


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l consumption) or the collective (e.g., high energy consumption).
2 way for significant reduction in CO2 capture energy consumption.
3 t, small footprint, high performance and low energy consumption.
4  of computational devices is shaped by their energy consumption.
5 ooth substrate surface and operates with low energy consumption.
6  with the UV lamp accounting for most of the energy consumption.
7  than the conventional lasers and reduce the energy consumption.
8 ntury temperature changes to forecast future energy consumption.
9 ow electrode need to be improved to minimize energy consumption.
10 abricate ZnO nanomaterials with low cost and energy consumption.
11 herefore have a significant impact on global energy consumption.
12 bvFTD and SD groups tended to have increased energy consumption.
13 onsequences for their information coding and energy consumption.
14  by balancing the carbonation conversion and energy consumption.
15 the effect reflected heightened awareness of energy consumption.
16 as been analyzed for process performance and energy consumption.
17 etter insulation necessarily requires higher energy consumption.
18 oyed by bacteria and eukaryotes, all require energy consumption.
19 itive functions at the expense of tremendous energy consumption.
20 f the process and a significant reduction in energy consumption.
21 -pA operation current and femtojoule per bit energy consumption.
22 lenges for information processing: noise and energy consumption.
23 D) could be compensated by increased daytime energy consumption.
24 ements enable memory switching with very low energy consumption.
25 d play a significant role in reducing global energy consumption.
26 ue to decreased anabolic processes, reducing energy consumption.
27 stribution to prepare for the higher rate of energy consumption.
28 responsible for at least half of total brain energy consumption.
29 cell survival, and growth, depending on cell energy consumption.
30  dopamine D(2) receptor (DRD(2)) genotype on energy consumption.
31 control gating, and therefore involve little energy consumption.
32 th meals may be more effective in increasing energy consumption.
33  left ventricular performance and myocardial energy consumption.
34 Previous studies of energetics have followed energy consumption.
35  at lower mixing intensity, thereby reducing energy consumption.
36 sociated food production, with the rest from energy consumption.
37 een associated with an advantage in terms of energy consumption.
38  of ecotoxicity impacts relate to life-cycle energy consumption.
39  with short reaction time and little to none energy consumption.
40 e of an imbalance between caloric intake and energy consumption.
41 cal revolution are always at high expense of energy consumption.
42 h respect to both limb impedance control and energy consumption.
43 gy is constrained by high cost and intensive energy consumption.
44 brils using CHFX and milling time or milling energy consumption.
45 ons annually and accounts for 2-5% of global energy consumption.
46 s and also provide insights on mechanisms of energy consumption.
47 r current-driven motion may enable ultra-low energy consumption.
48 or unprecedented data bandwidth with reduced energy consumption.
49 h myosin-actin contact probability or system energy consumption.
50 pectral Raman acquisitions without excessive energy consumption.
51 s C temperature range with little additional energy consumption (0.24 fJ per bit for a total energy c
52 moved after 2 h of electrolysis with minimal energy consumption (370 kWh/kg COD and 383 kWh/kg NH4(+)
53  comparison revealed that the current LM has energy consumption advantages (8% less), and a theoretic
54  but they persisted specifically for fat and energy consumption after adjustment for BMI [total daily
55 cular Cell, Choo et al. report that reducing energy consumption allows these cells to survive on glut
56       We report some of the lowest power and energy consumption among the emerging non-volatile memor
57                                        Total energy consumption and activity-related energy expenditu
58 mework is developed to assess the changes to energy consumption and air emissions from transit-orient
59 s paper addresses the environmental burdens (energy consumption and air emissions, including greenhou
60 ial transport respond to changes in neuronal energy consumption and architecture, or does it precede
61 ted hazard ratios for 20% increases in total energy consumption and AREE, respectively, were as follo
62 ource engineering-based model that estimates energy consumption and associated GHG emissions from dri
63 arbon emissions using updated and harmonized energy consumption and clinker production data and two n
64 .S. refining sector to estimate total annual energy consumption and CO(2) emissions in 2025, for four
65 ata suggest that Them1 functions to decrease energy consumption and conserve calories.
66  of CNT synapses operates with extremely low-energy consumption and could potentially emulate the fun
67             By demonstrating improvements in energy consumption and desorption efficiency and showing
68                                              Energy consumption and desorption efficiency for microwa
69                      The competition between energy consumption and dissipation imposes stringent phy
70 t at the nanoscale is important for reducing energy consumption and dissipation in electronic devices
71 nsitive cellular energy sensor that monitors energy consumption and down-regulates ATP-consuming proc
72 his uncertainty are conflicting estimates of energy consumption and emission factors, the latter bein
73            Total 24-h energy and nonbeverage energy consumption and energy density (kcal/g) of both b
74 es a mechanistic analysis of CDI in terms of energy consumption and energy efficiencies during the ch
75  THADA as a regulator of the balance between energy consumption and energy storage, which was selecte
76 used for smart window applications to reduce energy consumption and enhance occupant comfort in build
77 The variances associated with estimating the energy consumption and GHG emission intensities of U.S.
78 ions during vehicle use, but often increases energy consumption and GHG emissions during materials an
79 missions during vehicle use but may increase energy consumption and GHG emissions during vehicle prod
80         This paper reviews factors affecting energy consumption and GHG emissions from oil sands extr
81  not provide a unified way forward to reduce energy consumption and GHG.
82 uminum, magnesium, and composites) decreases energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions du
83 uminum, magnesium, and composites) decreases energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions du
84 d life-cycle assessment (LCA) to analyze the energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of
85 odel structure were constructed to calculate energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
86 uced using chemical processes involving high energy consumption and hazardous chemicals.
87             The wireless ECoG system has low energy consumption and high brain spatial resolution, th
88                 We demonstrate blunted brain energy consumption and impaired systemic glucose uptake
89 res with characteristics of easy set-up, low energy consumption and low cost.
90                                      The low energy consumption and modest technical requirements of
91 naccurate surrogates, such as measurement of energy consumption and nutritional risk, to reflect appe
92 ies in contaminated areas may modulate their energy consumption and organic remediation ability.
93             Elucidating the relation between energy consumption and organization remains an important
94 reported data, as a source of information on energy consumption and physical activity, and BMI was ot
95 s the goal of decreasing commercial building energy consumption and pollutant emissions by incentiviz
96 st growth factor 21 (FGF21), that stimulates energy consumption and prevents obesity.
97 nsitive reporter of physiological changes in energy consumption and production.
98  a developmental adaptive response to reduce energy consumption and promote perinatal survival, or to
99 5 participants reported their perceptions of energy consumption and savings for a variety of househol
100  use is more accurate than the perception of energy consumption and savings previously reported.
101                         Further reduction of energy consumption and switching time can be achieved by
102 e on the drying kinetics, proximal analysis, energy consumption and the antioxidant capacity of the o
103    Membrane-based separations can reduce the energy consumption and the CO2 footprint of large-scale
104 rrelated muscle activations--to control both energy consumption and the stiffness component of limb e
105 egulated in the cells to prevent unnecessary energy consumption and to maintain proper distribution o
106 be part of an adaptive response that reduces energy consumption and/or stabilizes brain pH(i).
107 These results suggest a different demand for energy-consumption and production in the different caste
108 al Raman spectrometers, over 95% weight, 65% energy consumption, and 70% cost could be removed throug
109 uestionnaires on appetite, eating behaviors, energy consumption, and dietary macronutrient compositio
110 es have two main effects: increasing overall energy consumption, and encouraging substitution away fr
111  shown to have beneficial effects on health, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions, their
112 behaviors, including eating frequency, early energy consumption, and overnight-fast duration.These re
113 edict system behavior for filament velocity, energy consumption, and robustness.
114 three areas--greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption, and water consumption--under both pr
115  for the per-allele difference); total daily energy consumption: approximately 25 kJ/d (P = 0.03 for
116 stigated the hypothesis that cells with high energy consumption are most susceptible to blue-light-in
117 for analysis is axons, whose size, speed and energy consumption are straightforwardly related.
118                        Energy generation and energy consumption are tightly coupled to neuronal activ
119  and postsynaptic spines is related to their energy consumption, assess which mechanisms normally ens
120 tween energy production (photosynthesis) and energy consumption (assimilation of carbon and nitrogen)
121  opinion article, we suggest that due to the energy consumption associated with the production of ext
122 of neuronal activity, energy generation, and energy consumption at the molecular level.
123 in this research took into consideration the energy consumption at the three main stages of data tran
124 regarding reactor volume, weight of outputs, energy consumption, atmospheric emissions, investment co
125 rgy consumption (0.24 fJ per bit for a total energy consumption below 1.03 J per bit).
126  inhibitory interneurons contribute to brain energy consumption (brain work) is not only of interest
127 ould become an important element in net zero energy consumption buildings of the future.
128 loses light-gated channels and reduces total energy consumption by >75%, but in Drosophila light open
129 skeleton worn on one ankle reduced metabolic energy consumption by 24.2 +/- 7.4% compared to no torqu
130 thms reduce run time by as much as 97.2% and energy consumption by as much as 88.8% relative to Class
131 ropose that the distribution may reflect the energy consumption by different cell types and that the
132                            We estimated cell energy consumption by population doubling time, and cell
133                            Underreporting of energy consumption by self-report is well-recognized, bu
134 asome limits cellular rDNA transcription and energy consumption by targeting the rDNA transcription a
135                                The estimated energy consumption by the flagellar motor switch suggest
136  envelope and, in response to sensing of ATP energy consumption by the VirB/D4 ATPases, undergoes a c
137           This study estimates water-related energy consumption by water source, sector, and process
138 gral part of the MCDI operation, the overall energy consumption can be as low as 0.26 (kW.h)/m(3) of
139 ramming allows us to predict whether and how energy consumption can be minimized throughout the works
140                                              Energy consumption can indeed decrease the dissociation
141                      Second, we introduce an energy-consumption coefficient (CE) defined as energy pe
142                                          The energy-consumption coefficient reveals that swimmers bey
143  societal impacts with respect to pollution, energy consumption, congestion, etc.
144                                              Energy consumption considerations provide a driving forc
145 ically achieve a positive energy balance and energy consumption could be reduced using larger tubing
146                               This increased energy consumption, coupled with decreased energy produc
147  2 d in both conditions, and therefore their energy consumption declined by 389 +/- 72 kcal (14%) in
148                                     Specific energy consumption decreased as temperature increased, s
149 hich postulates that the state of neuroglial energy consumption determines the regional blood flow th
150 load and do therefore not reflect myocardial energy consumption directly.
151 that surpassed national records, exacerbated energy consumption, disrupted agriculture and caused sev
152        Consequently, ubiquitous increases in energy consumption due to climate change will increase t
153 hanism, the fundamental issue of the role of energy consumption, due to ATP-hydrolysis, has remained
154  copper in a closed-loop scenario can reduce energy consumption during material production by up to 4
155 nosheets is presumed to significantly reduce energy consumption during the diffusion process of sodiu
156 nt management strategies for energy cost and energy consumption (e.g., carbon footprint) reduction on
157 y incentive can dramatically reduce electric energy consumption (EEC) in the residential sector and s
158 in large excess relative to current rates of energy consumption, effective conversion of this renewab
159 itrogen species, personal care products, and energy consumption; elucidating the mechanisms behind mi
160 sh consumes approximately 5-17% of the total energy consumption, emphasising that selection to reduce
161           As synaptic transmission dominates energy consumption, energy can be saved by ensuring that
162 role in mediating the tight coupling between energy consumption, energy generation, and neuronal acti
163 le greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fossil energy consumption (FEC) for each bioproduct and its cor
164 vantage because of the significantly reduced energy consumption for activation and regeneration of ad
165 rsonal comfort, and be effective in reducing energy consumption for building heating or cooling with
166 he use of large amounts of solvents and high-energy consumption for cooling.
167      Indeed, the main challenge is to reduce energy consumption for large-scale applications using ef
168 anufacture of conventional bio-alcohols, the energy consumption for the manufacture of water-containi
169 nnaires and analyzed as percentages of total energy consumption from total fat, protein, and carbohyd
170 a and ERRgamma influence major cardiomyocyte energy consumption functions through direct transcriptio
171 urban delivery trucks in terms of life-cycle energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and
172                               In this study, energy consumption, greenhouse gas and noxious emissions
173 e methodological preferences and results for energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and water
174                       Because baseline brain energy consumption has been shown by (13)C magnetic reso
175 a preparation stage for upcoming molting and energy consumption, highly expressed genes were enriched
176 ad occurs when there is sufficient or excess energy consumption; however, this situation does not tri
177   The ACFC system has the lowest operational energy consumption (i.e., 19.2, 8.7, and 3.4 TJ/year at
178 of new cooling technologies could reduce the energy consumption impacts.
179 Globally, E4W amounted to 10.2 EJ of primary energy consumption in 2010, accounting for 1.7%-2.7% of
180  seizures involves activation of nNOS and of energy consumption in affected neurons.
181                        The average estimated energy consumption in Bakken wells using hole diameters
182                           We find that total energy consumption in China was 10 per cent higher in 20
183 bining BOLD and blood flow data to model the energy consumption in cortex, they conclude that the NBR
184                        The average estimated energy consumption in Eagle Ford wells using lateral hol
185 reducing the operating current, voltage, and energy consumption in filamentary-type memristors.
186 th low-temperature formability promise lower energy consumption in manufacture and processing, reduce
187 sued for the aim of high integration and low energy consumption in modern information technology.
188 metabolism reveals a concurrent elevation of energy consumption in neurons of the mushroom body, the
189    NRF-1 functionally regulates mediators of energy consumption in neurons.
190 y factor for PV deployment; meta-analysis of energy consumption in PV system manufacture and deployme
191 e postulation of Moore's Law, the increasing energy consumption in silicon electronics has motivated
192 Energy cost calculations demonstrated higher energy consumption in Tg-R145G fibers compared with Tg-W
193 tionship between functional connectivity and energy consumption in the brain is poorly understood.
194    One of its main issues is the significant energy consumption in the calciner, where the regenerati
195 nvironmental impacts as a result of building energy consumption in the context of green building rati
196 pecific regulation of endpoint stiffness and energy consumption in the context of synergies.
197                                          The energy consumption in the optimized procedure (30min) wa
198 ld potential to lower uncompensated beverage energy consumption in the US population.
199 s that the role of the daily distribution of energy consumption in weight regulation begins in infanc
200        While the current methods demand high energy consumptions in concentrating the omega-3, membra
201 e models helps us understand the benefits of energy consumption, in terms of adjustability of respons
202                    In that case, the overall energy consumption, including grinding, pumping, stirrin
203 We find that while California's total annual energy consumption increased by just 2.6% during the ana
204 ons (CO2, CO and SO2), significantly reduces energy consumption, increases productivity in a single-s
205                                        Brain energy consumption induced by electrical stimulation inc
206  policy designed instead to minimize primary energy consumption instead of CO2 emissions will achieve
207 pper pressure, was performed to minimize the energy consumption involved in the CO2 capture process.
208                 However, most of the brain's energy consumption is devoted to ongoing metabolic activ
209 g, and unstimulated states, 70%-80% of brain energy consumption is devoted to the same glutamate/glut
210 sidering only about one third of the world's energy consumption is effectively utilized for functiona
211 hotoreceptors are highly metabolic and their energy consumption is equivalent to that of a multiplyin
212                                              Energy consumption is minimal because both the grabbed a
213                   Nevertheless, the measured energy consumption is much higher than the thermodynamic
214 lling, a significant fraction of the brain's energy consumption is not directly related to informatio
215                                          The energy consumption is projected to be orders of magnitud
216                                       Global energy consumption is projected to increase, even in the
217  are necessarily dissipative, and continuous energy consumption is required to stabilize the adapted
218 s decreased drastically, while the transport energy consumption is still growing steadily.
219 c stress and because this hormone stimulates energy consumption linked to increased gluconeogenic flu
220 boratory and its potential advantages in low energy consumption, low sludge production, and energy re
221                  The relatively low electric energy consumption (</=0.15 kWh/m(3) biogas) along with
222 h) the cell surface and non-growth-dependent energy consumption (maintenance) are important considera
223 mption, emphasising that selection to reduce energy consumption may drive eye loss.
224 gnificant potential for further reduction in energy consumption may lie in harvesting the high chemic
225 gy in response to low ATP, while turning off energy consumption mediated by mammalian target of rapam
226 ome efficient optical-gain materials for low-energy-consumption nanolasers with the smallest gain med
227 inent functionality for nanometre-scale, low-energy-consumption, non-volatile magnetoelectronics.
228 NO3(-) solution was achieved at 58 LMH, with energy consumption of 0.22 kWh m(-3).
229 h almost complete selectivity to methane and energy consumption of 1.55 Gcal/mol.
230                                        At an energy consumption of 1.88-4.01 kWh m(-3), the hybrid OM
231 % with total selectivity toward CH(4) and an energy consumption of 4.5 Gcal/mol.
232 ent density of 4 kA m(-2) , leading to a low energy consumption of 483 kWh per ton of Cl2 (124 kJ mol
233 es operated in a bipolar mode have a minimum energy consumption of 62 kWh/kg COD, reduced foam format
234 eve a conversion rate of 2.5K samples/s with energy consumption of 8.8 nJ per conversion (1-2 orders
235 COD removal was 12% with the lowest specific energy consumption of 96 kWh kgCOD(-1) at the cell volta
236            However, the excessive weight and energy consumption of a conventional CCD-based Raman spe
237 ter requirements attributable to the process energy consumption of a reuse system can exceed the volu
238                                              Energy consumption of adsorptive separation processes ca
239 rban heat island effect (UHIE) to reduce the energy consumption of air conditioners, benefitting loca
240 le energy function to precisely estimate the energy consumption of AP conduction along axons with dif
241                          We find that annual energy consumption of BEVs can increase by an average of
242 t of individual spikes, then, from the known energy consumption of cortex, I establish how many neuro
243 aluated in terms of the mass balance and the energy consumption of each unit.
244      In addition to the expected decrease in energy consumption of hindlimb postural muscles when sit
245 undreds of identical pulses, achieving a low energy consumption of less than 1 pJ per spike.
246 mploying titanium would significantly reduce energy consumption of mechanical systems such as civilia
247                                     When the energy consumption of Microsoft's cloud computing Office
248            Mitochondria are primary sites of energy consumption of most cells.
249    Consequently, because spikes dominate the energy consumption of our computational models, approxim
250                        Most importantly, the energy consumption of the NH3 abatement and recycling sy
251                                          The energy consumption of the residential and public sectors
252  in the cell voltage, thereby increasing the energy consumption of the system.
253                                         Mean energy consumption of the test meals was significantly l
254 unting for 1.7%-2.7% of total global primary energy consumption, of which 58% pertains to fresh surfa
255  each other, and their long lifetime and low energy consumption, open up a path to fast, parallel, on
256 shing sustainable energy systems by reducing energy consumption, particularly in the buildings and tr
257 taic power generation (PV) to reduce primary energy consumption (PEC) and CO(2) emissions depends on
258 ting waveforms of the axonemes and to higher energy consumption per beat cycle.
259 in CO2 emissions by about 20% were observed, energy consumption per capita decreased, while gross dom
260           Our analyses predict ultralow area energy consumption per switching (~0.03 J/m(2)), approxi
261 ed CO2 capture technologies from overall CO2 energy consumption perspective.
262 al to couple cellular energy metabolism with energy consumption processes in order to maintain normal
263  We also infer that the metabolic rate (i.e. energy consumption rate) of cortical axonal branches as
264 ial roles in organ development and embryonic energy consumption remain unknown.
265 seen a substantial reduction of the specific energy consumption (SEC) in seawater reverse osmosis (RO
266         More importantly, an analysis of the energy consumption shows significant improvements over c
267 hemical industry has the potential to reduce energy consumption significantly relative to conventiona
268 not affect the rate of unwinding but lowered energy consumption slightly, to approximately 4.2 ATPs b
269  vector events that are associated with free energy consumption, such as ATP hydrolysis.
270 CMs) using a method whose simplicity and low energy consumption suggest promise for scale-up and mass
271 ed titanium minerals (Ti-slag) with 60% less energy consumption than conventional methods.
272 ity oven shown higher performances and lower energy consumption than conventional oven.
273  reduced diastolic relaxation, and increased energy consumption, that fully characterizes HCM pathoge
274 cal architectures, the former offering lower energy consumption, the latter superior signal transfer
275                With increasing 24-h beverage energy consumption, the reported frequency of all, snack
276 article filtration process that exhibits low energy consumption, three orders of magnitude lower than
277 s and solvent improvements should reduce the energy consumption to 0.2 megawatt-hour per ton of CO2.
278 tic cells to attenuate protein synthesis and energy consumption to adapt to energy stress.
279 ciens VirB10 couples inner membrane (IM) ATP energy consumption to substrate transfer through the Vir
280 e-storage to allow postponing 92% of all its energy consumption to times of lower electricity prices,
281 maintenance of body temperature and, through energy consumption, to body weight regulation.
282 ate or fat and may facilitate a reduction in energy consumption under ad libitum dietary conditions;
283  rates higher than 2000 degrees C/min and an energy consumption up to 100 times lower than with SPS.
284              A 20% increment in uncalibrated energy consumption was associated with increased diabete
285                                   Calibrated energy consumption was found to be positively related, a
286                                              Energy consumption was proportionate to the increase in
287 and human health impacts from the buildings' energy consumption were calculated.
288 n and age-dependent regulation of growth and energy consumption were identified.
289                        Anaesthetic gases and energy consumption were the largest sources of greenhous
290              Single nutrients (total fat and energy consumption) were not improved by telehealth inte
291 s is currently being developed to reduce the energy consumption when capturing CO2 from coal combusti
292 energy use near stall conditions and greater energy consumption when unloaded, therefore promoting ro
293        Furthermore, the capacity to minimize energy consumption--when available--can be greatly affec
294 ed genes enriched in postmolt were linked to energy consumption whereas genes enriched in intermolt w
295 ccompanied by an equally notable increase in energy consumption, which strongly correlates with socio
296 eural processes will increase the density of energy consumption whilst reducing the space available f
297 t stimulation versus sham, examined cerebral energy consumption with (31)P magnetic resonance spectro
298 read approximately 45% reduction in cerebral energy consumption with anesthesia-induced loss of consc
299  assessing the relationship of fat and total energy consumption with postmenopausal breast cancer.
300                                          The energy consumption within the analogue synapses for each

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