


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uctures attainable transiently during normal energy transduction.
2 s, thus, unlikely to affect its functions in energy transduction.
3  receptors as being essential for productive energy transduction.
4 that describe a mechanism for TonB-dependent energy transduction.
5 upport the physical interactions involved in energy transduction.
6 s are electron transfer proteins involved in energy transduction.
7 al may optimize and regulate electron-proton energy transduction.
8  activity, response to receptor binding, and energy transduction.
9  catalyze TonB conformational changes during energy transduction.
10 endent on the proton-motive force due to the energy transduction.
11 are but they are essential for catalysis and energy transduction.
12 n in photosynthetic and respiratory membrane energy transduction.
13 e factors that influence quinone function in energy transduction.
14 ay essential roles, especially in biological energy transduction.
15  fundamental reactions in primary biological energy transduction.
16 its force, sliding distance, and its rate of energy transduction.
17 r membranes, presumably during the course of energy transduction.
18  in terms of regulation of the efficiency of energy transduction.
19 t both the light-harvesting and light-driven energy transduction activities necessary for the cells t
20                          The key element for energy transduction and a major unresolved question comm
21 nents of a core metabolic pathway central to energy transduction and amino acid, sugar, nucleotide an
22 nsmembrane domains which may be required for energy transduction and cation transport.
23 mes involved in primary metabolism including energy transduction and deoxynucleotide production catal
24 ed to ascertain its role in the mechanism of energy transduction and force generation.
25 undreds of redox reactions essential for the energy transduction and metabolism in all living cells.
26 essively uncouples the MIM thereby affecting energy transduction and mitochondrial biogenesis.
27 sengage from the cytoplasmic membrane during energy transduction and shuttle to the outer membrane.
28                      These studies elucidate energy transduction and suggest how mutations of betaS1
29 ng an essential yet neglected aspect of free energy transduction and suggesting the potential general
30 w evaluates extant data on the mechanisms of energy transduction and superoxide production by complex
31 e important implications on the mechanism of energy transduction and the power stroke driving transpo
32 the functions of the cells, i.e., signaling, energy transduction, and physiological adaptation.
33 al functions, including microbial virulence, energy transduction, and protection against solar radiat
34 ude transcription regulation, cell division, energy transduction, and several biosynthetic pathways.
35                                              Energy transduction appears to occur through activator c
36 findings for the mechanism of TonB-dependent energy transduction are discussed.
37 or the outer and cytoplasmic membrane during energy transduction, are incorporated with previous obse
38 lex organelle that serves essential roles in energy transduction, ATP production, and a myriad of cel
39 de segment provides a functional linkage for energy transduction between phosphorylation and cation b
40 the bacterial TonB-box, which is involved in energy transduction between the inner and outer bacteria
41 ions during its catalytic cycle that mediate energy transduction between the phosphorylation and cati
42 the proton translocation channel in F(0) for energy transduction between the two subdomains.
43  involved in, among other things, signaling, energy transduction, biosynthesis, and the regulation of
44 one site in this region were found to affect energy transduction but did not appear to greatly alter
45  these results for the mechanism of the free energy transduction by the DnaB helicase is discussed.
46 the important role of entropic mechanisms in energy transduction by this enzyme.
47 foundation for a future in-depth analysis of energy transduction by topoisomerase II, for guiding and
48 BCD system function did not require the TonB energy transduction complex.
49 lyze ATP and bind actin (catalytic), conduct energy transduction (converter), and transport the load
50 d by cross-linking occurred at a step in the energy transduction cycle distinct from the coupling of
51 ic cluster can form in the first half of the energy transduction cycle, before release of conformatio
52 suggest a distinct role for ExbD in the TonB energy transduction cycle.
53 etween membranes, and, at some stages in the energy-transduction cycle, is associated with either the
54  conserved domain of ArsA and homologs is an energy transduction domain involved in transmission of t
55 ns of ATP binding and phosphorylation in the energy transduction domain, and a transport domain consi
56 ial genes involved in multiple mitochondrial energy-transduction/energy-production pathways, increase
57 TonB conformation also changes following the energy transduction event.
58   As a complement to the aforementioned, the energy transduction features of 1a*2 were combined with
59 in macromolecules of different architecture, energy transduction from the polymer backbone to a porph
60 n has three tonB genes encoding proteins for energy transduction functions needed for the active tran
61 OxPhos-DLBCLs display enhanced mitochondrial energy transduction, greater incorporation of nutrient-d
62 ysis cycle may be crucial to mechanochemical energy transduction in ABC transporters.
63 eter for the mechanism of the enzyme and for energy transduction in cells.
64 rovide a possible coupling mechanism for the energy transduction in complex I.
65 ide further experimental investigations into energy transduction in dynein.
66 r microelectronics, where they perform vital energy transduction in filters and power converters.
67                  Understanding the nature of energy transduction in life processes requires a quantit
68 cytochrome (cyt) bc(1) complex is central to energy transduction in many species.
69 eak the electron transport chain and inhibit energy transduction in mitochondria.
70 rochemical proton gradients are the basis of energy transduction in modern cells, and may have played
71 sembly nor for respiratory or photosynthetic energy transduction in R. capsulatus.
72  genes and indicated that SrrAB may regulate energy transduction in response to changes in oxygen ava
73 plays an important role in the regulation of energy transduction in response to changes in oxygen ava
74 genes involved in mitochondrial dynamics and energy transduction in the adult heart.
75 on, forming the rotor portion of the site of energy transduction in the flagellar motor.
76 ase, we have begun to dissect the process of energy transduction in the thermosome, a type II chapero
77 hese observations support a dynamic model of energy transduction in which TonB cycles through a set o
78 from the beginnings of modern bioenergetics, energy transduction, in 1961.
79 downstream targets included in mitochondrial energy transduction, including fatty acid oxidation.
80 smitted from TonB to the transporter and how energy transduction initiates transport.
81 r their multifunctional roles in metabolism, energy transduction, ion transport, inheritance, signali
82                             We conclude that energy transduction is coordinated by multiple distal si
83 results indicated that the role of ExbB/D in energy transduction is to bring TonB that has reached th
84                  While ExbB is essential for energy transduction, its role is not well understood.
85               At the heart of photosynthetic energy transduction lie processes involving ultrafast en
86 xidase (CcO) are fundamental elements of the energy transduction machinery in biological systems.
87 rial genome and drives the expression of the energy transduction machinery.
88 ing that it is an essential part of the core energy transduction machinery.
89                               Studies of its energy transduction mechanism are hindered by the extrem
90      It is postulated that an element of the energy transduction mechanism is the movement of protons
91                             This involves an energy transduction mechanism made possible by a complex
92 ic glutamate residue that is involved in the energy transduction mechanism of a viral DNA packaging m
93 rylated at His-219 is an intermediate in the energy transduction mechanism of NAPRTase.
94 rovides vital information for unraveling the energy transduction mechanism of prestin.
95  nitrogenase have broad implications for the energy transduction mechanism of related multiprotein co
96 mplex have broad implications for signal and energy transduction mechanisms in multiprotein complexes
97 ues whose roles in nucleotide hydrolysis and energy transduction might appear to be obvious from the
98 on to their well-known functions in cellular energy transduction, mitochondria play an important role
99 orce generating conformational change in the energy transduction of muscle.
100 al-65 or the area around it is important for energy transduction of the coupling site 1.
101  these results for the mechanism of the free energy transduction of the DnaB helicase is discussed.
102 nserved ATP-sensitive tryptophan (AST) is an energy transduction optical sensor signaling transductio
103 units, our analysis suggests a more extended energy transduction pathway in which ligand-induced beta
104  not involved with any previously considered energy transduction pathway.
105 entifies cleavage points that lie within the energy transduction pathway.
106       Mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and energy transduction pathways are critical for skeletal a
107 The expression of genes involved in multiple energy transduction pathways is dynamically regulated in
108 onditions, may play an important role in the energy transduction process.
109    Here, we present some general features of energy transduction processes, including arguments that
110 ination of structures for proteins mediating energy transduction processes.
111  providing the basis for light-capturing and energy-transduction processes of photosynthesis.
112 sts that bidirectional motility is an active energy-transduction property of dynein-dynactin motor me
113 found upregulation of the genes encoding the energy transduction proteins F(1)F(o) ATP synthase and c
114 y to catalyze a stoichiometric and efficient energy transduction reaction.
115 e factors that determine quinone function in energy transduction remain unclear.
116 ion serves a critical role as a platform for energy transduction, signaling, and cell death pathways
117 f the Q toward the membrane is coupled to an energy transduction step that could thermodynamically dr
118 ExbD proteins are part of the TonB-dependent energy transduction system and are encoded by the exb op
119 , auxiliary components of the TonB-dependent energy transduction system are broadly conserved in memb
120                           The TonB-dependent energy transduction system couples cytoplasmic membrane
121                           This high-capacity energy transduction system is the result of a remarkable
122 Escherichia coli requires the TonB-dependent energy transduction system.
123  mutations of proteins in the TonB-dependent energy transduction system.
124 or/cyanuric acid hydrogen bonding motif into energy transduction systems 1a*2 or 1b*2.
125 e as electron input units for membrane-based energy transduction systems of certain late evolving arc
126 ographic coordinates and aided by a model of energy transduction that pivots at Gly699 to change prob
127       We present a novel method for magnetic energy transduction that utilizes ferromagnetic islands
128   Therefore, with regard to the mechanism of energy transduction, the transhydrogenase works accordin
129               Another was a recalibration of energy transduction through apparent reductions in mitoc
130  which are hypothesized to form the basis of energy transduction through direct contact with the tran
131 asmic domain of TonB and the TonB box allows energy transduction to occur from the cytoplasmic membra
132 finity transport of iron substrates requires energy transduction to specific outer membrane receptors
133 ient light absorption by GNPs and subsequent energy transduction to the polymeric chains can be used
134 ve arrangement of genes encoding enzymes for energy transduction, together with inferred cellular loc
135 In an effort to understand this mechanism of energy transduction, we have used pre-steady-state metho
136 sion of most genes involved in mitochondrial energy transduction were not significantly changed in th
137 rticle integrates the chemiosmotic theory of energy transduction with the methods of quantum statisti
138 sducer, appears to go through a cycle during energy transduction, with the absence of both ExbB and E

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