


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  major it involves an apoplastic step and is energized.
2 erlooking the latter problem of how they are energized.
3 opments were importantly linked and mutually energizing.
4  efficient particle accelerators, capable of energizing a large number of charged particles to relati
5 e force (PMF) of the cytoplasmic membrane to energize active transport of nutrients across the outer
6 cursors occurs by passive diffusion or is an energized active process; further, we know little about
7 ed as entry points to identify circuits that energize and direct behavior to specific goals.
8             In the latter, the NKT cells are energized and can respond to glycolipid only in the pres
9 on the b(562) redox state, the model fit the energized and de-energized data well.
10 red to explain how this remarkable system is energized and directed.
11 by which the body absorbs the light that has energizing and antidepressant effects is still uncertain
12 ich allow transmembrane domain mutants to be energized, and presented as the rapid turnover of TonB-d
13 en put forward to explain how this export is energized, and the mechanism has been the subject of con
14     These data suggest that an H(+) V-ATPase-energized anion exchange occurs across the apical membra
15 iatal (VS) motivational circuit that readily energizes approach toward salient appetitive cues.
16  cells that were preloaded with 2 mM Na+ and energized at pH 7.5.
17 nd the exterior of cells and organelles that energize ATP synthesis and the accumulation and extrusio
18 tute for respiration-generated potentials in energizing ATP synthesis at high pH.
19 ized by the presence of a second copy of the energizing ATPase, SecA2; where it has been studied, Sec
20 n circuitry that enables expected rewards to energize behavior, without the need for the subjects;awa
21 uncovers a specific role of noradrenaline in energizing behavior to face challenges.
22 essure were investigated in a corona reactor energized by +dc, -dc, or +pulsed high voltage..
23 ystems of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are all energized by a single ATPase, MceG, each system appears
24 es confined at the air-liquid interface, and energized by a uniaxial in-plane alternating magnetic fi
25 les confined at the air-liquid interface and energized by a uniform uniaxial alternating magnetic fie
26 dependent, partially chloride-dependent, and energized by an apical membrane H,K-ATPase.
27        The plasma membrane of plant cells is energized by an electrochemical gradient produced by P-t
28 ize into various functional structures while energized by an external alternating (ac) magnetic field
29 ced transport was Na(+)-independent, but was energized by an inwardly directed H(+) gradient.
30 identical ATP-binding subunits, HisP, and is energized by ATP hydrolysis.
31 from succinate to NAD when the particles are energized by ATP hydrolysis.
32 MP inhibited at complex III by antimycin and energized by ATP, the bis-heme cytochrome b was reduced
33 D and vanadate, indicating an active process energized by ATP.
34 the substrate-binding protein (HisJ), and is energized by ATP.
35                                 Transport is energized by ATP.
36 nding protein-dependent transport system and energized by ATP.
37                       Submesoscale flows are energized by baroclinic instabilities that develop aroun
38 dy examined whether oatp1-mediated uptake is energized by efflux (countertransport) of intracellular
39 120 min of glucose deprivation, but not when energized by fuel.
40 ns in the crystalline state, especially when energized by light.
41 ubiquitination catalysed by these enzymes is energized by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which ac
42      Accumulation of manganese in pool A was energized by photosynthetic electron flow.
43                        HIV research has been energized by prospects for a cure for HIV infection or,
44  step, the insertion into the translocon, is energized by protein synthesis and, therefore, has an ef
45                        The Tol-Pal system is energized by proton motive force and is well conserved i
46 ia system B into an osmotically active space energized by secondary active transport, as measured und
47 em (PTS), the sugar-specific enzymes II, are energized by sequential phosphoryl transfer from phospho
48 oplasm, which produces uphill Ca2+ transport energized by spatial H+ ion gradients, and can result in
49 change on diffusible HDPs and ATP molecules, energized by the [H(+)]i gradient.
50 he field of cancer immunotherapy has been re-energized by the application of chimeric antigen recepto
51 cline-divalent cation efflux protein that is energized by the electrochemical proton gradient across
52 ecycled to the cytoplasmic membrane to be re-energized by the energy coupling proteins, ExbB/D.
53 n anion exchanger, and, if so, whether it is energized by the GSH electrochemical gradient.
54 f aminoacyl-tRNA delivery to the ribosome is energized by the GTPase reaction of the elongation facto
55                   Transport is assumed to be energized by the membrane potential and the proton gradi
56 ed through a specialized secretion apparatus energized by the proton gradient.
57                                        It is energized by the proton gradient; here, a mutational app
58                   PcaK-mediated transport is energized by the proton motive force.
59 suggest that spatial learning and memory are energized by the release of dopamine in the dorsal hippo
60 ating that their parent ions are pickup ions energized by the termination shock.
61                            Imaginations were energized by the thought of applications for zero-resist
62     The exchange is probably electroneutral, energized by the transmembrane pH gradient and oppositel
63                 These molecular machines are energized by their charateristic ABC modules, molecular
64 n features and, in particular, eddies can be energized by their thermodynamic interactions with the a
65  other OATP-related transporters may also be energized by this mechanism.
66 cteria involving outer membrane transporters energized by TonB as well as plasma membrane-localized t
67        ATB(0,+) is an amino acid transporter energized by transmembrane gradients of Na+ and Cl(-) an
68 Flows larger than this instability scale are energized by turbulent scale interactions.
69 tion and subsequent fragmentation to form an energized carbonyl oxide (for example, CH3CHOO), known a
70  m-chlorophenylhydrazone; however, 10% of de-energized cells had membrane disruption.
71 orbate orbitals can lead to the injection of energized charge carriers into the adsorbate, which can
72  specified mobility are selected, exposed to energizing collisions, and then introduced into a second
73 pted electrons from NAPQI-altered, succinate-energized complex II and transferred them to cytochrome
74                       The FliG switching and energizing component likely provides much of the flexibi
75  Remarkably, CDI toxins transferred under de-energized conditions remain competent to enter the targe
76 e molecular needle and syringe that form the energized conduit between the bacterial cytoplasm and th
77 adicals in the troposphere, proceeds through energized Criegee intermediates that undergo unimolecula
78                       Proline is crucial for energizing critical events throughout the life cycle of
79 n be greatly enlarged and convoluted, and an energized cytoplasmic membrane.
80 ox state, the model fit the energized and de-energized data well.
81 arch on work motivation, or the factors that energize, direct, and sustain effort across cultures.
82 pointed out that especially the treatment of energized, directed chemical flow in divided space in ce
83                                           In energized E. coli cells at physiological pH, the net eff
84 istration, short duration, and a sedating or energizing effect.
85 tations, in that, beyond the inability to be energized efficiently, it was also conditionally unstabl
86 13 exhibited a defect in diffusion potential-energized efflux of 22Na+ from right-side-out membrane v
87 rvations with 10-16 solar masses of magnetar-energized ejecta demonstrates the possibility of a commo
88 etosphere, where they continuously remove or energize electrons trapped by the geomagnetic field, con
89  of water to molecular oxygen, protons, and "energized" electrons, and, in turn, as fundamental parts
90               The results portray TonB as an energized entity in a regular array underlying the OM bi
91 yze either Tc-metal/H+ or Na+/H+ antiport in energized everted vesicles.
92 rcent felt safer and 40% said they felt more energized, excited, or powerful while carrying a gun.
93  the membrane potential which is required to energize flagellar rotation, accompanied by a decreased
94 ed for motility and that urease action helps energize flagellar rotation.
95 otB, FliG, FliM and FliN) may be involved in energizing flagellar rotation in Escherichia coli.
96 rine tumors were exposed to 120 bursts, each energized for 100 mus, containing individual pulses 1, 2
97 its that chloroplast thylakoid membranes are energized for ATP formation by either a delocalized or a
98 t the periplasmic flagella do not need to be energized for the cell to maintain this shape.
99 owever, whether crossover formation actually energizes fusion remains unclear, as do the sequence of
100  TonB-dependent outer membrane proteins form energized, gated pores that bind iron chelates (sideroph
101  cadmium factor (YCF1) gene encodes an MgATP-energized glutathione S-conjugate transporter responsibl
102 d pyrophosphate (PP(i)) hydrolysis and PP(i)-energized H(+) translocation.
103 /reoxygenation on ROS production by isolated energized heart mitochondria.
104 TonB periplasmic domains from unenergized to energized heterodimers.
105 carefully prioritized such that resources to energize HIV vaccine discovery can be identified.
106                                        It is energized, however, only by a Na(+) gradient and membran
107  adaptation slows down as cells gradually de-energize in a nutrient-poor medium without compromising
108 a planar, interdigitated bar electrode array energized in a standing-wave configuration.
109 s than 1 kiloelectron volt are substantially energized in Mercury's magnetosphere.
110  latter could form part of the bridge to the energized inner membrane component of the translocation
111 termediate, by a type I system comprising an energized inner-membrane (IM) translocase of two protein
112 ight signal is transmitted to HtrII from the energized interhelical hydrogen bond between Thr204 and
113 lowing many subsequent opportunities for the energized intermediate to find a suitable approach to th
114 vacuolar-type H(+)-ATPases (VHA) is known to energize ion and metabolite transport, though cellular p
115                                              Energizing ions flow through membrane-bound complexes fo
116 ch revolution is driven by a fixed number of energizing ions.
117 rmed hypothesis to explain how the plasma is energized is the 'internal shock model', in which the re
118             This bacterium relies on MceG to energize its six Mce systems that contribute to a variet
119 it was the light harvested by the plant that energized lls1 lesion development.
120 ous breaking of the uniaxial symmetry of the energizing magnetic field.
121 is a common ion activation technique used to energize mass-selected peptide ions during tandem mass s
122          Such a leak was not demonstrable in energized membrane vesicles.
123 ino group, to hinder its penetration into an energized membrane.
124 l phenotypes have in common a reliance on an energized membrane.
125 Tat systems transport folded proteins across energized membranes of bacteria, archaea, and plant plas
126  fluorescence decreased when introduced into energized mitochondria and increased three- to sixfold w
127 hondrial permeability transition (MPT) in de-energized mitochondria by phenylarsine oxide (PheArs) is
128                                              Energized mitochondria showed a dose-dependent increase
129                      In approximately 70% of energized mitochondria we observed large amplitude spont
130 induced PNPase was efficiently imported into energized mitochondria with coupled processing of the N-
131                                The number of energized mitochondria, as determined by confocal micros
132 it especially effective for Ca2+ uptake into energized mitochondria.
133 is a conserved protein in eukaryotes bearing energized mitochondria.
134      Here we describe an additional role for energized mitochondria: they reduce the amount of inosit
135 rocessed in a reaction that depended upon an energized mitochondrial membrane.
136 apture proteins (335 cases) have a dedicated energizing module, but in 459 cases distributed among al
137                                       Highly energized molecules normally are rapidly equilibrated by
138 ese findings demonstrate that TonB undergoes energized motion in the bacterial cell envelope and that
139 ogether, these data imply that in vivo, MsmK energizes multiple carbohydrate transporters in S. pneum
140                                       The de-energized mutants exhibited a marked decrease in transfe
141                     TbpB expressed by the de-energized mutants was readily accessible to protease, si
142 s encoding the F1F0-ATPase (BD99-A), glucose energized Na+ exclusion in an arsenate-sensitive manner;
143 pA encoding a secondary, proton motive force-energized Na+/H+ antiporter.
144                                       Hence, energized nutrient transporters in bacteria also serve a
145  the regulation of interpersonal attraction, energizing of emotional reactions, and enhanced impact o
146 gated parent compounds are accumulated under energized or nonenergized conditions.
147 dria during transitions from de-energized to energized, or during state 2/4 to state 3 respiration, o
148 nd ExbB, a cytoplasmic-membrane protein that energizes outer-membrane transport in Gram-negative bact
149 xbBD-type systems and MotAB-type systems for energizing outer-membrane transport and motility than do
150                      These termination-shock-energized pickup ions contain the missing approximately
151                               Jets of highly energized plasma with relativistic velocities are associ
152 essential feature of reconnection is that it energizes plasma particles by converting magnetic energy
153                           The mechanisms for energizing plasma particles in the reconnection layer ar
154 distinct Deltapsi-driven translocation steps energize precursor passage across the inner mitochondria
155                           Two driving forces energize precursor translocation across the inner mitoch
156                            In this study, we energized primary murine CD4(+) T cells by incubation of
157 nclude that apoplasmic Suc unloading from de-energized protophloem sieve elements in meristematic zon
158 their animal prototypes, many MRPs are MgATP-energized pumps active in the transport of glutathione (
159 rking in parallel with the corresponding ATP-energized pumps, catalyzes active Na(+) transport in bac
160 a steroid-sensitive manner to facilitate the energized pursuit of natural rewards like sex via activa
161 transient mesolimbic dopamine release events energize reward seeking and encode reward value.
162 ionally salient stimuli and are theorized to energize reward seeking.
163 century of future U.S. emissions, warranting energized scientific research, technological assessment,
164 he unseen fast relativistic flow inferred to energize slower components in X-ray binary jets.
165 sed to involve a progressive decrease in the energized state of the membrane until a critical trigger
166 ensitivity of the holin timing system to the energized state of the membrane.
167 a connection between PhoP, virulence and the energized state of the membrane.
168 he mitochondrion consumes ATP to maintain an energized state, whereas that of T. brucei evansi also l
169 try unless mitochondria are maintained in an energized state.
170  motive force of the cytoplasmic membrane to energize substrate transport through a specific TonB-dep
171 0-mm-diameter ambient temperature bore of an energized superconducting solenoid.
172                           Neutrino transport energizes supernova explosions following the collapse of
173 ntified, but the diversity of inner membrane energizing systems is still unknown.
174  can be transferred into the periplasm of de-energized target bacteria, indicating that transport acr
175 This mutant protein, like the parental TonB, energized TbpA to enable growth on transferrin.
176 the cytoplasmic membrane and TonB protein to energize the active transport of iron-siderophores and v
177 t the ATPase activity of TadA is required to energize the assembly or secretion of Flp pili for tight
178 phimurium FliI protein, an ATPase thought to energize the export of flagellar subunits across the cyt
179 es implying that this ATPase is necessary to energize the Mce4-sterol transport system.
180 formed the strategies in hand that presently energize the prospects for human heart repair.
181  and/or proton motive force could be used to energize the protein translocation through these nanomac
182 nsporters use ion concentration gradients to energize the removal from cells of various antibiotics.
183 otein-coding and non-coding RNAs, which have energized the emerging field of 'epitranscriptomics'.
184                      Key successes that have energized the field are delineated; opportunities for pr
185 discontinuation of conventional therapy, has energized the field.
186    The TonB system of gram-negative bacteria energizes the active transport of diverse nutrients thro
187 the cytoplasmic membrane proton-motive force energizes the active transport of TonB-dependent ligands
188 and maintaining the proton motive force that energizes the carriers and channels that underlie plant
189        The plant plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase energizes the secondary uptake of nutrients and may faci
190 Previous data suggested that the ClpV ATPase energizes the transport of Hcp and VgrG proteins through
191 uroras, heats the magnetospheric plasma, and energizes the Van Allen radiation belts.
192 to a dearth of effective alternatives and re-energizing the development of pain therapeutics is neces
193                                         Upon energizing the membrane, the dimeric and tetrameric prec
194            We have proposed that the protons energizing the motor interact with Asp32 of MotB to indu
195  acid, demonstrating that MsmK is the ATPase energizing the sialic acid transporter.
196 at captures chaperone-effector complexes and energizes their dissociation to facilitate effector tran
197 B6 and VirB8, suggesting that these subunits energize this transfer reaction by an ATP-dependent mech
198              A plasma membrane H(+) V-ATPase energizes this alkalinization but the ion carriers invol
199        A growing literature shows that power energizes thought, speech, and action and orients indivi
200  pig mitochondria during transitions from de-energized to energized, or during state 2/4 to state 3 r
201 ocation of colicin toxins, which exploit the energized Ton and Tol systems to cross the outer membran
202 ExbB and ExbD harness the proton gradient to energize TonB, which directly contacts and transmits thi
203                                          Two energized TonBs appear to form a single cluster of 8-10
204         We have proposed a model for how ATP energizes transfer of substrates from these binding site
205 transporter but not the ATPases essential to energize transport.
206 ined that the pump is competent in the MgATP-energized transport of cyclic nucleotides and estradiol
207 ethotrexate (MTX), is competent in the MgATP-energized transport of MTX and the monoanionic bile cons
208 ars have seen spectacular advances that have energized TSC-related research and challenged existing s
209 S. cerevisiae is inferred to encode an MgATP-energized, uncoupler-insensitive vacuolar glutathione S-
210 altering effectors are secreted through this energized unidirectional conduit to promote bacterial in
211 e strain DTY165 that YCF1 mediates the MgATP-energized vacuolar accumulation of Cd-glutathione comple
212 ons in plant cells by catalyzing pH gradient-energized vacuolar Ca2+ accumulation.
213 + antiporter increase in leaf cells, thereby energizing vacuolar salt accumulation.
214                         These are the Mg-ATP-energized, vanadate-inhibitable vacuolar accumulation of
215                                         When energized with 3 mM succinate, CNS mitochondria maintain
216 mes made from Vitreoscilla phospholipids and energized with a quinol substrate, it translocates Na+,
217  electrode array on its bottom wall that was energized with AC electric signals.
218        The plasma membrane in plant cells is energized with an electrical potential and proton gradie
219                      When the membranes were energized with NADH, the FRET signal was lost after a sh
220 uorescence intensities exhibited by cells de-energized with nitrogen gas were significantly greater.
221  needed to support DeltaPsi(m) in tubules de-energized with rotenone or after H/R.
222                                         When energized with succinate plus glutamate, after a calcium

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