


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d modeling and combine it with very detailed empirical data.
2 pends in part on how well they can reproduce empirical data.
3 diction R2 than the two competing methods in empirical data.
4 ction, and remains unresolved due to lack of empirical data.
5 ication has been hampered by the scarcity of empirical data.
6 change, these models are rarely tested using empirical data.
7 several predictions in excellent accord with empirical data.
8 it with additional possibilities rather than empirical data.
9               This may stem from the lack of empirical data.
10 ifficult to quantify and are based on little empirical data.
11 nd unknown prior root probabilities from the empirical data.
12 ce sub-sets of six signature patterns in the empirical data.
13  statistically and tested with simulated and empirical data.
14 validate the micro-models using steady-state empirical data.
15 ) for predicting the unknown events from the empirical data.
16 tribution with minimal representation in the empirical data.
17 se engineering a functional machine from the empirical data.
18 f our IP solutions using both simulation and empirical data.
19 ion (CVs) of 0.2 or with CVs calculated from empirical data.
20 rapidly to ocean forcings, in agreement with empirical data.
21 material property values are calculated from empirical data.
22 ction, which in a case study is derived from empirical data.
23 eded so that diagnostic criteria can reflect empirical data.
24 ching the functional form often observed for empirical data.
25  parameter values should be derived from the empirical data.
26 methods allow us to infer the landscape from empirical data.
27  designed to reproduce certain small sets of empirical data.
28 ss the parametrization of the model based on empirical data.
29 , but they must be informed and validated by empirical data.
30 med biological experiments to test them with empirical data.
31  which are largely unexamined and in need of empirical data.
32  after approximately 70 y, in agreement with empirical data.
33 ion dynamics and quantify Allee effects with empirical data.
34 ior, and compare the simulation results with empirical data.
35 ate outputs that can be compared directly to empirical data.
36 herein, we concluded that their results lack empirical data.
37 cluster dynamics that is consistent with the empirical data.
38 biological examples to ground discussions in empirical data.
39 associated archaea and bacteria best fit the empirical data.
40  are unlikely to provide a good match to the empirical data.
41 analysis methods by using both simulated and empirical data.
42 al information; of those abstracts reporting empirical data, 100 articles were also assessed in full
43 for use in clinical settings despite limited empirical data about the number and types of incidental
44 reasing amount of experimental support, with empirical data accumulating across species and memory pa
45                                Besides these empirical data, also theoretical considerations contradi
46                            Here, we combined empirical data analyses with mechanistic model simulatio
47 ssion of lessons learned from simulation and empirical data analysis in the last decade.
48 bution, which provides a good description of empirical data and applies across a continuum of scales.
49 mount of material loss due to wear relies on empirical data and cannot be obtained from any physical
50 edure-type risk categories were derived with empirical data and expert opinion, as were markers of he
51 odel successfully rationalizes the available empirical data and lays the foundation for future cataly
52                                        Using empirical data and mathematical modeling, we investigate
53 fold task of deriving features directly from empirical data and of using these features for facial im
54 cted theoretical covariations by contrasting empirical data and provide testable hypotheses for yet u
55 lassified them into two distinct categories: empirical data and relationship models and power system
56 istency of closed-loop perception (CLP) with empirical data and show that it can be synthesized in a
57   We validate the method using simulated and empirical data and show that the method can accurately i
58 y questioned because of scale limitations of empirical data and the high variability of soil loss acr
59 he Firefly model provided a close match with empirical data and the model was able to account for i)
60 ainty in Earth system model results; models, empirical data and theory converge when precipitation bi
61                                     However, empirical data and theory suggest that whole-genome and
62  is to formally test for segregation lift in empirical data and to quantify its contribution to maint
63 tical model was generated and validated with empirical data and used to develop prototypes of a compl
64  predictions of the model are validated with empirical data and with Monte Carlo simulations.
65         Our methodology is illustrated using empirical data, and implemented in the adephylo package
66 approach when applying on simulated data and empirical data, and is also much faster.
67  and spatial synchronization patterns of the empirical data, and reveals that multiple clusters that
68 underlain by consistent relationships in our empirical data ( approximately 2,100 species), wherein,
69 , and other key processes in soils, very few empirical data are available.
70 not the trait being examined is social; (iv) empirical data are consistent with both social interacti
71 tation hypertensive surge may be protective, empirical data are few.
72  important factor underlying such variation, empirical data are lacking on the relationships between
73               The study also found that more empirical data are needed on the uptake of cimetidine, f
74  and evolutionary processes but quantitative empirical data are unfortunately scarce.
75                                         When empirical data are used as inputs in models, ultrametric
76 l explanations, paralleling the way in which empirical data are used to test hypotheses.
77                                     However, empirical data as to the topography of fitness landscape
78 s in mice shows the method performs well for empirical data, as well.
79 Simulations using simulated SNPs embedded in empirical data-assessing varying effect sizes, minor all
80                We compare these estimates to empirical data at each site and conclude that the crowd-
81 rts pattern separation by obtaining critical empirical data at the representational level: the level
82 ships in 54 published datasets and show that empirical data better fit the unimodal pattern predicted
83 ly reproduces characteristic changes seen in empirical data between the resting state and speech prod
84 n science, language is often subordinated to empirical data, but words can influence our ability to u
85                              Analysis of the empirical data by Approximate Bayesian Computation indic
86 studies provided quantitative or qualitative empirical data, by evaluating surrogates, regarding the
87 s) from the northeastern Pacific to show how empirical data can be coupled with model predictions to
88  network information, and we demonstrate how empirical data can inform the extent of between-cluster
89                                        Since empirical data cannot be directly mapped to ideal multi-
90                                              Empirical data captures the complex characteristics of e
91                                     However, empirical data clearly suggest that traits can be acquir
92 rse than a classical nonneutral alternative: empirical data consistently show greater heterogeneity o
93 power-law or concave curvature) and observed empirical data (convex curvature) for the allometric sca
94 ws high quasi-biclique recall rates, and the empirical data corroborate the abilities of our weighted
95          Specifically, through reanalysis of empirical data, derivation of explicit analytical formul
96 he degree to which this approach is based on empirical data derived from studies of progressive disea
97                However, there are no current empirical data documenting the number of people living w
98                                              Empirical data, especially at the local scale, are rare.
99                              Here we combine empirical data, evolutionary theory, and computer simula
100              Using extensive simulations and empirical data examples, we show that our new method (LA
101                              However, little empirical data exist to confirm this postulation.
102                                   Though few empirical data exist, these issues are central to our un
103 mulations can be used to accurately describe empirical data for complex spatial-genetic traits of an
104                                      Against empirical data for Escherichia coli regulatory interacti
105 e with a realistic simulation model and with empirical data for forest-inhabiting subtropical birds t
106               Together these results provide empirical data for making experimental design decisions
107                                  We obtained empirical data for patients screened between between Dec
108 to simulate diverse ecosystem types and with empirical data for real ecosystems.
109                                     However, empirical data for the role of the hippocampus in patter
110 test for a model is its predictive power for empirical data for which the model has not been specific
111                         Using this model and empirical data from 15 real-world social networks we fou
112                              Here we combine empirical data from a lake-catchment system with a mathe
113                                  We analyzed empirical data from a large-scale trans-ethnic rheumatoi
114                                        Using empirical data from a reef fish, Sparisoma viride (Scari
115                                        Using empirical data from a social media site (Twitter) and on
116            For illustration, the authors use empirical data from a systematic review of studies of th
117 lnerability and species' distributions using empirical data from a tropical lizard.
118 ultiple times over an extended period, using empirical data from a wild badger population naturally i
119 -improving analytic methods for retrieval of empirical data from archaeological sites, together with
120 e of the variabilities reported in published empirical data from different research groups and suppor
121                                              Empirical data from genomic sequencing along with prospe
122                               However, scant empirical data from hyperendemic communities exist on th
123 ipals is limited currently by the absence of empirical data from large-scale networks.
124                          Our model simulates empirical data from many variants of classical condition
125 ze robustness to uncertainty of consensus in empirical data from multiple starling flocks and show th
126                                              Empirical data from necropsies of deceased animals were
127  dynamic system of contact networks based on empirical data from proximity logging collars on a wild
128                                              Empirical data from several studies provide support for
129  and theoretical results are consistent with empirical data from ten representative cities.
130                              Here, we couple empirical data from the coral reefs of Moorea, French Po
131                    Additionally, we used the empirical data from the experiment to develop a stochast
132                                              Empirical data from the GENEVA project on venous thrombo
133          The model was calibrated leveraging empirical data from the New Mexico Surveillance, Epidemi
134 ds, marine mammals, and sea turtles based on empirical data from the three most commonly used types o
135 s of fragmentation, with a focus on how well empirical data from this system follow theoretical expec
136 ges of the new approach are illustrated with empirical data from two sets of genome-wide association
137                                          The empirical data generating the model comprises 271 develo
138                We posit here that sufficient empirical data has accumulated to build a coherent biolo
139           Previous theoretical work, but not empirical data, has demonstrated that M bias is smaller
140 larity with drugs of known fetal effect) and empirical data (i.e., derived from Electronic Health Rec
141 he three problems of model-based analysis of empirical data: (i) data simulation, (ii) parameter esti
142 e frequency vs. magnitude and a close fit to empirical data in 62% of cases.
143                                Using 9 years empirical data in a PUUV endemic area in Central Finland
144 ivergence and genome hitchhiking, and review empirical data in light of the theory.
145                 Our theory is well fitted to empirical data in various ecosystems, in which both mode
146  in the absence of detailed, system-specific empirical data.In a changing world, the ability to predi
147 correspondence between model predictions and empirical data indicates model applicability also at the
148 s sufficient for DNA replication, supporting empirical data indicating that impaired nuclear de novo
149                                    From this empirical data, inferences for future system performance
150 olved from a theory-driven field with little empirical data into a data-driven discipline in which ge
151                             Incorporation of empirical data into simulation models shows that the obs
152         However, there is a distinct lack of empirical data investigating the effects of social densi
153                               The paucity of empirical data is a limitation of these findings.
154 plant-microbe systems, for which a wealth of empirical data is available, but the principles and appr
155 disease spread parameters for which detailed empirical data is lacking.
156                              Since obtaining empirical data is time-consuming, we generated a model u
157 lt, which we test against both numerical and empirical data, is an effective dynamic model that can p
158 tion of a core proteome that is supported by empirical data, is understood at the systems-level, and
159 lnerability to climate change-but meaningful empirical data lag behind theory.
160 w theoretical considerations and a review of empirical data lead to the hypothesis that some salient
161 gruence between theory-based expectation and empirical data may arise when birds already occupy 'adap
162                  For ease of comparison with empirical data, model treatments were applied over 150 k
163          In particular, when integrated with empirical data, models enable understanding of underlyin
164           When applied to both simulated and empirical data, nDGE outperforms the traditional DGE met
165  the Southern Ocean and represents the first empirical data obtained from this region in 25 years.
166       Discrepancies between model output and empirical data occurred when the monthly time step of th
167 ies, with a correlation of modeled values to empirical data of 0.9929.
168 assical Bayesian probability in modeling the empirical data of cognitive science.
169 ings we analyzed, independently, large-scale empirical data of influenza diagnosis from the two large
170                                              Empirical data of our proposed microbial energetics appr
171                            We then generated empirical data of the thermal germination response from
172                  Tests of these metrics with empirical data on a host-parasitoid interaction yield re
173                                        Using empirical data on a large number of patients enrolled in
174 ted by the model are corroborated by limited empirical data on a species-specific basis, particularly
175                        We used all available empirical data on abortion methods, providers, and setti
176 carnivore, primate and ungulate species, but empirical data on carnivore macroparasite prevalence sho
177                                     However, empirical data on circulating influenza viruses show tha
178                                    Analyzing empirical data on day traders' second-to-second trading
179 l 10,000 of chemicals but, at the same time, empirical data on degradability, bioaccumulation potenti
180  strategy could be improved by incorporating empirical data on deviations from ideal assumptions abou
181                    Further analyses provided empirical data on extrachromosomal prophages and coinfec
182                                       We use empirical data on health-seeking behaviour and health-sy
183            However, there are relatively few empirical data on how dispersal might affect fungal comm
184 ation and medication adherence, there are no empirical data on how the informational and relational a
185                     Included papers provided empirical data on key aspects of nurses' pressure ulcer
186     In this systematic analysis, we adjusted empirical data on levels and causes of child mortality c
187 (ROSC) from cardiac arrest despite a lack of empirical data on prevalence of post-ROSC hemodynamic ab
188 cal evidence from this nesting site provides empirical data on reproductive strategies in early dinos
189                                              Empirical data on risk communication, managing risks, an
190                                              Empirical data on screening and direct-acting antiviral
191 ks or book chapters, containing quantitative empirical data on simple and/or choice RT IIV.
192 internal organs is to address the paucity of empirical data on thanatomicrobiomic succession caused b
193 tients with HCV infection were excluded, and empirical data on the effectiveness of future therapies
194                                              Empirical data on the effectiveness of the strategy are
195                                              Empirical data on the human history of forest inventory
196                         This system provides empirical data on the importance of long-distance disper
197 orth central coast provides a broad range of empirical data on the production, processing, and consum
198                                              Empirical data on these constants, and their variability
199                                      Without empirical data on these reasons, the policies developed
200                                     However, empirical data on this salt effect are very sparse.
201 stratified transmission model, incorporating empirical data on US contact patterns and explicitly mod
202 al descriptions of the peptides derived from empirical data or calculated by molecular dynamics (MD)
203 signs but does not attempt meta-synthesis of empirical data or quality assessment.
204                              Consistent with empirical data, our model predicts that more transmitted
205 y reviewed, 796 were from articles reporting empirical data; P values were reported in 15.7% (125/796
206                              Both theory and empirical data point to an upper bound on the number of
207 eling from the protein sequence, and limited empirical data, predicted a protein with 10 transmembran
208 istribution in the environment and by scarce empirical data quantifying the interaction of nanomateri
209 ul modeling of the carbon (C) cycle requires empirical data regarding species-specific root responses
210                                              Empirical data regarding survival and quality of life ov
211                                              Empirical data regarding survival, quality of life, medi
212 erence methods on large-scale datasets using empirical data sampled from natural mouse populations an
213 he non-covalent interactions defined through empirical data set analyses to the computationally deriv
214 the expected ability to detect HFCs using an empirical data set of 200 microsatellites and 412 single
215 a robust predictor (R(2)=0.78) of Ne/N in an empirical data set of life tables for 63 animal and plan
216                The approach is applied to an empirical data set of SNP genotypes from a population of
217             Based on the evaluation from the empirical data set, the BLAST alignment of the probe seq
218              We re-analyze several published empirical data sets and demonstrate that the use of gene
219 mation and several correlation measures in 8 empirical data sets and in simulations.
220               Analyses of both simulated and empirical data sets demonstrate that the divide and conq
221             Then, we apply the method to two empirical data sets that were sequenced in the telomeric
222 trate the framework with applications to two empirical data sets.
223              It also performed well on large empirical data sets.
224 gnment method, using simulated and published empirical data sets.
225 re evaluated by analyzing both simulated and empirical data sets.
226                              Theoretical and empirical data show that erratic hydrological regimes ty
227                                     However, empirical data show that only a minority of secondary in
228                                              Empirical data showed the genetic pleiotropy between nic
229 ing of the association between gene sets and empirical data sources.
230 ions to best match the structure of specific empirical data sources.
231                                        Using empirical data spanning >250 coral reefs, we show how tr
232 , based on remote sensing tools coupled with empirical data suggest that climatic change will signifi
233                                              Empirical data suggest that competition for the benefits
234                                    Model and empirical data suggest that limited carbon and water exc
235                          Our simulations and empirical data suggest that regional environmental cues
236                     Computational models and empirical data suggest that, in adults, this process is
237    These findings add to the growing body of empirical data suggesting that the insula participates i
238 al characteristics for these four serotypes, empirical data suggests that they differ from one anothe
239                                              Empirical data supporting this prediction have remained
240  rates were obtained from the literature, an empirical data survey, and expert opinion.
241                                       In our empirical data, SVA did not fully correct for cell-type
242 ic model gives a significantly better fit to empirical data than IPCC Tier 1 and 2 calculations.
243 cs of supergene mimicry, there are almost no empirical data that address the critical issue of what a
244 ips (PP-LFERs) derived from training sets of empirical data that did not include cVMS generally did n
245 tosome transmission, and substantial gaps in empirical data that impair model development.
246 odology for deriving evolutionary rates from empirical data that is used to parameterize duplication
247 atistical uncertainty is consistent with the empirical data that measurement accuracy increases with
248 The 3 bootstrap schemes also were applied to empirical data that were clustered.
249     It has been asserted, primarily based on empirical data, that the complexity of plants and animal
250  analytically and by analysing simulated and empirical data, that the two modified estimators are muc
251 n sufficient noise in the network; as in the empirical data, the transitions occur at variable times
252 n the material properties is calculated from empirical data, there is a large level of variability in
253 Hubbell's SAR estimates are biased, that the empirical data they use are not appropriate to calculate
254 to providing an excellent agreement with the empirical data, this approach accounts for heterogeneiti
255 biological and observational processes using empirical data to assess effects of animal scale of move
256   In this study, we use both simulations and empirical data to compare the performance of the CBPS wi
257 e use a mechanistic approach supplemented by empirical data to consider the linked effects of warming
258  anything abnormally short and thin, without empirical data to corroborate these morphological assump
259                          These are the first empirical data to demonstrate direct use of terrestrial
260 g statistical theory and use simulations and empirical data to demonstrate substantial improvements p
261 tages and limitations, although there are no empirical data to demonstrate that any of the reviewed s
262 re existing systems, coupled with additional empirical data to evaluate the effectiveness of specific
263      Here, we combine theoretical models and empirical data to evaluate the feasibility of osmotrophy
264        In this article, we use simulated and empirical data to illustrate the conditions under which
265 incorporate these findings from large-scale, empirical data to improve our computational design rules
266     Decision makers worldwide are in need of empirical data to inform and implement emergency respons
267 titrophic interaction networks, and coupling empirical data to models of competition.
268                            There are also no empirical data to orient the receptor amino terminus rel
269 pproach, the Metabolic Theory of Ecology and empirical data to show that animal movement displays mul
270              Here we provide theoretical and empirical data to show that this parameter can be determ
271  reported over the last decade, there are no empirical data to suggest they compromise the efficacy o
272                           There were limited empirical data to support a start age of 45 years.
273                                     However, empirical data to support this prediction are absent for
274 xplain the pitfalls associated with applying empirical data to them.
275  lack both a theoretical framework and solid empirical data to understand domestication impacts on pl
276     These results provide for the first time empirical data to understand how cortical NMDA transmiss
277                                       We use empirical data to validate air-dust partitioning models
278 nins, but few studies have provided detailed empirical data to validate the assumed link between morp
279 tegrated simulation framework, calibrated to empirical data, to enable the systematic evaluation of s
280 ant discoveries will go unrecognized and the empirical data used to build models explaining the peopl
281 e conducted extensive simulations, generated empirical data using existing WGS and WES data sets and
282  approach is challenged by the fact that the empirical data violate several of the model's simplifyin
283 nalysed by theory but amply substantiated by empirical data, warming can cause an increase in consume
284                        A limitation of these empirical data was uncertainty in the identification of
285 ry remain unanswered owing to the paucity of empirical data, we are convinced that stroke care region
286  a Markov transition matrix constructed from empirical data, we demonstrate that the 3-to-1 upward/do
287 rait IBM' against three independent lines of empirical data, we determine that the approach produces
288                                        Using empirical data, we developed the first ecological model
289                            In agreement with empirical data, we find that mutation rate is inversely
290            Through extensive simulations and empirical data, we have demonstrated that our approach i
291                                 Based on our empirical data, we mapped malaria distribution under cli
292                                        Using empirical data, we show that these trials, with small nu
293 ed on reproducible characteristic aspects of empirical data, we suggest a number of extensions of the
294          By combining a conceptual model and empirical data, we test whether eDNA transported in rive
295                                    To obtain empirical data, we used codominant genic markers in gene
296 he pattern observed when CVs calculated from empirical data were applied to the material properties w
297 proaches, informed by normative analysis and empirical data, will continue to evolve alongside the sc
298                   Doehl et al. have combined empirical data with computer simulation to demonstrate t
299 matically proposes hypotheses explaining the empirical data with respect to logically encoded backgro
300 iew emerging systems approaches that combine empirical data with rigorous theoretical analysis to stu

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