


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  525 mg/day is the recommended dose for oral enzastaurin.
2 cal studies, and clinical study results with enzastaurin.
3 e basis of plasma exposures and safety data, enzastaurin 525 mg once daily is the recommended phase I
4                                              Enzastaurin - a novel oral antitumor agent that selectiv
5                                              Enzastaurin, a PKCbeta inhibitor, blocked PKCbeta activi
6 rve as a reliable pharmacodynamic marker for Enzastaurin activity.
7 e II trial tested the efficacy and safety of enzastaurin added to a standard carboplatin/paclitaxel c
8 nducted to determine the recommended dose of enzastaurin, an oral protein kinase C beta (PKCbeta) inh
9                                              Enzastaurin, an oral serine/threonine kinase inhibitor,
10                  In addition, treatment with Enzastaurin and AR-A014418 decreased the mRNA levels and
11                              Total analytes (enzastaurin and its metabolites) exposure increased with
12              Treatment with a combination of Enzastaurin and the GSK3 inhibitor AR-A014418 resulted i
13 mpounds, including bortezomib, lenalidomide, enzastaurin, and adaphostin.
14 y and demonstrate that the PKCbeta inhibitor enzastaurin, and the clinically available anti-hypertens
15               These results demonstrate that enzastaurin, at clinically achievable concentrations, in
16  various advanced cancers and suggested that enzastaurin can be safely used long term in combination
17                                              Enzastaurin combined with GSK3 inhibitors demonstrated a
18                                 Furthermore, enzastaurin demonstrated additive cytotoxicity in combin
19                                              Enzastaurin displays pro-apoptotic properties against a
20                                 Furthermore, enzastaurin downregulated AKT activity and its downstrea
21 ed the novel, orally available PKC-inhibitor enzastaurin for its anti-MM activity.
22 e PKCbeta-selective small molecule inhibitor enzastaurin had a similar effect.
23                         These data show that Enzastaurin has a direct antitumor effect and that Enzas
24                         Herein, we show that Enzastaurin has a direct effect on human tumor cells, in
25 KC) isoforms by the small molecule inhibitor enzastaurin has shown promising preclinical activity in
26              Our studies therefore show that enzastaurin has significant antitumor activity in WM bot
27  survival, and angiogenesis are abrogated by enzastaurin in an in vivo xenograft model of human MM.
28 olerability and survival data, evaluation of enzastaurin in combination with cytotoxic drugs is warra
29 results directly led to a clinical trial for Enzastaurin in CTCL in which it was well tolerated and s
30                           Further studies of enzastaurin in DLBCL are warranted.
31 ficacy of the orally available PKC inhibitor enzastaurin in MM and strongly support its clinical eval
32                   A recent phase II study of enzastaurin in patients with relapsed or refractory diff
33 e II study of a potent inhibitor of PKCbeta, enzastaurin, in patients with relapsed or refractory DLB
34 at the protein kinase C (PKC) beta inhibitor Enzastaurin increases apoptosis in malignant lymphocytes
35                                              Enzastaurin induced dose-dependent apoptosis at 48 hours
36                                              Enzastaurin-induced cell death involved caspase-3-activa
37 ore, accumulated beta-catenin contributes to enzastaurin-induced cell death.
38                                              Enzastaurin inhibited Akt phosphorylation and Akt kinase
39                                Consequently, enzastaurin inhibits proliferation, survival, and migrat
40                        Our results show that enzastaurin is an effective chemopreventive agent in a m
41                                              Enzastaurin is an oral serine/threonine kinase inhibitor
42 ng synergistic cytotoxicity is observed when enzastaurin is combined with bortezomib and moderate syn
43            Based on these and previous data, enzastaurin is currently under clinical investigation in
44                                              Enzastaurin is emerging as a promising new antitumor tre
45                                              Enzastaurin is well tolerated up to 700 mg/d.
46                                              Enzastaurin (LY317615) was initially developed as an ant
47 arget for colon cancer chemoprevention using enzastaurin (LY317615), a PKCbeta-selective inhibitor, i
48             The PKCbeta-selective inhibitor, Enzastaurin (LY317615.HCl), suppresses angiogenesis and
49 o PI3K/AKT activation, but it is unknown how enzastaurin may interfere with signaling through this pa
50 evention and the PKCbeta-selective inhibitor enzastaurin may represent an effective chemopreventive a
51                                              Enzastaurin not only inhibits protein kinase Cbeta activ
52                     Two deaths, unrelated to enzastaurin, occurred.
53 he effects of the PKCbeta-specific inhibitor enzastaurin on the survival of B cells from mice with lu
54          We have investigated the effects of enzastaurin on the viability of the cutaneous T-cell lym
55                                 In addition, enzastaurin overcame tumor cell growth induced by cocult
56  of chemotherapy (paclitaxel/carboplatin +/- enzastaurin [PCE/PC]) followed by maintenance therapy (e
57 n [PCE/PC]) followed by maintenance therapy (enzastaurin/placebo).
58 a-catenin decreased the cytotoxic effects of Enzastaurin plus AR-A014418.
59                                 We find that enzastaurin potently reduces azoxymethane-induced colon
60 Sle mice with the PKCbeta-specific inhibitor enzastaurin prevented the development of lupus.
61                 Inhibition of PKCbetaII with enzastaurin reduced A549 cell proliferation by >60% (48
62                               Biochemically, enzastaurin reduces expression of the PKCbetaII- and bet
63 ulation of Fas and DR5, and PKCbeta shRNA or enzastaurin reversed this effect.
64                                    Moreover, enzastaurin sensitized a variety of human tumor cell lin
65                                              Enzastaurin specifically inhibits phorbol ester-induced
66  reports, these data support the notion that Enzastaurin suppresses tumor growth through multiple mec
67 ractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma showed enzastaurin to be associated with prolonged freedom from
68                             Oral dosing with Enzastaurin to yield plasma concentrations similar to th
69 hibition of tumor growth was observed in the enzastaurin-treated mice (P = .028).
70                                              Enzastaurin treatment also suppresses GSK3beta phosphory
71                                              Enzastaurin treatment also suppresses the phosphorylatio
72 ive B cells as well as the in vivo effect of enzastaurin treatment on the development of lupus in Sle
73 aurin has a direct antitumor effect and that Enzastaurin treatment suppresses GSK3beta phosphorylatio
74                  As in cultured tumor cells, Enzastaurin treatment suppresses the phosphorylation of
75                                              Enzastaurin-treatment decreased cell viability, increase
76                       This phase II trial of enzastaurin was conducted to determine the 6-month progr
77                                              Enzastaurin was taken orally once daily until disease pr
78                               Treatment with enzastaurin was well-tolerated and associated with prolo
79 certain a means of improving the efficacy of Enzastaurin, we investigated complementary signaling pat
80 age, 58 years) received at least one dose of enzastaurin, with a median of two cycles (range, one to

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