


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sponses to standard-of-care chemotherapy and enoxacin.
2 corrected by exposure to the fluoroquinolone enoxacin.
3 o identify PIWIL3 as a mechanistic target of enoxacin.
4 tin was altered in cells treated with 50 muM enoxacin.
5 roquinolones norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and enoxacin.
6  in the presence of gyrase and the quinolone enoxacin.
7                                              Enoxacin (50 muM) did not induce apoptosis as measured b
8 orption is red-shifted (lambdamax 670 nm for enoxacin, 700 nm for ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin).
9                                              Enoxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, was identified a
10                         We hypothesized that enoxacin acts directly and specifically on osteoclasts b
11 ily subcutaneous injections of enoxacin, bis-enoxacin, alendronate, or doxycycline were administered
12 ctam (ampicillin and penicillin), quinolone (enoxacin), aminoglycoside (kanamycin and neomycin), and
13 ingly, the bone-targeted antiresorptives bis-enoxacin and alendronate inhibited increases in oxidativ
14 d characterizing stable ternary complexes of enoxacin and CcdB protein with gyrase bound to a strong
15                    Three differences between enoxacin- and CcdB-derived complexes were discovered.
16  2) Complexes that produce DNA cleavage with enoxacin are reversible, whereas similar complexes made
17 a bisphosphonate derivative of enoxacin, bis-enoxacin (BE), which was previously studied as a bone-di
18                              However, unlike enoxacin, BE stimulated caspase-3 activity.
19                                           1) Enoxacin binds to the DNA active site and alters the bre
20 thesized that a bisphosphonate derivative of enoxacin, bis-enoxacin (BE), which was previously studie
21             Daily subcutaneous injections of enoxacin, bis-enoxacin, alendronate, or doxycycline were
22 ified and in vitro testing demonstrated that enoxacin blocked binding between purified B2 and microfi
23 he pulse (lambdamax 520, 610, and 620 nm for enoxacin, ciprofloxacin, and norfloxacin, respectively).
24                           Our data show that enoxacin directly inhibits osteoclast formation without
25                                              Enoxacin dose dependently reduced the number of osteocla
26             Consistent with this hypothesis, enoxacin dose-dependently reduced the number of multinuc
27 tumor cells were subjected to treatment with enoxacin, doxorubicin, or both drugs.
28                                              Enoxacin has been identified as a small molecule inhibit
29 hanisms can be explained by a model in which enoxacin induces formation of a novel "cleavable" comple
30                                              Enoxacin inhibited osteoclast formation at concentration
31                                              Enoxacin inhibits binding between the B-subunit of vacuo
32                                  In summary, enoxacin is a novel small molecule inhibitor of osteocla
33                                              Enoxacin is a small molecule that stimulates RNA interfe
34 nhancing DICER activity by a small molecule, enoxacin, is beneficial for neuromuscular function in tw
35   BE shared a number of characteristics with enoxacin: It blocked binding between the recombinant B-s
36                                              Enoxacin, kanamycin, neomycin, and tetracycline show syn
37 NAi pathway and find that the small-molecule enoxacin (Penetrex) enhances siRNA-mediated mRNA degrada
38                               Treatment with enoxacin reduced the association of V-ATPase subunits wi
39                                           3) Enoxacin stimulates cleavage of both relaxed and superco
40           Here, we used alkenox, a clickable enoxacin surrogate, coupled with quantitative mass spect
41                 Flow cytometry revealed that enoxacin treatment favored the expression of high levels
42               Quantitative PCR revealed that enoxacin triggered significant reductions in several ost
43                                      BE, bis-enoxacin; V-ATPase, vacuolar H(+)-ATPase; TRAP, tartrate
44                                  Conversely, enoxacin, which enhances miRNA maturation by stimulating
45                                          Bis-enoxacin, which has both antiresorptive and antibiotic a

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