


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mprise the clinical subtype of "dyspneic" or emphysematous.
2  the visualization and quantification of non-emphysematous air trapping component, referred to as fun
3  eosinophilic inflammation, airway fibrosis, emphysematous alveolar destruction, and premature death.
4  This protected murine lungs from CS-induced emphysematous alveolar remodeling.
5 nd normal rhythms of lung function, enhanced emphysematous and injurious responses.
6 ase in the mean Jacobian determinant of both emphysematous and normal voxels with increasing disease
7 ung of human collagenase transgenic mice, an emphysematous animal model, PLTP mRNA was 3-fold higher
8 s of the exaggerated inflammatory, fibrotic, emphysematous, apoptotic, TGF-beta1, and type I IFN resp
9 he fissure was incomplete or the lung had an emphysematous appearance, patients were randomized to ei
10 he fissure was incomplete or the lung had an emphysematous appearance, patients were randomized to ei
11 ppearing lung are mechanically influenced by emphysematous areas and this lung at risk is associated
12              Regions of the lung adjacent to emphysematous areas are subject to abnormal stretch duri
13 ences in attenuation between normal lung and emphysematous areas were found in 28 patients (88%; 95%
14 ary disease, a clinical entity that includes emphysematous change.
15 was to evaluate features that help determine emphysematous changes and correlate them with respirator
16                                              Emphysematous changes frequently occurred throughout the
17 elds valuable noninvasive insight into early emphysematous changes in alveolar geometry with increase
18 cate mitophagy-dependent necroptosis in lung emphysematous changes in response to CS exposure, sugges
19     Furthermore, IL-6 trans-signaling-driven emphysematous changes in the lung correlated with mechan
20       The most valuable RFTs for determining emphysematous changes were DLCO, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC, in
21                                              Emphysematous changes, an important component of the dis
22 cin complex 1 inhibitor rapamycin attenuated emphysematous changes.
23 effect of SRT1720 on cellular senescence and emphysematous changes.
24 function which may contribute to and precede emphysematous changes.
25 regulated in APCs isolated from the lungs of emphysematous chronic smokers and mice exposed to cigare
26 ) is characterized by chronic bronchitic and emphysematous components.
27                         We present a case of emphysematous cystitis and pyelitis in a diabetic renal
28                                              Emphysematous cystitis is a rare complication of urinary
29                             The prognosis of emphysematous cystitis is good after early diagnosis and
30 also reduced the inflammation, fibrosis, and emphysematous destruction and improved the survival of C
31 ostulate that the centrilobular phenotype of emphysematous destruction COPD is driven by a Th1 respon
32 e narrowed and destroyed before the onset of emphysematous destruction in COPD.
33 ular level in the centrilobular phenotype of emphysematous destruction in lungs donated by persons wi
34                    Although it is known that emphysematous destruction leads to vasculature changes,
35 PH oxidase, developed extensive, spontaneous emphysematous destruction of their peripheral air spaces
36 ew genomic loci associated with differential emphysematous destruction throughout the lungs.
37 rovides a way to quantify airway remodeling, emphysematous destruction, regional ventilation abnormal
38 microbial diversity that was associated with emphysematous destruction, remodeling of the bronchiolar
39  costal diaphragm of control (C, n = 10) and emphysematous (E, elastase instilled, n = 7) hamsters.
40     Rather, mutant lungs demonstrated severe emphysematous enlargement of the distal respiratory sacs
41 the stomach, intramural gas can be caused by emphysematous gastritis or ingestion of caustic agents.
42 was increased in LVRS-D4 compared with other emphysematous groups.
43 re microvascular O2 content) is decreased in emphysematous hamsters reflecting a greater diaphragmati
44              Bilateral LVRS was performed in emphysematous hamsters.
45 61 years +/- 9) were reviewed and graded for emphysematous heterogeneity (from isolated areas to diff
46 rom both genotypes showed the same degree of emphysematous lesions.
47 itment into lung alveolar and attenuation of emphysematous lesions.
48                     Lung volume reduction of emphysematous lobes results in clinical improvement for
49 and a larger percentage of normal and mildly emphysematous lung (P < .05 for improvement in FEV1).
50             Surgical reduction of the native emphysematous lung after single lung transplantation can
51 in human myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs) from emphysematous lung and in CD11c(+) lung antigen presenti
52 severity and percentage of normal and mildly emphysematous lung at CT were the strongest predictors o
53  substantial differences between healthy and emphysematous lung at the acinar level and may provide n
54 s by endogenous lung proteases, resulting in emphysematous lung damage.
55 ng to atherosclerotic plaque instability and emphysematous lung destruction, but the underlying mecha
56 ng and sequentially evaluating the extent of emphysematous lung destruction, changes in airway walls,
57  important insights into the pathogenesis of emphysematous lung destruction.
58 t younger patients with evidence of advanced emphysematous lung disease and hyperinflation are optima
59 lar and cellular damage mechanisms governing emphysematous lung injury and demonstrate the potential
60 ed in mild COPD in both nonemphysematous and emphysematous lung regions.
61 monstrated that endobronchial coils compress emphysematous lung tissue and may improve lung function,
62 es better discrimination between healthy and emphysematous lung tissue in a mouse model.
63 on attenuation difference between normal and emphysematous lung was significant, with a median value
64 obe showed a band with nuclear extracts from emphysematous lung which was supershifted with antibody
65 moval of volume-occupying but nonfunctioning emphysematous lung, which is thought to improve pulmonar
66 ogression, and the structural changes in the emphysematous lung.
67 lting loose skin, vascular abnormalities and emphysematous lung.
68 mRNA and protein were overexpressed in human emphysematous lungs and in lungs of mice exposed to ciga
69 lung regeneration and is up-regulated in the emphysematous lungs of patients with chronic obstructive
70 egrees for control lungs vs 15.9 degrees for emphysematous lungs).
71 haracteristic difference between control and emphysematous lungs.
72 k-field signal (-0.54 vs -0.37, P = .1) than emphysematous lungs.
73 ression impairs endothelial cell survival in emphysematous lungs.
74 ls of IL-6 and related proteins in sera from emphysematous mice and patients were also assessed.
75 y warranting a more targeted approach of the emphysematous parts of a lobe.
76                                              Emphysematous pathology in LysM(Cre)TGF-betaRII(flox/flo
77  and thus extends the metabolic scope of the emphysematous patient.
78 asured PLTP mRNA level in lung tissue of two emphysematous patients and found that the mRNA was 4-fol
79 at baseline levels of elastin degradation in emphysematous patients with severe AAT deficiency were a
80 ARgamma agonists to restore lung capacity in emphysematous patients.
81  pulmonary epithelial cells yielded a severe emphysematous phenotype characterized by epithelial apop
82 ding mucous hypersecretion, inflammatory and emphysematous phenotypes and pulmonary dysfunction.
83                                              Emphysematous phenotypes were assessed by premortem lung
84 oped septic shock, bacteremia, and extensive emphysematous pyelonephritis.
85 maging method for differentiating normal and emphysematous rat lungs by measuring the apparent diffus
86 es are designed to exclude the most affected emphysematous regions from ventilation in order to induc
87 ally, regional analyses comparing normal and emphysematous regions were performed by dividing the lun
88 airflow limitation before and after targeted emphysematous resection in 12 consecutively studied adul
89 ctivity, lung function, and inflammatory and emphysematous responses in the lungs.
90 ary function, inflammatory, pro-fibrotic and emphysematous responses.
91                               The normal and emphysematous slices were separated on a global basis wi
92        The lungs of Et2 knockout mice showed emphysematous structural changes with an increase in tot
93 pulmonary disease characterized by increased emphysematous tissue and bronchial-associated lymphoid t
94 mines the relationship of this microbiome to emphysematous tissue destruction, number of terminal bro
95                      The regional normal and emphysematous tissues were discriminated with an average
96  chronic pulmonary inflammation, and diffuse emphysematous-type lesions in the lungs.
97 nce between each normal voxel to the nearest emphysematous voxel, and quantified the percentage of no
98  determinant of normal voxels within 2 mm of emphysematous voxels (MAL2) was significantly associated
99  voxels within each millimeter distance from emphysematous voxels as mechanically affected lung (MAL)
100 e present grating-based dark-field images of emphysematous vs. healthy lung tissue, where the strong
101 bilities to differentiate between normal and emphysematous whole lung slices were compared.

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