


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 th BD, especially in brain, which has a high-energy requirement.
2 in a substantial net decrease of the overall energy requirement.
3 apacitor hybrid device as a solution to this energy requirement.
4 nificant portion of deviations from expected energy requirements.
5 d combustion efficiency, and decreased laser energy requirements.
6 nd its ability to cope with altered cellular energy requirements.
7 r 4-d food record and adjusted for estimated energy requirements.
8 nto how the corneal epithelium regulates its energy requirements.
9 global markets to satisfy their material and energy requirements.
10 its of agreement for energy intake/estimated energy requirements.
11 nd fuel catabolism during prolonged elevated energy requirements.
12 rdized to provide 50% of the daily estimated energy requirements.
13 y a suitable device configuration and assess energy requirements.
14 tide levels, couples metabolic pathways with energy requirements.
15 e provided and were isocaloric to individual energy requirements.
16 aptation of the left ventricle to changes in energy requirements.
17 al/d), which matched their individual, daily energy requirements.
18 hed food records were within 5% of estimated energy requirements.
19 [2.3 +/- 0.3 MJ; energy restriction (ER)] of energy requirements.
20 rogen purification because of inherently low energy requirements.
21 ocean is a byproduct of microbial carbon and energy requirements.
22 rimary energy source for meeting the heart's energy requirements.
23 counting for 61.6% (2.2%) of estimated daily energy requirements.
24 t self-reported dietary records to estimated energy requirements.
25 carboxylic acid (TCA) cycle to satisfy their energy requirements.
26  scale with size as a result of mass-related energy requirements.
27 ate did not alter ventricular defibrillation energy requirements.
28 nd is dependent solely on glycolysis for its energy requirements.
29  for children is discussed in light of their energy requirements.
30 ailor their metabolic pathways to meet their energy requirements.
31 tility while simultaneously reducing cardiac energy requirements.
32 ess than 50% of their calculated maintenance energy requirements.
33 ir primary and secondary structures and free energy requirements.
34 y expenditure (REE) can be used to determine energy requirements.
35 ome body fat is still available to meet body energy requirements.
36 or by studying lactating mice with increased energy requirements.
37 mounted to 7% and fat provided the remaining energy requirements.
38 signalling fine-tune glycolytic flux to meet energy requirements.
39 hout development to accommodate the animals' energy requirements.
40 ter expression is proportional to the cell's energy requirements.
41  The noninferiority margin was <10% of total energy requirements.
42 es, producing high effluent quality with low energy requirements.
43  compared to abundant small species with low energy requirements.
44 stem to help rapidly growing pups meet their energy requirements.
45 ing limb collision, thereby reducing overall energy requirements.
46  signals with extremely small footprints and energy requirements.
47 , 2.73%), energy intake adjusted for minimum energy requirements (3.86%; 95% CI: 0.06%, 7.96%), total
48 eit with a significantly higher mean (+/-SD) energy requirement (36.6+/-19.8 J vs. 11.1+/-8.5 J).
49 surveyed, energy intake adjusted for minimum energy requirements (-4.49%; 95% CI: -8.77%, -0.15%) and
50  from baseline to sham phase (defibrillation energy requirements 50% = 12 +/- 1 J vs. 13 +/- 1 J, res
51 ly change during hypothermia (defibrillation energy requirements 50% = 14 +/- 2 J vs. 15 +/- 2 J, res
52 kcal, P =.02) or relative to estimated daily energy requirements (66.5% [3.1%] vs 57.0% [2.9%], P =.0
53 ration index (Z(p)=1) at the lowest specific energy requirements (8.92 kJ/kg).
54                                              Energy requirements alone can explain how population den
55  the body and to assess this perturbation on energy requirements, ammoniagenesis, ureagenesis, glucon
56                                 Knowledge of energy requirements among relatively healthy elderly is
57                                          The energy requirement and associated carbon footprint of mi
58 mpact on land, water use, nutrients, albedo, energy requirement and cost, so have fewer disadvantages
59        At baseline, 63% of infants met their energy requirement and most did not receive enough folat
60 sponsiveness of adipose tissue to changes in energy requirements and availability.
61 the effects of hypothermia on defibrillation energy requirements and cardiac electrophysiology.
62 stems to better understand and constrain the energy requirements and costs of these air capture syste
63 he accuracy of calculating variables such as energy requirements and drug and dialysis dosages can be
64                      The effects of aging on energy requirements and energy balance have been studied
65 water, the former consistently underestimate energy requirements and have a high degree of variabilit
66 berty is a time of rapid growth and changing energy requirements and is a risk period for obesity.
67 ce that the ability of mitochondria to sense energy requirements and localize properly within axons i
68                                              Energy requirements and nutrient intakes are commonly es
69 omas because of increased amino acid use for energy requirements and protein synthesis.
70 e proximal tubule that by virtue of the high energy requirements and reliance on aerobic metabolism r
71 e buffering of ATP in cells with fluctuating energy requirements and that has been a paradigm for cla
72     Thus, climate change may reduce time and energy requirements and the chance of mortality or vagra
73 position, will provide useful information on energy requirements and the consequences of inadequate o
74 fer considerably in their food availability, energy requirements and threats, and these differences c
75 t daily energy expenditure (DEE) to estimate energy requirements and to assess subject compliance.
76   GR-LACS may contribute to the provision of energy requirements and to the biosynthesis of steroid p
77 lid foods were provided at 125% of estimated energy requirements and were consumed ad libitum.
78 fects of ambient temperature on total winter energy requirements, and a relatively narrow combination
79 est effects of sex, age, and feeding mode on energy requirements; and 3) to determine physical activi
80               Gallium nitride cradle-to-gate energy requirements are estimated to be similar to silic
81  Changes in gene expression, metabolism, and energy requirements are hallmarks of cancer growth and s
82                                        Basal energy requirements are higher in adolescents with sickl
83 erestimated PAL, new predictive equations of energy requirements are proposed.
84            Currently over 80% of the world's energy requirements are supplied by the combustion of fo
85 in IBB (sIBB) with approximately 70% reduced energy requirement as compared with the classical import
86 high cardioversion efficiency but with lower energy requirements as compared to whole ventricle inter
87            The subjects then consumed 25% of energy requirements as fructose- or glucose-sweetened be
88 n by ETV was accomplished through disfavored energy requirements as well as steric constraints during
89 uits must be able to identify and respond to energy requirements, as well as the amount of energy ava
90  requirement for high levels of iron to meet energy requirements associated with their rapid growth.
91 hought to be critical in supporting neuronal energy requirements at the synapse, and bioenergetic fai
92 akfast consisting of 20% of subject-specific energy requirements between 2 successive scans.
93 minated the difference in weight-maintenance energy requirements between middle-aged sedentary and at
94  met more than 100% of their daily metabolic energy requirements by markedly increasing their feeding
95 batrosses during Levy movements exceed daily energy requirements by nearly fourfold, and approached y
96 stomy in ALS patients who fail to meet their energy requirements by oral intake.
97 riction (25% calorie restriction of baseline energy requirements); calorie restriction with exercise
98                           Some or all of the energy requirements can be satisfied using renewable ene
99 s microalgal biomass with at least 80% lower energy requirement compared to traditional processes.
100  pectoral lead system reduces defibrillation energy requirements compared with a single-coil, unipola
101 restimated and underestimated, respectively, energy requirements compared with those obtained by bica
102 ameters and scale-up effects showed that the energy requirement could be substantially reduced to 0.9
103                         Investigation of the energy requirements demonstrated that the proton motive
104 ers in alpha 2M is a reversible process with energy requirements dependent on the nucleophile.
105 ody's resting metabolic rate (RMR) and daily energy requirements (DER) expressed in glucose-gram equi
106                Studies that examined dietary energy requirements (DERs) of patients undergoing mainte
107 lity increases biphasic shock defibrillation energy requirements (DERs).
108                                              Energy requirements differed by age (P: = 0.001), feedin
109 king to eat (or not) can prevail over actual energy requirements due to emotional disturbances result
110  represent saving of 5-65% of the electrical energy requirements due to the vapor separation process.
111 um falciparum depends on glucose to meet its energy requirements during blood-stage development.
112 bstantial change in the temporal and spatial energy requirements during parasite differentiation.
113                                              Energy requirements during pregnancy remain controversia
114 lculation can be used for male crew members' energy requirements during short space flights.
115 e objectives of this study were 1) to define energy requirements during the first 2 y of life on the
116 ption of glucose or fructose as 25% of daily energy requirements (E) differentially affected plasma a
117        Caloric intake exceeded the estimated energy requirement (EER) for ideal body weight in 1995 b
118 in 2%) approximated TER-CF was the estimated energy requirement (EER) formula at the active level (EE
119 002 Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) estimated energy requirements (EER) noted that DLW studies in adul
120 o undergo conformational changes with little energy requirement (eg, point mutations and post-transla
121                                              Energy requirements equaled the sum of TEE and energy de
122 t zero, low, medium, and high proportions of energy requirements (Ereq) on circulating lipid/lipoprot
123    There is a paucity of data concerning the energy requirements (ERs) of preschool-age children with
124                                          The energy requirements exponentially decay with the number
125 dulates the proton electrochemical potential energy requirement for activation of the chloroplast ATP
126 de, a class III antiarrhythmic agent, on the energy requirement for atrial defibrillation and assesse
127 irements in children with CF against a total energy requirement for children with CF (TER-CF) derived
128  the energy profiles indicates that the free energy requirement for decarboxylation of 2,6-dimethoxyb
129 duced temperature suggests that the elevated energy requirement for DNA unwinding inherent in the wil
130 titution, which may in turn indicate a lower energy requirement for fusion activation.
131 rature than wild-type gB, indicating a lower energy requirement for fusion activation.
132 H2O2 production using PS in an MPPC, and the energy requirement for H2O2 production was low ( approxi
133  lactic acidemia, was observed at the lowest energy requirement for instrumental activities of daily
134  concurrently by GTP hydrolysis but that the energy requirement for lipid mixing exceeds that for tet
135 antitative assessment of energy value versus energy requirement for oxidation of PyOM should yield im
136 ks including hazardous byproducts and a high-energy requirement for regeneration; therefore, research
137 orted here deals with the elucidation of the energy requirement for substrate interaction with Pgp du
138 sults demonstrate for the first time a clear energy requirement for the uptake of a nuclease colicin
139 tion of ATP, excluding the possibility of an energy requirement for this pathway.
140 nd explain the previously identified in vivo energy requirement for urease activation.
141 in weight and body composition is called the energy requirement for weight maintenance and can be det
142 ructose-sweetened beverages providing 25% of energy requirements for 10 weeks.
143 erfeeding was prescribed as 140% of baseline energy requirements for 56 d.
144 viduals may result in the underestimation of energy requirements for a significant percentage of girl
145                                         Free energy requirements for activation are defined with prot
146  on methanol was lower, possibly due to high energy requirements for C(1) assimilation.
147 eft ventricular ejection fraction or minimal energy requirements for defibrillation or pacing.
148 uture RO-PRO systems may reduce the specific energy requirements for desalination by approximately 1
149 er studies are needed to refine estimates of energy requirements for different population groups and
150                            Understanding the energy requirements for each configuration will allow op
151  to what has been observed for collagen, the energy requirements for elastolysis were not extraordina
152 f HN from different paramyxoviruses, varying energy requirements for fusion activation, F activation
153 ng the limits of energy barriers and minimal energy requirements for growth in reactions activated by
154 patients with SLE was similar to the highest energy requirements for instrumental activities of daily
155 tracellular parasites, they have significant energy requirements for invasion and gliding motility th
156                              Weight-specific energy requirements for maintenance and growth changed i
157 hough previous investigators have focused on energy requirements for normal growth, little is known a
158 togenetic delivery characteristics determine energy requirements for optical stimulation and to ident
159 h constitutes a stable arrangement with high energy requirements for substantial structure alteration
160                                          The energy requirements for terminating ischemically induced
161 ture-dependent kinetic studies establish the energy requirements for the fundamental stepping cycle,
162 as made possible by substituting the thermal energy requirements for the growth with plasma decomposi
163                            Thus lowering the energy requirements for the semiconductor synthesis step
164  the gB CTD regulates fusion by altering the energy requirements for the triggering of fusion mediate
165                                          The energy requirements for this expansion are formidable, a
166 ition in children with cystic fibrosis (CF), energy requirements for those children are often set abo
167                         We hypothesized that energy requirements for total daily weight maintenance i
168                                              Energy requirements for weight maintenance decrease with
169 ctuates seasonally in response to changes in energy requirements, foraging patterns and resource avai
170     Individuals did underconsume relative to energy requirements from high-protein diets.
171      We developed equations to predict adult energy requirements from simple anthropometric and labor
172  to water flux decline and increased pumping energy requirements from spacer blockage highlight the s
173 of synaptic vesicle release or whether these energy requirements go unmet in disease, primarily due t
174 tive value even when immediate physiological energy requirements have been met.
175                          Methods to estimate energy requirements have not been devised for this patie
176 just a few larvae can satisfy a crow's daily energy requirements, highlighting the substantial reward
177 glucose infusion at a level adequate to meet energy requirements, hyperinsulinemia induced by a hyper
178 asure total energy expenditure (TEE)-derived energy requirements in a biracial population of older ad
179 d dietary allowances (RDAs) to predict usual energy requirements in adults.
180 Black women had lower resting and nonresting energy requirements in both overweight and normal-weight
181  of growth varied between 1% and 4% of total energy requirements in childhood and adolescence.
182 valuated 6 proposed formulas for calculating energy requirements in children with CF against a total
183 ccurate than the current RDAs for predicting energy requirements in healthy, nonobese adults living i
184 gy buffer, which can bridge local short term energy requirements in the brain.
185 s to bioenergy would meet a large portion of energy requirements in the near future.
186 y expenditure (TEE), which is equal to usual energy requirements in weight-stable individuals.
187 terminant of lower-than-normal TEE, and thus energy requirements, in women with RA.
188 strategies have been developed to reduce the energy requirements, including sequential reactions and
189                                Average daily energy requirements increased by 8% in LS men and by 5%
190                                              Energy requirements increased from 4 MJ/d at 2 y to 11 M
191                     In the normal-BMI group, energy requirements increased negligibly in the first tr
192 subsist on this diet because of low absolute energy requirements, invertebrate feeding appears to be
193 adjust energy intake in response to changing energy requirements is a defining feature of energy home
194  Positioning mitochondria at areas with high energy requirements is an essential solution to this pro
195 o adjust food intake in response to changing energy requirements is essential for survival.
196 s--ensuring that energy availability matches energy requirements--is essential for survival.
197  unique animal model because of an unrivaled energy requirement; its great drive to eat results in fe
198 ents and added to energy intake to calculate energy requirements. kg(-1) . d(-1) calculated from ener
199  to implementation, including economic cost, energy requirements, land use, and water use.
200                 Consistent with their higher energy requirements, males can consume significantly lar
201                                     However, energy requirements may have changed with new treatments
202 n occurs during mitosis to preserve the high energy requirements needed for the dynamic structural ch
203  processes and that such coupling imposes an energy requirement not apparent for any isolated process
204 98% in the 46 patients with a defibrillation energy requirement of >4 J and 67% in the 7 patients wit
205  67% in the 7 patients with a defibrillation energy requirement of <4 J (P=.17).
206  0.001 mol h(-1) m(-2), respectively, and an energy requirement of 0.7 kWh kgCOD(-1) or 0.084 kWh m(-
207   The non-optimized filtration system had an energy requirement of 2.23 kWh/m(3) with an associated c
208 ve than neutral substituents in lowering the energy requirement of [1,3] shifts.
209  and analysis of filament shape indicated an energy requirement of approximately 13 kBT.
210                                          The energy requirement of basal metabolism is influenced by
211 0% efficiency) could contribute to the total energy requirement of several countries, the highest bei
212 for the time lost to feeding and the greater energy requirement of spending more time in flight, by b
213 s was also performed to find out the minimum energy requirement of such a bilayer hydrogel-driven FO
214                                          The energy requirements of 63 women [17 with a low body mass
215 electrode effects the electrical and pumping energy requirements of a FCDI system.
216 er, we determine the process performance and energy requirements of a gas recovery system (GRS) using
217 he goal was to develop equations to estimate energy requirements of ALS patients.
218                                     However, energy requirements of desalination plants account for h
219      This study was designed to estimate the energy requirements of healthy underweight, normal-weigh
220  sedentary and athletic men, suggesting that energy requirements of healthy, middle-aged men are modi
221 atalog may reflect the dynamic role and high energy requirements of hGFs in extracellular matrix remo
222                                    Comparing energy requirements of HS-DAC and MEA-PCC, we find that
223                                    The total energy requirements of infants increased from 1.4 MJ/d a
224 tabolism was subserving the primary role for energy requirements of IPAH cells was provided by the ap
225 o the study of human obesity and maintenance energy requirements of livestock.
226 mate change is raising metabolic demands and energy requirements of marine ectotherms.
227                          To support the high energy requirements of muscle contraction, myogenesis en
228 hese studies suggest that the morphology and energy requirements of neurons make them particularly su
229           The objective was to determine the energy requirements of nonobese men and women in the Com
230 nt insights into the molecular mechanism and energy requirements of NSF.
231                              The protein and energy requirements of patients with chronic renal failu
232 in clinical practice appear to underestimate energy requirements of patients with SBS, and revision i
233         Current DRIs for energy overestimate energy requirements of preschool-age children because of
234 peated transitions, possibly due to the high energy requirements of regulation.
235                                  However, do energy requirements of signaling and nonsignaling compon
236 enditure (TEE), and thus whether the dietary energy requirements of subjects with RA are higher or lo
237           However, little is known about the energy requirements of synaptic vesicle release or wheth
238                        During pregnancy, the energy requirements of the fetus impose changes in mater
239 tion products contribute less to the overall energy requirements of the host.
240   We resolve this paradox by considering the energy requirements of the last universal common ancesto
241 xosamine pathway that is in concert with the energy requirements of the organism.
242                                 The specific energy requirements of the TVS process based on the meas
243 exercise; the specific rate is determined by energy requirements of working muscles, fatty acid deliv
244 ing approximately 70% of the daily estimated energy requirement, of which 60% was either glucose or g
245 y and policymakers to quantify manufacturing energy requirements on a product-output basis.
246                                     Deriving energy requirements on the basis of energy expenditure a
247 cient cells was not attributed to dissimilar energy requirements or to differences in glucose uptake,
248       SSBs were provided at 25% of estimated energy requirement, or an equivalent volume of the aspar
249 cancer cells is limited by ATP and satisfies energy requirements other than ATP production.
250 ed to cDBS, and a corresponding reduction in energy requirements (p < 0.001).
251 16% +/- 16% of the subject's estimated total energy requirements (P = 0.880).
252 -free mass in parallel and resting metabolic energy requirements per mass remained constant during st
253 by comparing reported intakes with predicted energy requirements (pERs).
254 ation between TEE by using DLW and estimated energy requirements predicted from DRI equations (Pearso
255         Glucose infusion adequate to provide energy requirements resulted in a modest increase in blo
256 zation, length of axonal processes, and high-energy requirements (reviewed in [3]).
257 t and lactating women with asymptomatic HIV, energy requirements should approximate recommendations f
258 uring adolescence, pregnancy, and lactation, energy requirements should be based on TDEE plus the add
259 ed for weight or fat-free mass and fat mass, energy requirements still differed by feeding group but
260 alize GNPDA selectively to tissues with high energy requirements such as the apical zone of transport
261  that corresponds to its bill morphology and energy requirements, supporting the hypothesis that feed
262 day, amounting to 58% +/- 39% of daily total energy requirements (TER).
263 ck women had lower body composition-adjusted energy requirements than did white women-both before and
264  energy intakes >/= 500 kcal below Estimated Energy Requirements than for vegetarians who did not res
265 drate availability, and presumably a greater energy requirement, than G1 and G2.
266 the proportion of the standardized estimated energy requirement that was delivered as enteral nutriti
267 elivery rate approximately 100% in excess of energy requirements, the following lipid parameters were
268                     MPES reduces the overall energy requirements thereby greatly expanding the range
269 ding EI was estimated as the sum of baseline energy requirements, thermic effect of food, and DeltaES
270 s supply the host with the majority of their energy requirements through the translocation of photosy
271 iets offered contained 125% of the estimated energy requirement to allow self-selection of food quant
272 of natural selection, which relate metabolic energy requirements to information gain under optimal co
273     The model is used to forecast electrical energy requirements to scale up the PV industry and dete
274 richia coli Lon exhibits a varying degree of energy requirement toward hydrolysis of different substr
275                            The DRI-predicted energy requirements underestimated measured TEE by ~120
276                               Defibrillation energy requirement values at 20%, 50%, and 80% were dete
277     In the hypothermia group, defibrillation energy requirement values at baseline did not significan
278                Similarly, the defibrillation energy requirement values in the control group did not c
279 l defibrillation at twice the defibrillation energy requirement was 98% in the 46 patients with a def
280                                          The energy requirement was determined and correlated to the
281 d four different overfeeding diets with 200% energy requirements was measured in a metabolic chamber
282 he reduced selectivity and increased pumping energy requirements we observe in PRO will significantly
283                                        Total energy requirements were 2.23, 2.59, 2.97, 3.38, 3.72, a
284                                      Thermal energy requirements were 2646 and 1357 kJ/kg, whereas el
285                                              Energy requirements were approximately 80% of current re
286                                    Estimated energy requirements were calculated using Institute of M
287 ient study and 1 outpatient study), baseline energy requirements were determined by a doubly labeled
288                                    Predicted energy requirements were determined by using the Escott-
289                           Weight-maintenance energy requirements were determined during weight stabil
290                                              Energy requirements were determined for 217 healthy, wei
291                                        Total energy requirements were estimated from doubly labeled w
292                         The lowest threshold energy requirements were found in Tip-->right ventricula
293                    Values for defibrillation energy requirements were measured at baseline (normother
294 the metabolic index (MI) ratio (REE/expected energy requirements) were calculated.
295  117% +/- 12%, and 102% +/- 15% of estimated energy requirements when subjects consumed the fructose-
296               Individuals forage until their energy requirements, which are determined by their body
297 es far less than their estimated maintenance energy requirements, which may contribute to an increase
298  balance (control) and overfeeding by 50% of energy requirements with fat (O(fat)) or predominantly w
299 the individual-level prediction of estimated energy requirements with the measured value of total ene
300 al empirically derived formulas to calculate energy requirements, yet the validity of these formulas

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