


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ts involved in the maintenance of functional endothelia.
2  TFIID was the converse of YY1, in different endothelia.
3 ow different patterns of binding between the endothelia.
4  sulfate on the luminal surface of capillary endothelia.
5 characterized by retracted cells and thinned endothelia.
6  and abundant staining for COX-2 in infected endothelia.
7 rine, mammary, placenta, and coronary artery endothelia.
8 ce/differentiation of central nervous system endothelia.
9 , is expressed in the vascular and lymphatic endothelia.
10  resulted in increased adhesion to activated endothelia.
11 sive signal for PMN binding to microvascular endothelia.
12 rcellular junctions of various epithelia and endothelia.
13 ls in tubules, whereas Tie-2 is expressed by endothelia.
14 d channels are also described in fenestrated endothelia.
15  and stellate cells, but not from sinusoidal endothelia.
16 is through the VEGFR-3 receptor on lymphatic endothelia.
17 ein of caveolae membranes in fibroblasts and endothelia.
18  and enter Kupffer cells, but not sinusoidal endothelia.
19 rptive endocytosis and transcytosis in brain endothelia.
20 e ischemic injury to neurons, microglia, and endothelia.
21 ally be involved in their arrest on inflamed endothelia.
22 d descending thin limbs as well as capillary endothelia.
23  which mimics adhesion of lymphocytes to CNS endothelia.
24 ng limb of Henle epithelia and in vasa recta endothelia.
25 lining cells, portal tract, and central vein endothelia.
26 ed in erythrocytes and various epithelia and endothelia.
27 ating paracellular transport of large vessel endothelia.
28 ncontact coculture with human umbilical vein endothelia.
29 g metastasis, tumor cells adhere to vascular endothelia.
30 ed endogenous erythropoiesis damage vascular endothelia.
31  the relevance of these findings to arterial endothelia.
32 Cx26 staining was confined to capillary wall endothelia.
33  the alloimmunogenicity of nearby uninfected endothelia.
34 dothelia than on rapidly proliferating tumor endothelia.
35 in expressed strongly in tumor microvascular endothelia.
36 tigens enriched in tumor versus nonmalignant endothelia.
37 o both pulmonary and extrapulmonary vascular endothelia.
38 regulation of tight junction proteins in the endothelia.
39 tes IL-8 production in the LECs of lymphatic endothelia.
40 c significantly diminished albumin uptake by endothelia.
41 ect eNOS expression and activity in vascular endothelia.
42 umber of subepithelial cell types, including endothelia.
43 creases in CD39 mRNA and immunoreactivity on endothelia.
44 -associated endothelia compared with resting endothelia.
45 ssed widely in organ and tumor microvascular endothelia.
46 cross cell plasma membranes in epithelia and endothelia.
47 logies, included (1) angioblasts, (2) mature endothelia, (3) hepatic stellate cell precursors, (4) ma
48 ack morphologically identifiable caveolae in endothelia, adipocytes, smooth muscle cells, skeletal mu
49 t monocyte adhesion on early atherosclerotic endothelia and (2) ILDV peptide interferes with VLA-4 bi
50  channel aquaporin-1 (AQP1) in microvascular endothelia and aquaporin-4 (AQP4) in airway epithelia.
51                          Brain microvascular endothelia and brain endothelial cells expressed all of
52 art, by stimulating VEGF expression in tumor endothelia and by recruiting pericytes to neovessels.
53 ry, view tumor cell adhesion to blood vessel endothelia and cancer cell aggregation as corresponding
54 e shown that a soluble activity derived from endothelia and dependent on STAT3 is critical for suppre
55 e elucidate the angiogenic activities of the endothelia and differential interactions with perivascul
56 ents of the basement membranes that separate endothelia and epithelia from the underlying tissue.
57  induced IFN responses specifically in brain endothelia and epithelia of mice.
58 hanical probe-induced micro-wounding of both endothelia and epithelia suggests that ventral lamellipo
59 let-activating factor receptor expression on endothelia and epithelia, which led to reduced bacterial
60 ll mice expressed significantly more PAFr on endothelia and epithelia.
61 eins, critical for maintenance of glomerular endothelia and filtration barrier functional integrity,
62 for leukocyte extravasation through vascular endothelia and for T-cell activation.
63 GH), and placental lactogen are expressed by endothelia and have angiogenic effects.
64 tradiol exposure to internal thoracic artery endothelia and human arterial endothelia in culture stim
65  release from human internal thoracic artery endothelia and human arterial endothelia in culture.
66          Bmx is expressed mainly in arterial endothelia and in myeloid hematopoietic cells.
67 one marrow transplantation, such as vascular endothelia and microglia, to transduce microglial activa
68 displayed leukocyte adhesion to the vascular endothelia and petechial hemorrhages throughout the brai
69 lium attached to the interstitial matrix, to endothelia and phasic lymphatic smooth muscle that act a
70 ccurring along portal tract and central vein endothelia and scattered bile duct epithelial cells and
71 , migration, and differentiation of vascular endothelia and smooth muscle cells.
72 waned in most areas but remained in vascular endothelia and the dentate gyrus.
73 TAT-3 activation were observed, the first in endothelia and the second in hepatocytes.
74 tinel cells of the immune system, leading to endothelia and thrombocyte dysfunction and neurological
75 ch binds to alphavbeta3/5 integrins on tumor endothelia and tumor cells, and a cryptic CendR motif (R
76 aran sulfate purified from primary lymphatic endothelia, and activation of lymphatic endothelial Erk1
77 by oligodendrocytes, neurons, microglia, and endothelia, and MHC class II is expressed only by microg
78  types of mammalian cells including cerebral endothelia, and quantified leptin binding and endocytosi
79 on was inhibited in Ndst1-silenced lymphatic endothelia, and scratch-assay responses to VEGF-C and FG
80  actin dynamics, biomechanical properties of endothelia, and signaling pathways, such as GTPase activ
81  on neutrophils, smooth muscle, hepatocytes, endothelia, and some epithelia.
82 31- and Tie-2-positive peritubular capillary endothelia, and some of the alpha SMA-positive cells exp
83 ntrolling the interaction among tumor cells, endothelia, and stromal matrix.
84 s (PMN, neutrophils) migrate across vascular endothelia, and such transmigration has the potential to
85  channel aquaporin-1 (AQP1) in microvascular endothelia, AQP4 in airway epithelia, and AQP5 at the ap
86               These data indicate that human endothelia are able to produce active vitamin D.
87 osal tissue, such as the lung and intestine, endothelia are anatomically positioned in close proximit
88 ulation of plasmalemmal vesicles of vascular endothelia are described.
89       Barrier functions across epithelia and endothelia are essential for homeostatic tissue regulati
90                            In blood vessels, endothelia are submitted to constant shear effects and a
91     These data define STAT3 signaling within endothelia as a critical antiinflammatory mediator and p
92 fluorescence of MitoTracker in microvascular endothelia as a result of reduced mitochondrial mass.
93 ules and activate macrophages, NK cells, and endothelia as well as participate in organ-specific auto
94 studied whether PTPmu, in pulmonary vascular endothelia, associates with and/or regulates both the ty
95                     Expression of ZO-1 in WT endothelia at P14 was diffuse and localized to the basol
96 ial cells closely resemble lymphatic (valve) endothelia at the molecular level, suggesting plasticity
97                              Notwithstanding endothelia being non-excitable in nature, the hypothesis
98 atenin-Dll4/Notch signaling cascade in tumor endothelia, blocking an angiogenic and favoring a quiesc
99 ogically active ET ligand, begins in cardiac endothelia, both arterial and endocardial, at initiation
100 ontrast, connexin43 was undetectable in most endothelia but extremely abundant in small numbers of ce
101 aring of globotriaosylceramide from vascular endothelia but little effect on proteinuria or progressi
102 cadherin-10, is expressed in BBB and retinal endothelia, but not in the leaky microvessels of brain c
103 irectly acting on the vascular and lymphatic endothelia, but they also can affect distal sites.
104 ptor (CysLT(1)) is induced in human vascular endothelia by interleukin-1beta.
105 GFBP2) secreted by metastatic cells recruits endothelia by modulating IGF1-mediated activation of the
106                                              Endothelia-cell injury may result in an imbalance in end
107 hages but not by myogenic cells or capillary endothelia cells in injured muscles.
108 ys an important role in tight junction among endothelia cells, leukocyte trafficking, and immune resp
109 nduced to highest levels in tumor-associated endothelia compared with resting endothelia.
110 -regulation of PAFr on chronically activated endothelia could contribute to increased bacterial invas
111                  In other studies, lymphatic endothelia cultured ex vivo from Ndst1 gene-targeted mic
112                                      Corneal endothelia derived from mice and humans were treated wit
113 Using gene profiling, we identified that the endothelia-derived chemokine ligand CXCL10 mediated beha
114 renal Ent1 and Adora2b expressed on vascular endothelia effectively prevented a postischemic no-reflo
115 ms, the kidney and the liver, and cells from endothelia, epithelia, and the bone marrow compartment.
116                            Swine aortic arch endothelia exhibited elevated ROS, NOX4, HIF-1alpha, and
117     IFN-gamma thus alters gene expression by endothelia exposed to B. burgdorferi in a manner that pr
118  in vivo in mouse and swine aortic arch (AA) endothelia exposed to chronic disturbed flow, and in mou
119 uman lung microvascular ECs as well as other endothelia express catalytically active NEU1 and NEU3.
120 ng cell lines and human brain microcapillary endothelia expressing high levels of endogenous receptor
121 beta4BM in hCLCA1, which is not expressed in endothelia, failed to interact with beta4 integrin.
122 pecifically, as the ureteric bud bifurcates, endothelia form across the bifurcation site as the cap m
123          In the absence of the dorsal aorta, endothelia from an alternate source are recruited by pod
124 n homogenates or the particulate fraction of endothelia from bovine or rabbit.
125 d function of the tumor vasculature and that endothelia from different tissues vary in their ability
126 enosine monophosphate (cAMP) was measured in endothelia from fresh and incubated corneas, and adenyly
127 n were similar in primary cultures of aortic endothelia from wild-type and from AQP1-null mice, cell
128                                      Retinal endothelia have the capacity to express AQP1, though int
129 TLR) 4 expressed in human lung microvascular endothelia (HMVEC-Ls) to open the paracellular pathway t
130  of Adora2b in tubular epithelia or vascular endothelia implicated endothelial Adora2b signaling in p
131 ) in culture, and is expressed on continuous endothelia in all tissues.
132 present not only in neurons, but in cerebral endothelia in Alzheimer's disease caused by certain APP
133  of IL-4 signaling, by tumor cells and tumor endothelia in CNS lymphomas.
134 horacic artery endothelia and human arterial endothelia in culture stimulated NO release within secon
135 horacic artery endothelia and human arterial endothelia in culture.
136 to identify peptides that bound the vascular endothelia in diseased and wild-type mice.
137                       We found that vascular endothelia in inflamed areas of lacrimal gland expressed
138 ular matrix that underlies all epithelia and endothelia in multicellular animals.
139 lasma extravasation in postcapillary venular endothelia in NEP-/- mice, which was reversed by recombi
140 knockout of the receptor for ANP in vascular endothelia in order to distinguish the effects of ANP-de
141  signaling in the maintenance of neurons and endothelia in the central nervous system.
142 ot all, of the thoracic and abdominal aortic endothelia in the form of maculae at cell-cell appositio
143 elevation that matched beta-actin-expressing endothelia in the vascular wall.
144 rins, blocked the adhesion of these cells to endothelia in vitro and in vivo as well as their homing
145 the adhesion of mural cells to proliferating endothelia in vitro and in vivo, thereby inducing apopto
146  cells proliferated faster and produced more endothelia in vivo than their otherwise isogenic trisomi
147 ial for transcytosis of ligands across tight endothelia, including the blood-brain barrier.
148 tion in which FRNK expression in microvessel endothelia increased vascular permeability.
149 dynamic forces are detected and converted by endothelia into a sequence of biological and even pathol
150 on page 1234) reports how TLR2 expression by endothelia is locally upregulated by the action of activ
151  IV (DPP IV) expressed on rat lung capillary endothelia is shown here to be an adhesion receptor for
152 gic nerve terminals and by NOS-3 in vascular endothelia, is probably a physiological vasodilator in t
153 whether the gene is transcribed in different endothelia, is related to the balance between activating
154  dissemination is bacterial interaction with endothelia lining blood vessels, which is physically cha
155           Here we tested the hypothesis that endothelia lining these vessels can be harnessed to crea
156 e the replacement of MAdCAM-1 by PNAd in HEV endothelia, lymphocytes could efficiently home to PPs in
157 rtension as well as other disorders in which endothelia may be damaged.
158 reciprocal interaction between podocytes and endothelia may provide opportunities for therapeutic int
159    The antigen cross-presentation ability of endothelia may therefore contribute to the specificity o
160  rare (<5%) cells, such as Tie2:Cre(+) brain endothelia/microglia (76% validated by expression patter
161 ion in different tissues--including vascular endothelia, myeloid cells, and hepatocytes--revealed a s
162   Systematic deletion of HIF1A in the lungs, endothelia, myeloid cells, or pulmonary epithelia linked
163  power of phage display for mapping vascular endothelia natively in tissue and for achieving vascular
164                                           In endothelia, NO is synthesized by endothelial NO synthase
165 ere Gpr124 conditional knockout (CKO) in the endothelia of adult mice did not affect homeostatic BBB
166 enomenon shared by human arterial and venous endothelia of both fetal and adult origin.
167                                          The endothelia of Col12a1(-/-), Col14a1(-/-), and compound C
168 led a spread of phenotypic diversity between endothelia of distinct developmental origins and organs.
169       RNA-Seq splicing data from the corneal endothelia of FECD patients and controls reveal hundreds
170  gene with overexpression of cNOS protein in endothelia of gastric mucosal vessels.
171 3 was constitutively present in the vascular endothelia of large and small vessels.
172               Expression of ICAM-1 in aortic endothelia of LOTG mice was increased severalfold.
173                                          The endothelia of normal and Fuchs'-affected corneas were st
174 xhibits limited capacity to divide while the endothelia of other species, such as rabbit, divide in v
175 dothelial venules but is also present on the endothelia of other vessels.
176       Metastatic tumor cells attached to the endothelia of pulmonary pre-capillary arterioles and cap
177 heir cognate antigens for targeting vascular endothelia of specific organs in vivo.
178 aveolae and transendothelial channels in the endothelia of these vascular beds.
179 irculation and that specifically bind to the endothelia of tumor blood vessels.
180 ce of infected erythrocytes to microvascular endothelia of various organs, including the placenta, th
181 , was increased approximately 2-fold each in endothelia, oligodendroglia, astrocytes, and axons of th
182  intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs) on endothelia or antigen-presenting cells.
183                                         When endothelia or astrocytes are plated onto these substrate
184  onto these substrates, confluent domains of endothelia or astrocytes grow on the poly(L-lysine) doma
185 cell type sporozoites use for extravasation, endothelia or Kupffer cells, we quantified sporozoite ad
186                        Additional studies in endothelia overexpressing full-length A2BR revealed func
187                          In human and rabbit endothelia, p53 and p16INK4 were localized to the cytopl
188 ng in line with its downregulation in glioma endothelia, potentially implicating Cyp1b1 in other brai
189      While both viruses infect microglia and endothelia primarily in the white matter areas of the CN
190 timuli (LPS, IL-1alpha, TNF-alpha, hypoxia), endothelia produce and secrete a small, stable epithelia
191  lineage restriction to hepatoblasts, mature endothelia produced differentiation into hepatocytes, an
192  We hypothesized that adenosine signaling to endothelia provides a paracrine loop for regulated expre
193 ly described mechanism of VEGF inhibition in endothelia required the release of VEGF-R1 intracellular
194 anotransduction mechanisms by which vascular endothelia respond to local atherorelevant hemodynamics
195                    Fluid flow across various endothelia results in a variety of intracellular and ext
196                            However, vascular endothelia, retinal pigment epithelia, Muller cells, and
197 on of the genes expressed in lung and kidney endothelia revealed numerous differences.
198              Additional studies in confluent endothelia revealed that gravin functionally couples to
199 r on erythrocytes (strain ThCD59(RBC)) or on endothelia (strain ThCD59(END)).
200  disturbed flow, and in mouse carotid artery endothelia subjected to surgically induced acute disturb
201  the permeation of xenobiotics through tight endothelia such as the blood-brain barrier.
202 tion of lytic injury to uninfected bystander endothelia, suggesting multiple mechanisms by which this
203 , the presence of LYVE-1 in liver sinusoidal endothelia suggests that LYVE-1 has functions beyond the
204 n any other reproductive or non-reproductive endothelia tested, ERbeta was augmented by pregnancy in
205  a radiosensitizing effect on normal cardiac endothelia than on rapidly proliferating tumor endotheli
206  angiogenic growth factors or on neighboring endothelia that are affected by these agents.
207 d in both neurons and cerebral microvascular endothelia that binds Abeta.
208 biting the antiapoptotic effects of Ang-1 on endothelia that express the Tie-2 receptor.
209 elated with heightened permeability of other endothelia, the objective of this study was to test the
210 re compared in both human and rabbit corneal endothelia: the tumor suppressors, pRb, p53, and p16INK4
211 is widely expressed by differentiating renal endothelia, this study is consistent with the hypothesis
212 which promote chemotaxis of granulocytes and endothelia through binding to CXC Receptor 2.
213 that CD44 mediates several of its effects on endothelia through modulation of adhesion protein expres
214 e paracellular pathway in pulmonary vascular endothelia through protein tyrosine phosphorylation.
215 cular meshwork (TM) and Schlemm's canal (SC) endothelia to aqueous humor outflow resistance.
216  differences between tumor and normal tissue endothelia to induce acute vascular shutdown in tumors.
217 ERTK-expressing monocytes migrate across the endothelia to localize into tissue sites and regional ly
218             Astroglia interact with cerebral endothelia to maintain the blood-brain barrier.
219 ts of the extracellular matrix can stimulate endothelia to trigger recognition of injury in the initi
220  Fc molecules by HULEC-5A lung microvascular endothelia transfected with GFP fusion proteins of human
221  complexes too large to cross the continuous endothelia under physiological conditions.
222  specifically to the inflamed carotid artery endothelia under physiological flow conditions and to be
223  B. burgdorferi exploits Fn to interact with endothelia under physiological shear stress, using recen
224  cells such as leukocytes and platelets with endothelia under vascular shear stress requires mechanic
225 conditionally deleted in restricted vascular endothelia using a novel endothelial Cre transgenic line
226 sic PKA demonstrated an inhibitory effect on endothelia vascular-like structure formation.
227 sin cell adhesion molecule 1 on the DLN high endothelia venules, and production of IL-6 and CC chemok
228 nteraction of platelets with neutrophils and endothelia was associated with TXA(2) formation, with de
229 ular localization of PMP22 in cultured brain endothelia was confirmed by internalization with ZO-1 af
230 rditis, the upregulation of PD-L1 on cardiac endothelia was dependent on T-cell-derived interferon-ga
231 g perfusion in mice with genetically labeled endothelia, we compared peritubular capillary number and
232 icroscopy, rat aortic and pulmonary arterial endothelia were found to express all 3 connexin types, w
233                                    All three endothelia were screened for transcription factors that
234 Pmu is expressed in human pulmonary vascular endothelia where it directly binds to VE-cadherin and re
235 channel protein expressed widely in vascular endothelia, where it increases cell membrane water perme
236 xpressed in, and secreted from, the vascular endothelia will be endocytosed by underlying neurons and
237 o incur cytoxic effects and apoptosis of BBB endothelia with an impairment of barrier functionality.
238                     Treatment of human brain endothelia with glutamate or selective, mGluR group I or
239 ly attenuated by pretreatment of human brain endothelia with selective mGluR antagonists.
240 ons were present in the glomerular capillary endothelia without any associated inflammatory response.

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