbonyl frequencies to electrostatic fields, including those due to hydrogen bo
86 t of the red-shift in the LSP energy and the electrostatic field induced blue shift in the PL energy
87 associated electrostatic fields, whereas the electrostatic field is less sensitive to the particular
88                                              Electrostatic field lines reveal attraction across the c
89 ized structures with significantly different electrostatic field magnitudes at the CO ligand site ind
90 ccelerating effect of the negatively charged electrostatic field of FS on the diffusion of metal ions
91                                          The electrostatic field of the crystal is used to generate a
92 erations in this asymmetric yet strong local electrostatic field of the EEDD ring significantly alter
93  enhanced by favorable interactions with the electrostatic field of the enzymes.
94                      Increasing the positive electrostatic field on PC by the addition of a Zn(2+) io
95  use protein architecture to impose specific electrostatic fields onto their bound substrates, but th
96    These results suggest the dominance of an electrostatic field polarization model in which increasi
97                            Applying external electrostatic fields produced a transmembrane ionic curr
98       This position may serve to enhance the electrostatic fields produced by this basic domain at th
99  to charge difference may be mediated by the electrostatic field provided by anionic phospholipids.
100   We concluded that the large local negative electrostatic field shifted the outer vestibule carboxyl
101 formation on the time-dependent variation in electrostatic field strength on the Bchl and Bph cofacto
102 tatic steering of ligands with complementary electrostatic fields, the second (specific) involves a c
103       We find that variations of the protein electrostatic field through the channel, owing to preser
104 led by reprotonated His-322 and drift in the electrostatic field toward the cytosol.
105                                              Electrostatic fields tune the ground state of interfaces
106                                   Steric and electrostatic fields were calculated for a training set
107                                     Measured electrostatic fields were compared to predictions based
108 significant differences among the associated electrostatic fields, whereas the electrostatic field is
109 phobic cores of these peptides support local electrostatic fields which result in nativelike heme chr
110 e relying on an inherent transverse focusing electrostatic field, which induces transverse oscillatio
111  Few specificity annotation methods consider electrostatic fields, which play a critical role in mole
112 ph) cofactors that provide natural probes of electrostatic fields within this protein.

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