


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  state leading to the formation of the minor enantiomer.
2 nding allylic amines using the same catalyst enantiomer.
3 trate, with an observed preference for the S enantiomer.
4 hed DNA, in the absence of the other, Lambda enantiomer.
5 tartaric acid derivative to isolate a single enantiomer.
6 tural information about binding of the Delta enantiomer.
7 emic starting material into a single product enantiomer.
8  preference is shown by the host for the (R)-enantiomer.
9 AP sites with higher affinity than the Delta-enantiomer.
10 evant pathway in the production of the major enantiomer.
11 quantification of each E and Z isomer of the enantiomer.
12 erence for the experimentally observed major enantiomer.
13 ted at semipreparative level into their pure enantiomers.
14 -tetrapetalones A and C and their respective enantiomers.
15 served if the two states consist of opposite enantiomers.
16 -alanine, and L-cysteine, as well as their D-enantiomers.
17  of the active and inactive H4R state by the enantiomers.
18 nthesis also enables the preparation of both enantiomers.
19 s and pressures to separate over 60 pairs of enantiomers.
20 YP26A1 depleted 18-OH-atRA and the 4-OH-atRA enantiomers.
21 e amenable to resolution into optically pure enantiomers.
22  CdTe QDs led to chiral recognition of these enantiomers.
23 ino sugars, 18 amino acids, and 4 amino acid enantiomers.
24  inactive state of D3R in complex with these enantiomers.
25 he first to generate these targets as single enantiomers.
26 kably more potent than the corresponding (R)-enantiomers.
27  exhibited similar turnover rates as their l-enantiomers.
28              We have also made each of their enantiomers (-)-1 a-b, (+)-2 a, (+)-3 a, and (-)-4 a.
29 wo enantiomers were synthesized: the (1S,2R) enantiomer 15 showed higher activity than its (1R,2S) an
30 ith a significantly weaker H-bond to the (S)-enantiomer (3.125(8) A).
31 racemic mixture and ascertained that the two enantiomers (30a and 30b) are equiactive inhibitors for
32                                    The (R,R)-enantiomer 43 (PAT-1251) was selected as the clinical co
33           The molecular interactions of both enantiomers 6c and 6d at the GPVI receptor have been exp
34 lective microbial processes favoring the (R)-enantiomer, a pronounced enantioselectivity favoring (S)
35                                              Enantiomers, a pair of chiral isomers with opposite hand
36 as generally the derivative of the (R)-amine enantiomer across the series that was studied, indicatin
37 ifferent magnitude on left- and right-handed enantiomers, an effect that could be exploited for chira
38                        Remarkably, the major enantiomer and the selectivity of the catalytic reaction
39 tures are available, most include the Lambda enantiomer and there is very little structural informati
40  the similarity between recognition sites of enantiomers and common conformational lability, high fid
41 ing in structure and free energy for the two enantiomers and enabling chiral discrimination.
42  monomers reveal interesting base pairing of enantiomers and packing arrangements directed by the chi
43         The biological activities of the two enantiomers and racemic mixture were tested in a New Zea
44 on that occurs between photoexcited D-/L-Trp enantiomers and rGO/gamma-CD giving rise to an enantiose
45  full agonist according to the receptor, the enantiomer, and the signaling pathway investigated.
46 e products are resolvable into atropisomeric enantiomers, and are the first simple diarylamines to di
47 amined following administration of MDMA, its enantiomers, and methamphetamine.
48 nded' (clockwise) morphology is induced by D-enantiomers, and sequentially switching between amino-ac
49                                    These two enantiomers appear with nonequal probabilities, implying
50      The in vivo actions of the convulsant S-enantiomer are accounted for by its interactions with GA
51 hat differ considerably in efficacy: the (R)-enantiomers are antagonists/weak partial agonists, where
52              Here, we show both l- and d-BTZ enantiomers are micromolar competitive betaLIs of all MB
53 nists/weak partial agonists, whereas the (S)-enantiomers are much more efficacious.
54                                          The enantiomers are observed to remain self-sorted and self-
55 erent ions are combined as a spatial vector, enantiomers are partially resolved.
56 V subtypes establishes the non-natural toxin enantiomer as a reversible antagonist of channel functio
57  permits isolating >50% of the (+)-ephedrine enantiomer as target compound in only 4 min.
58 f Z-1, i.e., more strongly bound carboxylate enantiomer as well as higher enantiomer concentration ca
59 linked to preferential binding of one of the enantiomers as a result of either stronger or additional
60 actions produced 50:50 (racemic) mixtures of enantiomers, as evidenced by common abiotic laboratory s
61 st, and colon cancer cell lines as its (R,R) enantiomer at 24 h.
62 s in the hydrogen-bonding pattern of the two enantiomers at the binding site.
63 ad to selectivity in the interaction between enantiomers based on their handedness.
64                                    The (R)-8 enantiomer bearing the chiral (alpha-methylbenzyl) was s
65                              Whereas the (S)-enantiomer behaved as a full agonist, the biased ligand
66                             The convulsant S-enantiomer binds solely at an inhibitory site.
67                          Notably, the Lambda-enantiomer binds to all tested AP sites with higher affi
68       In contrast, only the anticonvulsant R-enantiomer binds to the enhancing site on open channels,
69        More intriguingly, neither of the two enantiomers binds specifically to human telomeric antipa
70 ciparum 80S ribosome with the (+)-mefloquine enantiomer bound to the ribosome GTPase-associated centr
71 the first X-ray crystal structure of a Delta enantiomer bound to well-matched DNA, in the absence of
72 ligand binding site induced by the bound (S)-enantiomers, but not by the (R)-enantiomers, that are fe
73 pene could be enhanced relative to the other enantiomer by the application of a sequence of microwave
74 16b, Ki = 24.3 nM] was resolved into its two enantiomers by chiral HPLC, and the absolute configurati
75   The ability to stabilize and differentiate enantiomers by DECS opens up a vast window of opportunit
76 electrophoresis, and label-free detection of enantiomers by deep UV time-resolved fluorescence.
77 are axially chiral, were resolved into their enantiomers by HPLC on a chiral phase.
78 raphic literature and propose that the Delta enantiomer can bind with five different binding modes, o
79 han enantiopure compounds, and the mixing of enantiomers can enhance the aggregation propensity of pe
80          We demonstrate that both KRas(G12V) enantiomers can successfully fold and bind nucleotide su
81 nd sequentially switching between amino-acid enantiomers causes a switch in chirality.
82 y technologies used to achieve separation of enantiomers, chiral selectors are designed to display di
83 rsors may have played an ancient role in the enantiomer composition of life's carbohydrate-related bi
84 und carboxylate enantiomer as well as higher enantiomer concentration caused faster relaxation to E-1
85 scale reactions revealed that the titled API enantiomers could be successfully obtained with excellen
86                                    The d-(R)-enantiomer (d-2-HG) is an oncometabolite generated from
87 lectrical and optical mode for of tryptophan enantiomers (D-/L-Trp).
88    From the peptides designed, RR4 and its D-enantiomer, D-RR4, emerged as the most potent analogues
89       Herein we report that one metallohelix enantiomer Delta1a, available from a diastereoselective
90            The biological evaluation of both enantiomers demonstrated enantiospecific recognition at
91 ype II E) are possible, leading to different enantiomers depending on the imine configuration (E- or
92                 Here we show that the HU-308 enantiomer, designated HU-433, is 3-4 orders of magnitud
93 eer illustrated as relevant examples of each enantiomer determination.
94 urate binding sites on GABAA Rs underlie the enantiomers' different pharmacological activities in mic
95 ther, our work demonstrates highly efficient enantiomer differentiation by DNA and offers a first com
96 of side effects resulting from the undesired enantiomer (distomer) and/or its metabolites, which at t
97         Under identical conditions, the pure enantiomers do not form organogels.
98 depressant effects, and that the (2R,6R)-HNK enantiomer exerts behavioural, electroencephalographic,
99          Against the B2 MBL Sfh-I, the l-BTZ enantiomers exhibit 100-fold lower Kis (0.26-0.36 microM
100 e configurationally stable, but the resolved enantiomers exhibit no optical activity at the alphaD-li
101                     A method for both chiral enantiomers extraction and determination in orange juice
102 acemize the starting material and select one enantiomer for a highly enantioselective reaction.
103                            In the plume, the enantiomer fraction shifted up to 0.35, from 0.50 at sou
104 tablished model for interpreting isotope and enantiomer fractionation patterns showed potential for a
105         Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and enantiomer fractions (EFs) of PCB enantiomers (PCBs 95,
106                  Recovery assays of imazalil enantiomers from spiked orange juice samples showed that
107  antitumorigenic, whereas the (+)-deuterated enantiomer has little to no effect on tumor growth.
108 d host molecules for discrimination of guest enantiomers has been largely overlooked, which is surpri
109             The resolved metal-free 819 knot enantiomers have pronounced features in their circular d
110 larial activity, was synthesized as a single enantiomer in 13 steps from simple building blocks (17 l
111 d greater anticonvulsant activity by R(+)-33 enantiomer in both MES and 6 Hz seizure models.
112  was identified, capable of producing either enantiomer in high enantioselectivity (77% (R)-2 to 92%
113  we determined that D-2HG is the predominant enantiomer in human breast tumors and show that the D-2H
114 us the simultaneous analysis of all of their enantiomers in a single analysis.
115 e separation and determination of malic acid enantiomers in apple juice by open-tubular capillary ele
116 identification and precise quantification of enantiomers in chiral mixtures is crucial for enantiomer
117 t method for the determination of naringenin enantiomers in fruit juices after salting-out-assisted l
118 H4 allowed isolation of the individual thiol enantiomers in good yield ( approximately 40%) and high
119 concentrations of these coagonists and their enantiomers in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of h
120                                    Detecting enantiomers in small quantities has an essential role in
121 nstrate >80% enrichment level of counterpart enantiomers in solution without using chiral selectors o
122 d there are distinct differences between the enantiomers in terms of the emission behaviour when boun
123 ring between the inherently chiral AuNPs and enantiomers in the first filter holder, which results in
124 ents implicate a shared binding side for the enantiomers in the inner pore cavity of NaV These findin
125 e was demonstrated by the analysis of ATNL's enantiomers in the range of 1.88 x 10(-7)-1.88 x 10(-5)
126 ily used for the determination of naringenin enantiomers in various fruit juices samples.
127  a free energy penalty per "incorrect" amine enantiomer incorporated, and a free energy of coupling b
128                                 MDMA and its enantiomers increased affiliative social behaviors and v
129                                        The S-enantiomer inhibits cyclooxygenases; R-ketorolac is a se
130                           The (-)-deuterated enantiomer is antitumorigenic, whereas the (+)-deuterate
131                                    The major enantiomer is favored by a smaller distortion of the sub
132 in the transition state leading to the minor enantiomer is only possible at the expense of reactant d
133 , the colorimetric discrimination of alanine enantiomers is examined and, more importantly, AuNPs-emb
134 fferent combinations of ligand and substrate enantiomers, it is now possible to access all four stere
135             In the case of an optically pure enantiomer, its absolute configuration can be determined
136  strategy to interface native d-DNA with its enantiomer l-DNA-oligonucleotides of opposite chirality
137          In addition, differently from its d-enantiomer, l-NBDNJ does not act as a glycosidase inhibi
138 two different states (A and B) from the same enantiomer, leading to a conversion of the kinetically t
139 antiopure compounds, we determined that both enantiomers make equivalent pseudosymmetric interactions
140                             Here we show how enantiomers may be differentiated by mass-selected photo
141                                        These enantiomers may have different toxicity.
142  mechanism for how biomineralization-related enantiomers might exert hierarchical control to form ext
143 is of both (-)-mitragynine and its unnatural enantiomer, (+)-mitragynine, employing a proline-catalyz
144  of TETROL and the carbonyl group of the (R)-enantiomer (O...O 2.621(2) A) compared with a significan
145                              The (+)-(3S,4S) enantiomer of 13i and similar analogues were identified
146 show that S. cerevisiae actively forms the D enantiomer of 2HG.
147                                          The enantiomer of 2S can be made from commercial (1R)-10-Cas
148                              Overall, the 7R enantiomer of 71 (79) displayed more optimal efficacy, p
149 rams of drug discovery generally exploit one enantiomer of a chiral compound for lead development fol
150   Specifically, the population of a specific enantiomer of a chiral terpene could be enhanced relativ
151  has been prepared on a multigram scale, the enantiomer of a selective oestrogen has been synthesized
152 ereoselective transformations to afford each enantiomer of a set of P-stereogenic compounds such as s
153 y sets of conditions enable access to either enantiomer of allylboronate product from a single enanti
154 n of alpha-magnesiated benzoates with either enantiomer of Andersen's readily available menthol-deriv
155 zyme's ability to hydrolyze the psychoactive enantiomer of cocaine.
156 suppresses C-C bond formation with the l-G3P enantiomer of d-G3P.
157 preparation of the 10-epi derivative and the enantiomer of depudecin, which represent interesting ste
158      Interestingly, the presence of only one enantiomer of each product was observed, indicating the
159 loped, and a formal synthesis of the natural enantiomer of hydromorphone was completed.
160 ndicated a high occupancy of the natural 10R enantiomer of JH III.
161 orted d-allo-ShK was in fact d-ShK, the true enantiomer of natural l-ShK toxin, and that the apparent
162  noroxomaritidine to normaritidine, with the enantiomer of noroxomaritidine dictating whether the der
163     The enzyme was shown to hydrolyze the RP-enantiomer of O-methyl O-cyclohexyl p-nitrophenyl thioph
164 itoes displaying selectivity towards the (R)-enantiomer of octenol and susceptibility to the insect r
165 iomer of allylboronate product from a single enantiomer of readily prepared allylic pivalate substrat
166 and one stepwise, for the production of each enantiomer of the desymmetrized product using the comple
167 nnel, leading to a higher stability for this enantiomer of the drug in the channel pore.
168                                  The desired enantiomer of the final allylic amine can be synthesized
169 folds, and notably (-)-ent-quiannulatene, an enantiomer of the fungal metabolite (+)-quiannulatene.
170  de novo synthesis of l-NBDNJ (the unnatural enantiomer of the iminosugar drug Miglustat) and a preli
171 talyst could also be tuned to provide either enantiomer of the organoborane products.
172 cute hippocampal slices, (+)-CIQ, the active enantiomer of the positive allosteric modulator CIQ, sig
173  absolute configuration of the major (-)-(R) enantiomer of the product is assigned computationally ac
174 e enantioselective formation of the observed enantiomer of the product with 92% ee, which matches the
175 lobin and generated mutants that form either enantiomer of the products of C-H insertion and catalyse
176 chemical preference to dictate the preferred enantiomer of the reaction product.
177 ng stoichiometric amounts of the (+)- or (-)-enantiomer of the scarcely available and expensive diami
178 study sought to determine whether the active enantiomer of the selective and full D1 receptor agonist
179 g-closing olefin metathesis affords a single enantiomer of the trefoil knot in 90% yield.
180 t synthesis of (S)-ketamine, the more active enantiomer of this versatile pharmaceutical.
181 tion of the outer orbital of configurational enantiomers of 1,3- and 2,3-butanediols has been examine
182           Short gram-scale syntheses of both enantiomers of 2-amino-3-hydroxycyclobutane-1-carboxylic
183                                              Enantiomers of 2-methylbutyl acetate were assayed in red
184 -HP and show that it is also induced by both enantiomers of 3-hydroxybutyrate.
185                         Both (S,S) and (R,R) enantiomers of 5,6-dimethyl-5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin-2,3-
186                                         Both enantiomers of [(18)F]FAMPe were obtained in good radioc
187 (+) antipodes of batrachotoxin, as well both enantiomers of a C-20 benzoate-modified derivative.
188 to display differential affinity for the two enantiomers of a chiral compound.
189 guration inferred from CD spectra of the two enantiomers of a diborane complex has been established f
190 ative populations of two otherwise identical enantiomers of a large gas-phase molecule using resonant
191               Distinguishing between the two enantiomers of a molecule is a challenging task due to t
192 ical physical and chemical properties of the enantiomers of a molecule.
193                               We synthesized enantiomers of a novel, photoactivable barbiturate, 1-me
194 By switching the achiral proton source, both enantiomers of a series of tertiary alpha-aryl-1-indanon
195 nantiodivergent catalyst pair delivering the enantiomers of alpha-functionalized aldehyde products in
196 kwise) spiralling morphology is induced by L-enantiomers of Asp and Glu, whereas 'left-handed' (clock
197 e Raman optical activity spectra for the two enantiomers of both ribose and tryptophan.
198 al framework, it is also able to resolve the enantiomers of chiral analytes, including those of limon
199 methyl group of toluene, we synthesized both enantiomers of chiral toluene with all three H isotopes
200                                         Both enantiomers of cis- and trans-fused 3,4,4a,8a-tetrahydro
201 erotonin transporter (SERT) and the S- and R-enantiomers of citalopram on the single molecule level.
202 rement of the chiroptical properties of both enantiomers of clerobungin A, supporting the scalemic na
203       The formal total synthesis of both the enantiomers of cyclophellitol and conduritol-B and synth
204 nd additional oxidation peaks common to both enantiomers of each studied beta-blocker, allowing thus
205                                         Both enantiomers of kibdeleone C show low nanomolar cytotoxic
206      The separation and determination of the enantiomers of malic acid in the apple juice solution di
207                            Recently, the (+)-enantiomers of naloxone and naltrexone, TLR4 antagonists
208                                 The P-chiral enantiomers of ODE-Bn-PMEG were obtained and appeared to
209 ring using new MDOs self-assembled from both enantiomers of proline and cinchona alkaloid thiourea de
210                                              Enantiomers of racemic triacylglycerol (TAG) mixtures we
211 tanedimethanol) allows the synthesis of both enantiomers of some chiral aldehydes, whose behavior in
212     This allowed for the preparation of both enantiomers of the bicyclic product with near-identical
213 ferent nucleophiles, allowing access to both enantiomers of the corresponding allylic amines using th
214                                    The major enantiomers of the cycloadducts are derived from S(N)2-l
215                                          The enantiomers of the inhibitor could be resolved, and each
216              The micropreparatively resolved enantiomers of the nonaxially chiral derivatives from th
217                                       Stable enantiomers of the rotaxane result from a bulky group in
218                                         Both enantiomers of the sulfoximines can be obtained with exc
219             The cytotoxic evaluation of both enantiomers of the target compound demonstrated that the
220                  Through permutations of the enantiomers of the two chiral catalysts, all four stereo
221                                         Both enantiomers of these air- and moisture-stable intermedia
222                               The individual enantiomers of two target compounds, (RS)-2-amino-3-(3,4
223 wo possible nonsuperimposable mirror images (enantiomers) of selected organic compounds.
224 the work published on the adsorption of pure enantiomers, of enantiomeric mixtures, and of prochiral
225          The resolution of the atropisomeric enantiomers on chiral stationary phases is reported.
226                                              Enantiomers only behave differently from each other in t
227 ility in comparison to stereoisomers such as enantiomers or diastereomers.
228 ioselective degradation enriched SM in the R-enantiomer over longer periods and may be associated wit
229 ce in both biotic and abiotic samples (seven enantiomer pairs d/l-Ala, -Asp, -Glu, -His, -Leu, -Ser,
230              Because the properties of l-DNA enantiomers parallel those of natural d-DNAs, the l-DNA
231 (PCBs) and enantiomer fractions (EFs) of PCB enantiomers (PCBs 95, 132, 135, and 149) were investigat
232 tures, and this activity is dependent on the enantiomer present, as some pyrethroids are chiral.
233 S)-(-)-alpha-terpineol, which is the favored enantiomer product of the recombinant enzymes.
234 e good tumor imaging properties with the (S)-enantiomer providing higher tumor uptake and tumor to br
235 count for the identity of the observed major enantiomers, providing a rationale for the differences i
236          (+/-)Modafinil ((+/-)MOD) and its R-enantiomer (R-modafinil; R-MOD) have been investigated f
237 ith agonist activity led to the finding that enantiomers (R,R)-68 and (S,S)-68 have differential effe
238                              Both metabolite enantiomers, R- and S-2-hydroxyglutarate, are detectible
239 vedilol and the non-beta-blocking carvedilol enantiomer, (R)-carvedilol, suppressed spontaneous Ca(2+
240 l tetrasubstituted alkenes, undergo CAH with enantiomer ratios (er) as high as 99:1.
241 ead development following the principle that enantiomer recognition is central to biological specific
242 or maritinamine or elwesine depending on the enantiomer reduced to an oxomaritinamine product.
243           Furthermore, the single deuterated enantiomers related to CC-122 exhibit profoundly differe
244 o distinct folds on a pair of (6,5) nanotube enantiomers, rendering them large differences in fluores
245 face and the targeted synthesis of a desired enantiomer requires the implantation of chiral informati
246 cific recognition at A2BAR, with the (S)-16b enantiomer retaining all the affinity (Ki = 15.1 nM), as
247 158 muM; CVX, IC50 = 11 muM) than any of its enantiomers S (6c) (collagen, IC50 = 25.3 muM; CRP-XL, I
248 deviation from the racemic ratio, indicating enantiomer-selective metabolism in hens.
249  with fluorescently labeled analogues of the enantiomers showed their colocalization in racemic fibri
250 nantiomers in chiral mixtures is crucial for enantiomer specific synthesis as well as chemical analys
251                 Toxicity tests proved strong enantiomer-specific toxicity in the case of Tetrahymena
252  were unresolvable in a mixture, whereas the enantiomers studied did not exhibit statistically differ
253 mical outcome of the cyclization of a single enantiomer substrate--regardless of its inherent prefere
254 00:1) and enantioselective (92% to 98% major enantiomer) synthesis of such compounds bearing a vinyl
255       Additionally, we evaluated the (-)-JQ1 enantiomer that is structurally incapable of inhibiting
256 he bound (S)-enantiomers, but not by the (R)-enantiomers, that are features of partially activated re
257      Also, ADCs with a nonprotease-cleavable enantiomer, the VC(R) isomer, mediated effective cell ki
258 iral inorganic compounds to be resolved into enantiomers, the absolute configurations of which are de
259                        The mixing of Abeta42 enantiomers thus accelerates the formation of non-toxic
260 of different KREDs allowed either the M or P enantiomer to be synthesized in excellent enantiopurity.
261 8 revealed preferential binding of the 1R,2S enantiomer to the PLK4 kinase domain.
262 e a sequential polymerization of the lactide enantiomers to afford stereoblock copolymers with predet
263 hat mirror-image packing can enable opposite enantiomers to be accommodated in an enzyme's active sit
264 ence quenching due to the tendency of chiral enantiomers to form complexes with gamma-CD in different
265  indicate that the potential toxicity of PCB enantiomers to newborn chicks may be different from that
266 strongly support differential binding of the enantiomers to the proton channel.
267               We showed that J113863 and its enantiomer UCB35625, initially identified as high affini
268  baseline separated into their corresponding enantiomers under reversed-phase, polar organic and norm
269 -oxazolidine-2-one, was resolved into single enantiomers using a chiral auxiliary to access enantio-e
270 hetic route for preparation of proxyphylline enantiomers using a kinetic resolution (KR) procedure as
271 nsferring information between orthogonal DNA enantiomers via an achiral intermediary, opening the doo
272 llenging to obtain these compounds as single enantiomers via the established synthetic procedures due
273               In certain cases, the opposite enantiomer was favored (up to 4:96 er).
274                            The first eluting enantiomer was generally the derivative of the (R)-amine
275 reference of the CAL-B active site for the R-enantiomer was rationalized by in sillico docking studie
276          The absolute configuration of these enantiomers was assigned by ECD analysis.
277                         The elution order of enantiomers was determined by chemoenzymatically synthes
278 heromone of Pseudococcus longispinus and its enantiomer were prepared from the corresponding bornyl a
279 the absolute configurations of the separated enantiomers were assigned by using X-ray diffraction ana
280 ion products (TPs, i.e., MESA and MOXA), and enantiomers were combined to determine SM degradation at
281   Hyperpolarized (13)C-labeled dl-methionine enantiomers were differently observed with a single-scan
282                        The acidic amino acid enantiomers were resolved with gamma-cyclodextrin alone.
283                                              Enantiomers were separated, and their configurations wer
284                                      Its two enantiomers were synthesized: the (1S,2R) enantiomer 15
285                 The correct 2S,6S,7S,10S,14S enantiomers were then identified by comparison of theore
286                              Individual pure enantiomers were then selectively heart-cut from within
287 tuted aryl boronic acids resulted in the (S)-enantiomer when used in combination with certain (R)-pho
288 acids) contain significant excesses of the d enantiomer, whereas other (comparable) sugar acids and s
289                             Remarkably, both enantiomers, which present a sterically demanding cis-1
290  exposure is dramatically increased for each enantiomer while they retain similar pharmacokinetics.
291 ral representatives were resolved into their enantiomers, whose absolute configurations were determin
292 bstituted aryl boronic acids favored the (R)-enantiomer with most of the studied catalysts, meta-alko
293 iomeric composition and discriminate between enantiomers with chiral centers several carbons away fro
294 ge, this is the first example of one pair of enantiomers with contrasting selectivity for human telom
295 erials, yielding both the (R)- and (S)-amine enantiomers with high selectivity (91-99% ee) depending
296  to the different dimensional interaction of enantiomers with hybrid material, a discrepancy occurs i
297 aturing three stereocenters was a mixture of enantiomers with no other diastereomers observed.
298 lassical resolution of tetra-carboxylic acid enantiomers with recycling of the resolving agent.
299 ermined by comparison of the distribution of enantiomers with the experimental variation distribution
300 namically isomerize, interconverting between enantiomers without cleavage of a constituent bond, nor

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