


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Electrotonic and action potentials could be propagated t
2                          We investigated the electrotonic and anatomical features of the dendritic ar
3  long-term homosynaptic potentiations of the electrotonic and chemical components of the mixed EPSP e
4 in the brainstem and rostral cord, while the electrotonic and cholinergic components ensure that the
5 K801) arrested the developmental decrease in electrotonic and dye coupling during the first postnatal
6 he VD neuron may play a critical role in the electrotonic and local computational organization of thi
7                                  The compact electrotonic arbor and increased excitability of V1 neur
8                   Analysis revealed that the electrotonic architecture of cortical pyramidal neurons
9 s effect of angiotensin established that the electrotonic architecture of the retinal microvasculatur
10 address this challenge, we characterized the electrotonic architecture of the retinal microvasculatur
11 tive firing, may compensate functionally for electrotonic attenuation of EPSPs.
12 ial efficacy of tuft input arose because its electrotonic characteristics favour development of a sus
13 ains the gap junction proteins necessary for electrotonic communication and whether the presence and
14 all number of excitatory synaptic inputs and electrotonic compactness.
15 ally mediated EPSP and gap junctions for the electrotonic component or at intermediaries common to bo
16  and decreases caudally; (c) cholinergic and electrotonic components are relatively constant in diffe
17 Persistent potentiations of the chemical and electrotonic components of the eighth nerve (NVIII) EPSP
18                               We hypothesize electrotonic conduction occurs across non-myocyte gaps i
19 ns these fluctuations in terms of changes in electrotonic coupling among LC neurons and predicts impr
20 lices from adult animals, the combination of electrotonic coupling and firing frequency are the key e
21  sensory inputs, and that mechanisms besides electrotonic coupling are involved in generating PC sync
22                                              Electrotonic coupling between atrial myocytes and Fbs ma
23         Previous studies have indicated that electrotonic coupling between locus ceruleus (LC) neuron
24 rsal accessory olive and (2) dendrodendritic electrotonic coupling between neurons of the left and ri
25                             Given the strong electrotonic coupling between soma and axon, the >25 mV
26 tions suggest that the spikelets result from electrotonic coupling between the oscillating SPNs.
27 , when the tissue exceeds the critical size, electrotonic coupling can no longer globally synchronize
28 e ratios were hardly affected by the size of electrotonic coupling conductances.
29 c (nACh) from more rostral motoneurones, and electrotonic coupling from neighbouring motoneurones.
30 ker carbenoxolone to investigate the role of electrotonic coupling in both the initiation and the mai
31 s confirmed this prediction, indicating that electrotonic coupling in LC may play an important role i
32 ctrophysiological evidence of heterocellular electrotonic coupling in native myocardium and identify
33 eness of presynaptic calcium in potentiating electrotonic coupling likely reflects the involvement of
34 nsmission, but is in fact a result of direct electrotonic coupling of neurons, most likely through ga
35 nd that synchronous CS activity results from electrotonic coupling of olivary neurons.
36      Characterization of the diffusional and electrotonic coupling of spines to the dendritic shaft i
37 m distal to the soma, due to unusually tight electrotonic coupling of the soma to distal dendrites.
38                                              Electrotonic coupling synchronizes the spontaneous firin
39  even contribute to AP conduction via direct electrotonic coupling to AP-generating cells is unresolv
40 s of the present study extend the functional electrotonic coupling to interactions between neurons an
41       Estimates of synaptic conductances and electrotonic coupling to other motoneurones suggest that
42                                              Electrotonic coupling was confirmed by the detection of
43                                              Electrotonic coupling was directly demonstrated between
44 rivatives or mefloquine), modafinil restored electrotonic coupling within 30 min.
45 ular, electromotor systems may use extensive electrotonic coupling within nuclei to ensure precise ti
46 ggest that drug therapies designed to reduce electrotonic coupling within the inferior olive or reduc
47 r, electrotonic synaptic interactions (i.e., electrotonic coupling), which occur by means of gap junc
48 ion velocity restitution, cellular dynamics, electrotonic coupling, and stochastic pacing on the noda
49            Specifically, using dye coupling, electrotonic coupling, Western blots and small interferi
50                          Specifically, using electrotonic coupling, Western blots, and siRNA in the m
51 d synchronous activity, suggesting a role of electrotonic coupling.
52 GABA(A)-mediated depolarization of axons and electrotonic coupling.
53 tivity arises from heterokaryons rather than electrotonic coupling.
54 e over a much longer length scale set by the electrotonic coupling.
55 t cardiomyocyte depolarization resulted from electrotonic crosstalk with myofibroblasts as demonstrat
56 he action potential amplitude, decreases the electrotonic current available to depolarize downstream
57 pacemaker cells, myogenic mechanisms, and/or electrotonic current spread (both hyperpolarizing and de
58 hmus enabled retrograde flow of depolarizing electrotonic current to trigger EADs and reflection.
59                                              Electrotonic currents due to coupling within the tissue
60 ion velocity, short-term cardiac memory, and electrotonic currents.
61 most T channels are greater than after their electrotonic decay recorded at the soma.
62 ratio of the changing electrotonic length to electrotonic diameter is constant.
63  This allows distal inputs to overcome their electrotonic disadvantage, and become surprisingly more
64 ng was not apparent, probably because of the electrotonic distance between dendrodendritic gap juncti
65  whose magnitude is inversely related to the electrotonic distance from the soma when bAPs are not as
66 use synapses potentially occur over variable electrotonic distances that distort somatically recorded
67 stems also showed wide spatial and estimated electrotonic distributions; only 3/24 systems had all co
68 distinct AMPA receptor subunits to different electrotonic domains.
69                   These results suggest that electrotonic effects may play a critical role in EAD-med
70 man motor axons is mainly due to the passive electrotonic effects of the stimulating current, but thi
71 ur seemingly randomly because of the lack of electrotonic effects of the surrounding myocardium.
72 tributions of glutamatergic, cholinergic and electrotonic excitation to EPSPs measured in Xenopus tad
73 lectrical inhibition that coincides with the electrotonic excitatory drive to the M-cell; the amplitu
74 to gain mechanistic insight into the role of electrotonic Fb-myocyte coupling on myocyte excitability
75 fold in a given interneuron, consistent with electrotonic filtering and possibly with different GABAA
76 ll population of unitary IPSCs suggests that electrotonic filtering of distal responses is a major fa
77                                              Electrotonic, geometric and kinetic parameters were alte
78  rotating activity, the core exerts a strong electrotonic influence that effectively abbreviates APD
79 t the hypothesis that DBS works primarily by electrotonic inhibition of the stimulated structure.
80 f gap junction pathways resulting in loss of electrotonic input from neighboring cells.
81 ay and pacemaker cells and that they receive electrotonic inputs from and make chemical synapses back
82              The dye-coupling indicates that electrotonic interaction is induced or strengthened betw
83 t the changes of DeltaV(-)(m) were caused by electrotonic interaction with an area of depolarization.
84 than in the M region as the result of strong electrotonic interaction.
85 in APD are quantitatively smaller because of electrotonic interactions among the 3 cell types.
86                       To investigate whether electrotonic interactions between coupled cells modulate
87 (m) changes are inversely related because of electrotonic interactions between structural boundaries.
88  interval abbreviation observed results from electrotonic interactions in the face of limited transdu
89          mGluR2 signaling ensures sufficient electrotonic isolation of dendritic sectors to prevent t
90 ductances to represent chemical synapses and electrotonic junctional connections to neighbouring neur
91 that coupled interneurones, possibly through electrotonic junctions, converged on the same postsynapt
92 ut statistically significant decrease in the electrotonic length of ADM-MNs.
93 e number of synapses, and an increase in the electrotonic length of dendrites.
94 erties change, but the ratio of the changing electrotonic length to electrotonic diameter is constant
95  potential, input resistance, time constant, electrotonic length, and spike frequency adaptation (SFA
96 y-state signals), despite a relatively short electrotonic length.
97 me constants of tau(o) = 45.5 +/- 5.2 ms and electrotonic lengths of 1.1 +/- 0.2.
98 me constants of tau(o) = 155.1 +/- 12 ms and electrotonic lengths of 3.8 +/- 0.5.
99 rated a parallel reduction in peak I(Na) and electrotonic load as the wavefront approaches the epicar
100                                    Decreased electrotonic load at the epicardial surface results in m
101 monstrate that MF and CL synapses overlap in electrotonic location yet differ in conductance time cou
102                   These formed the basis for electrotonic models with four electrical variables, name
103 imulation environment to construct realistic electrotonic models, which showed that inhibitory conduc
104 sition; and myofibroblast proliferation with electrotonic or paracrine effects on neighboring myocyte
105 ological diversity, we asked whether passive electrotonic parameters or repetitive firing behavior co
106  these same stimuli also evoked phase-locked electrotonic postsynaptic potentials and action potentia
107 ped sound pressure waves (150-250 Hz) evoked electrotonic postsynaptic potentials in the M-cell locke
108 ar the point of current injection, resultant electrotonic potentials could be detected in only a smal
109  (up to 8 nA) into a single CM cell elicited electrotonic potentials in neighbouring CM cells, only w
110 pherally activated at its resting potential, electrotonic potentials in the lateral process are on av
111                   In isoelectrotonic growth, electrotonic properties are constant regardless of the a
112    Given a uniformly excitable membrane, the electrotonic properties of dendritic arbors depend entir
113 een the electrode and the synaptic site, the electrotonic properties of dendritic structures, recordi
114 lability of postsynaptic space and alter the electrotonic properties of the neurons, affecting the ef
115                                              Electrotonic properties were characterized through an an
116 eters, that can be directly related to their electrotonic properties, and hence to neuronal function.
117  contact located within a restricted spatial/electrotonic region.
118  and BH(4) thus appear capable of modulating electrotonic signaling by means of myoendothelial and sm
119 F phenomenon, with cAMP governing subsequent electrotonic signaling via both myoendothelial and homoc
120  coupled cells; the coupling coefficient for electrotonic signals was 0.035, which compared with 0.00
121 nduction and delayed block by increasing the electrotonic source current.
122 delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) overcome electrotonic source-sink mismatches in tissue to trigger
123 ometric length is equal to the corresponding electrotonic space constant.
124 rvature regions are close to spiral tips, an electrotonic spread of excitatory currents from these re
125 ) receptors (GABA(A)Rs) and the soma through electrotonic spread of the axonal potential resulting in
126  entry through VSCCs that were opened by the electrotonic spread of the NMDAR-mediated depolarization
127 tude was rescued to control levels by direct electrotonic stimulation of the synapse in the presence
128                       We examined passive GM electrotonic structure by measuring the amplitudes and a
129  changing their membrane potential and their electrotonic structure.
130  and to build a compartmental model of their electrotonic structure.
131 themselves interconnected through functional electrotonic synapses.
132 lly mediated synaptic interactions; however, electrotonic synaptic interactions (i.e., electrotonic c
133 on gap junctions, because blocking prevented electrotonic transmission both in vitro and in vivo.
134 ion of P2X7 receptors inhibited cell-to-cell electrotonic transmission within the microvascular netwo
135 uli, does not have any significant effect on electrotonic transmission, whereas it facilitates the ch
136                          We hypothesize that electrotonic uncoupling between neighboring regions of c

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