


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l, chemical, and immune mechanisms to combat environmental stress.
2  root and functions to protect the root from environmental stress.
3  be predictive of disease progression before environmental stress.
4 ted with the ability to cope with a compound environmental stress.
5 s) that form when eukaryotic cells encounter environmental stress.
6 growth and relying on technology to mitigate environmental stress.
7 rotists form dormant cysts when experiencing environmental stress.
8 ein level may be important for adaptation to environmental stress.
9 f particular importance during conditions of environmental stress.
10 ne transcriptional regulation in response to environmental stress.
11 ht on tree regeneration across a gradient of environmental stress.
12  a plant hormone involved in the response to environmental stress.
13 olvement of GSH with ethylene (ET) to combat environmental stress.
14 nases, and proteins involved in defense from environmental stress.
15 sensitivity to antibiotics, chemotherapy and environmental stress.
16 on, may predispose hosts to life-threatening environmental stress.
17  females are shown to respond differently to environmental stress.
18 a central regulator of cellular responses to environmental stress.
19 ade to switch lifestyles in order to survive environmental stress.
20 molecular level about the initial sensing of environmental stress.
21 at mediate diatom sensing and acclimation to environmental stress.
22 ctions in epigenetic regulation and DDR with environmental stress.
23 onse while maximizing the ability to survive environmental stress.
24 ss, ultraviolet radiation and other forms of environmental stress.
25 pear to be the primary mechanistic target of environmental stress.
26 neer crop species for enhanced resistance to environmental stress.
27 f plant spatial transcriptional responses to environmental stress.
28 cretion to a greater extent than desiccating environmental stress.
29 nt microalga produces reddish pigments under environmental stress.
30 tes evolutionary rescue from a deteriorating environmental stress.
31 h1-regulated genes respond to DNA damage and environmental stress.
32  particularly prevalent in plants exposed to environmental stress.
33  classic signs of aging until they encounter environmental stress.
34 ory perception and hematopoietic response to environmental stress.
35 mophilus influenzae, and protects cells from environmental stress.
36  dimethylsulphide (DMS) are often related to environmental stress.
37 the availability of sugars, amino acids, and environmental stress.
38 ad a specific function that was triggered by environmental stress.
39  prime the host to be sensitive to secondary environmental stress.
40 sociation with rs3219151 in interaction with environmental stress.
41  provide an energetic buffer during times of environmental stress.
42 A dynamics in the mouse brain in response to environmental stress.
43 stringent response-a conserved adaptation to environmental stress.
44 e-cell model system to measure the impact of environmental stress.
45 ival in the face of endogenous and exogenous environmental stress.
46 velopment, gene silencing, and adaptation to environmental stress.
47 bundance of coral taxa which are tolerant to environmental stress.
48 ven to highly localized and quickly changing environmental stresses.
49 epresent shared key responses of the lung to environmental stresses.
50 n crops and increased their vulnerability to environmental stresses.
51 growth especially in the presence of various environmental stresses.
52 e folds capable of withstanding a variety of environmental stresses.
53 ent accumulation and survival of bacteria to environmental stresses.
54 pulations of cells subjected to a variety of environmental stresses.
55 ession in the offspring by alleviating these environmental stresses.
56 ability during development or in response to environmental stresses.
57 ite components in the cellular adaptation to environmental stresses.
58  modification to bacterial cells coping with environmental stresses.
59  form multicellular filaments in response to environmental stresses.
60 ndrial dynamics and the organism response to environmental stresses.
61 cific protective molecular machinery against environmental stresses.
62 ological response of dinoflagellate cells to environmental stresses.
63  plant growth, development, and responses to environmental stresses.
64 oid products in the adaptation of saffron to environmental stresses.
65 translational control response shared across environmental stresses.
66 the resistance of bacteria to (host-induced) environmental stresses.
67 rmance across an array of biotic and abiotic environmental stresses.
68 modulated in response to pathogens and other environmental stresses.
69 ferent tissues and in response to a range of environmental stresses.
70 g different signaling pathways responding to environmental stresses.
71  its constant exposure to a large variety of environmental stresses.
72  protection against desiccation and external environmental stresses.
73 e able to tolerate and adapt to a variety of environmental stresses.
74  development, and responses to pathogens and environmental stresses.
75 less susceptible to antimicrobial agents and environmental stresses.
76 including hormone signaling and responses to environmental stresses.
77 gulate growth, development, and responses to environmental stresses.
78 rious development processes and responses to environmental stresses.
79 eria, responds to oxidative, heat, and other environmental stresses.
80 ring infections and potentially during other environmental stresses.
81 ing the transcription in response to various environmental stresses.
82 egulate plant gene expression in response to environmental stresses.
83 t NLR genes might be influenced by competing environmental stresses.
84 lation events that result into adaptation to environmental stresses.
85 on of cellular proteins against a variety of environmental stresses.
86 n confer a selective advantage under certain environmental stresses.
87  adaptive diversity to multiple diseases and environmental stresses.
88 l for regulation of cell fate in response to environmental stresses.
89 s in response to a variety of endogenous and environmental stresses, allowing the accumulation of dam
90                                     Although environmental stress also plays a role in suicide, the p
91                                        Other environmental stresses also activate AMPK, but it is unc
92 cal resilience during frequently encountered environmental stress, an idea that has strong parallels
93                            Here we show that environmental stress and alterations in DNA repair genes
94 erscore that DNA methylation is modulated by environmental stress and can also be an integral part of
95 s with a higher degree of robustness against environmental stress and can facilitate the evolution of
96 hat elevated genetic diversity, tolerance to environmental stress and capacity for producing defensiv
97 ough TMEM135 is critical for protection from environmental stress and controlling the progression of
98 e context-specific activation in response to environmental stress and developmental cues.
99 piratory epithelium is subject to continuous environmental stress and its responses to injury or infe
100 ed a link between the Nrf2 system of sensing environmental stress and mTOR, which is a key cellular p
101 expression GxE are manifested in response to environmental stress and other selective agents that cau
102 f the metabolic enzyme pyruvate kinase under environmental stress and propose a method to protect and
103 SG formation is a cytoprotective response to environmental stress and results from protein interactio
104 , combining 20 indicators and boundaries for environmental stress and social deprivation.
105 fects CD4(+) T-cell subsets, and desiccating environmental stress and systemic mAChR blockade induce
106                                  Desiccating environmental stress and systemic mAChR blockade induced
107 ssue expression of chaperones in response to environmental stress and to ensure that metastable aggre
108 argely by the wear and tear of everyday use, environmental stress and unexpected damage, which ultima
109 latory elements in development, responses to environmental stresses and disease, testing enhancer act
110 he robustness of organisms to both transient environmental stresses and inter-generational genetic ch
111 f orthologous proteins enables adaptation to environmental stresses and promotes evolution of novel f
112 y changing conditions and need to respond to environmental stresses and seasonal changes in temperatu
113 op plants against the deleterious effects of environmental stresses and toxins.
114 t has been speculated to be a combination of environmental, stress and genetic factors.
115  bacterial genes in response to nutrition or environmental stress, and can be engineered for artifici
116 onstrate growth defects, cannot contend with environmental stress, and exhibit multiple changes in me
117         Aging, exposure to physiological and environmental stress, and expression of mutant and metas
118 lifera) is under pressure from habitat loss, environmental stress, and pathogens, particularly viruse
119 ow productivity few species can tolerate the environmental stresses, and at high productivity a few h
120  beetle forewings in tolerating a variety of environmental stresses, and gives insight into how the e
121  vs female function is sensitive to distinct environmental stresses, and the choice of currency affec
122  can be nascently translated under different environmental stresses, and they are able to release mem
123 egulates cell division--including growth and environmental stresses--and the targeting of the divisio
124             Microbial community responses to environmental stresses are critical for microbial growth
125                                              Environmental stresses are universally encountered by mi
126 teractions predictably shift with increasing environmental stress as hypothesised by the stress-gradi
127 elp identify reef ecosystems most exposed to environmental stress as well as systems that may be more
128 d conditions, plants may experience numerous environmental stresses at any one time.
129                                 To cope with environmental stresses, bacteria have evolved various st
130 rmospora indica enhances plant adaptation to environmental stress based on general and non-specific p
131 s is linked to their impressive tolerance to environmental stress, but little is known about how such
132 substantially in physiological resilience to environmental stress, but the molecular mechanisms behin
133 r cellular activities in response to various environmental stress by modulating gene expression.
134 Persister cells survive antibiotic and other environmental stresses by slowing metabolism.
135 lines in species richness along gradients of environmental stress can be due to increasing constraint
136 We suggest that commonly encountered natural environmental stresses can accelerate the accumulation a
137                                              Environmental stresses can also impact directly on chrom
138 nges of translation dynamics in responses to environmental stresses, capture distinct mobilities of i
139 nd there is a paucity of data concerning the environmental stresses caused by these new forms of anth
140                             When adapting to environmental stress, cells attenuate and reprogram thei
141                               In response to environmental stress, cells often generate pH signals th
142 ing demands on the proteasome arising during environmental stresses, cells increase proteasome abunda
143                             Plants encounter environmental stress challenges that are distinct from t
144 eate the role of ROS in plant acclimation to environmental stress conditions and to elucidate the mol
145 ng genome stability are plastic as different environmental stress conditions lead to general genome i
146                                              Environmental stress conditions such as drought, heat, s
147 r, Rv2745c (clgR), is induced in response to environmental stress conditions, implicating its potenti
148 for example, nutritional disorders and other environmental stress conditions.
149 stability under drought and high-temperature environmental stress conditions.
150 ellent solvent resistance, and resistance to environmental stress cracking.
151 itions and during the recovery from damaging environmental stress depends on cellular chaperones and
152 acteria, the ability to sense and respond to environmental stresses encountered within the host is cr
153 response to a variety of stresses, including environmental stress, energy stress, and growth at high
154 of the tumor-determines whether cells resist environmental stress, enter dormancy, or metastasize.
155 asive phenotypes, survival and resistance to environmental stresses, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transi
156  cellular delivery of protein products under environmental stresses, eukaryotes have evolved a set of
157 tial for protecting the embryonic brain from environmental stress, excessive activation impairs criti
158 pathogen and herbivory attacks are recurring environmental stresses experienced by plants throughout
159  the embryonic brain in response to prenatal environmental stress exposure may contribute to the resu
160 ght-absorbing antenna complex-in response to environmental stress factors.
161 gations of foundation species often mitigate environmental stresses for organisms living among them.
162                                              Environmental stress generally exacerbates the harmful e
163  during quiescence and resistance to diverse environmental stresses, granule genesis is poorly unders
164  responses to different pathogens as well as environmental stress has arisen through the adaptive rec
165 ein in PC, MUC4 regulation in terms of micro-environmental stress has not been determined.
166 f inflammatory pathologies or in response to environmental stress, has been widely reported in recent
167  The transcriptomic responses of bacteria to environmental stresses have been studied extensively, ye
168 c) and biotic (virus infection, allelopathy) environmental stresses, have an integral grip on cell fa
169 opology, as well as the cellular response to environmental stress, hazardous substances and antibioti
170 wed a wider range of phenotypic responses to environmental stresses, hence faster adaptations.
171 e-methylome sequencing to test if a specific environmental stress (high-salinity soil) changes the fr
172                         However, desiccating environmental stress imparted higher conjunctival CD3(+)
173 or the use of the model to study the role of environmental stress in disease pathology.
174 rovide a physiological benefit to counteract environmental stress in fishes.
175 ic data in mussels, as well as the impact of environmental stress in marine invertebrates in general.
176 microbes would be able to tolerate selective environmental stress in response to anthropogenic impact
177 h suggests its participation in tolerance to environmental stresses in flower buds of peach.
178  emerging evidence suggests that exposure to environmental stresses in older generations may predispo
179 ter a substantial loss of biomass induced by environmental stress, including drought.
180 or impediment to understanding the impact of environmental stress, including toxins and other polluta
181 ants displayed improved tolerance to various environmental stresses, including drought, salt, methyl
182 tion in response to chemical carcinogens and environmental stresses, including ultraviolet B (UVB) ir
183            In mammalian cells, metabolic and environmental stress increases the phosphorylation of th
184           Here we show that several types of environmental stress induce a rapid change in c-Myb phos
185                   Recently, we reported that environmental stresses induce TNR mutagenesis via stress
186 the peritoneal cavity, protecting cells from environmental stress-induced anoikis.
187                                              Environmental stress-induced genes are most sensitive to
188  in cancer cells, also plays a novel role in environmental stress-induced TNR mutagenesis.
189 esert plants are hypothesized to survive the environmental stress inherent to these regions in part t
190 tabolic rate is suppressed, and tolerance of environmental stress is bolstered.
191                                Adaptation to environmental stress is critical for cell survival.
192                                A response to environmental stress is critical to alleviate cellular i
193    Cellular survival during periods of acute environmental stress is essential for single-celled orga
194  than in the south (12 +/-3 Mg C ha-1) where environmental stress is high (low rainfall, high seasona
195                            Adaptation to new environmental stress is often associated with an alterat
196        Response of biological communities to environmental stresses is a critical issue in ecology, b
197      The ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental stresses is directly related to the number
198 utionarily conserved persistence response to environmental stress known as dauer.
199 housand), induced when anammox is exposed to environmental stress, leading to the superposition of N
200  propose that H2O2 is a missing link between environmental stress, metabolism, and redox regulation o
201 ive highly cyclic life and their response to environmental stresses must allow for underlying biologi
202 ploidy also frequently confers resistance to environmental stresses not tolerated by diploid cells.
203                           We report that the environmental stress of carbon dioxide (CO2) anesthesia
204                                              Environmental stress often triggers unreduced gamete pro
205 e nurse plants also moderated the effects of environmental stress on pinon survival: Survival of inte
206 provides the ability to infer the impacts of environmental stresses on autotrophic respiration and ca
207 s and essential oil as well as the effect of environmental stresses on essential oil and phenolic com
208 cale quantification of the impact of diverse environmental stresses on the fate of phytoplankton bloo
209 hand, and for defence against endogenous and environmental stresses on the other hand.
210 ect proteins from damage caused by extrinsic environmental stress or intrinsic age-related deteriorat
211 -dissociation of GLO and CAT, in response to environmental stress or stimuli, seems to serve as a spe
212 ells such as macrophages are challenged with environmental stresses or infection by pathogens, they t
213 enced HR, both at rest (p = 0.010) and after environmental stress (p = 0.002), with the minor (A) all
214                             Upon exposure to environmental stress, phosphorylation of the alpha subun
215 rient metabolism and their interactions with environmental stress play key roles in human longevity.
216 dation, parasitism, competition, and abiotic environmental stress play key roles in shaping populatio
217 o handle the nutrient limitations and severe environmental stresses present within the mammalian urin
218                                              Environmental stresses profoundly altered accumulation o
219                                              Environmental stresses profoundly altered accumulation o
220                         Plant survival under environmental stress requires the integration of multipl
221                            Comparison of the environmental stress response (ESR) across species is es
222  structure and transcriptional repression of environmental stress response genes in budding yeast.
223 pression of ribosomal protein genes from the environmental stress response in a manner partly correla
224 es in yeast by testing for enrichment of the Environmental Stress Response target gene set with GO Sl
225 cuttings and food production), ecologically (environmental stress response), and for human existence
226 sn2 mediates a significant proportion of the environmental stress response, in which a common cohort
227 me-lapse microscopy of the Bacillus subtilis environmental stress response, mediated by sigma(B).
228 type approach to cellular evaluations of the environmental stress response, studying a range of well-
229 o what extent epigenetics may be involved in environmental stress response.
230 gen-activated protein (MAP) kinase regulates environmental stress responses and virulence in the ento
231  glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) is important for environmental stress responses by eukaryotic microalgae.
232 l targets for improving nutrient content and environmental stress responses in plants.
233 lants coordinate developmental processes and environmental stress responses is a pressing question.
234 II TA systems in Streptomyces physiology and environmental stress responses.
235 with roles in senescence, fruit ripening and environmental stress responses.
236 otosynthesis or central carbon metabolism to environmental stress responses.
237 rammed and how this may contribute to global environmental stress responses.
238 egligible structural evolution under similar environmental stresses, revealing a critically important
239                      The results showed that environmental stress selects for wild microorganisms wit
240 node in which circadian components integrate environmental stress signals to the DNA-damage response.
241          Evidence shows that nutritional and environmental stress stimuli during postnatal period inf
242 veral years of negative plant C balance from environmental stress such as drought or repeated defolia
243 ooting depth affects ecosystem resilience to environmental stress such as drought.
244 ant phenotyping, especially for plants under environmental stress such as nitrogen starvation.
245 nal genes involved in microbial responses to environmental stresses such as changes to temperature, o
246     Transient exposure of healthy females to environmental stresses such as cold shock or starvation
247 scisic acid (ABA) serves as an integrator of environmental stresses such as drought to trigger stomat
248 elongation mechanisms to escape from diverse environmental stresses such as flooding and vegetative s
249 rotubule-led meiotic chromosome movements to environmental stresses such as ionizing irradiation (IR)
250  found that AgTreT1 expression is induced by environmental stresses such as low humidity or elevated
251  inbreeding depression can be exacerbated by environmental stresses such as starvation, predation, pa
252  use of pH signals as a means of adapting to environmental stresses such as those caused by hypoxia,
253 ut also for counteracting different types of environmental stress, such a cyclic operation may contri
254                                              Environmental stresses, such as shading of the shoot, dr
255                                              Environmental stresses, such as starvation and antibioti
256 his can enhance host growth and tolerance to environmental stresses, such as water stress (WS).
257 L-3 were maintained even under conditions of environmental stress, suggesting that PRL-3 provides a s
258 tial part of DNA methylation associated with environmental stress, suggesting that the likely mechani
259 substrates exposed to larger fluctuations in environmental stress supported greater functional divers
260                                         Many environmental stresses temporarily disrupt bud formation
261 PCs from balding scalp are more sensitive to environmental stress than nonbalding cells.
262 changes in gene expression after imposing an environmental stress that accentuates the regulatory fea
263         Phosphate limitation is an important environmental stress that affects the metabolism of vari
264                                              Environmental stresses that disrupt protein homeostasis
265         Drought is one of the most important environmental stresses that effects crop productivity in
266                           Bacteria encounter environmental stresses that regulate a gene expression p
267 n nature, plants need to respond to multiple environmental stresses that require the involvement and
268                   To mitigate the effects of environmental stress the abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive
269          Here we show that, upon exposure to environmental stress, the phosphatase calcineurin inhibi
270 erogeneous adaptive selection in response to environmental stress through intrinsic genomic sampling
271 that snoRNAs may orchestrate the response to environmental stress through molecular interactions outs
272      Animals, including humans, can adapt to environmental stress through phenotypic plasticity.
273            All cells perceive and respond to environmental stresses through elaborate stress-sensing
274 rmancy further improves tolerance of buds to environmental stresses through specific mechanisms poorl
275 itute a means to cope with intracellular and environmental stress, thus favoring tumor progression.
276 mal spacing distance range that lowers plant environmental stress, thus improving plant performance t
277 NAD(+)-dependent protein deacetylase, senses environmental stress to alter intestinal integrity.
278                                  By applying environmental stress to bacteria in a microfluidic platf
279     Plants as sessile organisms can adapt to environmental stress to mitigate its adverse effects.
280  the coral microbiome) as a means to enhance environmental stress tolerance of corals and the success
281 ontinuum, and in turn how BVOCs can regulate environmental stress tolerance or species interactions v
282 ociated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and other environmental stresses trigger transient ion fluxes at t
283                                        Thus, environmental stress triggers a unique pathway for TNR m
284                                              Environmental stress triggers substantial alterations in
285                                              Environmental stress triggers various responses, includi
286                          Bacteria respond to environmental stresses using a variety of signaling and
287 Because autophagy is a key liver response to environmental stresses, we characterized the impact of h
288 ling ecosystem function and vulnerability to environmental stresses, we investigated the hydrolyzable
289 ation initiation is globally reprogrammed by environmental stresses, we were interested in determinin
290          The new finds suggests that extreme environmental stresses were prevalent both in the sea an
291 a rapid systemic response to a wide range of environmental stresses, where the signals from the site
292                                              Environmental stresses, which are increasing with climat
293            Low temperature is one of the key environmental stresses, which greatly affects global ban
294  Bacterial spores are extremely resistant to environmental stresses, which greatly hinders spore deco
295 ion of a novel metabolism in anticipation of environmental stress, while minimizing endogenously gene
296 ls protect plants from desiccation and other environmental stresses, while stomata facilitate gas exc
297         Here, we show that high salinity, an environmental stress widely impacting agricultural land,
298 hondria and cellular pathways in response to environmental stress with a focus on epigenetic regulati
299 urine model of DED that combines desiccating environmental stress with systemic muscarinic acetylchol
300  were widespread in the late Neoproterozoic, environmental stress would have hindered the development

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