


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t lead to profound dysregulation of the lung endothelial barrier.
2 ers, resulting thereby in formation of leaky endothelial barrier.
3  determined by their permeability across the endothelial barrier.
4 s) are required for formation of restrictive endothelial barrier.
5 2+) stores, preventing the disruption of the endothelial barrier.
6 ing Ca(2+) entry-dependent disruption of the endothelial barrier.
7 ating recovery of the VE-cadherin-controlled endothelial barrier.
8 tating their transmigration of the lymphatic endothelial barrier.
9 ter and molecular tracers across the retinal endothelial barrier.
10 of adherens junctions, and disruption of the endothelial barrier.
11 herens junctions (AJs) to form a restrictive endothelial barrier.
12 portant for maintaining the integrity of the endothelial barrier.
13 ed to activate Rac1 and Cdc42 or protect the endothelial barrier.
14 r activates its receptor S1P1 to restore the endothelial barrier.
15 ular event responsible for the disruption of endothelial barrier.
16 ence in contributing to the leakiness of the endothelial barrier.
17 ility and contractility at the inner retinal endothelial barrier.
18 s comprising a sharp S1P gradient across the endothelial barrier.
19 abling inflammatory mediator flux across the endothelial barrier.
20 tion of VE-cadherin and for breakdown of the endothelial barrier.
21 ctor by promoting invasion of epithelial and endothelial barriers.
22 1 controls membrane spreading and stabilizes endothelial barriers.
23 s that have been implicated in S1P-dependent endothelial barrier activity.
24 ling pathways regulating regeneration of the endothelial barrier after inflammatory vascular injury.
25 ncreased proficiency to transmigrate through endothelial barrier (an obligatory step for vascular dis
26 ry requires the reestablishment of an intact endothelial barrier and a functional alveolar epithelial
27 echanisms by which this pathogen crosses the endothelial barrier and establishes new sites of infecti
28  in mice lungs that led to the disruption of endothelial barrier and lung edema formation; however, t
29 tion may be beneficial in reestablishing the endothelial barrier and lung fluid balance in lung infla
30  C) has previously been shown to tighten the endothelial barrier and maintain barrier integrity durin
31 e important for insulin transport across the endothelial barrier and mediate insulin's actions in mus
32 trophils (PMNs) receive signals to cross the endothelial barrier and migrate through the extracellula
33 ights into the biomechanical function of the endothelial barrier and suggests similar opportunities f
34 escribe a new mechanism regulating the tumor endothelial barrier and T cell infiltration into tumors.
35  through lymph nodes (LNs) requires crossing endothelial barriers and chemoattractant-triggered cell
36 ived APCs in the migration of T cells across endothelial barriers and have important implications for
37 re resulted in increased permeability of the endothelial barrier, and this effect was abrogated in mi
38 H(2)S transport through epithelial barriers, endothelial barriers, and membrane rafts also occurs by
39 /165 and VEGF165b in both brain and nonbrain endothelial barrier, angiogenesis, and neutrophil migrat
40 on of inflammatory cells across the vascular endothelial barrier are crucial factors in the pathogene
41 t demonstrated increased permeability of the endothelial barrier as evidenced by Evans blue and sodiu
42 acquire lumican during or after crossing the endothelial barrier as they exit circulation.
43 on of human neutrophils to inflamed vascular endothelial barriers as well as their subsequent transmi
44  (Th17) lymphocyte transmigration across the endothelial barrier at the expense of T regulatory cells
45  increase endothelial cAMP and stabilize the endothelial barrier attenuates acute inflammatory increa
46                               Defects in the endothelial barrier become an initiating factor in sever
47                         The integrity of the endothelial barrier between circulating blood and tissue
48 ant link between abnormalities in PVM/Ms and endothelial barrier breakdown from acoustic trauma to th
49 and adherens junction disassembly leading to endothelial barrier breakdown.
50 fection leading to systemic inflammation and endothelial barrier breakdown.
51 s that suppress apoptosis, inflammation, and endothelial barrier breakdown.
52  to extravasate across a permeable capillary endothelial barrier, but not with gadofosveset, a blood-
53  of focal adherens junctions, disrupting the endothelial barrier by acting on H1R Galphaq-coupled rec
54 acity to promote tumor cell invasion through endothelial barriers by both direct and indirect mechani
55 st phase but ameliorated the second phase of endothelial barrier disruption and apoptosis.
56 idate the KLF2-mediated pathways involved in endothelial barrier disruption and cytokine storm in exp
57 in mediating VE-cadherin internalization and endothelial barrier disruption and inflammation.
58                                Lung vascular endothelial barrier disruption and the accompanying infl
59 ress syndrome (ARDS) is caused by widespread endothelial barrier disruption and uncontrolled cytokine
60 o-inflammatory chemokine CCL2 mediates brain endothelial barrier disruption during CNS inflammation.
61 nitro-L-arginine methyl ester attenuated the endothelial barrier disruption in both phases.
62                                              Endothelial barrier disruption is a hallmark of multiple
63                      Importantly, CS-induced endothelial barrier disruption was attenuated by VEGFR2
64  the recovery process after thrombin-induced endothelial barrier disruption.
65 adherin/beta-catenin complexes and resultant endothelial barrier disruption.
66 rough the membrane I(SOC) channel leading to endothelial barrier disruption.
67 s that regulates endosomal p38 signaling and endothelial barrier disruption.
68                     Due to disruption of the endothelial barrier during cold-ischemic storage and rep
69 roperty is central to the maintenance of the endothelial barrier during inflammation, the molecular m
70 emorrhagic fever (DHF) are largely caused by endothelial barrier dysfunction and a unique vascular le
71                      Thus, imatinib prevents endothelial barrier dysfunction and edema formation via
72  Here, we explored the effect of imatinib on endothelial barrier dysfunction and edema formation.
73 PK) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced lung endothelial barrier dysfunction and lung injury in vivo.
74 osure inhibits AMPK, thereby contributing to endothelial barrier dysfunction and lung injury.
75 n of Src greatly attenuated nmMLCK-dependent endothelial barrier dysfunction and monocyte migration.
76 ted RhoA activation involved in LPS-mediated endothelial barrier dysfunction and show the potential u
77                             Tissue edema and endothelial barrier dysfunction as observed in sepsis an
78                Imatinib limited Arg-mediated endothelial barrier dysfunction by enhancing Rac1 activi
79  indicated that nmMLCK deficiency attenuated endothelial barrier dysfunction caused by thrombin, oxid
80                                        Thus, endothelial barrier dysfunction due to 3MC occurs throug
81 Cs and that this may contribute to pulmonary endothelial barrier dysfunction in HPAH patients.
82         Protein nitration is involved in the endothelial barrier dysfunction in LPS-exposed mice.
83           Inhibiting RhoA signaling restored endothelial barrier dysfunction in the dn-CREB-expressin
84  endothelial monolayers, imatinib attenuated endothelial barrier dysfunction induced by thrombin and
85 -inflammatory responses and protects against endothelial barrier dysfunction induced by thrombin.
86                                              Endothelial barrier dysfunction leading to increased per
87                                              Endothelial barrier dysfunction underlies chronic inflam
88                                     Vascular endothelial barrier dysfunction underlies diseases such
89 1P effectively could reverse alcohol-induced endothelial barrier dysfunction using both cultured endo
90 ve kinases revealed that imatinib attenuates endothelial barrier dysfunction via inhibition of Abl-re
91 age of MEK1/2 was necessary for LT to induce endothelial barrier dysfunction, and activated Tie-2 sig
92 ility to attenuate LPS-induced inflammation, endothelial barrier dysfunction, and acute lung injury (
93 ng activation of coagulation and complement, endothelial barrier dysfunction, and microangiopathy.
94  of alternative signaling pathways mediating endothelial barrier dysfunction, dependent upon thrombin
95 icant potentiation of LPS-induced human lung endothelial barrier dysfunction, which was attenuated by
96 (Arg/Abl2), a previously unknown mediator of endothelial barrier dysfunction.
97  infiltration into the liver and kidney, and endothelial barrier dysfunction.
98 lular distribution were conducted to examine endothelial barrier dysfunction.
99 tal targets have been implicated in vascular endothelial barrier dysfunction; however, the immediate
100 keletal changes associated with S1P-mediated endothelial barrier enhancement and suggest a novel role
101 MT-actin cross talk mechanism of HGF-induced endothelial barrier enhancement and suggest that IQGAP1
102 osine 1-phosphate (S1P) produces significant endothelial barrier enhancement by means of peripheral a
103 tter understanding of mechanisms stimulating endothelial barrier enhancement may provide novel therap
104 Prostaglandin E receptor-4 receptor mediates endothelial barrier-enhancing and anti-inflammatory effe
105 Furthermore, the anionic sites at glomerular endothelial barrier estimated by cationic ferritin bindi
106    This domain mediates establishment of the endothelial barrier; expression of the transmembrane dom
107 nhibition both result in delayed recovery of endothelial barrier function after thrombin stimulation.
108            We identified that improvement of endothelial barrier function along with impaired neutrop
109 ofibroblast differentiation and contraction, endothelial barrier function and angiogenesis, and mesen
110 0), which is required for IGPR-1 to regulate endothelial barrier function and angiogenesis.
111 receptor 1 (PAR1), an important regulator of endothelial barrier function and blood coagulation, has
112 tery endothelial cells compromised pulmonary endothelial barrier function and enhanced their survival
113 e-TNF fusion product capable of altering the endothelial barrier function and improving drug penetrat
114 contributes to atherosclerosis by regulating endothelial barrier function and monocyte migration via
115 usion and blocked plasma leakage by enhanced endothelial barrier function and pericyte association wi
116 DS AND We observed that BMPCs enhanced basal endothelial barrier function and prevented the increase
117 Disruption of tight junctions (TJs) perturbs endothelial barrier function and promotes inflammation.
118 enetrating CRADD protein (CP-CRADD) restored endothelial barrier function and suppressed the inductio
119 re, we demonstrate that CREB maintains basal endothelial barrier function and suppresses endothelial
120  conclude that AMPK activity supports normal endothelial barrier function and that LPS exposure inhib
121  injury, which is characterized by a loss of endothelial barrier function and the development of pulm
122 ver, mechanisms governing the restoration of endothelial barrier function are poorly understood.
123    A group of proteins that that control the endothelial barrier function are the RhoGTPases.
124 le-positive areas further exhibited impaired endothelial barrier function as illuminated by Evans blu
125 ory and antiapoptotic effects and stabilizes endothelial barrier function by APC-initiated cell signa
126 y, maintains AJs and mitigates disruption of endothelial barrier function by edemagenic agents, there
127 hat initiates pericyte loss and breakdown of endothelial barrier function by generating the diol 19,2
128          We propose that p110alpha regulates endothelial barrier function by inducing the formation o
129                          Regulation of brain endothelial barrier function by microRNAs in health and
130 A metabolism critically determines pulmonary endothelial barrier function by modulating Rac1-mediated
131 hereas activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 enhances endothelial barrier function by promoting the formation
132 uncover a pivotal role of CREB in regulating endothelial barrier function by restricting RhoA signali
133         Furthermore, miR-155 modulated brain endothelial barrier function by targeting not only cell-
134                       However, disruption of endothelial barrier function by thrombin and histamine r
135 profoundly reduced their capacity to promote endothelial barrier function ex vivo.
136                                     Impaired endothelial barrier function in apolipoprotein M-deficie
137  probe in vivo mechanisms involving impaired endothelial barrier function in experimental atherothrom
138 , could mediate RhoA-dependent disruption of endothelial barrier function in mouse lungs during ALI.
139 laminohydrolases (DDAH) in the regulation of endothelial barrier function in pulmonary macrovascular
140 at depletion of endogenous CRADD compromises endothelial barrier function in response to inflammatory
141  that gravin functionally couples to control endothelial barrier function in response to protein kina
142 ective role for the endocytic protein p18 in endothelial barrier function in settings of ALI in vitro
143  motility, a process that may also relate to endothelial barrier function in the context of a vascula
144 re markedly efficient and did not compromise endothelial barrier function in vitro (determined by imm
145     We conclude that p18 regulates pulmonary endothelial barrier function in vitro and in vivo, by en
146       We evaluated the effect of imatinib on endothelial barrier function in vitro and in vivo.
147 enoic acid from arachidonic acid, decreasing endothelial barrier function in vitro In mice in vivo ph
148                                Regulation of endothelial barrier function is critical for vascular ho
149                                Understanding endothelial barrier function is critical for vascular ho
150                                Impairment of endothelial barrier function is implicated in many vascu
151                                              Endothelial barrier function is regulated by adherens ju
152                                              Endothelial barrier function is tightly regulated by pla
153      However, the role of CREB in regulating endothelial barrier function is unknown.
154 different effects of these three agonists on endothelial barrier function occur independently of Ca(2
155 ingosine-1-phosphate-mediated enhancement of endothelial barrier function occurs independently of STI
156                                     Impaired endothelial barrier function results in a persistent inc
157 We show that S1P promotes cell spreading and endothelial barrier function through S1PR1-Galphai-Rac1
158                                     Improved endothelial barrier function toward the entry of plasma
159                                              Endothelial barrier function was determined based on ele
160                                              Endothelial barrier function was promoted by CXCL12/CXCR
161 opography significantly influence epithelial/endothelial barrier function where increased fiber stiff
162                                              Endothelial barrier function, a functional correlate of
163 y maintaining arterial integrity, preserving endothelial barrier function, and a normal contractile S
164      Moreover, Bmpr2(+/-) PECs have impaired endothelial barrier function, and barrier function is re
165  endothelial cells, severe impairment of the endothelial barrier function, and finally, disintegratio
166 nists: thrombin and histamine, which disrupt endothelial barrier function, and sphingosine-1-phosphat
167 cell coverage on the endothelium and reduced endothelial barrier function, and this effect was abroga
168 ocalcin-1 inhibits macrophages and preserves endothelial barrier function, and transgenic overexpress
169 a homotypic adhesion molecule that regulates endothelial barrier function, and transmembrane chemokin
170  stress plays a critical role in maintaining endothelial barrier function, but how this occurs remain
171  phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) increase endothelial barrier function, but the roles of different
172   Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) can regulate endothelial barrier function, but the sources of the S1P
173 nic agents in restoring pre-injury levels of endothelial barrier function, following the establishmen
174  for p18 in VE-cadherin trafficking and thus endothelial barrier function, in settings of ALI.
175 east as effective as SB203580 in stabilizing endothelial barrier function, reducing inflammation, and
176 ve and redundant roles in various aspects of endothelial barrier function, RhoB specifically inhibits
177 ify the contribution of the Asn-25 glycan to endothelial barrier function, we generated an N25Q mutan
178 ulating LIMK1 may lead to the enhancement of endothelial barrier function, which could protect mice f
179 E disease severity as the result of enhanced endothelial barrier function.
180 y ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) helps maintain endothelial barrier function.
181 ng molecule active in immune homeostasis and endothelial barrier function.
182 coagulation, inflammation, and disruption of endothelial barrier function.
183 Rap1-effector involved in cell spreading and endothelial barrier function.
184 ood facilitates tumor metastasis by relaxing endothelial barrier function.
185 actin dynamics, through which Rap1 modulates endothelial barrier function.
186 ion of endothelial junctions, which controls endothelial barrier function.
187 ically coordinated during cell spreading and endothelial barrier function.
188 d internal cellular tension led to decreased endothelial barrier function.
189 y strategy to prevent disruption of vascular endothelial barrier function.
190 al-cadherin cleavage and concomitant loss of endothelial barrier function.
191 s selective calcium permeation important for endothelial barrier function.
192 -time imaging, and precise quantification of endothelial barrier function.
193 tribute to vascular inflammation by altering endothelial barrier function.
194 utility of FRAP as a quantitative measure of endothelial barrier function.
195 lood vasculature, consistent with defects in endothelial barrier function.
196 ng VE-cadherin expression and the control of endothelial barrier function.
197 LF4 in regulating VE-cadherin expression and endothelial barrier function.
198 d in the acquisition of VE-cadherin-mediated endothelial barrier function.
199 nt to that in human CCM, results in impaired endothelial barrier function.
200 ng of the molecular mechanisms governing the endothelial barrier function.
201 r SPHK1-deficient endothelial cells restored endothelial barrier function.
202 n molecule VE-cadherin, thereby rescuing the endothelial barrier function.
203 signaling is required for receptor-regulated endothelial barrier function.
204 signaling and changes in human microvascular endothelial barrier function.
205 CR agonists that either disrupt or stabilize endothelial barrier function.
206 VE)-cadherin, resulting in the disruption of endothelial barrier function.
207 lar endothelial cells (ECs) and may regulate endothelial barrier function.
208 oted AJ integrity, and prevented the loss of endothelial barrier function.
209 tosis and thereby augmented AJ integrity and endothelial barrier function.
210 othelial NP/GC-A/cGMP/PDE2 signaling impairs endothelial barrier functions.
211 erefore, enhancing drug transport across the endothelial barrier has to rely on leaky vessels arising
212 ant role for FGF signaling in maintenance of endothelial barrier homeostasis through the regulation o
213 mediators in endothelial cells in regulating endothelial barrier homeostasis.
214 ot mediated by CaMKII and is not involved in endothelial barrier hyperpermeability.
215                                We found that endothelial barrier impairment was associated with a hig
216 on of tumor necrosis factor alpha results in endothelial barrier impairment.
217 xpression of VEGFC compromised the lymphatic endothelial barrier in mice and endothelial cells, reduc
218 in-5) in increased permeability of the brain endothelial barrier in vitro.
219 tivation of TRPV4 channels regulates retinal endothelial barriers in vitro and in vivo.
220 CD4(+) T cells into the CNS and across brain endothelial barriers in vitro.
221                          CXCR7 expression on endothelial barriers increased during EAE at sites of in
222                 KLF4 knockdown disrupted the endothelial barrier, indicating that KLF4 is required fo
223 e mechanism to ensure timely transition from endothelial barrier injury to repair, accelerating barri
224              Here we show that HDL increases endothelial barrier integrity as measured by electric ce
225 ific regulation of Rac1 trafficking controls endothelial barrier integrity during inflammation.
226           Here we report that maintenance of endothelial barrier integrity during leukocyte diapedesi
227  the endothelial cell surface, and decreased endothelial barrier integrity in vitro, therefore increa
228 or agonists alter lymphocyte trafficking and endothelial barrier integrity in vivo.
229 ine protease, which causes the local loss of endothelial barrier integrity thereby enabling the rapid
230  CNS autoimmunity, the consequences on brain endothelial barrier integrity upon interaction with such
231 findings demonstrate that HIF2alpha enhances endothelial barrier integrity, in part through VE-PTP ex
232 NA-mediated down-regulation of Lyn disrupted endothelial barrier integrity, whereas expression of a c
233 hanisms and its role in maintaining vascular endothelial barrier integrity.
234 the opposing functions of these proteases on endothelial barrier integrity.
235 orectal tumors in mice and reduces lymphatic endothelial barrier integrity.
236  whereas other blood cells readily cross the endothelial barrier into the circulation.
237 CXCL12, is essential for leukocyte entry via endothelial barriers into the central nervous system (CN
238                      The permeability of the endothelial barrier is an exquisitely regulated process
239          During metastasis, breakdown of the endothelial barrier is critical for tumor cell extravasa
240  how histamine induces the disruption of the endothelial barrier is not well defined.
241                          Permeability of the endothelial barrier is primarily regulated by a protein
242 ics activating Lyn kinase may strengthen the endothelial barrier junction and hence have anti-inflamm
243 increased phosphorylation of VE-cadherin and endothelial barrier leakage.
244 ewly defined signaling pathways that mediate endothelial barrier leakiness (hyperpermeability) that a
245 telet-activating factor (PAF) induces severe endothelial barrier leakiness, but the signaling mechani
246 ntegrates FAK with AJ, preventing persistent endothelial barrier leakiness.
247                                          The endothelial barrier maintains vascular and tissue homeos
248  targeting neutrophil diapedesis through the endothelial barrier may represent a new therapeutic aven
249 , and found that these cells both invaded an endothelial barrier more efficiently and exhibited enhan
250 opulation of cells, TEM4-18, that crossed an endothelial barrier more efficiently, but surprisingly,
251 tight- and adherens-junction proteins in the endothelial barrier of the stria vascularis (intrastrial
252 165 nor VEGF165b significantly altered brain endothelial barrier or angiogenesis in vitro.
253 uced extravascular lung water, improved lung endothelial barrier permeability and restored alveolar f
254 o failed to protect against thrombin-induced endothelial barrier permeability in cells deficient in b
255 38 activation was critical for PAR1-promoted endothelial barrier permeability in vitro, and p38 signa
256 l (VE)-cadherin homophilic adhesion controls endothelial barrier permeability through assembly of adh
257 protease, induces inflammatory responses and endothelial barrier permeability through the activation
258 metabolite of arachidonic acid (AA), induced endothelial barrier permeability via Src and Pyk2-depend
259 olecular and signaling mechanisms regulating endothelial barrier permeability with emphasis on the cr
260 , small GTPases that differentially regulate endothelial barrier permeability.
261 EPCR), a protein involved in coagulation and endothelial barrier permeability.
262 nist-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis and endothelial barrier permeability.
263 r p38 activation used by PAR1 that regulates endothelial barrier permeability.
264 nterendothelial junction (IEJ), causes acute endothelial barrier permeability.
265  ascorbate in the prevention of inflammatory endothelial barrier permeabilization and explain the und
266 Together, the findings indicate that HDL has endothelial barrier promoting activities, which are attr
267 g RNA attenuated the HGF-induced increase in endothelial barrier properties and abolished HGF-activat
268 pendent kinase I (cGKI), strengthen systemic endothelial barrier properties in acute inflammation.
269 sphocholine) significantly enhances vascular endothelial barrier properties in vitro and in vivo and
270 n of tight junction (TJ) gene expression and endothelial barrier properties.
271 -2, which is critical for Rac1 signaling and endothelial barrier protection but not for thrombin-indu
272                Strikingly, APC signaling and endothelial barrier protection effects were abolished in
273 ed C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1) and endothelial barrier protection.
274 C selective signaling to Rac1 activation and endothelial barrier protection.
275            Thus, APC selective signaling and endothelial barrier protective effects are mediated thro
276                                              Endothelial barrier protective effects of activated prot
277        We also tested the hypothesis that an endothelial barrier-protective bioactive lipid, sphingos
278 t those beginning at amino acid 39, conveyed endothelial barrier-protective effects.
279 wn about mechanisms by which FoxM1 regulates endothelial barrier reannealing.
280 etion triggered Gbeta1 activation of FAK and endothelial barrier recovery, whereas Fyn knockdown inte
281 observations have important implications for endothelial barrier regulation in glomerular and other m
282  up-regulation of Rac signaling critical for endothelial barrier regulation.
283 improve our understanding on human pulmonary endothelial barrier regulation.
284               Platelet intoxication prevents endothelial barrier repair and facilitates formation of
285 thelial cell migration, suggesting a role in endothelial barrier repair.
286                    Repair of a dysfunctional endothelial barrier requires controlled restoration of a
287 ion, depletion of zyxin resulted in delay of endothelial barrier restoration after thrombin treatment
288  blood flow through mucosal microvessels, an endothelial "barrier," sensory innervation, and generati
289  VIIIa; (2) a cytoprotective on the basis of endothelial barrier stabilization and anti-inflammatory
290 esenting a novel target for preventing leaky endothelial barrier syndrome.
291 rier system in invertebrates evolved into an endothelial barrier system.
292 that it is neutrophil diapedesis through the endothelial barrier that is responsible for the bleeding
293 cytes contribute to cellular interactions at endothelial barriers that impart protective CNS inflamma
294  bioenergetics and failure of epithelial and endothelial barriers that produce organ dysfunction and
295 adherin homophilic interaction in modulating endothelial barrier through the tuning of MT dynamics.
296 dothelial AJs in order to form a restrictive endothelial barrier through transcriptional control of b
297 r tone at vascular endothelial and lymphatic endothelial barriers, through which S1P agonism impacts
298 ium prepared from the stressed OPCs weakened endothelial barrier tightness in vitro.
299                              Stabilizing the endothelial barrier to offset ANP-induced increases in v
300  vascular endothelial cAMP and stabilize the endothelial barrier would attenuate the action of endoge

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