


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d undergoes partial dissociation to form an "encounter complex".
2 tion (through noncovalent interaction in the encounter complex).
3 ns, are involved in formation of the initial encounter complex.
4 vent-separated, electrostatically stabilized encounter complex.
5  the structure, of the initial, low-affinity encounter complex.
6 ptide lies farther from the heme when in the encounter complex.
7 ng" groove plays the major role in making an encounter complex.
8 robably involving an electrostatically bound encounter complex.
9  with the same nonnative salt bridges in the encounter complex.
10 ientations for productive binding within the encounter complex.
11 e complex is preceded by the formation of an encounter complex.
12 pid formation of transient structures in the encounter complex.
13 er activation entropy hinder assembly of the encounter complex.
14 ADH binary complex) to form a protein-ligand encounter complex.
15 tional changes after formation of an initial encounter complex.
16 tration, as expected for the existence of an encounter complex.
17 e 20-ns molecular dynamics simulation of the encounter complex.
18 al readjustments then occur in the resulting encounter complex.
19 ormation of a Michaelis-type serpin-protease encounter complex.
20 ccumulation of an intermediate, non-blocking encounter-complex.
21 thod captures both specific and non-specific encounter complexes.
22 ally demonstrated the existence of transient encounter complexes.
23 as a function of SK concentration, reporting encounter complex affinities of 62-110 nm in the absence
24  promote folding-competent topologies in the encounter complexes, allowing rapid subsequent formation
25 ers is much longer than the half-life of the encounter complex and also guarantees that the concentra
26 racterized by a approximately 25-fold weaker encounter complex and approximately 40-fold faster off-r
27 ucture that these residues assume before the encounter complex and not just to their loci.
28                      The interactions in the encounter complex are usually dominated by electrostatic
29        Three structures of intrahelical oxoG-encounter complexes are compared with sequence-matched s
30                    We show that Gag-protease encounter complexes are primarily mediated by interactio
31                                          The encounter complexes are stabilized by electrostatic inte
32                                          The encounter complexes are stabilized primarily by non-spec
33 ation parameters for the reaction within the encounter complex, at the higher ionic strength, are del
34  inter-molecular interactions and develop an encounter complex-based NMA (cNMA) framework.
35 s are discussed in the context of a putative encounter complex between apo-HasAp and hemoglobin that
36 nder conditions where [substrate] << Km; the encounter complex between enzyme and substrate partition
37 tic barrier to reorganization of the initial encounter complex between enzyme, substrate, and an esse
38 h LDH/NADH suggest that the evolution of the encounter complex between LDH/NADH and oxamate collapses
39 A model that couples the formation of a weak encounter complex between p53TAD and hRPA701-168 to the
40 tatively consistent with the formation of an encounter complex between the cyanine dye and ionized th
41 atiotemporal resolution we characterized the encounter complex between the RecA filament and dsDNA.
42  Here, we provide experimental evidence that encounter complexes between FeP and MoFeP play a functio
43 ly casting" type of model in which transient encounter complexes between the ligand and the extended
44 preferentially excluded from protein-protein encounter complexes but not from dissociated protein mol
45 y optimize the diffuse background of protein encounter complexes by just single-point mutations, and
46 pid first binding step involves formation of encounter complexes captured through a fly casting mecha
47 netically labeled HPr, two distinct types of encounter complex configurations along the association p
48             In contrast, the second class of encounter complex configurations can coexist with the sp
49                                              Encounter complex conformations are generated by samplin
50 nsmembrane cargo reaches endosomes, where it encounters complexes dedicated to opposing functions: re
51 ative salt bridges stabilize kinetically the encounter complex during binding.
52 psin actually decreases on conversion of the encounter complex E.I to E*I*.
53 e alpha1-antichymotrypsin.alpha-chymotrypsin encounter complex, E.I, to E*I*.
54           The proposed mechanism involves an encounter complex (EC) stabilized by electrostatic inter
55 echanism, in which tightening of the initial encounter complex (EI) results in a final complex (EI*)
56 rther, a fundamental question is whether the encounter complex ensemble is an effectively homogeneous
57               The ET rate determined for the encounter complex ensemble of states is only about a fac
58 ability distribution map of the non-specific encounter complex ensemble that qualitatively correlates
59 ecause of fluctuations of the cyt within the encounter complex ensemble through configurations having
60 ntermediary of a transient, lowly populated, encounter complex ensemble.
61 rect dimer orientation is sampled within the encounter complex ensemble.
62 m kringle accompanies near-diffusion-limited encounter complex formation followed by two slower, tigh
63 lysis of the trajectories reveals on-pathway encounter complex formation, which is driven by electros
64 from the dissociation of the ligand from the encounter complex, found to be endothermic at 6 kcal/mol
65          The on-rate of the formation of the encounter complex from LDH/NADH with oxamate (a substrat
66 his ternary binding intermediate, called the encounter complex here.
67 via a sequence of steps: the formation of an encounter complex in a bimolecular step followed by two
68 lvent-exposed) side chains that latch to the encounter complex in the periphery of the binding pocket
69 brium model for the formation of a transient encounter complex, in which phosphorylation of the RR pr
70 preferentially excluded from protein-protein encounter complexes, in a manner analogous to osmotic st
71 ize the mechanistic details of the transient encounter complex interactions between the N-terminal do
72 o-step ligand release mechanism involving an encounter complex intermediate, the time scales of loop
73 g to one another), suggesting that transient encounter complexes involving the globular domains of Ga
74 nderlying physicochemical characteristics of encounter complexes involving three protein-protein inte
75 ating that the reaction occurring within the encounter complex is also configurationally gated.
76  hydrogen bonding in the enolate-buffer acid encounter complex is an important stereochemical determi
77 ysis of this problem assumes ad hoc that the encounter complex is at quasi-steady state (QSS).
78 tep in which a noncovalent serpin-proteinase encounter complex is converted to a stable, covalent com
79 tion step in which a noncovalent AT-thrombin encounter complex is converted to a stable, covalent com
80 ion step in which a non-covalent AT-thrombin encounter complex is converted to a stable, covalent com
81 at the rate-limiting gating processes in the encounter complex is different from that in the preforme
82  and clavulanic acid, the correctly oriented encounter complex is even less likely in the M69V varian
83 ition pathway where formation of the initial encounter complex is followed by helix-coil transitions
84          Formation of a fluorescently silent encounter complex is followed by two conformational tigh
85 al, to previous work on substrate mimics: an encounter complex is formed between LDH.NADH and pyruvat
86                                     Once the encounter complex is formed between LDH/NADH and substra
87                          The ET rate for the encounter complex is in agreement with rates observed in
88 rate may suggest that the DNA in the initial encounter complex is mildly bent.
89 lso guarantees that the concentration of the encounter complex is negligible compared to the reactant
90 zed using ensemble docking, showing that the encounter complex is stabilized by hydrophobic as well a
91  of protein motions present in a near-native encounter complex lead to the improved performance.
92                 Folding from an unstructured encounter complex may be efficient and robust, which has
93 orm a non-specific, conformationally dynamic encounter complex, most likely centred on conserved inte
94 herein slower "tightening up" of the initial encounter complex occurs.
95 ucture of the transition state and preceding encounter complex of association at diminishing electros
96 lar dynamics (MD) to propose a model for the encounter complex of the peptide triazoles with gp120.
97                         We show that the E.I encounter complex of wild type-rACT and Chtr forms both
98 l substates of IDPs in their free states, in encounter complexes of bound states, and in complexes re
99                                    Potential encounter complexes of the Ki67FHA receptor and hNIFK pe
100 orward application of conventional NMA to an encounter complex often does not improve upon NMA for an
101   We determined the crystal structure of the encounter complex on the pathway of ligand binding by Ig
102 nition ensemble in a nonspecific and dynamic encounter complex on the surface of PX.
103 n factor CREB forms an ensemble of transient encounter complexes on binding to the KIX domain of the
104 uggest a mechanism where FeP initially forms encounter complexes on the MoFeP beta-subunit surface en
105 bilize either the initial C2 domain-membrane encounter complex or the high-affinity membrane-bound co
106 r focuses attention on the properties of the encounter complex preceding acylation.
107          Such species is distinct from other encounter complexes previously characterized and is like
108 t rates, indicating that initial RNA-protein encounter complexes refold during assembly.
109  intermediate heparin-antithrombin-factor Xa encounter complex, resulting in a several 100-fold rate
110 hotoproduct states in flavoproteins in often-encountered complex situations and more generally are im
111                                    Often one encounters complex situations when the spectra are sever
112                     The pathway begins at an encounter complex that is formed by one of the apo forms
113 hat the nucleation of annealing occurs in an encounter complex that is formed by two hairpins with on
114 e provide direct structural evidence for the encounter complex that is intrinsic to the induced fit m
115 tracts the negatively charged DNA to form an encounter complex that is stabilized by two salt bridges
116 h two aggregation-prone monomers can form an encounter complex that leads to further oligomerization
117 ake contact, followed by the formation of an encounter complex that rapidly leads to electron-transfe
118 r the initial formation of a pre-equilibrium encounter complex that subsequently relaxes to the final
119 cording to rapid equilibrium formation of an encounter complex that undergoes unimolecular electron-t
120 hancements also reveal an extensive array of encounter complexes that form over a large part of the c
121 ly transient, lowly populated (3-5%) dimeric encounter complexes that involve the mature dimer interf
122             We show that the affinity of the encounter complex, the rate of final complex formation,
123 te via the formation of a LDH/NADH.substrate encounter complex through a select-fit mechanism, whereb
124 one hand, it facilitates the formation of an encounter complex through long range electrostatic inter
125 ding through the formation of a weakly bound encounter complex to a well-defined bound complex.
126  The work here describes the collapse of the encounter complex to form the catalytically competent Mi
127  moved from the electrostatically stabilized encounter complex to the bound state having short range
128 ased smoothly as the cyt approached from the encounter complex to the bound state, with a tunneling d
129 einase in going from the initial noncovalent encounter complex to the kinetically stable complex.
130 on of an ensemble of transient, non-specific encounter complexes under equilibrium conditions for a r
131 f protease, we probe the nature of such rare encounter complexes using intermolecular paramagnetic re
132  the pentameric (SC-(1-325).thrombin)(2).Fbg encounter complex was generated, which explains the coag
133 anthracene-related exciplex, formed from the encounter complex, was 8 times greater and red-shifted f
134     Several important hydrogenase-ferredoxin encounter complexes were identified from this analysis,
135 cs appear to be an intrinsic property of the encounter complex where the proteins move relative to on
136 ith the first step being the formation of an encounter complex which evolves into the final complex.
137 (6) and N-terminal acidic residues drive the encounter complex, while Arg(6), His(11), and C-terminal
138 of an intermediate heparin-serpin-proteinase encounter complex with a dissociation constant of approx
139                              Formation of an encounter complex with CD4 binding and interactions of g
140 tructure of EndoS and provide a model of its encounter complex with its substrate, the IgG1 Fc domain
141  these disordered peptides first form a weak encounter complex with non-native interactions.
142                                          The encounter complex with SKDeltaK414 was approximately 10-
143                                Starting from encounter complexes with as much as 10 A rms deviation f
144 ier for reaction of the toluene/NO2(+)BF4(-) encounter complex, yet the trajectories require an extra

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