


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ment as well as the long-range nature of the electrostatic force.
2 developed a model system that isolates these electrostatic forces.
3 st particles are levitated above the ring by electrostatic forces.
4 polymer structure is invariant to changes in electrostatic forces.
5 lutes approach one another due to long-range electrostatic forces.
6 racting with a polymer (mRNA antecedent) via electrostatic forces.
7  a result of interactions that are driven by electrostatic forces.
8 self each impact the overall effect of these electrostatic forces.
9 y interact with the membrane largely through electrostatic forces.
10 emerge from competing long-range elastic and electrostatic forces.
11 E) method employed to accommodate long-range electrostatic forces.
12 brin polymerization is largely controlled by electrostatic forces.
13 llowed us to evaluate the full effect of the electrostatic forces.
14 oFc gamma RII receptor through predominantly electrostatic forces.
15 h Ewald method to accommodate the long-range electrostatic forces.
16 ance between van der Waals, hydrophobic, and electrostatic forces.
17 ctions between the chains in addition to the electrostatic forces.
18 incipally, though not exclusively, driven by electrostatic forces.
19 toreceptor matrix where it is maintained via electrostatic forces.
20 olecules together are weak van der Waals and electrostatic forces.
21 , despite the powerful opposition of Coulomb electrostatic forces.
22 zing effects through varying hydrophobic and electrostatic forces.
23 in the closed position on the actin helix by electrostatic forces.
24 aals and ionic-strength-dependent, repulsive electrostatic forces.
25 with Get4-Get5 via an interface dominated by electrostatic forces.
26 during phosphoryl transfer are stabilized by electrostatic forces.
27  characterizing the AP, altering compressive electrostatic forces across the membrane.
28 plementarity of these surfaces indicate that electrostatic forces act in concert with a conformationa
29 es in the analyte solution that results from electrostatic forces acting on the particle whenever iap
30                                              Electrostatic forces, acting between helices and modulat
31 C plot due to the change in magnitude of the electrostatic force alone is remarkable.
32 ously predicted that globules are induced by electrostatic forces along an electrically charged polym
33 +) covered Au NPs and decrease the repulsive electrostatic forces among NPs, leading to assembly of i
34 rane on the SNARE complex, we calculated the electrostatic force and performed simulations with an ex
35 ve binding analysis revealed that long-range electrostatic forces and a greasy nonspecific hydrophobi
36 n inner flow region dominated by viscous and electrostatic forces and an outer flow region dominated
37 are governed by the competition of repulsive electrostatic forces and attractive poor solvency/hydrop
38  interfacial adsorption is largely driven by electrostatic forces and demonstrate that the arrangemen
39                            Understanding the electrostatic forces and features within highly heteroge
40                   Polar interactions such as electrostatic forces and hydrogen bonds play an essentia
41 otube surfaces, thereby increasing repulsive electrostatic forces and steric effects.
42       Selectivity arises from the balance of electrostatic forces and steric repulsion by excluded vo
43 he gradient of the partial pressure, (b) the electrostatic force, and (c) the diffusive drag force th
44  polycation resulted in repulsive interlayer electrostatic forces, and caused the dissolution of PEM
45 ptide and DNA in octylglucoside is driven by electrostatic forces, and peptide-peptide interactions a
46                                              Electrostatic forces appear to induce modest DNA bending
47                       Inherent mineralogical electrostatic forces appeared to be the controlling coll
48 out external water we reveal that long-range electrostatic forces apply a restraining effect upon int
49 genesis of the B. subtilis CTV suggests that electrostatic forces are an important determinant of lat
50          Therefore, accurate calculations of electrostatic forces are crucial for revealing the mecha
51 ngth of the buffer solution, indicating that electrostatic forces are involved in these processes, bi
52                                         When electrostatic forces are present at zero ionic strength
53  enabled at high ionic strength, as particle electrostatic forces are reduced through Debye screening
54  that although surface charging can be weak, electrostatic forces are significant even at large dista
55              The metamaterial is actuated by electrostatic forces arising from the application of onl
56 ed MWNTs were controlled by van der Waal and electrostatic forces, as well as other non-DLVO forces (
57 of attractive depletion forces and repulsive electrostatic forces assemble into equilibrium one-dimen
58                                          The electrostatic forces associated with single electrons ho
59 orohexane, theoretical simulations show that electrostatic forces associated with the fluorine substi
60 crucial role played by small but anisotropic electrostatic forces associated with the halogen substit
61 irect recovery of the bias dependence of the electrostatic force at high temporal resolution using Ge
62 ce web server to calculate and visualize the electrostatic forces at molecular level.
63 nd to exist, due to a), repulsive long-range electrostatic forces; b), short-range repulsive hydratio
64 nge in brine composition induces a repulsive electrostatic force between the oil-brine and mineral-br
65 ses at forward bias because of an attractive electrostatic force between the positively charged Fc un
66 ntroduces a biasing force in addition to the electrostatic force between the reactants, and it associ
67 for a quantitative analysis of the effective electrostatic forces between colloidal particles.
68 itical divalent counterion concentration the electrostatic forces between DNA chains adsorbed on surf
69                   In vitro studies show that electrostatic forces between DNA chains in bulk aqueous
70 ubstructure is strongly influenced by direct electrostatic forces between gamma-COO(-) in Glu(-) or d
71 interactions that are moderated by repulsive electrostatic forces between negatively charged carboxyl
72 hat the energetics of gating is dominated by electrostatic forces between S4 charges and countercharg
73                                              Electrostatic forces between the charged Fe(III) (hydr)o
74 iber size is comparable to the Debye length, electrostatic forces between the fibers and the particle
75 esult is primarily attributed to the greater electrostatic forces between the partial negative charge
76 ng a model of cyt f-PC interactions in which electrostatic forces bring the two molecules together bu
77 s and susceptible to general hydrophobic and electrostatic forces, but to what extent does the funnel
78       We tune the strength of intermolecular electrostatic forces by varying the solution ionic stren
79                                        Thus, electrostatic forces can have a dramatic effect on the i
80 . now propose a packaging mechanism in which electrostatic forces cause the motor to alternate betwee
81                                              Electrostatic forces cause the oppositely charged cation
82 , probably, due to pH-induced alterations in electrostatic forces causing the packing of the protein
83  the separation of cooperative cation-pi and electrostatic forces commonly found in the binding motif
84      When voltage was applied, the resulting electrostatic forces compressed the film in thickness an
85 ong a bistable potential of mean force, with electrostatic forces coupling the two trajectories.
86 ttractive base stacking forces and repulsive electrostatic forces creating this stiffness.
87  incorporation of CHT in preparations due to electrostatic forces developing between the two polymeri
88  we show that biased diffusion, augmented by electrostatic forces, does indeed generate sufficient to
89                                       In H2O electrostatic forces dominate so that the most stable st
90 in prior studies, ensuring that interhelical electrostatic forces dominate the behavior of the system
91  upon addition of electrolyte indicates that electrostatic forces dominate the interactions between 1
92 d ionic strength in a manner consistent with electrostatic forces dominating interaction with these o
93                                    Favorable electrostatic forces dramatically enhance the associatio
94 about protein-ligand interactions state that electrostatic forces drive the binding of charged specie
95 orted by mutational and other data, in which electrostatic forces drive the DNA packaging by alternat
96                                   Steric and electrostatic forces each contributed to the interfacial
97                          This is ascribed to electrostatic forces, enhancing the largely van der Waal
98 e regulator p27 demonstrated that long-range electrostatic forces exerted on enriched charges of IDPs
99                            In the absence of electrostatic forces, fewer than 1% of substrate molecul
100 dent of salt, implicating the involvement of electrostatic forces for the former.
101 chromatin is important for understanding the electrostatic forces governing chromatin structure and f
102 nol reveal the importance of hydrophobic and electrostatic forces in determining chromophore-chromoph
103 ring the simulations hints at involvement of electrostatic forces in long-range interaction and bindi
104             Finally, we consider the role of electrostatic forces in pollen transfer and pollinator a
105 ding and folding mechanisms and the roles of electrostatic forces in the formation of three IDP compl
106 he reactivation process, the contribution of electrostatic forces in the interaction of DnaA and lipi
107 s simulations were used to study the role of electrostatic forces in the interactions of cytochrome f
108  concentration, reflecting the importance of electrostatic forces in the protein-protein interaction.
109  interaction surfaces, suggesting a role for electrostatic forces in the recognition of DNA deformabi
110                                          The electrostatic forces induced through a bias voltage (or
111 e C-terminal six-amino acid sequence and its electrostatic force influence the rate of receptor desen
112 netration, chemical bonding enhancement, and electrostatic force involvement.
113 nge is often depicted as a process driven by electrostatic forces, ionic solvation or hydrophobic for
114                                              Electrostatic force is an essential component of the tot
115 capability for spatial symmetry breaking via electrostatic forces is expected to generate a wealth of
116  thermal motion, short-range repulsions, and electrostatic forces is responsible for a soft structure
117 ertain areas of a substrate under control of electrostatic forces is suggested here as a method for f
118  this predicts that pathogen modification of electrostatic forces may contribute directly to virulenc
119 rization forces which were measured using an electrostatic force microscope adapted to work in a liqu
120 eloped the Dual-Resonance-frequency-Enhanced Electrostatic force Microscopy (DREEM) imaging technique
121                   We introduce time-resolved electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) as a means to measu
122     We report a simple technique for mapping Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) bias sweep data int
123                       Experimental data from electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) image analysis, zet
124                 Here, we combine AFM with an electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) method to develop a
125 bstrates, the products were characterized by electrostatic force microscopy (EFM), MALDI-TOF, X-ray p
126 te this approach as Scanning Probe Potential Electrostatic Force Microscopy (SPP-EFM).
127                           Here, we show that electrostatic force microscopy can be used to directly v
128 olution transmission electron microscopy and electrostatic force microscopy confirm that nanoribbons
129                                              Electrostatic force microscopy recently confirmed charge
130 lectron microscopy, and a recently developed electrostatic force microscopy technique, DREEM (dual-re
131 s study utilizes atomic force microscopy and electrostatic force microscopy to investigate the orient
132 ue, DREEM (dual-resonance frequency-enhanced electrostatic force microscopy).
133 n that achievable with conventional scanning electrostatic force microscopy.
134 ide single T7 bacteriophages particles using electrostatic force microscopy.
135 tep-by-step chemical reduction process using electrostatic force microscopy.
136                                              Electrostatic forces not only enhance long range protein
137                                          The electrostatic forces of the ion cloud surrounding betaLg
138                   By analyzing the effect of electrostatic forces on ACh diffusion, we find that elec
139                                The effect of electrostatic forces on EPO binding was studied by measu
140   DelPhiForce web server enables modeling of electrostatic forces on individual atoms, residues, doma
141             The considerable impact of small electrostatic forces on nucleation suggests that these s
142 nnel polypeptide and (ii) constraints due to electrostatic forces on the flexibility needed for coope
143 uch ionic forced-oscillations exert additive electrostatic forces on the sensors of cell membrane ele
144 t affect ErgTx potency, and through-solution electrostatic forces only play a minor role in influenci
145       Stability was compromised by repulsive electrostatic forces originating from clustering of poin
146 l electrostatic charges, suggesting that non-electrostatic forces participate in the arrangement of n
147 t with the view that D2, through nonspecific electrostatic forces, places the two molecules in favora
148                                              Electrostatic forces play a key role in mediating intera
149                                              Electrostatic forces play a major role in maintaining bo
150  valency and ionic strength, suggesting that electrostatic forces play a primary role in H4 tail inte
151 ees = -15.9 cal mol-1 deg-1, suggesting that electrostatic forces play a prominent role in the intera
152                                              Electrostatic forces play an essential role in optimizin
153 static forces on ACh diffusion, we find that electrostatic forces play an even more important role fo
154 uffer pH and ionic strength, indicating that electrostatic forces play an important role in stress ge
155                              Modeling of the electrostatic forces predicted that the enhancing effect
156                                   Reversible electrostatic forces reduce parasitic power consumption
157                                  The lack of electrostatic forces reduced the adsorption of positivel
158     Even at 150 mM however, the inclusion of electrostatic forces results in an increase in transfer
159                              We propose that electrostatic forces serve to position the stator, where
160 o balance potential attractive and repulsive electrostatic forces so that the desired topology was fa
161 since ion binding is dominated by long-range electrostatic forces, such models provide only a phenome
162 e alpha-helix to much stronger environmental electrostatic forces than the other.
163 due contributes to catalysis by providing an electrostatic force that acts on the Asp145 nucleophile.
164 e driven by a combination of LH2's shape and electrostatic forces that are modulated by the presence
165  and interfacial mixing generate homogeneous electrostatic forces that can drive charge separation an
166 he conformational changes, GP10 may generate electrostatic forces that govern the DNA transport.
167                                  Because the electrostatic forces that guide binding act over large d
168 s supramolecular structures held together by electrostatic forces that incorporate the CCP and the dy
169 s) increases axon diameter through repulsive electrostatic forces that increase sidearm extension and
170  is not only limited by diffusion, but faces electrostatic forces that oppose binding.
171 ase of fibrinopeptides A and B, is driven by electrostatic forces that presumably favor the correct p
172                                              Electrostatic forces that steer the antigen to the antib
173  between partners results from complementary electrostatic forces that ultimately orient the metal-bi
174 ces are the dominant and the hydrophobic and electrostatic forces the weak partners in imparting stab
175 ponential modulation of the reaction rate by electrostatic forces, this reaction represents an exquis
176                 Here, we report the study of electrostatic forces through experiments using a well-co
177 A complex to directly suggest the ability of electrostatic forces to facilitate folding upon encounte
178 owerful "shielding" opposition of long-range electrostatic forces to form highly charged molecular sp
179 tributions of the Lifshitz-van der Waals and electrostatic forces to the overall nonspecific interact
180 was simulated in the presence and absence of electrostatic forces using a modeled structure for a MDH
181 f vdW forces becomes significant by the time electrostatic forces vanish.
182       Thus, via optimization of such dynamic electrostatic forces, viral peptides have evolved a supe
183                                          The electrostatic forces were shown to be important for the
184       These are assembled through steric and electrostatic forces, where the anions reside in equidis
185 e encounter complex are usually dominated by electrostatic forces, whereas the active complex is also
186  structure because they neutralize the large electrostatic forces which oppose the folding process.
187 he response of the cluster population to the electrostatic forces, which govern numerous biophysical
188 uciferase reporter gene that is condensed by electrostatic forces with polylysine (PL) covalently lin
189    However, the complex interaction of these electrostatic forces with RNA features such as tertiary

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