


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g the diversity of alkaloids produced by the endophyte.
2 erwise exist as a soil saprophyte or a plant endophyte.
3 effect on rust of leaves not inoculated with endophytes.
4 parasites of Pinus monticola do not occur as endophytes.
5 rass species are hosts to mutualistic fungal endophytes.
6 ialized niche as insect pathogens as well as endophytes.
7 ass and annual rye-grass for the presence of endophytes.
8 croorganisms and are inhabited internally by endophytes.
9  but cannot explain the prevalence of hybrid endophytes.
10                                         Most endophytes act as commensals without any known effect on
11 experiments, we show that mutualistic fungal endophytes ameliorate drought stress and broaden the geo
12   A mutualistic association between a fungal endophyte and a tropical panic grass allows both organis
13 of root cortical cells flanking the invading endophyte and with increased intracellular wall appositi
14  wheat plants to test competency of putative endophytes and also provides a platform for endophyte co
15 hese fungi are more closely related to grass endophytes and diverged from that lineage ca. 100 MYA.
16             Nonpathogenic foliar fungi (i.e. endophytes and epiphytes) can modify plant disease sever
17                                         Both endophytes and mycorrhizae have significant impacts on h
18 sually adversely affected by the presence of endophytes and mycorrhizae, whereas specialist insects m
19 y in the little-studied associations between endophytes and nongraminoid herbaceous plants.
20 l groups composed of morphologically similar endophytes and parasites.
21                            Differences among endophytes and their controls explained 54% of the total
22   The physiological interactions between the endophytes and their hosts have not been well characteri
23 A among nitrogen-fixing endosymbionts, plant endophytes, and plant pathogens has not been studied.
24                                        Plant endophytes are also included.
25 ycles of these fungi as insect pathogens and endophytes are coupled.
26                                           If endophytes are generally unknown species, then estimates
27                   Thus, it is plausible that endophytes are known (i.e., described) parasites in a la
28 es and their asexual descendants (Acremonium endophytes) are fungal symbionts of C3 grasses that span
29                                        These endophytes, as well as pure Taxol, suppress fungal patho
30  from a successful three-year field trial of endophyte-assisted phytoremediation on the Middlefield-E
31 tential wide benefit to the field of natural endophyte-assisted phytoremediation.
32 al structure, and host affinity among foliar endophytes associated with a tropical tree (Theobroma ca
33                                       Fungal endophytes associated with leaves of woody angiosperms a
34 se of determining the roles of ergovaline in endophyte-associated traits and, potentially, for amelio
35 e results show that continuous long-standing endophyte association can have a major effect on the evo
36                               However, grass-endophyte associations containing the knockout strain di
37 yed Agave tequilana and its seed-transmitted endophyte Bacillus tequilensis to elucidate organic nitr
38  were subsequently used to screen a putative endophyte bacterial isolate library for endophytic compe
39                                      Whether endophytes benefit their hosts may depend on a complex s
40 ple, aphids are often negatively affected by endophytes but respond positively to mycorrhizae, and le
41 en known to occur as occasional parasites or endophytes, but the one lichen-one fungus paradigm has s
42 d if mycoviruses derived from a marine plant endophyte can replicate in plant cells.
43                              Evidently, such endophytes can be important in developing more sustainab
44                 In plants, hereditary fungal endophytes can increase the competitive ability, drought
45  (3) A taxonomically diverse group of fungal endophytes can influence plant disease severity.
46                       Early establishment of endophytes can play a role in pathogen suppression and i
47           We investigated the effects of the endophyte Chaetomium cochlioides on leaf chemistry in Ci
48      Volatile compound screening of a fungal endophyte collection revealed a number of isolates in th
49  subspecies, varieties, cultivars, and plant-endophyte combinations) are bred with characteristics ty
50 es governing the derivation of host-specific endophyte communities from soil communities are poorly u
51  at Niwot Ridge, CO and characterized needle endophyte communities via 16S rRNA Illumina sequencing.
52 ndant taxa enlightens us on the structure of endophyte communities.
53 polymorpha, and this among-site variation in endophyte community composition correlated strongly with
54         AAB dominated the P. flexilis needle endophyte community.
55  endophytes and also provides a platform for endophyte competition, plant growth, and gene expression
56  of Jiaobai production, and the Z. latifolia-endophyte complex has been maintained continuously for t
57 s regarding the development of endophytes or endophyte-derived constituents into biocontrol agents.
58 s a pause to synthesize our understanding of endophyte disease modification and to discuss future res
59      We reviewed recent literature on fungal endophyte disease modification, and here report on sever
60 nt pathosystems are the focus of research on endophyte disease modification.
61 y have implications for symbiotic stability, endophyte distribution in the plant, or defence against
62             The rapid pace of advancement in endophyte ecology warrants a pause to synthesize our und
63                               And (4) Fungal endophyte effects on plant disease severity are context-
64 eport on several emergent themes: (1) Fungal endophyte effects on plant disease span the full spectru
65                               In particular, endophyte effects on various WRKY transcription factors
66 rly in newly infected foliage, suggests that endophytes elicit similar chemical responses in plants t
67 ia JA signaling to reduce root growth, while endophyte-elicited GA biosynthesis suppressed the herbiv
68 ogenic fungi within plant microbiomes, i.e., endophytes ("endo" = within, "phyte" = plant), can signi
69 olated and characterized a natural bacterial endophyte, Enterobacter sp. strain PDN3, of poplar trees
70 d by its seed-transmissible fungal symbiont (endophyte) Epichloe coenophiala.
71         Salmonella can be an effective plant endophyte, even though it is capable of triggering plant
72         The alpha diversity of foliar fungal endophytes (FEs) in leaves of Betula ermanii in a subalp
73 this study we selected a naturally occurring endophyte for its combined ability to colonize plant roo
74 r review highlights the importance of fungal endophytes for plant disease across a broad range of pla
75 ed from seeds of four grass populations made endophyte free were re-inoculated with hybrid or non-hyb
76 rid or non-hybrid endophyte strains, or left endophyte free.
77 genes (DEGs) for endophyte-symbiotic (E+) vs endophyte-free (E-) clones in leaf blades, pseudostems,
78             We then show that inoculation of endophyte-free leaves with endophytes isolated frequentl
79 NH+ plants did not perform better than H+ or endophyte-free plants regardless of the treatment combin
80  plants had greater wet biomass than NH+ and endophyte-free plants, when grown in competition, but on
81 ns between the newly discovered Horneophyton endophytes, fungi previously described from the Rhynie C
82                                        These endophytes greatly reduced rust severity within inoculat
83  bioenergy crops with plant growth-promoting endophytes has the potential to reduce fertilizer inputs
84                       To investigate whether endophytes have access to foliar N2 , we incubated twigs
85                                              Endophytes have been isolated from a large diversity of
86                In a recent study, engineered endophytes have been shown to increase plant tolerance t
87 unknown species, then estimates of 1 million endophytes (i.e., approximately 1 in 14 of all species o
88 thesis that naturally occurring diazotrophic endophytes impart growth promotion of the host plants.
89 sistent with the observation that non-hybrid endophytes in H. europaeus prevail at dry sites, but can
90 ed to elucidate the functional importance of endophytes in natural plant pathosystems that are fundam
91 nnial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), and related endophytes in other grasses, produce the ergopeptine tox
92               One route for establishment of endophytes in seedlings is transmission of bacteria from
93 arities between nonpathogenic and pathogenic endophytes in terms of host plant response, colonization
94                          We document two new endophytes in the plant Horneophyton lignieri: Palaeoglo
95    Similarly, F. graminearum affected fungal endophytes including Trichoderma and Endogone.
96 opposite effects on reproduction: non-hybrid endophytes increased seed production, whereas hybrid end
97 studied the hypothesis that hybridization of endophytes increases stress tolerance of the host.
98                                          The endophyte induced plant tolerance to root herbivory.
99                           Mutualistic fungal endophytes infect many grass species and often confer be
100 esource-poor environments, whereas nonhybrid endophyte-infected (NH+) grasses dominate in environment
101 manipulate the accumulation of ergovaline in endophyte-infected grasses for the purpose of determinin
102 lly purified from the apoplastic proteins of endophyte-infected plant tissue and the recombinant prot
103  and activity of the enzyme is detectable in endophyte-infected plants.
104  component of the disease resistance seen in endophyte-infected strong creeping red fescue.
105 d that protection was primarily localized to endophyte-infected tissues.
106 oe festucae and Acremonium lolii, the fungal endophytes infecting Festuca rubra subsp. rubra and Loli
107                                              Endophyte infection increased plant biomass and tiller p
108 al pathogens is not an established effect of endophyte infection of other grass species, and may ther
109 At1-like enzymes may be a general feature of endophyte infection.
110 here was a significantly greater increase in endophyte-infection frequency in the presence of herbivo
111                                              Endophyte inoculations contributed to increased biomass
112 nd branch production observed as a result of endophyte inoculations may be useful in bioenergy crop b
113 echanism of H2O2 production during the plant-endophyte interaction.
114 at inoculation of endophyte-free leaves with endophytes isolated frequently from naturally infected,
115                                              Endophytes isolated from native poplar growing in nutrie
116 , we describe the chemical study of selected endophytes isolated from the Brazilian medicinal plant L
117 les, a group that includes many dark septate endophytes known to associate positively with roots, was
118 re produced by mutualistic fungal symbionts (endophytes) living on certain species of pasture grasses
119 inger millet and a root-inhabiting bacterial endophyte, M6 (Enterobacter sp.).
120                                              Endophytes may contribute significantly to quantitative
121 that hybridization of symbiotic Neotyphodium endophytes may increase competitive potential of the hos
122  bacteria (AAB) indicates that native foliar endophytes may supply subalpine forests with N.
123                                              Endophyte-mediated disease resistance is well-establishe
124                                     Further, endophyte-mediated protection was greater in mature leav
125                  We further propose that the endophyte might be evolutionarily analogous to animal im
126  infection by the systemic, seed-transmitted endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum.
127 In the interaction between Poa ampla and the endophyte Neotyphodium sp., a fungal beta-1,6-glucanase
128                                   The fungal endophytes Neotyphodium lolii and Neotyphodium sp. Lp1 f
129 re isolated from Talaromyces wortmannii , an endophyte of Aloe vera .
130       Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus is an endophyte of sugarcane frequently found in plants grown
131 etobacter diazotrophicus), a nitrogen-fixing endophyte of sugarcane, was sequenced and analyzed.
132 extract of the fungus Embellisia eureka , an endophyte of the Moroccan plant Cladanthus arabicus (Ast
133          Vertically transmitted Neotyphodium endophytes of grasses often hybridize in nature.
134                              The majority of endophytes of P. monticola (90% of 2,019 cultures) belon
135                         Morphologically, the endophytes of P. monticola can be confounded with the pa
136                                       Foliar endophytes of Populus do not induce the hypersensitive r
137                         Interspecific hybrid endophytes of the genus Epichloe (Ascomycota, Clavicipit
138 asses, the diverse, horizontally transmitted endophytes of woody angiosperms are thought to contribut
139 apacity of diverse, horizontally transmitted endophytes of woody angiosperms to play an important but
140  Neotyphodium siegelii are fungal symbionts (endophytes) of meadow fescue (MF; Lolium pratense), whic
141                      Infection by the fungal endophytes often confers biotic and abiotic stress toler
142 hows for the first time the impact of a root endophyte on plant defense against below-ground herbivor
143 mprove plant defense, but the impact of root endophytes on below-ground herbivore interactions remain
144 ortance to quantitative resistance of foliar endophytes, one element of the biotic environment.
145 y fungi can live both saprophytically and as endophyte or pathogen inside a living plant.
146 ts the progress regarding the development of endophytes or endophyte-derived constituents into biocon
147 tial to influence plant defenses directly as endophytes or indirectly by altering insect physiology.
148 mediated interactions between the plant, the endophyte, other microbial colonists and natural enemies
149   Here we show that a Taxol-producing fungal endophyte, Paraconiothyrium SSM001 [12], migrates to pat
150 r molecular evidence suggests long-term host-endophyte-pathogen co-evolution.
151  new derivatives 4-6, were isolated from the endophyte Phomopsis longicolla.
152                          The generalist root endophyte Piriformospora indica establishes long-lasting
153      We investigated the effects of the root endophyte Piriformospora indica on interactions between
154 we propose that "soil-rhizosphere-rhizoplane-endophytes-plant" could be considered as a single coordi
155 regarding niche expansion mediated by hybrid endophytes, population-dependent interactions and local
156 oduction of these metabolites in response to endophyte presence, particularly in newly infected folia
157 unger leaf blades of aposymbiotic plants (no endophyte present) had significantly higher levels of as
158 es increased seed production, whereas hybrid endophytes reduced or prevented it completely.
159                                Foliar fungal endophytes represent a diverse and species-rich plant mi
160                       We propose that foliar endophytes represent a low-cost, evolutionarily stable N
161 n its asymptomatic aerial tissues, such that endophytes represent a ubiquitous, yet cryptic, componen
162 To be synonymous with parasites of the host, endophytes should at least be most closely related to th
163 sp. fallax [Thuill] Nyman) infected with the endophyte species Neotyphodium coenophialum and Epichloe
164 ere inoculated first with one of four foliar endophytes (Stachybotrys sp., Trichoderma atroviride, Ul
165 ulting in a remarkable, multilayer root-hair endophyte stack (RHESt).
166 were re-inoculated with hybrid or non-hybrid endophyte strains, or left endophyte free.
167 gical benefits may alter the dynamics of the endophyte symbiosis over time.
168                   The hypothesis that fungal endophyte symbiosis reduces diversity in successional fi
169 fy differentially expressed genes (DEGs) for endophyte-symbiotic (E+) vs endophyte-free (E-) clones i
170  tree and its resident non-pathogenic fungi (endophytes) synthesize Taxol, apparently redundantly [2-
171                                 However, the endophyte taxa that are most frequently reported tend to
172 h naturally hosts both hybrid and non-hybrid endophyte taxa.
173   In contrast to the relatively species-poor endophytes that are vertically transmitted and act as de
174                                              Endophyte types had similar effects on growth, but oppos
175 a result of persistent infection by a fungal endophyte, Ustilago esculenta.
176                                        Novel endophytes usually have associated with them novel secon
177             By introducing novel genetic and endophyte variation, pasture taxa are imbued with additi
178        However, not a single rhytismataceous endophyte was found to be most closely related by sequen
179 urning the long-held paradigm that the early endophytes were exclusively Glomeromycota.
180 on may be mediated by direct interactions of endophytes with foliar pathogens.
181                              A host-specific endophyte, with negligible biomass, altered plant commun
182           If this null hypothesis were true, endophytes would represent neither additional fungal div
183 s inoculated with native relative to foreign endophytes yielded higher infections, but both showed si

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