


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onize I. scapularis and multiply during tick engorgement.
2  the arthropod salivary glands during vector engorgement.
3 ify vaccine candidates that can alter vector engorgement.
4  them according to sex, stage, and degree of engorgement.
5 within unfed ticks and then repressed during engorgement.
6 ment was determined from the scutal index of engorgement.
7 cinus females during early and late phase of engorgement.
8 uggesting that deinocrotonids fed rapidly to engorgement and had multiple gonotrophic cycles.
9 -immune guinea pigs, despite incomplete tick engorgement and host attachment.
10                             Two had abnormal engorgement and intense enhancement of the choroid plexu
11 -regulated by B. burgdorferi in ticks during engorgement and is a vaccine candidate in phase III clin
12 and tick modulation of host immunity affects engorgement and pathogen transmission.
13 at bbk32 and bbk50 are expressed during tick engorgement and that BBK32 antisera can interfere with s
14  the Bagel Sign potentially represent venous engorgement and/or acute blood products within the spina
15          Ticks were identified, measured for engorgement, and assayed by polymerase chain reaction (P
16       Tick identification and measurement of engorgement can be used to identify a small, high-risk s
17 he midgut and salivary glands undergo during engorgement, challenge the conventional viewpoint that d
18  proteins injected into the host during tick engorgement could prevent numerous infectious diseases.
19 ete infestation and decreased in response to engorgement, events that are temporally linked to B. bur
20 f unfed ticks and multiplied during the tick engorgement; however, unlike wild-type B. burgdorferi, t
21 sights into the role of macrophage lysosomal engorgement in compromising host defense against mycobac
22                                         Tick engorgement index (TEI), ratio of body length to scutal
23                                         Tick engorgement indices, measured on the biting ticks, were
24 structural examination of the lesions showed engorgement of blood vessels and a dermal infiltrate com
25 ssive enlargement of the liver, owing to the engorgement of hepatocytes with cholesterol and triglyce
26 eated eyes, including vitreous membranes and engorgement of iris vessels at day 25.
27 to secrete full-length amelogenin leading to engorgement of the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi apparatus
28 llections, enhancement of the pachymeninges, engorgement of venous structures, pituitary hyperemia, a
29             Acquired resistance impairs tick engorgement, ova production, and viability.
30  may be, at least in part, related to venous engorgement that will contribute toward portal hypertens
31                                    Increased engorgement weights were noted for ticks fed on immunode
32 , as demonstrated by a 50-70% decline in the engorgement weights.
33 the hypoxic study, cerebral and retinal vein engorgement were correlated, and rose as the combined co
34 rom actin microfilaments (F-actin) and their engorgement with microtubules (MTs) that splay from the

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