


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f at least four harmonics that were strongly entrained.
2 tructure by which neural oscillations become entrained.
3 ical and lumbar dorsal roots (DRs) can fully entrain (1:1 coupling) spontaneous respiratory activity
4 osttransplant immunoproteasome inhibition to entrain a long-term response favorable to allograft surv
5 d words presented on flickering backgrounds, entraining a steady-state brain response at either 6 or
6 cillator, based on cyclin-dependent kinases, entrains a series of peripheral oscillators controlling
7 ties of pyramidal neurons that are passively entrained across the cortex by locally-generated spontan
8 heir small size, these fields could strongly entrain action potentials, particularly for slow (<8 Hz)
9 udy explores the hypothesis that SNpr output entrains activity in the ventral medial thalamus (VM) in
10 ms are temperature-compensated and can be re-entrained after phase changes of the synchronizing agent
11  manner (1:1) in patients who responded (ie, entrained) after a tasimelteon run-in period.
12 tangle the web favor a more rapid release of entrained agents from the coacervate into sebum and, con
13 hree important questions remain: (1) Can the entrained alpha activity be endogenously maintained in t
14 global or a local process?; and (3) Does the entrained alpha activity influence perception?
15                                         This entrained alpha activity was produced locally in early v
16 animal cryptochromes are photoreceptors that entrain an organism's clock to its environment, whereas
17 l alpha frequency (IAF), 5 Hz, and 15 Hz) to entrain an oscillation with specific frequency and spati
18 oach to find an energy-optimal stimulus that entrains an ensemble of uncertain, uncoupled limit cycle
19       Once absorbed in the liquid phase, the entrained analyte molecules induce aggregation of the aq
20 l alternating current stimulation (tACS) can entrain and enhance neural rhythms related to memory, bu
21      Subducting oceanic plates can viscously entrain and remove the bottom of the continental thermal
22 mammals, rhythms in body temperature help to entrain and synchronize circadian rhythms throughout the
23                                 Rhythmically entrained and articulated pre-linguistic vocal activity
24 results emphasize the importance of visually entrained and attention-modulated rhythmic brain activit
25  Except in REM sleep, phasic RTN stimulation entrained and shortened the breathing cycle by selective
26  on characterizing the genes needed to keep, entrain, and convey time within the cell.
27                            24 (50%) patients entrained, and 20 (34%) were enrolled in the randomisati
28  quality and abundance of observations being entrained, and the ultimate application (e.g. forecast,
29       PTZ did not augment memory in control (entrained) animals, but did increase their activity duri
30          Inhibitory (GABAergic) interneurons entrain assemblies of excitatory principal neurons to or
31 pike output from LTS and FS interneurons was entrained at low (25-60 Hz) and high (60-180 Hz) gamma f
32                          We found time since entrained awakening to be the major predictor of peak pe
33 s of performance as a function of time since entrained awakening.
34 atically altered the timing of light used to entrain biological rhythms.
35 avelled >170 km from the eruptive centre and entrained blocks up to approximately 70-90 cm diameter f
36 epths of 200 kilometres-are more buoyant and entrain both high-(3)He/(4)He and low-(3)He/(4)He materi
37 ith neural processing, modify plasticity and entrain brain networks, and that this in turn can modify
38 it is known that rhythmic sensory events can entrain brain oscillations at different frequencies, how
39 al alternating current stimulation (tACS) to entrain brain rhythms in left and right sensorimotor cor
40 h acoustic SNR speech encoding by temporally entrained brain activity was strong in temporal and infe
41 the application of low-amplitude stimuli can entrain bundle motility either by mode-locking to the sp
42 sation, while at the same time being readily entrained by a diurnal temperature oscillation.
43 e self-sustained rhythms are coordinated and entrained by a master circadian clock in the suprachiasm
44 investigated how transcriptional bursting is entrained by a naturally oscillating signal, by direct m
45  biomarker-bound magnetic particles are then entrained by an external magnetic field and transported
46 octurnal flight is often precisely timed and entrained by annual photoperiod.
47                     Neural oscillations were entrained by both the frequency modulation and amplitude
48                      Hippocampal neurons are entrained by both the respiration-induced rhythm and con
49                           The root clock was entrained by direct exposure to low-intensity light, eve
50          Low-frequency oscillations are also entrained by dynamic natural scenes, suggesting that the
51 ic changes in intracellular Ca(2+) that were entrained by environmental cues and timed by molecular c
52 sustained biological oscillators that can be entrained by environmental cues.
53 iption-translation feedback loops, which are entrained by environmental signals such as light and tem
54 uscle sympathetic motoneurones are similarly entrained by external influences, including those of art
55 er these endogenous beta oscillations can be entrained by external stimulation.
56 nt of temporal input statistics, they can be entrained by input variation.
57                                        It is entrained by light but resistant to temperature shifts t
58 CN) in the hypothalamus, which are primarily entrained by light detected by the retina.
59 atic nuclei, which constitute a master clock entrained by light signals from the eyes and from the en
60 near 24-hr physiological rhythms that can be entrained by light to coordinate animal physiology with
61  the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is entrained by light via the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT
62 together to function as a clock which can be entrained by light.
63 esses approximately 24-h rhythms that can be entrained by light/dark and temperature cycles.
64 the retinal molecular circadian clock can be entrained by lighting cycles in vitro, but that rods, co
65 arkinsonian rest tremor may be significantly entrained by low frequency stimulation without stimulati
66  to intrinsic cellular properties yet can be entrained by several theta oscillators throughout the br
67  displacing older, colder material, which is entrained by spreading ridges.
68 rate chaotic oscillations which can be phase entrained by stimulus streams.
69 ustained in constant conditions, they can be entrained by suitable stimuli, and they are temperature
70                          Etiolated seedlings entrained by temperature cycles showed circadian rhythms
71 onmental rhythms: Can neural oscillations be entrained by temporal dynamics of ongoing rhythmic stimu
72 ypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is entrained by the ambient light/dark cycle, which differe
73                            These rhythms are entrained by the daily light/dark cycle, ensuring that t
74  and spontaneous [Ca2+]i transients could be entrained by the IR pulse (0.2-1 pulse s(-)(1)), provide
75 effects were specific to the frequency bands entrained by the rhythmic stimulation.
76 erties reflect rapid evolution of the mantle entrained by the ridge, such that stable, broad triangul
77 y determined by the neural delta oscillation entrained by the stimulus.
78 as mediated primarily by excitatory currents entrained by the synchronous, rhythmic firing of neurons
79 aused by the impacts on the ground of grains entrained by the wind into saltation.
80 rs of primordial material that are viscously entrained by thermal plumes.
81 modulated by head-direction but rhythmically-entrained by theta-oscillations.
82          Furthermore, tremor was selectively entrained by transcranial alternating current stimulatio
83 lational oscillator of the Kai system can be entrained by transient or oscillatory changes in the ATP
84 microfossils), sourced from deeper water and entrained by tropical cyclone waves and currents, in a s
85 l responses; the LFP oscillation became more entrained by visual stimulation with higher frequencies
86                     The periodic stimulation entrains Ca(2+) oscillations that control looping steeri
87                     These gamma oscillations entrain CA3 and CA1 spiking.
88                         Thus, the cell cycle entrains carbon metabolism to fuel biosynthesis.
89 ts at similar frequencies have been shown to entrain cardiac tissues by generation of repetitive APs,
90                     Diffusion and release of entrained cargo varied with both the rate of degradation
91 nd scenes, as well as domains for culturally entrained categories, such as text or buildings.
92       This is important because the SCN must entrain cells throughout the body.
93 these rhythmic, endogenous sugar signals can entrain circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana by reg
94 asmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus to entrain circadian rhythms that are generated within the
95  strength of natural light-dark signals that entrain circadian systems [3].
96                       Furthermore, this fear-entrained circadian behavior was dependent on an intact
97  sun compass timing elements reside in light-entrained circadian clocks in the antennae.
98 ed in the respiration chamber during 3 light-entrained circadian cycles that resulted in a phase adva
99 clock does not regulate qrfp expression, and entrained circadian rhythms are not required for QRFP-in
100 tricted RW access successfully reestablished entrained circadian rhythms in mice with SCNX.
101 at mimic day and night are also effective in entraining circadian activity in most animals.
102 e fact that light is the most salient factor entraining circadian rhythms leads to the phase-shifting
103  behaviors by providing an indirect cue that entrains circadian rhythms and also by inducing a direct
104 ular organisms and how environmental signals entrain clocks to geophysical time.
105 ients who were withdrawn to placebo remained entrained compared with nine (90%) of ten who continued
106 sights into the modulation of release of the entrained compounds from silks will be reviewed with a f
107  hippocampus (vHP) neurons to stimulate meal-entrained conditioned appetite.
108 d suggest that the pharyngeal nervous system entrains contraction rate and timing through phasic neur
109 ng of speech relies on a nested hierarchy of entrained cortical oscillations.
110 ology and behavior; light is the most potent entraining cue.
111 uch cells is known: myosin-coated organelles entrain cytoplasm as they process along actin filament b
112  suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) generates and entrains daily rhythms in physiology and behavior.
113                         In conclusion, DILIo entrains different algorithms for an efficient meta-anal
114 n a DMPFC theta power increase that causally entrained DLPFC theta activity (DMPFC to DLPFC).
115 ditioned drug response is a powerful tool to entrain, drive, and restore circadian physiology.
116 ence of conscious memory for the frequencies entrained during study.
117 citation of thalamocortical neurons strongly entrains EEG slow waves in a narrow frequency band (0.75
118 nary evidence suggests that flicker may also entrain endogenous brain oscillations, thereby modulatin
119 tent with our hypothesis that visual flicker entrained endogenous alpha-band networks, which in turn
120 eir ability to recruit recurrent inhibition, entrain field-potential oscillations and more importantl
121 n globus pallidus, (2) a monophasic stimulus-entrained firing pattern in motor thalamus, and (3) a co
122 llidus (GP) GP-DBS resulted in: (1) stimulus-entrained firing patterns in globus pallidus, (2) a mono
123 tterns are replaced by low-entropy, stimulus-entrained firing patterns.
124 hat result in rhythmic inhibition capable of entraining firing within local cortical circuits.
125 lies upon fluid dynamic interactions between entrained flows at the inflexion point of the exumbrella
126 ythms in older mice required more days to re-entrain following a shift than younger mice.
127 ing excitability, within and across multiple entrained frequency bands, shapes the effective neural p
128  plumes, and if high-(3)He/(4)He material is entrained from the deep mantle only by the hottest, most
129                     This formation is due to entrained gases adhered to or trapped within the particl
130 -wide polarity remain elusive, but appear to entrain general (i.e., global) polarity even while local
131 ntrainment of the clock in the SCN by stably entraining hamsters to T cycles (non-24-h light/dark cyc
132 c modulation of detection performance in the entrained hemifield.
133 ce of near-threshold targets specific to the entrained hemifield.
134 014) show that afferent gamma input fails to entrain hippocampal output, suggesting limited propagati
135 roups to release nitric oxide, which is then entrained in an inert gas stream and detected, usually t
136                             Oil that becomes entrained in anaerobic sediments is also likely to have
137 the base of the transition zone before being entrained in flow toward Hawaii and, perhaps, other isla
138 tained under constant conditions, and plants entrained in light/dark cycles coincident with the entra
139 r treatment results in the majority becoming entrained in the sewage sludge.
140 rioceptive inputs are more effective in this entraining influence than thoracic afferent pathways.
141 GPs) undergo a mysterious form of cell cycle-entrained interkinetic nuclear migration (INM) that is d
142 king is triggered by thickened buoyant crust entrained into a subduction zone, in which case grain da
143 e some are deflected horizontally, as though entrained into more vigorous upper-mantle circulation.
144       These fluxes of natural Pb then become entrained into polynya waters either from sediment resus
145 North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) that is entrained into sinking Mediterranean Overflow Water (MOW
146 on retronasal smell, in which food volatiles entrained into the airway at the back of the oral cavity
147           Periodic variations in glucose can entrain islet Ca(2+) and insulin secretion, possibly pro
148                               For a clock to entrain, it must be possible for it to be sped up or slo
149 lation of GABAergic interneurons to bind and entrain large principal cell assemblies for network sync
150 y UV irradiation of a nanoelectrospray plume entraining lipids and acetone.
151 i-rhythmic components in speech are known to entrain low-frequency oscillations in auditory areas [3,
152 nsory-specific areas but seems to operate on entrained low-frequency oscillations that cannot be expl
153                   Similarly, transfer of PDA-entrained macrophages or T cells from NLRP3(-/-) hosts w
154                                    The light-entrained master central circadian clock (CC) located in
155         Dorsolateral striatal neurons became entrained mid-task to oscillations centered approximatel
156 nse to wheel access in constant darkness and entrained more rapidly to a 6 h advance of a 12 h:12 h l
157                               These patterns entrain multineuronal activity over large distances and
158 r excitation between MNTB axon terminals may entrain neighboring MNTB neurons, which may play a role
159 hat, in the absence of rhythmic structure to entrain neural oscillations, good performance hinges on
160 he specific phase-phase relationship between entrained neural oscillations in both the 3.1-Hz and 5.0
161 at activation of cortical projection neurons entrains neural oscillatory activity and drives synchron
162 at fixed delays following visual stimulation entrains neural responses that mimic behaviorally condit
163        These results suggest that failure to entrain neuronal assemblies fully both within and across
164 uency oscillations ( approximately 9 Hz) and entrained neurons to fire at the stimulation frequency.
165 nchronous inhibitory postsynaptic potentials entrain nuclear cell spiking.
166 ng, where ventral-laterally expired air jets entrain odorant-laden air toward the nose, thereby exten
167  the probability that the Loop Current would entrain oil at the surface of the Gulf of Mexico toward
168                                The DILIo was entrained on findings of 114 US Food and Drug Administra
169 hat the amplitude of this broadband motif is entrained on the phase of the beta rhythm, as well as rh
170 emporally regular sensory streams also phase entrain ongoing low frequency brain oscillations but how
171 f cholinergic synaptic inputs can powerfully entrain ongoing TRN neuronal activity.
172   Our results identify discrete signals that entrain or detach the circuit from the locomotion centra
173 s can drive thalamic activity, which becomes entrained, or time-locked, to pallidal spikes.
174 ream, and (3) the attentional phase shift of entrained oscillation cooccurs with classical attentiona
175 lations at the beat frequency, and that such entrained oscillations give rise to the percept of a bea
176       Strikingly, although the rhythm of the entrained oscillations in A1 neuronal ensembles reflecte
177  dentate gyrus, which coupled to respiration-entrained oscillations in OB and to respiration itself.
178                     The phase of these delta-entrained oscillations modulates alpha-band power.
179 al experiment to track spatial properties of entrained oscillations of visual perception across the v
180 haviors and act as rewards or punishments to entrain other cues.
181                          In contrast, plants entrained out-of-phase relative to the insects are signi
182 s presented either rhythmically at 10 Hz, to entrain parietooccipital alpha oscillations, or arrhythm
183 e primary endpoint was the proportion of non-entrained patients, assessed in the intention-to-treat p
184 , the primary endpoint was the proportion of entrained patients, assessed in the intention-to-treat p
185                 Thus, optic flow stimulation entrained PDs, albeit at drift speeds slower than the fi
186 ght but resistant to temperature shifts that entrain peripheral clocks [1-5].
187 In addition, interhemispheric differences in entrained phase were found to be modulated by attended h
188 ve than sustained light if the goal is to re-entrain quickly, and 4) the determination that length of
189                  Results showed that the TMS-entrained replay was not only phenomenally experienced (
190 ask to examine the phenomenal aspects of TMS-entrained replays.
191  ( approximately 24 h) clock is continuously entrained (reset) by ambient light so that endogenous rh
192 ion of SOM and PV cells in the local circuit entrains resonant activity in the narrow 5- to 30-Hz ban
193 e demonstrate the existence of a respiration-entrained rhythm in the hippocampus of awake mice.
194 epends on the relative timing of this to the entrained rhythm.
195 amma oscillations, 2) gamma oscillations can entrain rhythmic firing in pyramidal neurons, and 3) rhy
196                   Jupiter's inward migration entrained s greater, similar 10-100 km planetesimals int
197  petroleum liquid droplets, gas bubbles, and entrained seawater, using 279 simulated chemical compone
198  (AVJ) of the heart: conduction delay, which entrains sequential chamber contraction; and valve forma
199                                 An important entraining signal for the endogenous circadian clock, in
200 nstem lesioning indicated that the ascending entraining signals from the cervical or lumbar limb affe
201 onflicting demands of the mood cycles' being entrained simultaneously to two different bi-weekly luna
202      Transcranial electrical stimulation can entrain slow-wave oscillations (SWO) in the human electr
203  HRR in awake animals, namely, a respiration-entrained slow rhythm with highest amplitude at the dent
204  biofilms, identifying a transport mechanism entraining SML accumulated microorganisms, nutrients, an
205 hydrogels and the hydrodynamic radius of the entrained species.
206          Nevertheless, LFP beta oscillations entrain spiking activity of STN, striatal cholinergic in
207 ons and BG downstream structures, but do not entrain spiking activity of striatal projection neurons.
208 hereas delta-frequency cortical oscillations entrain spiking activity throughout the entire LGN, in a
209 uency) timescales, cortical oscillations can entrain spiking activity throughout the entire LGN.
210 ift" [1-4]-where animals not only respond to entrained stimuli, but respond even more strongly to sim
211 imulus, a subsequent preference for the last entrained stimulus was found in both short-term- and lon
212 hen restricted, food becomes the most potent entraining stimulus for clocks of the body.
213 , time-specific fear can act as a non-photic entraining stimulus for the circadian system, and limbic
214 that the diurnal rhythm of histamine release entrains striatal function which, during wakefulness, is
215 neurons, which were sufficient to elicit and entrain synchronous AD activity across the network.
216  displays sustained oscillations that can be entrained, that is, reach a persistent synchronized stat
217 t neurons of the NTS directly connect to and entrain the activity of spinal (L1) and nucleus ambiguus
218 polycation-surfactant anion coacervates that entrain the agent and enhance its substantivity at these
219 at temporal structure of external events can entrain the attentional focus and psychophysical data, o
220 r rapid initiation of behaviors and can also entrain the circadian clock.
221  exclusively through Dopamine 2 Receptors to entrain the circadian rhythm in PER2::LUC bioluminescenc
222                       Retinal photoreceptors entrain the circadian system to the solar day.
223 though external cues such as temperature can entrain the clock, an important feature of the clock is
224 ound that either PR-subtype is sufficient to entrain the molecular clock by light, while only the Rh5
225  circadian oscillator genes in vivo that may entrain the oscillator.
226 that changes in the light-dark cycle in vivo entrain the phase of islet clock transcriptional oscilla
227                 Adult RTN-Phox2b neurons can entrain the respiratory rhythm if their discharge is art
228 thmically active, these latter circuits will entrain the rhythmicity of the thoracic circuitry.
229 cuits, if they are rhythmically active, will entrain the rhythmicity of the thoracic circuitry.
230 ar whether colour perception itself can help entrain the SCN.
231 s via plasma membrane Ca(2+) influx does not entrain the signal.
232                                           We entrained the left versus right hemisphere in accordance
233                                           By entraining the baseline frequency to the mean VCO freque
234 d behavior to particular times of the day by entraining the circadian clocks to external environmenta
235 he patients' bipolar cycles, by periodically entraining the circadian pacemaker to its 24.84-h rhythm
236  light exposure and avoidance for rapidly re-entraining the human circadian system.
237 le for therapeutic interventions aimed at re-entraining the internal clock.
238 he fruit to generate a metabolic signal that entrains the behavior of progeny seeds according to time
239 how the diurnal evolution of these variables entrains the CAM cycle with prevailing environmental con
240 the most important environmental signal that entrains the circadian clock located in the hypothalamic
241 methylation is one epigenetic mechanism that entrains the circadian clock to a diurnal environment.
242 er 14 hr 40 min:9 hr 20 min light-dark cycle entrains the human circadian clock to solar time, such t
243                   We demonstrate that speech entrains the phase of low-frequency (delta, theta) and t
244            However, because sensory feedback entrains the stepping rhythm, it is difficult to reveal
245 environmental light/dark cycle synchronizes (entrains) the SCN via a distinct pathway, originating in
246 rred when PVs and PYRs were depolarizing and entrained their membrane potential dynamics regardless o
247 pond to cyclical environmental conditions by entraining their endogenous biological rhythms.
248    Plants adapt to a changing environment by entraining their growth and development to prevailing co
249 (2) microfabrication of PEDOT nanowires that entrain these virus particles using the lithographically
250 ce comes from attempts to externally drive ("entrain") these oscillations by transcranial magnetic st
251 contrast, cooler, less buoyant plumes do not entrain this high-(3)He/(4)He material.
252  not yet begun to read: preschoolers who can entrain to an external beat have more faithful neural en
253 between their biological clocks and how they entrain to exogenous cues, such as the environmental lig
254 scillations, influencing how groups of cells entrain to external cues and likely serving as the mecha
255 (<8 Hz; delta-theta) oscillations, similarly entrain to music and whether experience modifies such a
256 nfirmed that the CA3 network oscillation can entrain to periodic inputs, with a steep dependence of e
257 hysiological oscillations in auditory cortex entrain to slow ([Formula: see text]8 Hz) fluctuations i
258                         Thus, perception can entrain to the speech rhythm even without concurrent flu
259  in a rhythmic stream, neuronal oscillations entrain to the task structure, thereby enhancing reactio
260             Circadian clocks must be able to entrain to time-varying signals to keep their oscillatio
261                             Life on earth is entrained to a 24 h solar cycle that synchronizes circad
262  representation is when: (i) spike times are entrained to a global Gamma rhythm (implying a consisten
263 pression and proliferation are independently entrained to a separate clock-like process.
264                      Permeating analytes are entrained to an atmospheric pressure ionization source f
265 cyclin expression (thereby, CDK activity) is entrained to an autonomous transcriptional oscillator.
266 cillations', in which neural spike times are entrained to an underlying oscillatory rhythm, but where
267                            Using rabbit pups entrained to circadian nursing as a natural model of foo
268 marked by circadian clocks which in turn are entrained to different environmental signals.
269 these noisy spontaneous oscillators could be entrained to efficiently detect signals significantly ab
270  ChR2 can be discriminated and independently entrained to elicit distinct behaviors.
271 ded neurons in the dorsomedial region became entrained to higher frequency ( approximately 10 Hz) rhy
272 ns are required for robust circadian rhythms entrained to local time.
273                   Two groups of litters were entrained to one of two different nursing times.
274 ns of both [Ca(2+)]i and insulin release are entrained to oscillatory glucose levels and that the tem
275                            Ring rotation was entrained to rotation of the external helix within each
276 ing across seasons, and that its timings are entrained to solar midnight.
277 r are generated by circadian oscillators and entrained to the 24-h day by exposure to the light-dark
278       That ipsilateral visual areas strongly entrained to the attended stimulus is notable because co
279 ted by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) are entrained to the environmental light/dark cycle via intr
280  that cortical oscillatory activity would be entrained to the human respiratory cycle, albeit at the
281 is likely to be encoded by neuronal activity entrained to the lick cycle.
282 ability phase, whereas other populations are entrained to the opposite, low-excitability phase.
283 und that low-frequency neuronal oscillations entrained to the stimulus presentation rhythm, and that
284 rned and innate protocols, BLA firing became entrained to theta input from the mPFC.
285 terneuron populations in both regions became entrained to theta-band (5-12 Hz) frequencies during tas
286 tex captures changes in neural excitability, entrains to the temporal structure of natural sounds, an
287 imals have endogenous clock mechanisms that "entrain" to the light-dark (LD) cycle and synchronize ps
288 but it is unknown whether circadian rhythms "entrained" to the LD cycle can be overridden by entrainm
289                   Once-daily tasimelteon can entrain totally blind people with non-24; however, conti
290      Stimulation at near-to tremor frequency entrained tremor in all three patient groups (ventrolate
291 imulation near the postural tremor frequency entrained tremor.
292 cur as an envelope over gamma-band activity, entrains vasomotion.
293 ing revealed differential gene expression in entrained versus arrhythmic hamsters in the suprachiasma
294 ent jet and plume flow models to account for entrained water and calculate a combined hydrocarbon flo
295 h other that followed a circadian rhythm and entrained with their expression.
296 (LFP) rhythm reflects internal processing or entrains with respiratory inputs.
297 t and concentration of hydrophilic molecules entrained within a hydrogel.
298 b, 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) vapor stream entrained within N(2) gas.
299 ed by warm and mechanically soft marine ice, entrained within narrow suture zones.
300 e ultimately affords (CdSe)(13) nanoclusters entrained within the double-lamellar templates.

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