


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                      Natural environmental abundances are much lower, therefore possi
2 c susceptibility when provoked by additional environmental/acquired or genetic factors, or both.
3 intenance of lung TH17 inflammation requires environmental agents in addition to antigen and to ident
4 ir responses to developmental challenges and environmental aggressions.
5 ur multidisciplinary team conducted surveys, environmental air sampling, fuel weighing, and health me
6                              Vitamin D is an environmental and dietary agent with known anticarcinoge
7 f electrochemical immunosensors to the food, environmental and diseases analysis fields are described
8 d CO2 emissions was modified to evaluate the environmental and economic performance of a set of techn
9  whether petal number responds to a suite of environmental and endogenous cues that regulate flowerin
10 micals (HCOx), a critical need for practical environmental and energy applications.
11  of this MIPs-based capacitive biosensor for environmental and forensic analysis.
12      We used correlation matrices to compute environmental and genetic disease classifications and co
13 cessful, this approach does not leverage the environmental and genetic factors shared among the multi
14 functional genomics to provide insights into environmental and genetic influences on phenotypic varia
15  developmental variability that is caused by environmental and genetic variation.
16  in porous media is important in a number of environmental and industrial applications such as soil r
17 However, there is a pressing need to monitor environmental and industrial processes/events that may o
18 iability likely reflects underlying genetic, environmental and neuropathological differences.
19  exopolysaccharide secretion system found in environmental and pathogenic bacteria.
20 O), such as the Hummers' method, suffer from environmental and safety issues due to their use of haza
21 sed materials for energy storage, catalysis, environmental, and biomedical applications.
22 e providing novel insights into the genetic, environmental, and cellular contributions to islet (dys)
23 ll as electric and LPG) stove use on social, environmental, and health outcomes in two districts in O
24 r versatility for a wide range of energy and environmental applications.
25 ause of its relevance to many biological and environmental applications.
26 CH2012) aimed at unravelling the genetic and environmental architecture of severe mental disorders.
27 isms of type VII secretion in pathogenic and environmental bacteria.
28 lized metabolism observed in closely related environmental bacteria.
29     Melioidosis, a severe infection with the environmental bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei, is be
30 ad iodide (MAPbI3) crystals as a response to environmental basicity.
31 n this in situ radionuclide tracer test, the environmental behavior of (233)U, (237)Np, (242)Pu, and
32 oach-seemingly ignoring research on economic/environmental benefits.
33 is is motivated by its numerous economic and environmental benefits.
34      The aim of this study was to develop an environmental-benign bio-measure that could be used to p
35 ent skin, nasopharynx, and stool) as well as environmental biofilms, in order to better understand an
36 Pyrogenic carbonaceous matter (PCM) includes environmental black carbon (fossil fuel soot, biomass ch
37 l lead and cadmium in adults and exposure to environmental cadmium in adolescents may play a role in
38 inated subsurface systems represents a major environmental challenge.
39 e in species richness and biotic and abiotic environmental change is a major goal of evolutionary bio
40                                       Global environmental change is altering temperature, precipitat
41 erstanding the consequences of anthropogenic environmental change on natural populations throughout h
42 e more likely to trigger catastrophic global environmental change than their flood basalt- and/or dik
43          Understanding species' responses to environmental change underpins our abilities to make pre
44 forts to understand evolution in response to environmental change while developing new hypotheses con
45 tion and establish resilience in the face of environmental change.
46 project the response of the Arctic to global environmental change.
47 ss could underestimate ecological impacts of environmental change.
48 ce of migration and body size in the face of environmental change.
49 o coastal resource managers during a time of environmental change.
50 sociated with a species' ability to adapt to environmental change.
51 this major feature of biodiversity to future environmental change.
52                                Anthropogenic environmental changes are accelerating the rate of biodi
53                        Treeline responses to environmental changes describe an important phenomenon i
54                These unexplored drug-induced environmental changes enhancing the target electrostatic
55 e, still little is known about the impact of environmental changes on an artificial chemical evolving
56 EMENT Animals adjust behavior in response to environmental changes, such as fluctuations in food abun
57 tary hormones released in response to annual environmental changes.
58  fundamental biological processes related to environmental changes.
59 ce would be enhanced with accelerated global environmental changes.
60 sensitive cytoskeleton may be susceptible to environmental changes.
61 anisms developed systems to efficiently time environmental changes.
62    When iJRF is applied to the data from the environmental chemical exposure study, we detected a few
63 linical biomarker discovery, drug discovery, environmental chemistry, and metabolomics.
64                     Although the presence of environmental cleaning services (41.3% reduction, P = .0
65 enic capacity of brown adipose tissue before environmental cold are unknown.
66  may significantly increase the economic and environmental competitiveness of renewable alternatives
67 rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus, we test how environmental complexity affects the evolution of sex by
68 t changes in foraging ecology, not declining environmental concentrations of mercury, are driving sho
69 ed in the literature and closer to predicted environmental concentrations.
70                           However, there are environmental concerns with the long-term storage and im
71 es are beginning to incorporate more general environmental concerns, we anticipate that this work wil
72 ontribute to acclimation to this unfavorable environmental condition.
73  respiratory capacity, cell-cycle phase, and environmental condition.
74 the molecular mechanisms involved under this environmental condition.
75 sights into intestinal adaptation to altered environmental conditions and disease pathogenesis.
76 s for characterizing aerosols under changing environmental conditions as they can provide high tempor
77 duals are likely to be exposed to a range of environmental conditions that have the potential to act
78 rstanding of key aspects of TGP, such as the environmental conditions that may promote it, its relati
79 g accession Bd1-1 were grown in a variety of environmental conditions to enable exploration of the ge
80 specific modeled estimates of surprise about environmental conditions were linked to pupil size in th
81  plants to maintain growth under unfavorable environmental conditions, although the mechanisms are no
82 erstand how ecosystems respond to changes in environmental conditions, and how taxonomic and function
83 e complex connections between the history of environmental conditions, assembly processes and microbi
84 ametocyte production rates vary depending on environmental conditions, but external stimuli remain ob
85 stems being able to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions, by maximizing the information
86 ntain stable yields across a wide variety of environmental conditions, including drought.
87     Depending on its oxidation state and the environmental conditions, it can participate in redox re
88        Despite this correlation under stable environmental conditions, the responses of both paramete
89  and can be affected by fixation methods and environmental conditions.
90 at possess the ability to survive in extreme environmental conditions.
91 e weeks as semibatch reactors under variable environmental conditions.
92 ective to reflect a wider range of potential environmental consequences.
93                                      Several environmental contaminants (Dioxins, PCBs, HBCD, Zn, Cu,
94 lity by causing the incorporation/release of environmental contaminants and biological nutrients.
95 ed several technical modifications to reduce environmental contamination by and subsequent spreading
96                           We reconstruct the environmental context of geoglyph construction and the n
97                                    While the environmental correlates of global patterns in standing
98 s not statistically significant (11%, shared environmental correlation = 0.32, 95% CI = -0.16-0.79).
99 insecticides, resulting in high economic and environmental costs.
100               In fact, after controlling for environmental covariates, increases in biomass with biod
101 etic ablation of circadian clock function or environmental CRD in mice increased susceptibility to se
102 rained to discriminate its presence using an environmental cue.
103         A comprehensive understanding of the environmental cues that regulate FCSC fate decisions may
104  ToxR is thought to be responsive to various environmental cues, such as bile salts and alkaline pH,
105 at predominantly affects genes responsive to environmental cues.
106  on the higher predictive ability of progeny environmental cues.
107 Ds with regard to placement and containment, environmental culturing, and disinfection.
108 is, travel that shifts the alignment of 24-h environmental cycles relative to the endogenous circadia
109 d prevent spill risks and mitigate potential environmental damage.
110 nd coverage of 552 communes in Senegal using environmental data (related to food security, economic a
111 ne an environmental potential landscape from environmental data and simulate bird movement within thi
112 ver, the prepared state is less sensitive to environmental decoherence because of the protective beta
113               These results suggest that the environmental dependency of epistasis can profoundly inf
114 y, and systems biology discussed genetic and environmental determinants of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
115 r from the original along one, two, or three environmental dimensions.
116 rom species in aquatic ecosystems, including environmental DNA (eDNA), have improved species monitori
117 olutionary studies have shown how changes in environmental drivers, either alone or in pairs, affect
118 ed with data on edaphic conditions and other environmental drivers.
119 es, making it a promising tool for detecting environmental EDC contamination and screening potential
120                     The accumulated negative environmental effects of existing dams and proposed dams
121 is renewed interest in how transgenerational environmental effects, including epigenetic inheritance,
122  however, these factors are often ignored in environmental epidemiology studies.
123                                              Environmental exposure chambers are currently already us
124 ata and continual improvement in measures of environmental exposures implicated in complex disease ou
125         Prompted case report forms including environmental exposures in prospective registries will l
126 estinal microbiota has been identified as an environmental factor that markedly affects energy storag
127 ct a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors acting over the life-course.
128 ct a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors acting over the life-course.
129  and understanding of the effects of various environmental factors and associated immune responses in
130    Prenatal and early postnatal exposures to environmental factors are considered responsible for the
131 therapeutics, very little is known about the environmental factors associated with changes in seconda
132 s from one environment to the next, and what environmental factors correlate with changes in biosynth
133 mune and microbial dysregulation, induced by environmental factors in genetically susceptible individ
134  failing to recognize the additional role of environmental factors in regulating birth and mortality
135  highlight the fact that geographic area and environmental factors influence the characteristics of A
136 ch into the sociological, psychological, and environmental factors is required.
137 redictability, may occur and what genetic or environmental factors may hinder it.
138 re well understood, it is poorly known which environmental factors promote diversification (speciatio
139 ooth loss is explained by genetic as well as environmental factors shared by co-twins.
140               Maternal experience of abiotic environmental factors such as temperature and light are
141 exity of the genetic, microbial, immune, and environmental factors that affect risk for CD.
142 ping a greater understanding of personal and environmental factors that promote more severe viral ill
143 ons of heritability and shared and nonshared environmental factors to AF susceptibility.
144                   The contribution of shared environmental factors to the cross-disorder overlap was
145 sorders and asthma, and discuss the external environmental factors which may influence this process.
146 ible individuals who, in response to unknown environmental factors, develop an immune response that i
147                            The potential for environmental factors, particularly air pollution and me
148                                  Genetic and environmental factors, such as metals, interact to deter
149 arise from the interplay between genetic and environmental factors.
150 incidence to demographic, socio-economic and environmental factors.
151 lformations and involve multiple genetic and environmental factors.
152 partitioning and other processes rather than environmental filtering would mediate species coexistenc
153  the cell from external aggressors - such as environmental fluxes and during host infection.
154 sp2/AMPKalpha, for cell proliferation in low environmental glucose.
155              Here we compare variation along environmental gradients in foliar N isotope (delta(15)N)
156 ion, but few studies have demonstrated their environmental health benefits in field settings.
157 n science, and to explore TEK's relevance to environmental health research.
158 igenome is a primary interest for children's environmental health researchers studying the environmen
159 tropical forests must take into account this environmental heterogeneity and how its effects on regen
160 ral allocation, including its sensitivity to environmental heterogeneity and to choice of currency.
161 was spatially heterogeneous, suggesting that environmental heterogeneity will affect large-scale Wolb
162 teria and viruses and (iii) metagenomes from environmental, host associated and engineered microbiome
163                                  The reduced environmental impact in high-income countries is driven
164 We tested three SML approaches to assess the environmental impact of marine aquaculture using benthic
165           We show that more than half of the environmental impact of producing the loaf of bread aris
166 e effects outside the economic system (e.g., environmental impact).
167            To design diesel engines with low environmental impact, it is important to link health and
168                                              Environmental impacts are expressed in terms of climate
169  individuals, in close temporal proximity to environmental impacts known to induce oxidative stress.
170 C) information is essential to determine the environmental impacts of anthropogenic land-use and conv
171 shallow aquifers, in particular the possible environmental impacts of As mobilization at carbon seque
172                                          The environmental impacts of these activities are generally
173                                        While environmental impacts on resistance have been extensivel
174      Little or no attention is placed on the environmental impacts within NRDs.
175 in Alberta, Canada has raised concerns about environmental impacts, such as the magnitude of air poll
176  requires consideration of both economic and environmental impacts.
177                                         This environmental influence positively and negatively impact
178 ts provide a framework for understanding how environmental influences like drugs can affect the epige
179 nvironmental health researchers studying the environmental influences on human populations, particula
180                                  Genetic and environmental influences on variation and covariation in
181               Neuroendocrine circuits encode environmental information via changes in gene expression
182 pported by anachronistic production data and environmental information, which cannot be related to th
183 apable of sensing and responding to specific environmental inputs are currently being developed.
184 s eukaryotic cell growth and metabolism with environmental inputs, including nutrients and growth fac
185 least free from the constraints of immediate environmental inputs.
186                          Future school-based environmental interventions may be beneficial for this i
187 ed sequence differences between clinical and environmental isolates in virulence factors and stress r
188                                  1.3% of the environmental isolates were MRSA-positive.
189 ns and ICU team members, and operational and environmental issues.
190                   Our study raised important environmental justice issues that can inform public heal
191 f the present study suggest that exposure to environmental lead and cadmium in adults and exposure to
192 ese impacts is unknown and thus neglected in environmental licensing.
193 e most striking finding, and there may be an environmental, lifestyle, or hormonal factor that is inf
194                  The nature of endogenous or environmental lipid antigens encountered by iNKT cells i
195 gets, and leveraging technology, theory, and environmental manipulation to optimize intervention appr
196                                    Policy or environmental manipulation was present in all disseminat
197 ts like "hidden-target screening" in complex environmental matrices (such as wastewater treatment pla
198 sualization of NPs in complex biological and environmental matrices.
199 e still detected in the atmosphere and other environmental media, although their production has been
200  and cell biology into nutritional sciences, environmental medicine, and molecular knowledge-based re
201                    Large-scale sequencing of environmental microbiomes has the potential to shed ligh
202 urprising because the brain is isolated from environmental microorganisms.
203                    Accurate understanding of environmental moderation of genetic influences is vital
204 n external rumen as a possible mechanism for environmental modification.
205            Here, we experimentally eliminate environmental modifications from the developmental envir
206 at experimentally assess the degree to which environmental modifications shape developmental and fitn
207 erse ares, such as nuclear nonproliferation, environmental monitoring, geophysics, and planetary scie
208 ple, rapid, and cost-effective bioassays and environmental monitoring, which provide practically rele
209 isticated mechanisms to adapt to fluctuating environmental nitrogen availability.
210 le changes to NP properties upon addition to environmental or ecotoxicology media suggest that there
211 ogy: How does metabolism respond to genetic, environmental or phenotypic perturbations?
212    Moreover, it has also been suggested that environmental oxygen levels then crashed to very low lev
213 rate by increasing the duration of favorable environmental periods.
214                                      Extreme environmental perturbations offer opportunities to obser
215  To better understand disease conditions and environmental perturbations, multiomic studies combining
216  the amplitude and temporal structure of the environmental perturbations.
217 ty of phenotype under diverse genetic and/or environmental perturbations.
218 sdictional level at which to set and enforce environmental policy.
219      Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a widespread environmental pollutant common in groundwater plumes ass
220                       Aromatic compounds are environmental pollutants with toxic and carcinogenic pro
221     Humans are exposed to multiple exogenous environmental pollutants.
222 ssed in B cells, which are known targets for environmental pollutants.
223                                 We define an environmental potential landscape from environmental dat
224 abitats makes them ideal to test the role of environmental pressure in driving ecological and evoluti
225 phorus (P) in agriculture is causing serious environmental problems like eutrophication of lakes and
226 ater contaminant concentrations exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency limits for discharging t
227                             We conclude that environmental protection goals relying on measures of ri
228 ny energy technologies, emissions reduction, environmental protection, mining accident prevention, ch
229  The unprecedented deterioration rate of the environmental quality due to rapid urbanization and indu
230              These results suggest that poor environmental quality, particularly poor air quality, wa
231            There is increasing evidence that environmental, rather than genetic, factors are the majo
232 dy examines the biological rather than socio-environmental reasons why hyperactivity and anxiety diso
233              To determine to what extent the environmental regulation of lateral root development is
234 ntiation are influenced by oxygen supply, an environmental regulator of stem cell activity.
235 materials is critical in geomicrobiology and environmental research.
236     These data identify amoebae as potential environmental reservoirs as well as amplifying and disse
237               The data suggest complex local environmental response to warm climates in Antarctica an
238  of spatial location, expression timing, and environmental responsiveness.
239                                              Environmental risk assessment requires information about
240  useful information about shared genetic and environmental risk factors and it may be relevant backgr
241 pture and mediate the effects of genetic and environmental risk factors on complex disease.
242 diverse cohort, and collected biological and environmental samples and extensive data on potential br
243                Furthermore, river/sea-spiked environmental samples and samples from a bioreactor for
244            We tested poultry, wild bird, and environmental samples from case patient households and s
245 , to identify the strains present in complex environmental samples.
246 icine, tissue engineering, renewable energy, environmental science, nanotechnology and material scien
247 rucial importance to Earth's climate and the environmental sciences, but it is not understood at the
248 cal ligand for a nuclear receptor and direct environmental sensing as a novel function of nuclear rec
249 l traits can act to maximize ANPP in a given environmental setting.
250 ator of cell growth that responds to diverse environmental signals and is deregulated in many human d
251              The regulatory elements and the environmental signals controlling the expression of Long
252 ategy used by the cell to respond rapidly to environmental signals.
253                                  Testing for environmental similarity between native and invaded area
254 agement policies that are robust to changing environmental, social, and economic pressures.
255 imatic niche models to over-predict suitable environmental space under future climatic conditions.
256 r treatment operations or in the event of an environmental spill.
257             Associated photoluminescence and environmental stability of the three-metal systems are a
258  factors, there is a lack of evidence on how environmental stimulation influences individuals' eating
259 e association between eating performance and environmental stimulation, adjusting for resident charac
260                                         Many environmental stimuli contain temporal regularities, a f
261 ntext can drastically influence responses to environmental stimuli.
262 s with a higher degree of robustness against environmental stress and can facilitate the evolution of
263 f the metabolic enzyme pyruvate kinase under environmental stress and propose a method to protect and
264 r cellular activities in response to various environmental stress by modulating gene expression.
265 tabolic rate is suppressed, and tolerance of environmental stress is bolstered.
266                           We report that the environmental stress of carbon dioxide (CO2) anesthesia
267  glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) is important for environmental stress responses by eukaryotic microalgae.
268 NAD(+)-dependent protein deacetylase, senses environmental stress to alter intestinal integrity.
269                                  By applying environmental stress to bacteria in a microfluidic platf
270 e-cell model system to measure the impact of environmental stress.
271 l, chemical, and immune mechanisms to combat environmental stress.
272 op plants against the deleterious effects of environmental stresses and toxins.
273 hand, and for defence against endogenous and environmental stresses on the other hand.
274  use of pH signals as a means of adapting to environmental stresses such as those caused by hypoxia,
275                                 To cope with environmental stresses, bacteria have evolved various st
276 t NLR genes might be influenced by competing environmental stresses.
277                                              Environmental stressors, such as pollutants, can increas
278 these expansions are linked to adaptation to environmental stressors.
279 ional age, age at illness onset, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, bacterial colonization, and
280 ribution of tree species because of critical environmental tolerances related to growth, mortality, r
281 tic effect, natural aging and prolonged oral environmental toxicity administered to mutant knockin LR
282 hogenesis of ASD, including genetic factors, environmental toxins and stressors, impaired immune resp
283 ial sensing domains, including biomolecules, environmental toxins, explosives, ionic species, and man
284 ds could therefore play an important role as environmental tracers.
285 d of exchangeable components that respond to environmental triggers by self-adaption, provide general
286 er ecosystems against predicted increases in environmental variability.
287 ndent on adaptation to habitats with similar environmental variability.
288 imespans analyzed, even when controlling for environmental variables.
289        In addition, the relationship between environmental variation and abundance varied significant
290 trength and consistency of their response to environmental variation at different temporal (i.e. seas
291     These community differences suggest that environmental variation between individuals in different
292 d baseline information on current impacts of environmental variation is widely lacking for many habit
293 tudies estimating the simultaneous impact of environmental variation on both selection and genetic va
294 y predict which biological conditions (e.g., environmental variation, regularity, noise or a pressure
295 behavior depend on the presence of exogenous environmental variation.
296 uce 'syndromes' resulting from phylogeny and environmental variation.
297 ants have the ability to respond to seasonal environmental variations by monitoring day length to ini
298 ntext of important geological, climatic, and environmental variations.
299 iscriminate and respond to minute changes in environmental voltage gradients through an unknown mecha
300                Once in complex media such as environmental waters or toxicology exposure media, the s

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