


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                          The endoneurial and perineurial BLs of peripheral nerve also
2 nstrated a significant reduction in the mean endoneurial area in diabetic animals with 5 and 8 mm gap
3 anism for the deinhibition of laminin in the endoneurial basal lamina and may play an important role
4 ave shown that diabetes-induced reduction in endoneurial blood flow (EBF) and impaired endothelium-de
5 reversing the diabetes-induced impairment in endoneurial blood flow and MNCV than L-158809.
6 y prevented the diabetes-induced decrease in endoneurial blood flow and MNCV.
7                                              Endoneurial blood flow and motor nerve conduction veloci
8 s corrected the diabetes-induced decrease in endoneurial blood flow, significantly improved motor and
9  localized to Schwann cells, macrophages and endoneurial blood vessels.
10 ontrast to the endothelial cells forming the endoneurial blood-nerve barrier and the blood-brain barr
11  Schwann cells of degenerating efferents and endoneurial cells also incorporated label.
12 nt lateral plantar nerve increased slightly; endoneurial cells doubled.
13 n axons and the spread of virus to glial and endoneurial cells of the nerve using EM immunocytochemis
14 xposure to 4 mM DOC, but access of K+ to the endoneurial compartment was more restricted after DOC th
15 cence indicated that Schwann cells and other endoneurial components of rat spinal nerve contain serin
16                                              Endoneurial density of p75-stained Schwann cells was inc
17  early- and late-passage adult primary human endoneurial endothelial cells and laser-capture microdis
18 , which interactively control the privileged endoneurial environment and the pathogenesis of the pain
19 ells produced surface basal lamina; however, endoneurial, epineurial, and meningeal fibroblasts did n
20                              This identified endoneurial fibroblasts as a novel neural crest derivati
21                                              Endoneurial fibroblasts, in addition to myelinating and
22 iopsies, CSF-1 is predominantly expressed by endoneurial fibroblasts, which are closely associated wi
23 ngoing hypoxia to microvascular dysfunction, endoneurial fibrosis, and increased metabolic requiremen
24                 Comparison of epineurial and endoneurial findings suggested that colonization of epin
25                                      In EDN, endoneurial glucose, fructose, and sorbitol were signifi
26                                              Endoneurial glucose, fructose, sorbitol, and myo-inosito
27           Basal cAMP PDE activity in soluble endoneurial homogenates of normal nerve was 34.9 +/- 1.9
28 es were found to predominate in assays using endoneurial homogenates.
29 tudy, we observed the presence of persistent endoneurial hypoxia in a mouse model of traumatic periph
30  colonization of epineurial vessels preceded endoneurial infection.
31  this calibration curve relating delta DC to endoneurial [K+] it was possible to calculate the change
32 ] it was possible to calculate the change in endoneurial [K+] occurring in intact preparations.
33 on with a Schwann cell-derived CSPG and that endoneurial laminin may be inhibited by this CSPG as wel
34                        Identification of the endoneurial laminin-2 isoform and its receptor alpha-dys
35                                              Endoneurial laminins (Lms), beta1-integrins, and dystrog
36 n by sodium ions returning to their original endoneurial location, given that the axolemmal Na(+)-K(+
37 ent vessels may greatly increase the risk of endoneurial M. leprae bacteremia, and also enhance the r
38 growth factor receptor (p75) expression, and endoneurial macrophage apolipoprotein E (apo E) synthesi
39 owed a significant increase in the number of endoneurial macrophages (EMPhi) that lie around nerves i
40 elial cells and laser-capture microdissected endoneurial microvessels from four cryopreserved normal
41 ence controls, the proportion of TM-positive endoneurial microvessels was 15-fold lower (0.02 vs. 0.3
42 owever, flurbiprofen paradoxically prevented endoneurial NBF deficits but not MNCV slowing.
43 eductions in MNCV, Na,K-ATPase activity, and endoneurial NBF in flurbiprofen-treated ND and STZ-D rat
44  nerve conduction velocity (MNCV), total and endoneurial nerve blood flow (NBF), Na,K-ATPase activity
45 rve functional changes; that is, decrease in endoneurial nutritive blood flow, motor and sensory nerv
46  but not sciatic-tibial motor NCV, corrected endoneurial nutritive but not composite NBF, increased t
47 e pathway by which sodium ions return to the endoneurial space after they have entered the axon durin
48                                          The endoneurial T cells in the proximity of BB-1-positive Sc
49 AMP levels significantly after incubation of endoneurial tissue with various isozyme-specific inhibit
50 ructions regenerating axons encounter in the endoneurial tubes of old animals give rise to slower reg
51 riginal synaptic site by following SC-filled endoneurial tubes.
52                                         Both endoneurial vascular conductance and MNC velocity were d

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