


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ponents of the metabolic syndrome except for elevated blood pressure.
2 ved unfair treatment were not a correlate of elevated blood pressure.
3 a2(+/-)), and not alpha1 (alpha1(+/-)), have elevated blood pressure.
4 e lead related to postpartum hypertension or elevated blood pressure.
5  treatment of individuals with substantially elevated blood pressure.
6 e (bone lead) with risks of hypertension and elevated blood pressure.
7 epresent a major advance in the treatment of elevated blood pressure.
8 us was not associated cross-sectionally with elevated blood pressure.
9 appear to have a causal role in exacerbating elevated blood pressure.
10 -density lipoprotein cholesterol and through elevated blood pressure.
11 ressure in middle-aged and older adults with elevated blood pressure.
12  six times in the 10% hypomorphs, which have elevated blood pressure.
13 um retention, global sympathoexcitation, and elevated blood pressure.
14 -beta4 null mice likely contributes to their elevated blood pressure.
15 how that PRCP(gt/gt) mice have significantly elevated blood pressure.
16 relatively healthy individuals with modestly elevated blood pressure.
17 at is initiated by ECD prior to the onset of elevated blood pressure.
18 tamin D insufficiency may be associated with elevated blood pressure.
19  inadequate sleep quality is associated with elevated blood pressure.
20 -year-old nulliparous woman developed mildly elevated blood pressure (140-150/90-100 mmHg) without pr
21  declines were recorded in the prevalence of elevated blood pressure (27/57 [47%] vs 9/55 [16%]; p=0.
22      On examination, 49% of patients have an elevated blood pressure, 28% have a diastolic murmur, 31
23 revalence decreased (33.5% to 24.3%), as did elevated blood pressure (32.3% to 24.0%).
24 was 57.75% for abdominal obesity, 44.05% for elevated blood pressure, 40.98% for reduced HDL-choleste
25 ve protein levels (75%), dyslipidemia (50%), elevated blood pressure (49%), impaired fasting glucose
26        Surprisingly, PLD2 (-/-) mice exhibit elevated blood pressure accompanied by associated change
27 isk = 1.60 [95% CI, 1.26-2.03]; P < .01) and elevated blood pressure (adjusted relative risk = 1.48 [
28 expression is downregulated with chronically elevated blood pressure after angiotensin II infusion.
29 43-1.60; mid-childhood: 1.76, 1.69-1.91) and elevated blood pressure (age 2 years: 1.07, 1.01-1.13; m
30 17-1.31; mid-childhood: 1.12, 1.06-1.18) and elevated blood pressure (age 2 years: 1.12, 1.06-1.19; m
31                      Lead is associated with elevated blood pressure, although the mechanism of actio
32  of a high-salt (HS) diet are independent of elevated blood pressure and are associated with impaired
33  a direct association of protein intake with elevated blood pressure and atherosclerosis.
34 ns are associated with complications such as elevated blood pressure and decreased creatinine clearan
35                                              Elevated blood pressure and elevated low-density lipopro
36     Deficiency of Kir2.1 channels results in elevated blood pressure and increased vascular resistanc
37 n and proteinuria accompanied by preexisting elevated blood pressure and kidney pathology.
38 , failure of spermatozoa flagella formation, elevated blood pressure and obesity.
39 the adrenal medulla contributes, in part, to elevated blood pressure and plasma CA.
40 bition of CaMKII in the hypothalamus reduces elevated blood pressure and sympathetic nerve discharges
41  the robust body of evidence linking Na with elevated blood pressure and the few existing general pop
42  a functional Npr1 gene coding for NPRA have elevated blood pressures and hearts exhibiting marked hy
43 oxic ventilatory response, LTF of breathing, elevated blood pressures and increased plasma noradrenal
44 isk factors (mainly tobacco use, lipids, and elevated blood pressure) and societal level health deter
45 is of prostaglandin I2 and prostaglandin E2, elevated blood pressure, and accelerated atherogenesis i
46 paired fasting glucose levels, dyslipidemia, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus) and asso
47  Vpr-Agt-2 developed neither proteinuria nor elevated blood pressure, and displayed minimal glomerula
48 The risk of impaired fasting glucose levels, elevated blood pressure, and elevated high-sensitivity C
49 racterized by central obesity, dyslipidemia, elevated blood pressure, and hyperglycemia.
50 low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, through elevated blood pressure, and possibly also through eleva
51 ucing left ventricular hypertrophy, treating elevated blood pressure, and reducing left ventricular f
52 h and without elevated cholesterol levels or elevated blood pressure, and unhealthy and healthy perso
53 mmended work-up in a child who presents with elevated blood pressure as well as innovative evaluation
54 sfunction, increased vascular stiffness, and elevated blood pressure at a very young age.
55        Undertreated hypertension (50.0% with elevated blood pressure at baseline), undiagnosed hyperg
56 y assessed the temporal relationship between elevated blood pressure (BP) and arterial stiffness in a
57             Hormonally intact nnee mice have elevated blood pressure (BP) and increased atheroscleros
58                      These decreases in eNOS elevated blood pressure (BP) but not blood glucose.
59 velop hypertension and exhibit significantly elevated blood pressure (BP) by 3 months of age.
60 nic and sex disparities in the prevalence of elevated blood pressure (BP) from childhood to adulthood
61                       Although screening for elevated blood pressure (BP) in adults is beneficial, ev
62 drogenase type 2 (11betaHSD2) contributes to elevated blood pressure (BP) in clinical syndromes, but
63                                              Elevated blood pressure (BP) is the largest contributing
64                                              Elevated blood pressure (BP) levels in childhood have be
65                We recently reported that the elevated blood pressure (BP) observed in patients with c
66                                           An elevated blood pressure (BP) response to the cold presso
67 e (CKD) exhibit a disproportionate burden of elevated blood pressure (BP) with a high prevalence of p
68 , which can be caused by diet, may result in elevated blood pressure (BP).
69                            Four patients had elevated blood pressure but mean blood pressure values w
70 vel of the coeliac arteries, a stimulus that elevated blood pressure by about 30 mmHg.
71 ponded to phenylephrine administration which elevated blood pressure by an average of 50 mmHg.
72 ol and LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, cigarette smoking, diabetes, va
73 irds of people over age 60 in North America; elevated blood pressure correlates with increased risk o
74                     In Blacks, advanced age, elevated blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and smoking
75 131 (26%) had a diagnosis of hypertension or elevated blood pressure documented in the electronic med
76                Emilin1 knockout mice display elevated blood pressure due to increased TGF-beta signal
77 icult to diagnose, but is associated with an elevated blood pressure during heart failure.
78                                              Elevated blood pressure during pregnancy, regardless of
79 st lead exposure influences hypertension and elevated blood pressure during pregnancy.
80       Strikingly, the Piezo1 is required for elevated blood pressure during whole body physical activ
81 of dietary intake with the 15-y incidence of elevated blood pressure (EBP; ie, incident systolic BP >
82 entration was not related to hypertension or elevated blood pressure either in the third trimester or
83 e risk factors are atherogenic dyslipidemia, elevated blood pressure, elevated plasma glucose, a prot
84 factors consist of atherogenic dyslipidemia, elevated blood pressure, elevated plasma glucose, a prot
85 haracterized by obesity, insulin resistance, elevated blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, and low
86 sociated with cardiac risk factors including elevated blood pressure, glucose intolerance, and dyslip
87 y showed symptoms of preeclampsia, including elevated blood pressure, growth-restricted fetuses, and
88                                              Elevated blood pressure has an independent, positive ass
89  failure to intensify therapy in response to elevated blood pressure have not been systematically stu
90 ng, pediatric studies using ABPM to evaluate elevated blood pressure have shown that the prevalence o
91 etes in 76% (95% CI, 56 to 97), remission of elevated blood pressure in 74% (95% CI, 64 to 84), and r
92 se risk in two case-control studies and with elevated blood pressure in a separate familial study.
93 ted an association between preterm birth and elevated blood pressure in adolescence and young adultho
94 baseline renal function, leaving the role of elevated blood pressure in allograft failure unclear.
95 pression, impaired endothelial function, and elevated blood pressure in animals fed a soy-deficient d
96                           Slow-pressor AngII elevated blood pressure in AOF females and induced a sig
97 athetic nerve discharge (SND) in response to elevated blood pressure in cats.
98 armacological agents currently used to treat elevated blood pressure in children.
99 opulation and has been linked to chronically elevated blood pressure in cross-sectional epidemiologic
100     Prenatal DDT exposure is associated with elevated blood pressure in humans.
101 etic variation within FGF1 cosegregates with elevated blood pressure in hypertensive families and tha
102 kbkb) in the mediobasal hypothalamus rapidly elevated blood pressure in mice independently of obesity
103                                              Elevated blood pressure in middle age is an established
104                                              Elevated blood pressure in pre-hypertension results from
105 ular nucleus (PVN) to sympathoexcitation and elevated blood pressure in renovascular hypertension.
106 tor stimulation appears to contribute to the elevated blood pressure in SHR is the rostral ventrolate
107 ests that the development and maintenance of elevated blood pressure in the spontaneously hypertensiv
108 s of blood and bone lead on hypertension and elevated blood pressure in the third trimester and postp
109  renin-angiotensin system contributes to the elevated blood pressure in this model.
110 y the development of aortic ossification and elevated blood pressure in viable mutants.
111 ith insulin resistance, abnormal lipids, and elevated blood pressure in young adulthood.
112 ansient and persisting structural effects of elevated blood pressure, in agreement with the scant pat
113                       ER(F1) males exhibited elevated blood pressure, increased left ventricular (LV)
114 enotype, characterized by pregnancy failure, elevated blood pressure, increased plasma soluble fms-li
115                   Higher body-mass index and elevated blood pressure independently increase the long-
116 ors of CVD, namely excess visceral fat (VF), elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance, and atherog
117 me, in turn increasing cardiac output, which elevated blood pressure into the pre-hypertension range.
118                                              Elevated blood pressure is a common, heritable cause of
119                                              Elevated blood pressure is a key risk factor for develop
120  the kidney to excrete sodium in response to elevated blood pressure is a major contributor to hypert
121                                              Elevated blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascu
122                                              Elevated blood pressure is an important public health pr
123                                              Elevated blood pressure is an important risk factor for
124 blood pressure lowering accumulated to date, elevated blood pressure is still the leading risk factor
125                                              Elevated blood pressure is the leading heritable risk fa
126                                              Elevated blood pressure is the leading modifiable risk f
127 ntakes of dietary sodium are associated with elevated blood pressure levels and an increased risk of
128 essure from increasing and can help decrease elevated blood pressure levels for those with high norma
129  of 3 or more of the following risk factors: elevated blood pressure, low high-density lipoprotein ch
130 ion-study design, 49 adults (56% women) with elevated blood pressure (mean +/- SEM age: 53 +/- 2 y; s
131 PVN neurons significantly contributes to the elevated blood pressure mediated by Ang II.
132                                              Elevated blood pressure might amplify the adverse effect
133  female) a third were overweight, 1 in 6 had elevated blood pressure, more than 1 in 10 had high chol
134  high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, or elevated blood pressure, most often resulted in a diagno
135 the association between vitamin D status and elevated blood pressure noted in observational studies i
136                                              Elevated blood pressure, observed in up to 56% of patien
137 ressive disorder characterized by abnormally elevated blood pressure of the pulmonary circulation tha
138 exon for KS-WNK1) exhibited Na(+) retention, elevated blood pressure on a high-Na(+) diet and increas
139 Fit persons with any combination of smoking, elevated blood pressure, or elevated cholesterol level h
140 scular risk factors in midlife (specifically elevated blood pressure, physical inactivity, smoking, a
141 ozygote subjects showed reduced cortisol and elevated blood pressure, predicting risk of anxiety and
142 betes mellitus, obstructive sleep apnea, and elevated blood pressure predispose to AF, and each facto
143 fidence interval [CI], 1.03-1.16), number of elevated blood pressure readings beyond 3 (OR, 1.77; 95%
144  (OR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.09-1.34) and number of elevated blood pressure readings beyond 3 (OR, 3.07; 95%
145 ishing vascular function with age, including elevated blood pressure, reduced vascular compliance, de
146 lts from nonadherence to medications or from elevated blood pressure related to the white coat syndro
147  to 3.0) in the dexamethasone-placebo group, elevated blood pressure (relative risk, 2.9; 95 percent
148                                              Elevated blood pressure remains a widespread major imped
149 tant in processing acupuncture modulation of elevated blood pressure responses through a PVN opioid m
150 esponses to oral sodium loads in addition to elevated blood pressure (see related article beginning o
151  no overt obesity, severe hydrocephalus, and elevated blood pressure (shared by some but not all BBS
152      Leading health organizations agree that elevated blood pressure should be managed in children; h
153    During the index event, most patients had elevated blood pressure, sinus tachycardia, minimal nons
154                                 Decreases in elevated blood pressure, suboptimal triglycerides, and h
155 is: fasting glucose > 100 mg/dL or diabetes; elevated blood pressure (systolic >/= 130 mm Hg, diastol
156   Although mice deficient in GC-A display an elevated blood pressure, the resultant cardiac hypertrop
157 onolactone treatment reversibly restored the elevated blood pressure to the BKbeta1(+/+) strain A lev
158                                              Elevated blood pressure was associated with 23% greater
159                                     When the elevated blood pressure was returned to control by infus
160 orderline or elevated risk factors, of which elevated blood pressure was the most important contribut
161  grafts expressing human ANP did not develop elevated blood pressure when fed a high-salt diet.
162 clase-A (GC-A) results in mice displaying an elevated blood pressure, which is not altered by high or
163                    Whether rapid lowering of elevated blood pressure would improve the outcome in pat

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