


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  effect for the development of MAV-1-induced encephalitis.
2  patients admitted to an ICU with anti-NMDAR encephalitis.
3 cally suspected antibody-mediated autoimmune encephalitis.
4  role of IL-1 signaling during MAV-1-induced encephalitis.
5 ected in brain tissue of five cases of human encephalitis.
6 h anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis.
7 permeability, and neuroimaging damage during encephalitis.
8 rove aetiological diagnosis in children with encephalitis.
9 nst neuronal antigens, leading to autoimmune encephalitis.
10 and increases susceptibility to lethal viral encephalitis.
11 otizing stromal keratitis and herpes simplex encephalitis.
12 on when animals are no longer suffering from encephalitis.
13 an also cause blindness and life-threatening encephalitis.
14 ctivated Bak is bound to p53 during reovirus encephalitis.
15  similar to those for human survivors of NiV encephalitis.
16 ith the virus spreading to the brain causing encephalitis.
17 rmed in brain samples from patients with HIV encephalitis.
18 nosed as stroke or as noninfectious forms of encephalitis.
19 ed and SIV-infected macaques with or without encephalitis.
20 lex virus 1 (HSV-1) infections, usually from encephalitis.
21 d be investigated as adjunctive treatment in encephalitis.
22 ithout classic presentation of toxoplasmosis encephalitis.
23  of the leading etiologies of sporadic viral encephalitis.
24 serious human diseases such as arthritis and encephalitis.
25 iscuss the concept of a specific Ebola virus encephalitis.
26 increased in infected brains during reovirus encephalitis.
27 cits are important long-term sequelae of the encephalitis.
28 nia (NMT), Morvan syndrome (MoS), and limbic encephalitis.
29  the host cellular factors leading to lethal encephalitis.
30 se of a 62-year-old female with seizures and encephalitis.
31 itions, including corneal blindness or fatal encephalitis.
32 distinguishing HSE from non-HSE causes of TL encephalitis.
33 el system to study the pathogenesis of virus encephalitis.
34  a superimposed antibody-mediated autoimmune encephalitis.
35 es upon induction of experimental autoimmune encephalitis.
36 ase, neonatal infection, and, in rare cases, encephalitis.
37 en with signs and symptoms of meningitis and encephalitis.
38 dies is the leading cause of immune-mediated encephalitis.
39 itted flavivirus that can cause debilitating encephalitis.
40 everity from periodic "cold sores" to lethal encephalitis.
41  most prevalent astrovirus in cases of human encephalitis.
42  proven to have antibody-positive autoimmune encephalitis.
43 most universally fatal granulomatous amoebic encephalitis.
44 (MRI) alterations in patients with anti-LGI1 encephalitis.
45 V infection (6%) died (1 with GBS and 1 with encephalitis), 18 (51%) had chronic pain, and the median
46  (1 patient), and a severe form of fulminant encephalitis (2 patients).
47 axonal, and 1 Miller Fisher syndrome), 5 had encephalitis (3 with concomitant acute neuromuscular dis
48 0% Brighton level 1 certainty), 7 (18%) with encephalitis, 3 (8%) with transverse myelitis, and 1 (3%
49      The most common clinical syndromes were encephalitis (52%), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
50 itis (4) , meningoencephalitis (5) and fatal encephalitis (6) .
51 coids in attenuating experimental autoimmune encephalitis, a model of multiple sclerosis.
52                  The virus causes tick-borne encephalitis, a severe infection of the CNS with a high
53  uninfected and SIV-infected animals without encephalitis, a trend that was also confirmed in brain s
54     Serum samples were tested for autoimmune encephalitis Abs as well as thyroperoxidase (TPO) and gl
55  (FluCAN) study and the Australian Childhood Encephalitis (ACE) study between 2013 and 2015.
56  (FluCAN) study and the Australian Childhood Encephalitis (ACE) study between 2013 and 2015.
57                               The numbers of encephalitis admissions without a specific diagnosis are
58               Forty patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis after the acute disease stage and 25 health
59 lular infiltrate found in the CNS during WNV encephalitis, although the molecular cues involved in th
60 ith symptoms suggestive of autoimmune limbic encephalitis, although they can be paucisymptomatic or m
61  mice suffering from experimental autoimmune encephalitis ameliorates the severity of the clinical sy
62           Data on 30 patients with anti-LGI1 encephalitis and 27 healthy control individuals matched
63 and genital sores as well as rare yet severe encephalitis and a panoply of ocular ailments.
64 Balamuthia infection in donors with possible encephalitis and also assess donors carefully for signs
65 tribute to tissue-specific diseases, such as encephalitis and dementia in brain and pneumonia in lung
66 n the progression and outcome of VSV-induced encephalitis and demonstrated a significant decrease in
67 ney-pancreas recipients developed Balamuthia encephalitis and died.
68 are associated with immunotherapy-responsive encephalitis and epilepsies.
69 ll populations from two patients with limbic encephalitis and faciobrachial dystonic seizures associa
70 morphologically distinct from prototypic SIV encephalitis and human immunodeficiency virus encephalit
71 severe human neurological diseases including encephalitis and meningitis.
72 hese include the relevance of herpes simplex encephalitis and of epilepsy to AD, the action of IFN, a
73 rome-based diagnostic approach to autoimmune encephalitis and providing guidelines to navigate throug
74 an emergent paramyxovirus that causes deadly encephalitis and respiratory infections in humans.
75 ntly emerged as a causative agent of febrile encephalitis and severe respiratory disease in humans.
76 The findings highlight the complex nature of encephalitis and suggests that IL-1 has a protective eff
77  of TLR3 mutations to varicella-zoster virus encephalitis and support the role of TLR3 genetic defect
78  clinical picture in keeping with autoimmune encephalitis and very high VGKC-complex/LGI1 antibodies.
79 to-borne flavivirus that causes epidemics of encephalitis and viscerotropic disease worldwide.
80 orms" in ruminants and by hemorrhagic fever, encephalitis, and blindness in humans.
81  as those that cause Zika, dengue, West Nile encephalitis, and chikungunya, have become endemic or ha
82  reduced severity of experimental autoimmune encephalitis, and defective immune responses to lymphocy
83 ighly debilitating and lethal herpes simplex encephalitis, and generalized infections that can lead t
84  to more severe symptoms, such as hepatitis, encephalitis, and hemorrhagic fever.
85 transmission and disease, such as keratitis, encephalitis, and neurodegeneration, have been linked to
86 to develop pulmonary hypertension, seizures, encephalitis, and pneumonia.
87 ith Japanese encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and Rift Valley fever viruses; and urbaniz
88 antibodies described in patients with limbic encephalitis, and the subsequent seminal paper describin
89 e mice is a tractable small-animal model for encephalitis, and the virus causes disruption of the BBB
90 revents the pathogenic effects of anti-NMDAR encephalitis antibodies on memory and behavior, levels o
91 s and treatment of infectious meningitis and encephalitis are critical to minimize morbidity and mort
92                               Meningitis and encephalitis are potentially life-threatening diseases w
93    However, existing criteria for autoimmune encephalitis are too reliant on antibody testing and res
94 ive adult patients diagnosed with anti-NMDAR encephalitis at the French National Reference Centre, ad
95                      Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis (BBE) is a very rare disease of the central
96 consecutively diagnosed as having anti-NMDAR encephalitis between May 1, 2008, and January 31, 2013.
97 lt patients (>/=18 years) with meningitis or encephalitis by International Classification of Diseases
98 re is a risk of the appearance of LCMV acute encephalitis cases.
99                                   RATIONALE: Encephalitis caused by anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate recepto
100  in preventing neuroinvasion and the ensuing encephalitis caused by OROV and LACV.
101 c anaplasmosis, an emerging disease, and the encephalitis-causing Langat virus, and a population stru
102 al analysis revealed signs of meningitis and encephalitis, characteristic of severe human disease.
103 n the CNS and decreased survival during LGTV encephalitis compared with wild-type controls.
104                     The donor had Balamuthia encephalitis confirmed on autopsy.
105 from 0.32 to 0.009) and admissions for mumps encephalitis decreased by 98% (from 0.60 to 0.01) after
106 t of 11 adult Italian patients in whom viral encephalitis developed.
107  good model for studying factors involved in encephalitis development.
108 iological information for patients with POWV encephalitis diagnosed at 2 hospitals in Massachusetts f
109  neurosciences center, studied patients with encephalitis diagnosed by brain biopsy from January 1, 1
110      ENOS is the most common initial type of encephalitis diagnosed by brain biopsy.
111                               Eastern equine encephalitis diagnostic serum antibody can appear 6 days
112 ts, including one death (treatment-unrelated encephalitis due to influenza B infection), one life-thr
113            One patient died from influenza B encephalitis during an endemic outbreak 10 months after
114                         The fourth had viral encephalitis during infancy.
115                   In experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE), autoimmune T cells are activated in
116 nuates Th17-mediated experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE).
117  we show that during La Crosse Virus-induced encephalitis, egress of iMOs was surprisingly independen
118  in children, including influenza-associated encephalitis/encephalopathy (IAE).
119  in children, including influenza associated encephalitis/encephalopathy (IAE).
120  (CASPR2), are found in patients with limbic encephalitis, faciobrachial dystonic seizures, Morvan's
121                We report a fatal case of DTV encephalitis following a documented bite from an Ixodes
122 nalysis of hospital admission statistics for encephalitis for individuals aged 0-19 years using natio
123 mmon presenting feature in antibody-mediated encephalitis, for which prompt recognition and treatment
124                   We present 8 cases of POWV encephalitis from Massachusetts and New Hampshire in 201
125                      Patients with anti-LGI1 encephalitis had incomplete recovery with significant an
126                      Although herpes simplex encephalitis has been extensively studied, HSV-1 general
127             Admissions for measles and mumps encephalitis have decreased substantially.
128 t common causes of infectious meningitis and encephalitis have the potential for high clinical impact
129                              We found 16 571 encephalitis hospital admissions in the period 1979-2011
130 y of acyclovir (ACV) therapy, herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) continues to cause substantial morbid
131                               Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is the most common form of acute vira
132                           The herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) model was used for induction of neuro
133 usceptibility to herpes simplex virus type 1 encephalitis (HSE).
134 to this, there had been only 2 cases of POWV encephalitis identified in Massachusetts.
135 ded encephalomyelitis in 23 (40%), brainstem encephalitis in 20 (35%), encephalitis in 6 (11%), acute
136  13 patients with VGKC antibodies and limbic encephalitis in 2004.
137 3 (40%), brainstem encephalitis in 20 (35%), encephalitis in 6 (11%), acute flaccid paralysis in 4 (7
138 ose an unusual and fatal case of progressive encephalitis in an immunocompromised adult presenting at
139 including one recovered from a case of fatal encephalitis in an immunosuppressed child.
140 irus responsible for causing acute and fatal encephalitis in animal and human hosts.
141 vere hand, foot, and mouth disease and viral encephalitis in children across the Asia-Pacific region,
142 is (JE) virus (JEV) is an important cause of encephalitis in children of South and Southeast Asia.
143 trated pathological findings consistent with encephalitis in control and knockout mice; however, intr
144 s, and current best tests for meningitis and encephalitis in developed countries.
145 ital admission rates for all-cause childhood encephalitis in England are increasing.
146 a on admission rates for all-cause childhood encephalitis in England are scarce.
147 ed to estimate admission rates for childhood encephalitis in England over 33 years (1979-2011), to de
148  (VEEV), which elicits flu-like symptoms and encephalitis in humans, with an estimated 14% of cases r
149  can also cause lethal hemorrhagic fever and encephalitis in humans.
150 tor-activated virus entry.Nipah virus causes encephalitis in humans.
151 se severe and acute respiratory diseases and encephalitis in humans.
152  that can cause fatal respiratory illness or encephalitis in humans.
153 (HSE) is the most common form of acute viral encephalitis in industrialized countries.
154 when injected into the brain leads to lethal encephalitis in Irf2(-/-) mice after peripheral inoculat
155                         MAV-1 produces viral encephalitis in its natural host, providing a good model
156 tive-strand RNA virus causes acute and fatal encephalitis in many mammals, including humans.
157  that are capable of causing acute and fatal encephalitis in many mammals, including humans.
158                  We describe 8 cases of POWV encephalitis in Massachusetts and New Hampshire in 2013-
159 sed to study the pathogenesis of acute viral encephalitis in mice for many years.
160 euroinvasive properties (SVNI) causes lethal encephalitis in mice, and its replication in cultured ce
161 d the development of experimental autoimmune encephalitis in mice.
162 ge II) of Powassan virus, is a rare cause of encephalitis in North America.
163 WNV) is the most important cause of epidemic encephalitis in North America.
164 arly recognition and treatment of autoimmune encephalitis in patients receiving immune checkpoint blo
165 on between TRIF mutations and herpes simplex encephalitis in patients.
166 nsmitted by insects and cause meningitis and encephalitis in subsets of individuals in the Americas.
167 in turn may contribute to BBB disruption and encephalitis in susceptible mice.IMPORTANCE RNA and DNA
168 e adenovirus type 1 (MAV-1) infection causes encephalitis in susceptible strains of mice and alters t
169  a neurotropic coronavirus that causes acute encephalitis in susceptible strains of mice.
170 osuppressive therapy in suspected autoimmune encephalitis in the setting of immune checkpoint inhibit
171 esting for POWV in patients who present with encephalitis in the spring to fall in New England.
172 s, and outcomes of adults with meningitis or encephalitis in the United States (US) are lacking.
173  are the most common cause of meningitis and encephalitis in the United States and are treated with a
174 most important cause of mosquito-transmitted encephalitis in the United States.
175  virus (POWV) is a rarely diagnosed cause of encephalitis in the United States.
176 (WNV) is an emerging cause of meningitis and encephalitis in the United States.
177 ry of HAstV-VA1/HMO-C-UK1(a) as the cause of encephalitis in this case provides further evidence that
178 ice.IMPORTANCE RNA and DNA viruses can cause encephalitis; in some cases, this is accompanied by MMP-
179  fluid (n = 37) specimens from patients with encephalitis, including 17 with disease due to HSV infec
180 urologic complications associated with viral encephalitis, including seizures and cognitive impairmen
181 0 per month to 5.6 per month, admissions for encephalitis increased from 0.4 per month to 1.4 per mon
182                                              Encephalitis is a serious neurological disorder, yet dat
183                                              Encephalitis is a severe inflammatory disorder of the br
184   Anti-N-methyl D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis is a severe neuropsychiatric disorder that
185                                     Japanese encephalitis is an acute zoonotic, mosquito-borne diseas
186      Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated1 (LGI1) encephalitis is an antibody-associated inflammation of t
187                                    Anti-LGI1 encephalitis is associated with cognitive deficits and d
188                                   Anti-NMDAR encephalitis is associated with extensive superficial wh
189                                     Japanese encephalitis is characterized by extensive inflammation
190 though the role of acyclovir in treating HSV encephalitis is clear, the role of antiviral therapy in
191   The structural and molecular basis of this encephalitis is not fully understood.
192                                              Encephalitis is parenchymal brain inflammation, commonly
193                             The diagnosis of encephalitis is particularly challenging in immunocompro
194 ugh several different flaviviruses may cause encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis virus is the most si
195                 The live-attenuated Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine (JE-CV; IMOJEV) induces a prot
196                                     Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus (JEV) is an important cause of e
197 fluenza viruses, as well as agents of lethal encephalitis like Nipah virus.
198 tion of CCL2 expression during viral-induced encephalitis may have a protective effect.
199                     The FilmArray Meningitis/Encephalitis (ME) Panel is a multiplexed in vitro diagno
200  neurotropic ssRNA flavivirus that can cause encephalitis, meningitis, and death in humans and mice.
201  appears broader as cases of encephalopathy, encephalitis, meningitis, myelitis, and seizures have al
202 the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-induced encephalitis model, the replication, caudal penetration,
203 n = 1,433) meningitis or with herpes simplex encephalitis (n = 115), who were alive 1 year after diag
204  studies, none of the deferred cases had HSV encephalitis (n = 3120).
205  are generally referred to pathologically as encephalitis, not otherwise specified (ENOS).
206     Selectivity was validated using Japanese Encephalitis NS1, a homologous and potentially cross-rea
207 ed whether IL-1 signaling contributes to the encephalitis observed in mouse adenovirus type 1 (MAV-1)
208                 Hospital admission rates for encephalitis of unknown aetiology have increased by 37%
209                           Four main modes of encephalitis onset were observed, including confusion (3
210 0 +/- 2.55 years, median 4 years post-limbic encephalitis onset; n = 18 controls].
211 al fluid (CSF) from patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis or controls, with or without ephrin-B2, wer
212 by a febrile disease that sometimes leads to encephalitis or hemorrhagic fever.
213                         N-methyl-d-aspartate-encephalitis or inborn errors of metabolism may present
214 t's immune status and site of reactivation - encephalitis or myositis can develop.
215 abortion in ruminants and hemorrhagic fever, encephalitis, or blindness in humans.
216 d 1 in a patient with varicella-zoster virus encephalitis (p.Leu199Phe).
217  the performance of the FilmArray meningitis/encephalitis panel compared to conventional methods.
218                         The investigation of encephalitis pathogenesis produced by different viruses
219  Data from this largest cohort of anti-NMDAR encephalitis patients that underwent extensive multimoda
220 is crucial to the survival of herpes simplex encephalitis patients; however, many survivors suffer fr
221 diagnosis, levels of evidence for autoimmune encephalitis (possible, probable, or definite) are achie
222                      Diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis presents some challenges in the clinical se
223 oint inhibition may contribute to autoimmune encephalitis require further study.
224  prognosis of adult patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis requiring intensive care is good, especiall
225                       Advances in autoimmune encephalitis research in the past 10 years have led to t
226  measles and rubella, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, rotavirus, and invasive bacterial diseases
227 hat antibodies from patients with anti-AMPAR encephalitis selectively eliminate surface and synaptic
228 se in CD68+Ki-67+ cells in macaques with SIV encephalitis (SIVE) compared to uninfected and SIV-infec
229 mation and in the perivascular space and SIV encephalitis (SIVE) lesions late.
230  to simian AIDS and potential SIV-associated encephalitis (SIVE).
231 h anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis suffer from persistent memory impairment de
232 s are not readily regenerated, recovery from encephalitis suggests that mature neurons utilize unique
233                                   Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is caused by a virus that belongs to
234 n has been previously reported in Toxoplasma encephalitis (TE)-susceptible model, our current work de
235 ecipients from donors with signs of possible encephalitis to facilitate early diagnosis and targeted
236 ody titres from a prior inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccination enhanced yellow fever (YF) immu
237 s of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides or tick-borne encephalitis vaccine, which occurred in an S1PR4-depende
238  domesticated animals, as seen with Japanese encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and Rift V
239                               Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is a representative member of
240 thogenic phenotype.IMPORTANCE Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is one of the most pathogenic
241 ne encephalitis virus (VEEV), eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), and western equine encephalit
242 encephalitis virus (VEEV) and Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), which have demonstrated poten
243  presumptive serodiagnosis of acute Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and West Nile virus (WNV) infec
244                               Using Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) as a model, we performed a syst
245 ns against neurotropic flaviviruses.Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a Flavivirus responsible for
246 and efficacy of the live-attenuated Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) SA14-14-2 vaccine are attribute
247 g EIIIs from Koutango virus (KOUV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), St. Louis encephalitis virus (
248  three flaviviruses, DENV, WNV, and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), using a high-content immunoflu
249 c, mosquito-borne disease caused by Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV).
250 Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), and Bagaza virus (BAGV) were
251                                   Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is a flavivirus that is transf
252                                   Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is a vector-transmitted flaviv
253  encephalitic alphaviruses Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and Eastern equine encephaliti
254                            Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is a mosquito-borne RNA virus
255                            Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is a previously weaponized art
256                            Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is a select agent that has bee
257                            Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is an alphavirus that is preva
258 nfectious titer of WNV and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) TC83 in the brains of Asyn-kno
259 ve the assembly of vRCs of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), and G3BPs were shown to funct
260 Valley fever virus (RVFV), Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), and herpes simplex virus 1 (H
261           The alphaviruses Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), eastern equine encephalitis v
262  currently unavailable for Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), which elicits flu-like sympto
263 ate that Tc bovine-derived Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV)-specific TcPAbs are highly eff
264 ncephalitis virus (EEEV), and western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV) are arthropod-borne positive-s
265 phalitic arboviruses, such as eastern equine encephalitis virus and West Nile virus, underscore the n
266 tron microscopy structure of mature Japanese encephalitis virus at near-atomic resolution, which reve
267 mino-terminal subdomain of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus capsid protein, SD1, plays a critical
268 sed plasmid VRC5288 (Zika virus and Japanese encephalitis virus chimera), and the VRC 320, done in on
269  an enzootic member of the Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus complex and belongs to the New World
270 ovirulence and neuroinvasiveness of Japanese encephalitis virus in mice.
271 laviviruses may cause encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis virus is the most significant, being respon
272  with the corresponding region from Japanese encephalitis virus NS1 to create chimeric DJ NS1 protein
273 presence of dengue virus (DENV) and Japanese encephalitis virus NS1s in the blood of infected interfe
274 -vectored vaccine (Kp47/47-Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus replicon particle) for safety, immuno
275 avirus 229E), Togaviridae (Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus), and Hepeviridae (HEV), indicating t
276  other NT human arbovirus (Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus), which is also poorly understood.
277 flavivirus family: West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and dengue virus 2.
278  alphavirus infection with Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, and this was associated with greater
279  chikungunya, dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis virus, GBS, and control datasets.
280 de viral (for example, HIV, rabies, Japanese encephalitis virus, herpes simplex virus, varicella zost
281  of neurovirulence and stability in Japanese encephalitis virus, opening up new avenues for therapeut
282  bunyaviruses La Crosse virus and California encephalitis virus, suggesting a conserved role for Wnt
283 susceptible virus, the flavivirus tick-borne encephalitis virus.
284 s to the NS5 protein of the related Japanese encephalitis virus.
285                Venezuelan and western equine encephalitis viruses (VEEV and WEEV; Alphavirus; Togavir
286 uses include dengue, West Nile, and Japanese encephalitis viruses, and the nonpathogenic flaviviruses
287 n with neuroinvasive West Nile and La Crosse encephalitis viruses.
288 cluding yellow fever, West Nile and Japanese encephalitis viruses.
289 Using a mouse model of West Nile virus (WNV) encephalitis, we show that RIPK3 restricts WNV pathogene
290 ncephalitis and human immunodeficiency virus encephalitis were identified.
291 A total of 26429 patients with meningitis or encephalitis were identified.
292           Forty-six patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis were included.
293 d LGI1 VGKC-complex antibody-mediated limbic encephalitis were investigated using in vivo ultra-high
294                           Symptoms of limbic encephalitis were observed in all patients, including te
295  of the most frequent variants of autoimmune encephalitis with antibodies targeting neuronal surface
296 nnel (VGKC) complex antibody-mediated limbic encephalitis with generalized hippocampal atrophy.
297  should be aware of Balamuthia as a cause of encephalitis with high rate of fatality, and should noti
298                                       Limbic encephalitis with leucine-rich, glioma-inactivated 1 (LG
299  are associated with a subtype of autoimmune encephalitis with prominent limbic involvement and seizu
300 egated squirrels (Sciurus variegatoides) had encephalitis with similar clinical signs and died 2 to 4

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