


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ertain number of ATP, providing a fixed free energy budget.
2 s maenas and the consequences for the crab's energy budget.
3 ration through its modulation of the surface energy budget.
4  required to maintain a balanced atmospheric energy budget.
5  for remediating mismatches in the thylakoid energy budget.
6 termine the temporal variation of the global energy budget.
7 g with satellite observations of the Earth's energy budget.
8  to achieve accurate adaptation with a given energy budget.
9 se in which the magnetic field dominates the energy budget.
10  limit, alone and in combination, on a daily energy budget.
11 s a negligible contributor to the earthquake energy budget.
12 ct this large observed variation in tropical energy budget.
13 gene can be greater than 0.025% of the total energy budget.
14 , life history emerges from the individuals' energy budgets.
15 for terrestrial carbon, water, nutrient, and energy budgets.
16 ich in turn depends on individuals balancing energy budgets.
17 tronger than anticipated effects on consumer energy budgets.
18 in approximate accord with theoretical brain energy budgets.
19 m cooking to both modern and ancestral human energy budgets.
20 ance of astrocytes for the brain's space and energy budgets.
21                                              Energy budget analysis indicated that the major line dif
22 s downstream location and conducting an eddy energy budget analysis, the authors further proposed tha
23  theory of thermoregulation that synthesizes energy budget and carbon economics theories.
24 luence precipitation by changing the earth's energy budget and cloud properties.
25 t the Arctic's freshwater system and surface energy budget and could be manifested in middle latitude
26 d climate feedbacks by affecting the surface energy budget and land-atmosphere carbon exchange.
27 tropics is a critical process for the global energy budget and on geologic timescales, has markedly i
28 cus populations by changing the individuals' energy budget and reducing their ability to build lipid
29 ntal attributes of Earth's top-of-atmosphere energy budget and the magnitude of projected global warm
30 ased on simple considerations of the surface energy budget and thus is likely to be robust.
31 cation on individuals (e.g. consequences for energy budgets and resource partitioning) and population
32 s or foraging ability, with consequences for energy budgets and, ultimately, demographic rates.
33 ly account for a small fraction of the total energy budget, and therefore additional processes probab
34 iency of foraging behaviour, the ontogeny of energy budgets, and numerous life-history trade-offs.
35 hree successive generations, DEBtox (dynamic energy budget applied to toxicity data) models were fitt
36 ments in the tides-to-turbulence cascade, an energy budget approaches closure.
37                The major part of the brain's energy budget ( approximately 60%-80%) is devoted to its
38             Overwintering insects on a tight energy budget are likely to be especially vulnerable to
39          A substantial fraction of bacterial energy budgets are devoted to biosynthesis of amino acid
40  predator-prey encounters, and thus predator energy budgets, are far more variable in nature than cur
41 assumed that variations in Earth's radiative energy budget at large time and space scales are small.
42 ert an important influence over the climatic energy budget because of differences in their albedo (so
43 treme climatic events strongly affected time-energy budgets, behavioural plasticity alleviated any po
44 has been proposed to balance the chloroplast energy budget, but the pathway, mechanism, and physiolog
45 osols (OAs) in the atmosphere affect Earth's energy budget by not only scattering but also absorbing
46 te efficiently, we investigate how this free energy budget can be allocated to maximize flux.
47                          Compared with other energy budget components, dry-canopy evapotranspiration
48 ould explain why fitness is reduced based on energy budget considerations.
49 c growth, fecundity) may be a consequence of energy budget constraints due to higher maintenance cost
50 we used a dynamical model based on empirical energy budget data to assess changes in ecosystem stabil
51 s paper we develop and investigate a dynamic energy budget (DEB) model describing the syntrophic symb
52 deled using an approach based on the dynamic energy budget (DEB).
53 e, we demonstrate how a simple model for the energy budget (DEBkiss) can be used to interpret the eff
54 onsumes an outstanding 20% of the total body energy budget despite representing only 2% of body mass
55 ant cells because of the major demand on the energy budget due to transport costs and cell maintenanc
56 nfections relative to their host's estimated energy budget during the infection reveal that a T4 infe
57                        We derive a signaling energy budget for the white matter (based on data from t
58                              The geochemical energy budgets for high-temperature microbial ecosystems
59  of microplastic ingestion is a reduction in energy budgets for the affected marine biota.
60 allosum) which can be compared with previous energy budgets for the gray matter regions of the brain,
61 eir mechanism of generation, variability and energy budget, however, owing to the lack of in situ dat
62                            The DNA packaging energy budget, i.e. DNA packaged/ATP hydrolyzed, was unc
63  steps for optimal performance, and a higher energy budget improves the robustness of the oscillator.
64        Zhang et al interpret the mixed-layer energy budget in models as showing that "ocean dynamics
65 data, statistically evaluating the full wave energy budget in the Earth's magnetosphere, revealing th
66         Pharmacological analysis revealed an energy budget in which 11% of O(2) use was on presynapti
67 learing upwind lowland forest alters surface energy budgets in ways that influence dry season cloud f
68               A substantial fraction of this energy budget is devoted to biosynthesis of amino acids,
69 e top-of-atmosphere (TOA) tropical radiative energy budget is much more dynamic and variable than pre
70     Data were used to parameterise a dynamic energy budget model (DEBtox) to further examine potentia
71 s of the observed patterns, we formulated an energy budget model coupled to a toxicokinetic module de
72                  Here we formulate a dynamic energy budget model to predict the effects of intra- and
73                                      Dynamic energy budget modeling, supported by transcriptomic prof
74                                     Previous energy budget models have typically had their bases in r
75 energy demanding process, differences in the energy budget of each cell could determine gene expressi
76 system I is thought to balance the ATP/NADPH energy budget of photosynthesis, requiring that its rate
77 is critical for balancing the photosynthetic energy budget of the chloroplast by generating ATP witho
78 s us to produce an observationally supported energy budget of the region.
79 rticles comprise only 5 per cent of the mass-energy budget of the Universe.
80 Binge-feeding has important implications for energy budgets of consumers as well as acute predation i
81                            Why are sustained energy budgets of humans and other vertebrates limited t
82 pressures and temperatures can influence the energy budgets of planets containing substantial amounts
83 ic systems and vegetation growth by changing energy budgets of the lower atmosphere and land surface.
84 ux of organic carbon is missing from current energy budgets of the mesopelagic.
85 d humans expend a larger proportion of their energy budget on brain metabolism than other primates.
86 h fish are known to incur extremely variable energy budgets, our study is one of the first to documen
87 models have in simulating the Arctic surface energy budget, particularly as models tend to under-pred
88 scaling parameter for daytime growing season energy budget, surface conductance (Gs ), water- and lig
89                                      Dynamic energy budget theory attempts to describe the most gener
90 y related to a simplified version of Dynamic Energy Budget theory, DEBkiss.
91 on can contribute significantly to the SUP05 energy budget, these findings reveal the potential impor
92 stitute a significant portion of an animal's energy budget; thus, standard metabolic rate and growth
93 ates ranging from < 1% of the brain's global energy budget up to one-half of neuronal energy use.
94                                          The energy budget was determined by using respiratory gas ex
95 fection consumes about a third of its host's energy budget, whereas an influenza infection consumes o
96 ount for very small fractions of the brain's energy budget, whereas there is stronger evidence that l
97 al energy production in order to balance the energy budget, which results in a weakened mean current.
98  the three greenhouse gases on the planetary energy budget, with a best estimate (in petagrams of CO2
99 s, the radiative contribution to the surface energy budget would have been diminished, and the spatia

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