


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  from heterozygous parents were defective in embryo development.
2 ies deemed to be critical during ex-vivo egg embryo development.
3 K5)-Cre gene construct is expressed in early embryo development.
4 al to probe its enantioselective toxicity in embryo development.
5 ability of an oocyte to support early cloned embryo development.
6 iogenesis and cardiac formation during mouse embryo development.
7 sed progressively during the first 3 days of embryo development.
8 hows that Asc regulates cell polarity during embryo development.
9 s) can disrupt endocrine function and impair embryo development.
10  pregnancy events, including preimplantation embryo development.
11 ment, especially in fatty acid synthesis and embryo development.
12  highly dynamic behavior in early Drosophila embryo development.
13 tions at fertilization and to support proper embryo development.
14  the wild type, suggesting a role of OPDA in embryo development.
15 n had a strong negative impact on subsequent embryo development.
16 n early embryogenesis, and eventually arrest embryo development.
17 r in the pattern and timing of endosperm and embryo development.
18 ble for expression in the radicle tip during embryo development.
19 s an important role during wound healing and embryo development.
20 ality owing to failure in both endosperm and embryo development.
21 is quite shallow, which is typical of type I embryo development.
22 ndicating that CRF function is essential for embryo development.
23  medicine, or as a model to understand human embryo development.
24 tioning in maintaining genomic stability and embryo development.
25 n oil content per seed and in disruptions of embryo development.
26 ROTEIN30 is involved in promotion of somatic embryo development.
27 ization, chalazal endosperm enlargement, and embryo development.
28 ms unlikely to explain Arf regulation during embryo development.
29 ecifically within the suspensor during early embryo development.
30 NSM) from the endomesoderm during sea urchin embryo development.
31 hat does not compromise oocyte maturation or embryo development.
32  of PKA localisation during oocyte and early embryo development.
33 of regulated granules form during oocyte and embryo development.
34  various markers, including ATP contents and embryo development.
35 displaying pleiotropic defects in pollen and embryo development.
36 A localisation occur during oocyte and early embryo development.
37 ion reveals novel RUB-dependent processes in embryo development.
38 2 must be above a threshold level for proper embryo development.
39 oscillations in mammalian eggs that activate embryo development.
40 ng radiation (IR) with no apparent effect on embryo development.
41 yonic lethal, with arrest occurring early in embryo development.
42 , indicating an essential role for AtOPT3 in embryo development.
43 educed fertility due to defective anther and embryo development.
44 ng that this molecule is required for normal embryo development.
45 te to the programming of gene expression and embryo development.
46 ell division with cellular metabolism during embryo development.
47 atory role played by trehalose metabolism in embryo development.
48 ed significant time variation during somatic embryo development.
49 lays a crucial role in oocyte maturation and embryo development.
50 rtant for the conditioning of eggs for early embryo development.
51 ontaining compounds are essential for normal embryo development.
52 nctions both in the early and late phases of embryo development.
53 g mammalian oocyte and early preimplantation embryo development.
54 emonstrates a critical role of mTOR in early embryo development.
55 sembly of organ precursors during vertebrate embryo development.
56 t CUL3 (AtCUL3) genes that are essential for embryo development.
57 th other proteins to control many aspects of embryo development.
58 pollen tube guidance, fertilization or early embryo development.
59 traembryonic EPCR expression is critical for embryo development.
60 e blastocyst stage of murine preimplantation embryo development.
61 ressed in adult tissues and throughout mouse embryo development.
62 trusion into the polar bodies for successful embryo development.
63 at accumulates to its highest amounts during embryo development.
64 and HD2C may be needed for embryogenesis and embryo development.
65 he timing of silencing is key for successful embryo development.
66 ators that preferentially accumulates during embryo development.
67 lity defects owing to failed preimplantation embryo development.
68  the expression pattern of Csn8 during early embryo development.
69  and leads to mild ventralization in Xenopus embryo development.
70 genome activation and is essential for early embryo development.
71 ntal development and a non-essential role in embryo development.
72 critical role for peptide transport in early embryo development.
73 or (AP) axis is a crucial step during animal embryo development.
74  play an essential role in the initiation of embryo development.
75 ocalizes in the cytosol and is essential for embryo development.
76 background level with the progression of the embryo development.
77 ity to induce oocyte activation and initiate embryo development.
78 cyte activation, which is the first stage of embryo development.
79 that drive egg activation and initiate early embryo development.
80 9me3 demethylase Kdm4d greatly improves SCNT embryo development.
81 d specifically in the suspensor during early embryo development.
82 quired for fertilization and preimplantation embryo development.
83 ter anthesis, during fertilization and early embryo development.
84 oth of which are a consequence of defects in embryo development.
85 24 TFs across five stages of D. melanogaster embryo development.
86 er to uncover cooperativity among TFs during embryo development.
87 le for SCY2 in chloroplast biogenesis beyond embryo development.
88 rkably little is known about its role during embryo development.
89 paradigm of signaling pathway integration in embryo development.
90  in vein connectivity appear early in mutant embryo development.
91 s of previous difficult to access aspects of embryo development.
92 log of LEC1 is expressed during leaf somatic embryo development.
93 ves as a warehouse to provide metal ions for embryo development.
94 of maternal-specific H3K9me3 modification in embryo development.
95 LEC1, LEC2, and FUS3 are essential for plant embryo development.
96  which AtHDA7 affects female gametophyte and embryo development.
97 or yolk granules and as a source of heme for embryo development.
98 re clock-controlled in cell lines and during embryo development.
99 ted to be involved in female gametophyte and embryo development.
100 n TET1 is a key regulator at later stages of embryo development.
101 anges in DNA methylation are observed during embryo development.
102 zation of cyclin A2 mRNA and mammalian early embryo development.
103 ial-to-mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) during embryo development; a process reactivated during cancer
104 ssion changes associated with abnormal mouse embryo development after alcohol exposure.
105 n with pronuclei was positively related with embryo development after IVF.
106  expressed in seeds, where it regulates both embryo development and accumulation of storage compounds
107 TSPO was found necessary for preimplantation embryo development and ACTH-stimulated steroid biosynthe
108 e cell cycle by approximately 35% throughout embryo development and alters cell type patterning of th
109 tility in biological processes as diverse as embryo development and cancer cell invasion.
110 s that atypical PKC molecules play a role in embryo development and cell polarity.
111 al source for humans as well as an essential embryo development and dispersal unit.
112 T-10 also promotes vulva, somatic gonad, and embryo development and ensures meiotic development of th
113 nt CPSF components have been associated with embryo development and flowering time controls, both of
114 UL7 mediates an essential function for mouse embryo development and has been linked with cell transfo
115 currently known about human pre-implantation embryo development and highlight how further studies of
116 ent a valuable model for investigating early embryo development and hold promise for future regenerat
117 h differentially expressed genes involved in embryo development and immune system.
118 y fertility-promoting molecules required for embryo development and implantation.
119 mutant revealed that CLPS3 was essential for embryo development and important for female gametophyte
120                The important role of NSN1 in embryo development and leaf differentiation was consiste
121 tewater and river water composition affected embryo development and led to the alteration of steroido
122 enes are required for both gametogenesis and embryo development and might therefore escape detection
123 naling is critical to normal preimplantation embryo development and migration of trophoblast stem cel
124 skeletal myoblasts and cardiac tissue during embryo development and muscle cell differentiation, whic
125                 Synchronized preimplantation embryo development and passage through the oviduct into
126 licated in numerous life processes including embryo development and phytohormones biosynthesis.
127 F2; an endometrial cytokine known to improve embryo development and pregnancy establishment) between
128 nical semen analysis parameters, and data on embryo development and pregnancy establishment.
129  capable of supporting normal fertilization, embryo development and produced healthy offspring.
130 Knockdown of the sulfur dioxygenase impaired embryo development and produced phenotypes of starvation
131 nstrate that AESP plays an essential role in embryo development and provide direct evidence that AESP
132 the channel function delays pre-implantation embryo development and reduces progression to the blasto
133 lin signaling plays an important role during embryo development and regulates angiogenesis, cardiovas
134 a crucial role of Brpf1 in controlling mouse embryo development and regulating cellular and gene expr
135 y toward puromycin, and that it functions in embryo development and reproduction of the nematode.
136 s, including environmental stress responses, embryo development and seed dormancy.
137 s in the presence of sucrose restores normal embryo development and seed viability, suggesting that t
138 osperm plays an essential role in support of embryo development and seedling germination.
139  and JA-deficient mutant spr2 was delayed in embryo development and showed an increased programmed ce
140 nsposition in somatic cells, excluding early embryo development and some malignancies.
141  their function has such profound effects on embryo development and survival.
142 their differentiation potential during mouse embryo development and that hematopoietic plasticity pla
143 re arrested at or before the octant stage of embryo development and that none showed the usual pericl
144 ctive demethylation of H3K27me3 during early embryo development and that this mark plays an important
145 le in driving cell proliferation during both embryo development and tumorigenesis.
146 sults reveal a role for NGF in early chicken embryo development and, in particular, in the regulation
147 s in the transfer cell layer, retardation of embryo development, and a considerable reduction of star
148 it plays an important role in seed dormancy, embryo development, and adaptation to environmental stre
149 ise during germ cell and/or pre-implantation embryo development, and are a major cause of spontaneous
150 c example of this is perturbation of midline embryo development, and disruption of Hedgehog (Hh) sign
151 three groups (early embryo development, late embryo development, and embryonic root apical meristem l
152 non-cholinergic role in female reproduction, embryo development, and growth of offspring.
153 perature regulation, information processing, embryo development, and inheritance).
154  significant role in ESC self-renewal, early embryo development, and reprogramming.
155 h calcium regulators are essential for early embryo development, and that knockdown of PmTPCs leads t
156  functional plastids are required for normal embryo development; and (ii) the PRPS9 has an extra-ribo
157 he female gametophyte was only marginal, and embryo development appeared normal in the absence of apy
158                                  Thus, early embryo development appears sensitive to elevated 16:0, w
159                                   Defects in embryo development are coincident with tissue-specific e
160                                Endosperm and embryo development are coordinated via epigenetic regula
161 4559 heterozygous plants produced seeds with embryo development arrested from globular to torpedo sta
162   The Wnt signaling pathways are involved in embryo development as well as in tumorigenesis.
163 n at 8 days after pollination (DAP) and late embryo development at 13 DAP.
164 ose knockout is lethal and leads to arrested embryo development at the globular stage.
165  disruption of Csn2 in mice caused arrest of embryo development at the peri-implantation stage.
166 prove understanding of the genes involved in embryo development, at least one third of which have bee
167  We propose that GPT1 is necessary for early embryo development because it catalyses import into plas
168 tem to study molecular mechanisms regulating embryo development because many embryos of defined devel
169 ccumulates as a cytoplasmic protein in early embryo development before assembling into thick filament
170 ght be the functions of NGF in early chicken embryo development, before its well-established actions
171  are expressed at very early stages of avian embryo development, before the nervous system is formed.
172 dually, with the initial steps of zygote and embryo development being primarily maternally controlled
173 ly provides nutrient supplies for subsequent embryo development but also enforces a space limitation,
174 f aneuploid cells, may paradoxically promote embryo development but contribute to the high rate of sp
175 CTF7 are critical for female gametophyte and embryo development but not for the establishment of mito
176  is a multinucleated syncytium essential for embryo development, but the molecular mechanisms underly
177  of Ca(2+)-induced egg activation events and embryo development by microinjecting a cRNA that encodes
178 fic phospholipase C zeta (PLCzeta) activates embryo development by triggering intracellular Ca(2+) os
179 at modifies mature, arrested oocytes so that embryo development can proceed.
180 sed H2O2 generation followed by a failure in embryo development caused by a reduced resistance to wat
181  an important epigenetic marker during early embryo development, cellular differentiation, and cancer
182                                              Embryo development cellularization and vitellin yolk pro
183              Analysis in mouse and zebrafish embryo development confirms that Lats2 acts as a positiv
184                           Germline and early embryo development constitute ideal model systems to stu
185         Thus, L1L, an essential regulator of embryo development, defines a unique class of plant HAP3
186 velopment that are accompanied by a delay in embryo development followed by embryo arrest by early he
187 bryonic stem (ES) cells and throughout early embryo development from zygote, preimplantation embryos,
188                     The Ped (preimplantation embryo development) gene, whose product is Qa-2 protein,
189 c subunit has been shown to be essential for embryo development, genetic data regarding the accessory
190                           Here, we developed Embryo Development Geometry Explorer, an approach for qu
191 ducing G(1) to S progression but its role in embryo development has not been examined.
192      However, the role of endothelial Pak in embryo development has not been reported, and currently,
193 igenetic contributions of sperm chromatin to embryo development have been considered highly limited.
194 ns of oocyte gene expression with successful embryo development have been hampered by the lack of rel
195 uitable for the study of human germ cell and embryo development have been limited until recently.
196    Thus, G6PD is not indispensable for early embryo development; however, severe G6PD deficiency in t
197  mature human sperm, genes of importance for embryo development (i.e., transcription factors) lack DN
198 versity of chloroplast proteins required for embryo development in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana)
199 ochondrial matrix and is essential for early embryo development in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana)
200 dataset of 250 EMB genes required for normal embryo development in Arabidopsis.
201  biosynthesis and appears to be required for embryo development in Arabidopsis.
202 y a major role in axial morphogenesis during embryo development in both vertebrates and invertebrates
203 y activate STAT downstream targets or affect embryo development in cells in which the receptor is dim
204 the stress treatments used to induce haploid embryo development in culture impinge on this HDAC-depen
205 s thaliana, which is recalcitrant to haploid embryo development in culture, also forms embryogenic ce
206                                              Embryo development in dKO mutants arrests between heart
207  pattern of ARF16 and -17 was altered during embryo development in foc plants.
208 y a minor role in the initial steps of early embryo development in maize.
209     We investigate patterns of endosperm and embryo development in Mimulus guttatus and the closely r
210 signal ([Ca2+]i) underlies the initiation of embryo development in most species studied to date.
211 ker region, induced [Ca2+]i oscillations and embryo development in mouse eggs.
212                                   Arrests in embryo development in nsn1 could occur at any stage of e
213 rthologs of AGL15 is able to enhance somatic embryo development in other species, thereby facilitatin
214                                              Embryo development in plants initiates following the tra
215  soybean protein was able to enhance somatic embryo development in soybean.
216  small RNA classes through gametogenesis and embryo development in the parasitic nematode Ascaris suu
217 enes varied in expression throughout somatic embryo development in this study, no statistically signi
218 opsis embryogenesis and sufficient to induce embryo development in vegetative cells when expressed ec
219 n phase, and is sufficient to induce somatic embryo development in vegetative cells.
220 ype was associated with the delayed/arrested embryo development, in most cases, at the heart stage.
221 been applied to various mutants disrupted in embryo development including gnom (gn), acetyl-CoA carbo
222 e treatment partially improved cohesinopathy embryo development including the formation of craniofaci
223                              Because rate of embryo development influences rate of aging independentl
224                        Human preimplantation embryo development involves complex cellular and molecul
225 which is the first step in the initiation of embryo development, involves both completion of meiosis
226                A critical event in mammalian embryo development is construction of an inner cell mass
227                                              Embryo development is frequently arrested when amino aci
228 s indicate that success and failure in human embryo development is largely determined before EGA.
229                                        Plant embryo development is regulated by a network of transcri
230          Cell and tissue patterning in plant embryo development is well documented.
231 ns and grouped them into three groups (early embryo development, late embryo development, and embryon
232 isual phenotypes, but eda9 displayed delayed embryo development, leading to aborted embryos that coul
233                Lack of PSP1 activity delayed embryo development, leading to aborted embryos that coul
234 xpression of genes involved in gynoecium and embryo development, lipid metabolism, auxin transport, a
235 ection mechanisms that act downstream of the embryo development master regulators LEAFY COTYLEDON 1 a
236                                        Human embryo development occurs through a process that encompa
237 presumptive stem/progenitor cells throughout embryo development of the transgenic mice.
238                             Investigation of embryo development of wild-type tomato plants showed pre
239 erm is an absorptive structure that supports embryo development or seedling germination in angiosperm
240 priate "anandamide tone" required for normal embryo development, oviductal transport, implantation, a
241 o P. pacificus adults, the pheromone arrests embryo development, paralyzes J2 larva, and inhibits exi
242 te of aging in birds also was related to the embryo development period, birds grow several times more
243 seed viability, suggesting that the seed and embryo development phenotypes are a result of a maternal
244  OPDA or an OPDA-related compound for proper embryo development possibly by regulating carbohydrate s
245 ociation between the rate of preimplantation embryo development, postnatal growth and later cardiovas
246 nic potentials all were able to direct early embryo development, producing morphologically normal bla
247            Zebrafish Atat1 appears to govern embryo development, raising the intriguing possibility t
248  severe seed defects, which include retarded embryo development, reduced seed weight, and reduced sta
249 at auxin-dependent cell specification during embryo development requires balanced auxin transport inv
250                         Morphogenesis during embryo development requires the coordination of mechanic
251  ABI3 promoter to drive the TPS1 cDNA during embryo development, resulting in rescue of the embryo-le
252            Consistent with a role for SPY in embryo development, several alleles affect seedling coty
253 le mutant aborted during the early stages of embryo development showing that these two proteins share
254 ds to defective placentation and compromised embryo development, similar to that resulting from neutr
255 on of Lef-1 mRNA is tightly regulated during embryo development, suggesting the involvement of a high
256 s combined with the effect of gct and cct on embryo development suggests that MED13 and MED12 regulat
257                               A map of human embryo development that combines imaging, molecular, gen
258   We report studies of preimplantation human embryo development that correlate time-lapse image analy
259 on of L1L gene expression induced defects in embryo development that differed from those of lec1 muta
260 on DNA methylation heritability during early embryo development that extend beyond conventional impri
261                            During vertebrate embryo development, the breaking of the initial bilatera
262 on the impact of obe mutations on aspects of embryo development, the effect of such mutations on a br
263 ally harmful effects of acrosomal enzymes on embryo development, the removal of acrosomes before ICSI
264                                  To initiate embryo development, the sperm induces in the egg release
265 e embryo sac and delay in the progression of embryo development, thereby bringing the seed set down i
266 us effects on the central nervous system and embryo development, these data suggest that superphysiol
267                 Although mutants affected in embryo development through changes in cell division have
268 al in many areas of biology, including early embryo development, tissue homeostasis and tumour growth
269 9(Arf), is activated by Tgfbeta during mouse embryo development to better understand how this importa
270 se 1-phosphate, on oocyte quality as well as embryo development to elucidate the mechanism through wh
271 ocesses that are regulated by T6P range from embryo development to leaf senescence.
272 ment in fertilization outcome and subsequent embryo development to mitochondrial DNA deficient oocyte
273  HPAT3 and HPAT5 function in preimplantation embryo development to modulate the acquisition of plurip
274 eveal a novel function of PADI1 during early embryo development transitions by catalyzing histone tai
275            This analysis also indicates that embryo development until the globular stage in maize can
276  oocyte maturation, fertilization, and early embryo development until zygotic gene activation is regu
277 icated in the regulation of sugar metabolism/embryo development via a different mechanism to that rep
278 (DM) adversely affects oocyte maturation and embryo development via mechanisms that are yet unclear.
279 ides insight into the molecular mechanism of embryo development via MIR160a-regulated ARFs, but also
280      Consistent with this observation, early embryo development was also arrested at the 4-cell stage
281                                Consequently, embryo development was arrested at the globular stage.
282                                              Embryo development was asynchronous among females, which
283 ene family that regulates shoot, flower, and embryo development, was implicated in nitrate signaling
284 milarities between angiosperm and gymnosperm embryo development, we examined our EST collection for p
285 finitive role of TSPO in steroidogenesis and embryo development, we generated global TSPO null (Tspo(
286 nd its significance in supporting subsequent embryo development were investigated.
287 (AGL15) has been reported to enhance somatic embryo development when constitutively expressed.
288                        At critical stages in embryo development, when cellular potential is reset, DN
289 abortion at the end of the globular stage of embryo development, when proplastids in normal embryos d
290            During mammalian pre-implantation embryo development, when the first asymmetry emerges and
291  theory as a prelude to its applicability in embryo development where spatial gradients of morphogens
292  effects on both oocyte maturation and early embryo development, which in turn can have lifelong cons
293 ted genes CDKN1C and PHLDA2 are critical for embryo development, which suggests that these genes can
294   Knocking out of CEK4 resulted in defective embryo development, which was complemented by transforma
295 rnal stores of Filia impairs preimplantation embryo development with a high incidence of aneuploidy t
296 cannabinol] levels constrain preimplantation embryo development with aberrant expression of Cdx2, Nan
297 for nonautonomous functions in endosperm and embryo development with genetically nonconcordant seeds
298 e-lapse sequences of post-implantation mouse embryo development with light-sheet microscopy.
299 Chloroplast translation is also required for embryo development, with genes encoding chloroplast ribo
300 gametophytic mutant glauce (glc) can exhibit embryo development without any endosperm.

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