


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 illustrates the potential emergence of novel encephalitic agents in unexpected settings.
2 ephalitis are compared with those with viral encephalitic agents: enterovirus, herpes simplex virus t
3 s and Chikungunya viruses) and two New World encephalitic alphaviruses (eastern and Venezuelan equine
4                           As a result, these encephalitic alphaviruses are defined as category B sele
5                                          The encephalitic alphaviruses are useful models for understa
6  are no therapeutics for infections cause by encephalitic alphaviruses due to an incomplete understan
7 tural proteins derived from more pathogenic, encephalitic alphaviruses is a promising strategy for al
8 ty of mouse Ifitm3 against arthritogenic and encephalitic alphaviruses using cells and animals with a
9 efficacious, multivalent vaccine against the encephalitic alphaviruses VEEV and EEEV, both of which c
10            Among these viral threats are the encephalitic alphaviruses Venezuelan equine encephalitis
11 us (NA-EEEV) is uniquely neurovirulent among encephalitic alphaviruses, causing mortality in a majori
12                           In contrast to the encephalitic alphaviruses, the pathogenesis of alphaviru
13 alphaviruses are a significant cause of both encephalitic and arthritic disease in humans worldwide.
14  analysis of archival brain tissue from SHIV encephalitic and non-encephalitic macaques for PDGF-B ch
15  In contrast, levels of FasL mRNA induced by encephalitic and nonencephalitic reovirus strains do not
16 cultured neurons for susceptibility to three encephalitic arboviruses and found that replication of O
17 and spread in the Americas of VEEV and other encephalitic arboviruses, such as eastern equine encepha
18 xis involved in leukocyte recruitment to the encephalitic brain during SFV infection.
19           In this study, we demonstrate that encephalitic brain from SIV-infected animals has elevate
20                          Monocyte binding to encephalitic brain tissue was blocked with Abs to VCAM-1
21                                           In encephalitic brain tissue, MMPs were expressed within pe
22 oK at specific sites, which was increased in encephalitic brain tissue.
23 roglia in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) encephalitic brain, and the effects of CD40-CD40L intera
24                                    Within an encephalitic brain, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma transcripts
25 eurons and on glial cells in both normal and encephalitic brain.
26 a and IL-1beta, known to be increased in HIV-encephalitic brains, as well as a cellular product of cy
27 tes (macrophages and microglia) found in HIV-encephalitic brains.
28 lial cell adhesion molecules was observed in encephalitic brains.
29 ns for gene expression in neural cells under encephalitic conditions mediated by macrophage activatio
30 stress, to persistent demyelination and even encephalitic death.
31 his entity deserves a prominent place on the encephalitic differential diagnosis to avoid unnecessary
32 ed DNA virus that causes facial, ocular, and encephalitic disease in humans.
33 V) and Semliki Forest virus (SFV), can cause encephalitic disease.
34 edge, this provides the first evidence of an encephalitic DNA virus in its natural host causing incre
35 l response against West Nile virus (WNV), an encephalitic Flavivirus of global concern, is critical t
36 ricts infection by West Nile virus (WNV), an encephalitic flavivirus of global concern.
37 viral gene against West Nile virus (WNV), an encephalitic flavivirus, in cells and mice.
38  of Ifitm3 against West Nile virus (WNV), an encephalitic flavivirus, using mice with a targeted gene
39  (WNV) is the most widely distributed of the encephalitic flaviviruses and is a major cause of enceph
40                          Here we report that encephalitic flaviviruses, including tick-borne encephal
41    Glu138 of E, which is highly conserved in encephalitic flaviviruses, maps onto one of these motifs
42              Two distinct clinical patterns, encephalitic (furious) and paralytic (dumb), have been r
43          Human rabies can manifest in either encephalitic (furious) or paralytic (dumb) forms.
44 cal analyses of HIV-1 seropositive and HIV-1 encephalitic human brain tissues revealed significantly
45 rom the common cold sore to life-threatening encephalitic infection.
46 s critical for preventing and managing acute encephalitic infections, as well as preempting reactivat
47 atment may be required to completely resolve encephalitic lesions and microglial activation, which ma
48 hages are critical components of HIV and SIV encephalitic lesions.
49                        Brain tissue from SIV encephalitic macaques also showed increased [(3)H](R)-PK
50  brain tissue from SHIV encephalitic and non-encephalitic macaques for PDGF-B chain expression.
51  in microglial nodules in the brains of SHIV-encephalitic macaques.
52 sion of PDGF-B chain mRNA in the brains from encephalitic macaques.
53 mal region, and the influx of neutrophils of encephalitic mouse brains.
54 re a group of human pathogens causing severe encephalitic or hemorrhagic diseases that include West N
55 gmental flaccid paralysis with minimal or no encephalitic or sensory signs.
56 de the central nervous system leading to the encephalitic, or late stage, infection.
57  deletion La Crosse virus, a closely related encephalitic orthobunyavirus.
58  brain tissues from both lentivirus-infected encephalitic patients and cell culture systems, we showe
59 t transpires in a subpopulation of human HSV encephalitic patients.
60 s found in a subpopulation of herpes simplex encephalitic patients.
61  from basal ganglia and frontal lobes of HIV encephalitic patients.
62                                          The encephalitic process, responsible for narcolepsy-cataple
63 istopathological indication of an infectious encephalitic process.
64 enes of rabies viruses from 2 human cases of encephalitic rabies and from 2 human cases of paralytic
65 es had longer survival times than those with encephalitic rabies, and also had shorter incubation per
66 instillation site but no widespread allergic encephalitic reaction.
67 egulated in the brains of mice infected with encephalitic reovirus T3D and T3 strain Abney (T3A) but
68                                          The encephalitic response to viral infection requires local
69 rapeutic targets for drugs aimed at limiting encephalitic responses.
70 er's disease is limited by the occurrence of encephalitic side effects in a subset of treated patient
71                    Three of our cases had no encephalitic signs or symptoms despite cerebrospinal flu
72 al "hole" on the surface, surrounded by five encephalitic-specific motifs implicated in receptor bind
73 mice on days 0 (control), days 3, 6, and 10 (encephalitic stage of disease), and days 39 to 42, 66, a
74 n early or hemolymphatic stage and a late or encephalitic stage, when the parasites cross the blood-b
75 h acute asymmetric paralysis with or without encephalitic symptoms.
76                  Powassan virus (POWV) is an encephalitic tick-borne flavivirus which can result in s
77 ets for development of therapeutics to treat encephalitic viral infections.
78 cribed for HIV-1, currently the most studied encephalitic virus; other viruses are also discussed.
79 urological diseases caused by LACV and other encephalitic viruses is the induction of neuronal cell d
80  marrow through a mechanism, which for known encephalitic viruses, is CCR2 dependent.

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