


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 thogen-induced manipulation of the host cell environment in which a membrane protein is removed from
2 of the proinflammatory effect of the low ESS environment in which a plaque develops.
3 dinarily develop during early life in normal environments, in which a wide variety of sensory stimuli
4 ighly integrated and dynamically interactive environment, in which actions in one tissue can affect o
5   Type I IFNs, pervasive constituents of the environment in which adaptive immune responses occur, ar
6               These results suggest that the environment in which an Ag is presented alters the influ
7 onsequences because they influence the early environment in which an animal develops.
8  immunologic barrier and then by creating an environment in which an autoregulatory process restricts
9 edator defenses is greatly influenced by the environment in which an organism lives.
10 llow, including the many physical and social environments in which an animal may find itself.
11 ate that wild-type persistence is suited for environments in which antibiotic stress is a rare event.
12                   The data indicate that the environment in which B cells develop can affect the expr
13       Germinal centers (GCs) are specialized environments in which B cells mutate their BCR to identi
14     Invasion provides UPEC with a protective environment in which bacteria can either replicate or pe
15                     The heterogeneity of the environments in which bacteria encounter antibiotic drug
16 inary black holes opens up a window into the environments in which binary black holes form.
17 urce is adaptable to almost any applications environment in which bipartite graphs can be used to mod
18        Articular cartilage provides a unique environment in which blood vessel growth is regulated by
19 ed by algal toxins extend beyond the aquatic environments in which blooms occur.
20 lanoma arises in an immune privileged ocular environment in which both adaptive and innate immune eff
21 cells while mice navigated a virtual reality environment in which both types of information could be
22 ecific adaptation to the highly oxic natural environment in which "Ca.
23 rt early and short-lived fluctuations of the environment in which CAIs formed, either because of tran
24 r organ transplantation creates a permissive environment in which cancer cells can proliferate becaus
25 at the addition of amines provides the basic environment in which carboxylic acids can dissociate and
26  the substrates into a relatively nonaqueous environment in which catalysis can occur.
27 ncephalitogenic T cells, which entered a CNS environment in which CD40 was absent from parenchymal mi
28     These data demonstrate that the cellular environment in which CD8 precursors encounter class I al
29 e a model for biofilm development in natural environments in which cells form a stable monolayer on a
30          Molecular clusters provide a unique environment in which chemical reactions between cluster
31  the importance of the economic and physical environments in which children reside.
32 after accounting for differences in the home environments in which children were reared.
33 s of research support, and the institutional environment in which clinical research is conducted.
34 centage points), fostering an organizational environment in which clinicians are encouraged to solve
35 onal learning situation can be a threatening environment, in which colleagues may worry about exposin
36 ent and the general regulatory and financial environment in which companies find themselves.
37 ) within two different multisensory enriched environments (in which context/occasion it happened), ea
38 ntial vaccine adjuvants and shape peripheral environments in which DCs will acquire Ag and environmen
39 lth settings were the most commonly reported environment in which de-escalation occurs, and nursing t
40 f the microbial community in many subsurface environments in which dissimilatory metal reduction is a
41 MG proteins in eukaryotic nuclei provides an environment in which DNA is made sufficiently flexible t
42                               The geodynamic environment in which Earth's first continents formed and
43 oenvironment could establish an inflammatory environment in which endothelial cells are conditioned i
44                           Hypoxia creates an environment in which epithelial COX activity is severely
45 nds classical resource competition theory to environments in which essential nutrients (resources) ar
46 ere we report that in a dynamically changing environment, in which familiar landmarks on the behaviou
47 ng microorganisms in a variety of subsurface environments in which Fe(III) reduction is an important
48           Bacteria inhabit a wide variety of environments in which fluid flow is present, including h
49  (OA) is driving rapid changes to the marine environments in which freely spawned sperm operate, yet
50 t the importance of considering the specific environments in which functional biopolymers evolve when
51 ttings generalise to harsh and noisy natural environments in which genetic variation is sorted to pro
52 folding is constrained within a bilayer, the environment in which GlpG has evolved to fold.
53 e supported bilayer provides a stable, fluid environment in which GPI-tethered proteins can be manipu
54 mmunity, the national political and economic environment in which health policy setting occurs, and t
55               In our increasingly obesogenic environment, in which high-calorie convenience foods are
56 vel of translation requires an intracellular environment in which host cell protein synthesis is inhi
57 erty that is manifested only in the distinct environment in which host-pathogen interaction occurs.
58 mosquitoes host-seeking in a complex thermal environment in which humans are warmer than ambient air,
59 however, assembled genomes allow the genomic environment in which individual genes are found to be an
60  approach to morality as an adaptation to an environment in which individuals were in competition to
61                                  Competitive environments in which individuals compete for mutually-e
62 cal undergraduate sample in an asset trading environment in which inexperienced undergraduates invari
63                We established a natural-like environment in which initially germfree, wild-type larva
64      Boreal wetlands have been identified as environments in which inorganic divalent mercury (Hg(II)
65 ominant role in shaping the rhizosphere, the environment in which interaction with diverse microorgan
66  by introducing local sterically constrained environments in which interactions between chromophores
67 anism responds in a particular manner to the environment in which it finds itself.
68 interaction that regulates activity, and the environment in which it functions.
69 ted in large part by cognate antigen and the environment in which it is encountered.
70 d the infant to adapt gene expression to the environment in which it is growing; sometimes when this
71 e protein from a detergent environment to an environment in which it is incorporated into liposomes r
72 nction of thioredoxin 1 depends on the redox environment in which it is localized.
73 s, particularly the eukaryotic intracellular environment in which it replicates, is poorly understood
74 y; its optimal linkage to C-17 and the local environment in which it resides are defined.
75 ich the enzyme was activated and the calcium environment in which it was maintained.
76 nitors were then transplanted into a younger environment, in which layer 6 neurons were being generat
77 s, namely, that subjects exposed to a visual environment in which letters and digits occur together r
78 d Archaea, using these data to constrain the environment in which life formed.
79  ages of pulsars or as probes of the extreme environments in which low-mass white dwarfs form cannot
80 ixture of proteins, or in a protein's native environment, in which many cysteine-containing proteins
81 sms, tissues, organelles, and submicroscopic environments in which measurements were previously impos
82 ane serves as a barrier as well as a special environment in which membrane proteins are able to carry
83 pigenetic phenomenon that results in a local environment in which more precursor cells are present.
84 ll inorganic and organic surfaces in aqueous environments in which most adhesives function poorly.
85 n or increase Abeta clearance relative to an environment in which mouse apo E or no apo E is present.
86 iently microbicidal and provide a nonhostile environment in which mycobacteria not only survive and r
87  structural genes but also the extracellular environment in which myoblast fusion takes place.
88 hosphorylated depending on the intracellular environment in which nef is expressed.
89 ry and cancer biology by creating a research environment in which new scientific collaborations are p
90 d States creates a complex mosaic of thermal environments, in which northern sites can be more therma
91 d identifying interventions that improve the environment in which nurses practice and determining if
92 luble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) functions in an environment in which O(2), NO, and CO are potential liga
93 dination protocol and exist in two different environments in which one of the lithium atoms is tetra-
94 er, with the highest risk being observed for environments in which one-third of outlets were health-h
95 ing about reward and effort magnitudes in an environment in which other features of the outcome were
96 g, an experiment was designed in a 3D visual environment in which participants were asked to point to
97 hods for characterizing the local structural environment in which particular side-chain/base interact
98  human transmissibility is influenced by the environment in which pathogen and host meet.
99                                   One of the environments in which patients can present with symptoma
100 n and composition of the free FA pool in the environment in which PGHS-2 functions in cells, the FA t
101   It is posited that KcsA protein creates an environment in which PHB/polyP is selective for K(+).
102 sm performance across terrestrial and marine environments in which phototrophs benefit from enrichmen
103  individual physician profiles may foster an environment in which physicians can most easily avoid be
104              Suppressive compost provides an environment in which plant disease development is reduce
105 led with potassium ions, and they provide an environment in which: polymer entropy is low; cyclic wet
106 lized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) cultural environments in which previous research has been conduct
107             Prescribing etiquette creates an environment in which professional hierarchy and clinical
108 nt with agents that are found in the complex environment in which progression of prostate cancer towa
109     The plant apoplast forms a protease-rich environment in which proteases are integral components o
110 he interior of the cell is a densely crowded environment in which protein stability is affected diffe
111 her at the cellular level or by altering the environment in which rearrangements occur.
112 questions using nanodiscs to create membrane environments in which receptor dimers had few or no pote
113  reciprocity even in highly structured group environments in which reciprocity does not clearly serve
114 tates and Canada was conducted to assess the environment in which recruitment and training is conduct
115  achieved in a highly crowded macromolecular environment, in which release of nonnative polypeptides
116 als employed by reporting institutions in an environment in which reporting healthcare-associated inf
117 an decision makers waited for rewards in two environments in which reward-timing statistics favored e
118 e basis that protein synthesis evolved in an environment in which ribose nucleic acids preceded prote
119 t nonredundant functions, thus expanding the environments in which S. aureus can successfully obtain
120           Many organisms locate resources in environments in which sensory signals are rare, noisy, a
121       Considerations of the legal and policy environments in which sex workers operate and actions to
122                   The rich multidisciplinary environment in which skull base surgery has developed ha
123  conclude that TNF-alpha exposure creates an environment in which somatically mutated preleukemic ste
124  to males but is likely to interact with the environment in which sperm compete (e.g., the female rep
125             The variety of patient treatment environments in which student nurses perform their clini
126 eached to touch targets in a dynamic virtual environment in which subjects viewed a moving virtual fi
127 cts' performance to estimate the statistical environments in which subjects' performance would be ide
128 ogeneity in the recruiting practices and the environment in which subspecialty training occurs, leadi
129 chaemic stressors and treatment, creating an environment in which successful recovery can ensue.
130  to illustrate the importance of creating an environment in which such disclosure can occur and to po
131                      How do plants create an environment in which symbiotic bacteria can reduce enoug
132 s fluid structure also provides a regulatory environment in which TCR revision can safely take place.
133  visual learning is amenable to a controlled environment in which tethered bees learn visual stimuli,
134 we aimed at establishing a controlled visual environment in which tethered bees walking on a spherica
135 tures in DCs in vivo, reflecting the diverse environments in which Th2 immune responses are initiated
136 re very attractive, as they provide a stable environment in which the accumulating recombinant protei
137  deuteration varies depending on the calcium environment in which the active enzyme is maintained.
138   Our findings suggest that quail provide an environment in which the adaptation of influenza viruses
139 s) in the POA and AMY to create a permissive environment in which the appropriate behavioral response
140  rate of fibrillation by providing a charged environment in which the attractive forces between the p
141  likely to be successful when they create an environment in which the behavior they try to facilitate
142  in vivo may thus offer an ideal specialized environment in which the biological function of annexin
143 y depends on the nature of the explosive and environment in which the blast occurs.
144 cancer cells and lymphoma cells in a hypoxic environment in which the cancer cells exhibit high glyco
145 ces flanking a non-consensus TRE or even the environment in which the cell exists.
146 of the NPC itself but is attributable to the environment in which the cell is located.
147 PCs) can overcome these limitations using an environment in which the cells can thrive, enabling an i
148 of different integrins and the growth factor environment in which the cells reside.
149 terns of cytokines depending on the cytokine environment in which the cells were stimulated during th
150              The biofilm matrix is a dynamic environment in which the component microbial cells appea
151                                    The lipid environment in which the different dimers are reconstitu
152 e drug but is also dependent on the cellular environment in which the drug acts.
153 al modifications (ThT versus PIB) and by the environment in which the dye is placed.
154 mplantation, the architecture of the uterine environment in which the early embryo develops is not we
155 nogens fail to recreate the proper molecular environment in which the epitopes of 2F5 and 4E10 are pr
156 ckward shift during the first exposure to an environment in which the familiar cues are rearranged in
157  to the mother, however, is the intrauterine environment in which the fetus develops, and it is durin
158                                          The environment in which the field of cardiology finds itsel
159 They may represent cellular responses to the environment in which the genome is altered to allow surv
160 ether these data demonstrate a unique distal environment in which the heme bound ligands strongly int
161 sting that ASPN thereby creates a favourable environment in which the IGF signal can dominate.
162    Olfactory mucus provides the perireceptor environment in which the initial steps of olfactory sign
163 and analyse their pairwise interactions; the environment in which the interaction takes place must al
164 to detergent, our findings highlight how the environment in which the membrane proteins are examined
165 ur models imply that these events form in an environment in which the metallicity is less than ten pe
166 quorum response is highly dependent upon the environment in which the organism is grown and is strong
167  articles); and (3) creation of a supportive environment in which the organization of the health care
168 of Chl and its precursors (determined by the environment in which the plant is grown), the mutants ea
169 d (2) the richness of the sensory and social environment in which the plasticity is studied.
170          They initially serve as a protected environment in which the primary fungal pathogen Histopl
171 Coacervation creates an artificial cell-like environment in which the rate of mRNA production is incr
172  [CI]: 1.66, 5.06), as well as working in an environment in which the section or department head was
173 sus differentiate) depending on the cellular environment in which the signal is received.
174 or expressed by CD8+ T cells, and the tissue environment in which the signaling occurs.
175 ducts were tested in a controlled laboratory environment in which the species of the mosquitoes, thei
176 om inactivation was slower than in a reduced environment in which the spontaneous YC/EC cross-link is
177 e that provides a unique interactive working environment in which the suitability of potentially acti
178 ity of CX10R7 are attributed to the sequence environment, in which the residues surrounding cysteine
179 mined the same key H bonds under hydrophilic environments in which the beta-strands are exposed to so
180 involved with their peers and live in social environments in which the perceived use of drugs by othe
181                        The ability to resist environments in which the pH is 2.5 and below is predict
182  of therapeutic agents can occur at specific environments in which the target biomarker is found.
183 wer academic rank and in those working in an environment in which their section or department head wa
184 ons as rats learned new goal locations in an environment in which there already were multiple goals.
185 chaperonin, prefoldin promotes folding in an environment in which there are many competing pathways f
186 most always been performed in single-chamber environments in which there is no ambiguity about place
187 ions under conditions that closely mimic the environment in which these encounters occur in physiolog
188 ct skin grafts when transiently placed in an environment in which these low-level TCR stimulations ar
189  about their stability in the harsh chemical environment in which these nanoparticles find themselves
190 erefore complex and will depend on the local environment in which these pleiotropic mediators are pro
191 d have arisen merely from differences in the environments in which these bees flew.
192 iate the rewarding effects of drugs with the environment in which they are encountered and, subsequen
193  is strongly influenced by the recombination environment in which they are located, and this is espec
194 nstead draw the energy they require from the environment in which they are used.
195 large plant pedigrees to offer an integrated environment in which they can explore pedigree data.
196    MTBindingSim provides researchers with an environment in which they can rapidly compare different
197 resembling those used by the adults from the environment in which they develop [5].
198 heir cryptic relationship with hosts and the environment in which they disperse.
199 output of genomes is affected by the nuclear environment in which they exist.
200 to be due to an altered redox balance of the environment in which they find themselves.
201                    Plants adapt to the light environment in which they grow and this is demonstrated
202    Monkeys were placed in a dynamic foraging environment in which they had to track the changing valu
203 ge that animals communicate by modifying the environment in which they live, providing a method to an
204 o competition are strongly influenced by the environment in which they occur.
205 stant conditions increased in fitness in the environment in which they replicated.
206 h is optimized for the specific bacteria and environment in which they reside.
207 alogenated analogues serve as a probe of the environment in which they reside.
208 ntext-specific, but the complexity of the 4D environment in which they unfold is a barrier to assembl
209 objects were not readily associated with the environment in which they were paired.
210  males were influenced by the quality of the environment in which they were raised.
211 essionals, all of whom are influenced by the environment in which they work.
212 fects are interactive, inter se and with the environments in which they are expressed.
213 characteristics that are well adapted to the environments in which they are likely to live.
214 iors in the context of substance use and the environments in which they are used.
215  due to predator attributes and the physical environments in which they co-occur.
216 which individuals develop within the complex environments in which they exist and interact.
217 nthropogenically modified environments or in environments in which they have been introduced, but the
218  are superbly and intricately adapted to the environments in which they live.
219 y, are short-lived unless supported by niche environments in which they may persist for years.
220 urs lived in or were at least adapted to the environments in which they were preserved.
221 ta collection challenges given the difficult environment in which this study was set.
222 e adaptive to the range of low to high light environments in which this species grows.
223 ction between human food preferences and the environment in which those preferences are learned, expr
224 ophages and tubules to generate a protective environment, in which tissue health is preserved and imm
225 ng a reliable and reproducible computational environment in which to analyze small- to large-scale st
226 rovide transportation and a fully accessible environment in which to conduct study procedures as well
227 ell transplantation (HSCT) provides a unique environment in which to evaluate the role of immunogenet
228 ing ARF, providing diseased lungs an optimal environment in which to heal.
229 odel of induced UTI provides an experimental environment in which to identify specific host character
230 rocesses in cell biology, and offer a unique environment in which to investigate the role of cytoplas
231 its that individuals require a "good enough" environment in which to live.
232 ntaining redox species present a challenging environment in which to perform analytical measurements
233 re is also a need to investigate the optimum environment in which to provide holistic care for indivi
234 the dual responsibility to create an ethical environment in which to provide optimum patient care.
235 A sequence, heterochromatin is a challenging environment in which to repair DNA damage.
236 ells, thus providing itself with a protected environment in which to replicate.
237 onary Trace Viewer (ETV) provides a one-stop environment in which to run, visualize and interpret Evo
238 t cell, provides a sharp change in the local environment in which to study and separate the effects o
239 C, thereby suggesting that DPC is a suitable environment in which to study membrane proteins.
240    Although the latter offers a much simpler environment in which to study the chemical activity of c
241 rmation through MetExplore, yielding a novel environment in which to visualise the metabolism of this
242                Aqueous media are competitive environments in which to perform host-guest chemistry, p
243 upport programmes, governments can create an environment in which tobacco use is reduced and citizens
244 es facilitate mRNA silencing by providing an environment in which translational repressors can encoun
245 social contact structure and the role of the environment in which tuberculosis is transmitted.
246 nt and reproducible by providing a Web-based environment in which users can perform computational ana
247 ence cascade, we identified another relevant environment in which V. cholerae assimilates unique fatt
248 t-organ epithelia and surrounding mucus, the environment in which V. fischeri cells aggregate before
249   Subjects made reaches in a virtual reality environment in which vision and proprioception were diss
250 ellular yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to an environment in which we expected multicellularity to be
251                                          The environments in which we live and the tasks we must perf
252 cific interventions and create a stimulating environment in which young children can grow and develop

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