コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 sides were left with the remainders of their endowment).
2 as one potential means of regulating nephron endowment.
3 s by miRNAs may determine congenital nephron endowment.
4 and differentiation insuring proper nephron endowment.
5 ects and giving one of them a large monetary endowment.
6 ts (2.3%), most of whom had a low birth iron endowment.
7 s of the mechanism that determines germ cell endowment.
8 ilarity for both China's farm land and water endowments.
9 have relatively few land and water resource endowments.
10 onally poor maternal diet can reduce nephron endowment and pre-empt premature expression of markers f
11 ifferentiation ultimately determines nephron endowment and thus susceptibile to chronic kidney diseas
12 ny market (a set of goods and consumers with endowments and strictly concave utilities) the price-adj
14 mly assigned to have higher or lower initial endowments, and were embedded within social networks wit
15 for artificial reinforcement of the natural endowments; and (iii) heavy human impacts leading to com
16 e umbilical cord increases the infant's iron endowment at birth and haemoglobin concentration at 2 mo
19 lacement of the deciduous teeth, high dental endowment at weaning, and relatively slow somatic growth
20 The proposal to enhance the human genetic endowment by genetic cloning of eminent individuals is n
23 oretical insights of prospect theory and the endowment effect (the notion of the "use value" differin
26 We investigated neural antecedents of the endowment effect in an event-related functional magnetic
27 s that frequent trading likely mitigates the endowment effect indirectly by modifying negative affect
30 investigated whether chimpanzees exhibit an endowment effect, a seemingly paradoxical behavior in wh
31 irst evidence that chimpanzees do exhibit an endowment effect, by favoring items they just received m
32 ons of prospect theory, and specifically the endowment effect, can provide new understanding about de
47 ellence Research Chairs (CERC), Leading Edge Endowment Fund (LEEF), Don Rix BC Leadership Chair in Ge
49 its material consumption, the deployment of endowment funds and other strategies to ensure the effic
53 ted proteins representing >1% of our genetic endowment; however, ion-channel diseases reflect a relat
56 National Institute of Mental Health, UPMC Endowment in Geriatric Psychiatry, Taylor Family Institu
57 arget assessed as well as for proper nephron endowment in vivo This study suggests that, within the d
63 ls for lineage specification, proliferation, endowment of functional capacity, and survival or cell d
66 7 induction and Th17-mediated disease is its endowment of moDCs to induce Th17 differentiation in viv
69 e size and rate of depletion of the precious endowment of oocytes enclosed within follicles in the ov
70 gree with established dogma that the initial endowment of ovarian follicles is not supplemented by an
71 termine whether RBP-J deletion decreased the endowment of renin cells, we traced the fate of these ce
72 n to the Royal Society of London in 2008 and endowment of the honor of Commander of the British Empir
75 contain algorithms, derived through natural endowments or experience or both, which allow it to iden
76 status are manifold and include the genetic endowment, physical environment, social environment, pop
78 signaling as a major regulator of beta-cell endowment that can become a potential target for beta-ce
80 distrust) or how much of their own monetary endowment they wanted to send to their counterpart (i.e.
81 how much of a counterpart player's monetary endowment they wanted to take from their counterpart (i.
82 In an experimental setting, we distribute endowments unequally among a group of people who can rea
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