


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dual particle method, whereas HTDMA sees the ensemble average.
2 y a small number of enzymes, rather than the ensemble average.
3 ed when individual particle compositions are ensemble averaged.
4 le forcing solution investigations to report ensemble averages.
5 h time series of individual trajectories and ensemble averages.
6 generate detectable signals that are usually ensemble-averaged.
7 ehavior of biological systems, unobscured by ensemble averaging.
8 s of individual DHODA molecules, eliminating ensemble averaging.
9 known to avoid the ambiguities introduced by ensemble averaging.
10 h studies, leveraging their ability to avoid ensemble averaging.
11  higher skill than forecasts based solely on ensemble averaging.
12 lecules to physical observables, unmasked by ensemble averaging.
13  of individual wires is difficult because of ensemble averaging.
14 liquids and biological systems unobscured by ensemble averaging.
15 dth are shown to be considerably affected by ensemble averaging.
16 eal properties of the exciton states without ensemble averaging.
17 geneous ensemble are difficult to probe with ensemble averaging.
18 dentified in macroscopic measurements due to ensemble averaging.
19                                          The ensemble averages accounted for the experimental data mu
20 s are hardly ever accessible through bulk or ensemble averaged activity screening, insights into the
21 ity distribution' to summarize statistics of ensemble averaged amino acid propensity values.
22  with the structural changes revealed by the ensemble-averaged analysis of dry samples.
23 ie these transformations is often limited to ensemble-averaging analytical techniques.
24  the PVP waveform from the same waveform via ensemble averaging and calibrate it to the brachial BP l
25                      Despite these insights, ensemble-averaging approaches have not determined the pr
26  opposite; and 3) the transition state dimer ensemble averages approximately 40% helical.
27 extensive molecular dynamics simulations and ensemble averaging are required to reproduce the observe
28             For the single-cycle system, the ensemble average behavior follows the ultrasensitive res
29 imulation length, by the independence of the ensemble-averaged Boltzmann factors to simulation length
30 ional changes in that structure, both at the ensemble-average (bulk) and at the single molecule level
31  bulk techniques that generate time and cell ensemble averages, but cannot capture cell-to-cell varia
32 he power stroke of motors can be analyzed by ensemble averaging, but this obscures infrequent subcate
33 here cadherin molecules were less rigid, the ensemble-average cadherin diffusion coefficient was syst
34 ed sequence prediction algorithm and a novel ensemble averaging calculation, we generate a diverse co
35 nformation that otherwise would be hidden in ensemble averaging can be obtained.
36               This finding demonstrates that ensemble averaging can disguise the presence of multiple
37 nd to be only effective at approximating the ensemble averaged cell number density when mechanical in
38 vity of single zeolite catalyst particles by ensemble-averaging characterization methods.
39  the underlying ensembles giving rise to the ensemble-averaged chemical shifts.
40 (nn) and long-range (lr) components from the ensemble-average cooperativity, omegaave.
41                                              Ensemble-average coordinates from REMD served as a scori
42  Jarzynski equality evaluated from the ideal ensemble average could, in principle, depend on the redu
43  depolarized potential, yielding a transient ensemble average current with a rapid decay (tau, approx
44         beta-adrenergic stimulation enhanced ensemble-averaged current (from 0.18 +/- 0.01 to 0.75 +/
45        alpha 1-adrenergic activation reduced ensemble-averaged current (from 0.75 +/- 0.04 to 0.41 +/
46               During control conditions, the ensemble-averaged current amplitude was 0.18 +/- 0.01 pA
47 ast, with barium ions permeating the channel ensemble-averaged currents displayed only a single, slow
48 alpha 1-adrenergic activation also inhibited ensemble-averaged currents stimulated by a low concentra
49  an implicit basis to interpret experimental ensemble-averaged data.
50 e open channel persistence length, i.e., the ensemble average distance from a channel opening to the
51 n times tau(c), the r(-6)-weighted, time and ensemble-averaged distance between the spin label and 30
52 f structures, the dRMS deviation between the ensemble-averaged distance matrix and any given referenc
53                                      Similar ensemble averages done at different forces showed that t
54 g affected by the heterogeneous processes of ensemble-averaged dynamics.
55  molecular dynamics simulations to calculate ensemble-averaged electric fields in solvents and in rib
56 nt NMR diffusion measurements, which provide ensemble-averaged estimates of the radius of gyration an
57 nhanced REPs are narrow in comparison to the ensemble-averaged excitation profiles due to a reduction
58 on folded), a measurable quantity by routine ensemble-averaged experimental techniques at dilute prot
59 , if not impossible, to characterize them by ensemble-averaged experiments or by single-channel recor
60  or stretched-exponential ET dynamics in the ensemble-averaged experiments, often associated with dyn
61 , which are essentially indistinguishable in ensemble-averaged experiments, were determined separatel
62 gle-molecule studies but not by conventional ensemble-averaged experiments.
63 olecule photon-stamping technique as well as ensemble-averaged femtosecond transient absorption spect
64                           In particular, the ensemble-average fluorescence intensity decay for the do
65 r, we discuss two theoretical models for the ensemble-average fluorescence intensity decay of the don
66                                              Ensemble averaging for each event category revealed that
67 bundance of each state and substate, and the ensemble average free energy of the transition between n
68                                          The ensemble averaged global structure of this 12-mer peptid
69 stablish a protocol for determination of the ensemble-averaged global solution structure and mechanic
70  genome structures, either deconvoluted from ensemble-averaged Hi-C data or from a collection of sing
71 ells poses a great challenge to interpreting ensemble-averaged Hi-C data, particularly for long-range
72                             Using correlated ensemble-averaged high-throughput X-ray absorption spect
73 he mechanism of translation is challenged by ensemble averaging in bulk solutions.
74 number of lineage markers and the effects of ensemble averaging in conventional transcriptome analysi
75 overcome the complications of asynchrony and ensemble-averaging in bulk-phase measurements, provide m
76 els in inside-out macropatches increased the ensemble-averaged INa by 32.5 +/- 6.8 % (n = 8, P < 0.05
77 transient nature of complexes formed and the ensemble averaging inherent to most biochemical work.
78                                              Ensemble-averaged intramolecular fluorescent resonance e
79                                          The ensemble averages involved in traditional bulk calorimet
80 behavior that is not well represented in the ensemble average is readily observed.
81  of vibrational frequencies hidden under the ensemble average is revealed by examining the single-mol
82                                  The role of ensemble averaging is further explored in realistic dist
83              Temperature is a measure of the ensemble average kinetic molecular energy of all solutio
84                      Upon depolarization the ensemble-averaged LCC current decayed with a fast and a
85          This ultimate method for unraveling ensemble averages leads to the observation of new effect
86 inuous-flow fluorescence measurements at the ensemble-averaged level.
87 respondence is found between the calculated (ensemble-averaged) location of water molecules and the w
88                                              Ensemble-averaged MD simulations of the L29F mutant of m
89 d memory parameter estimates, as well as the ensemble average mean square displacement reveal subdiff
90                                          The ensemble-averaged mean square displacement (MSD) exhibit
91                           The time-dependent ensemble-averaged mean-squared displacements of all of t
92 rize and analyze such complex dynamics in an ensemble-averaged measurement, especially when the enzym
93 avior that would otherwise be obscured in an ensemble-averaged measurement.
94 cules which would normally be obscured in an ensemble-averaged measurement.
95 emomechanical coupling is primarily based on ensemble average measurements in solution and muscle fib
96 ions for experiments which find structure in ensemble-averaged measurements.
97 ty in powders can reveal information lost in ensemble-averaged measurements.
98                                 As time- and ensemble-averaged measures, NMR observables contain info
99                                 Conventional ensemble averaging methods used to probe sPLA2 activity
100 ocess which would be difficult to observe by ensemble-averaged methods.
101                         Upon repolarization, ensemble-averaged mI(Kr) showed slow deactivation with a
102      Also, the superiority of the multimodel ensemble average (MM) to any 1 individual model, already
103                                              Ensemble average monolayer properties calculated from si
104 % highest values of MSD and viscosity to the ensemble-averaged MSD and viscosity.
105 rated solution of the longest molecules, the ensemble-averaged MSD increases linearly with time at al
106 ccounts for both noise in the data and their ensemble-averaged nature.
107 r side-chain flaws by taking into account an ensemble average of chemical shifts over all of the conf
108 for the observed binding constant Kobs as an ensemble average of Ki.
109  because the experimental observables are an ensemble average of many rapidly exchanging states.
110 roduced well for the historical period by an ensemble average of multiple general circulation models
111  layer at the surface of the protein, and an ensemble average of scattering from a variety of appropr
112                                          The ensemble average of single channel currents at Vj = 50 m
113                                          The ensemble average of the computed transport properties ov
114 ataset and proposed a metamethod based on an ensemble average of the individual methods, leading to a
115 udies, the x-ray techniques only provided an ensemble average of the structural information from all
116 d across the microtubule tip (kon,MT), is an ensemble average of the varying individual protofilament
117 amp experiments directly demonstrate that an ensemble average of ubiquitin unfolding events is well d
118 are manifested in single sweep cycles and in ensemble averages of such cycles and (b) to examine quan
119                                              Ensemble averages of the open probability (p(open)) of s
120                                     Although ensemble averages of the single-molecule data show agree
121 From such long-lasting recordings, we obtain ensemble averages of unfolding step sizes and rates that
122 ein dynamics minus ambiguities introduced by ensemble averages of unsynchronized protein movement or
123                  Automated LIFDI facilitates ensemble averaging of hundreds of Fourier transform ion
124                               Bayesian-based ensemble averaging of multiple models provides new sourc
125 ncreases the complexity of a system, whereas ensemble averaging of signals often suffers from backgro
126 he resolution of this approach is limited by ensemble averaging of structurally heterogeneous subpopu
127 e, however, remains poorly understood due to ensemble averaging of the current approaches.
128                                          The ensemble-averaging of current responses required for con
129                                              Ensemble-averaging of nonaxisymmetrical, deformed struct
130 ul since traditional techniques measure only ensemble average oligomer properties.
131                                              Ensemble-averaged optical properties of plasmonic polyme
132 n of the transporter that might be masked by ensemble averaging or suppressed under crystallographic
133 tained by electron microscopy, which involve ensemble averaging or very different sample preparation
134 rom sparsely labeled F-actin are compared to ensemble-averaged orientation data from similarly prepar
135  larger orientational fluctuations while the ensemble-averaged orientation is compatible with the ori
136 significantly greater than that predicted by ensemble averaging over many animals.
137 or nanocrystal quantum dots were obscured by ensemble averaging over their inherent inhomogeneities.
138 ors ranging from 4 to 248 cm(3)), which were ensemble-averaged over the same intensity scale.
139 urprisingly does not significantly alter the ensemble-average particle diffusion rate.
140 of all the fibers examined recapitulates the ensemble-averaged patterns obtained from population stud
141                                              Ensemble-averaged probability density functions and powe
142 rize with traditional structural methods and ensemble-averaged probes.
143 d to solve CAFBA efficiently and propose an "ensemble averaging" procedure to account for unknown pro
144                           In particular, the ensemble average projects that a global warming of 2 deg
145 res not only the in-situ characterization of ensemble averaged properties but also probing the dynami
146 positional heterogeneities can severely skew ensemble-average proteoliposome measurements but also en
147 trates and products revealed a reaction with ensemble average rate constants of 170 and 470 s(-1) at
148                                          The ensemble averaged rate constants for this conformation c
149 e states because they typically only provide ensemble averages rather than information about individu
150                                          The ensemble-average ratio of the lengths of the long and sh
151 P waves recorded with carotid catheters were ensemble averaged relative to the R-peaks of the electro
152 ed by comparison of the NOEs calculated from ensemble-averaged relaxation matrices with the experimen
153  using J couplings through hydrogen bonds as ensemble-averaged restraints in molecular dynamics simul
154      However, previous studies have reported ensemble-averaged results that cannot distinguish the im
155 ogeneity of the individual trajectories, the ensemble averaging revealed an order to the unfolding pr
156 d patterns, observed in flame fronts and the ensembled average shape of the diffusion-limited aggrega
157 measuring platform, while noise reduction by ensemble averaging simultaneously lowers the background
158                                  By removing ensemble averaging, single-molecule methods provide uniq
159 or monitoring the allosteric response of the ensemble-averaged solution structure of Hb.
160  using the chemical mass balance method with ensemble-averaged source impact profiles.
161 ly difficult to be directly characterized by ensemble-averaged spectroscopic imaging or only by singl
162 e classical analogue of Rabi oscillations in ensemble-averaged spins of a ferromagnet.
163 e use of molecular dynamics simulations with ensemble-averaged structural restraints derived from nuc
164 ons in which Phi and Psi values were used as ensemble-averaged structural restraints to determine an
165  PRE data we are able to determine a <r(-6)> ensemble average structure of the minor apo species and
166  atoms for the crystal structures and in the ensemble average structures calculated from the simulati
167                      Beyond the conventional ensemble-averaged studies, real-time single-molecule app
168 erase or exonuclease domain and, contrary to ensemble-averaged studies, we find that stable exonuclea
169                                     Adaptive ensemble average subtraction has been developed to remov
170 ion of states that are otherwise obscured by ensemble averaging, such as those resulting from heterog
171                                          The ensemble-averaged surface-enhanced REPs are measured for
172 to be intricate and beyond the resolution of ensemble-average techniques, such as circular dichroism,
173 l surface sites, information that is lost in ensemble-averaged techniques.
174 ng to study the dynamics of the replisome by ensemble-averaging techniques.
175 ults are rationalized by calculations of the ensemble averaged time constants.
176                                              Ensemble-averaged time-resolved fluorescence experiments
177 ingle-molecule photon-stamping technique and ensemble-averaged transient absorption spectroscopy prov
178 attered from GNRs within tissue culture, the ensemble-averaged translational self-diffusion rate, DT,
179 er of 10(14) to 10(15), much larger than the ensemble-averaged values derived from conventional measu
180    The calculations of the rate constants by ensemble-averaged variational transition state theory wi
181 to the effective transition state implied by ensemble-averaged variational transition state theory.
182 olvation model based on density (SMD) and an ensemble-averaged vertical excitation model explain the
183                                       The NN-ensemble average was a calcium calculator that accuratel
184 use subtle spectral features get obscured by ensemble averaging, we have studied individual chlorosom
185 nical unfolding trajectories, coincides with ensemble averages, which establishes ergodicity.
186 heir ability to overcome the clouding of the ensemble average with the "isolated microreactor" benefi
187 e resolved when Ca2+ was the charge carrier, ensemble averages yielded an inward current of up to 0.7

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