


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 was previously thought to be exclusively non-enzymatic.
2 f purified TopA is decreased by in vitro non-enzymatic acetyl phosphate mediated lysine acetylation,
3  protects TopA from inactivation by such non-enzymatic acetylation.
4 uce MV formation in neighboring cells by the enzymatic action of the released endolysin.
5 romolecule that exhibits both structural and enzymatic actions.
6  a potential target that could interrupt the enzymatic activation of the caspase dependent cell death
7 molecule and that they are distinct from the enzymatic active site.
8                             The stability of enzymatic activities and major allergens under stress co
9            Here the authors characterize the enzymatic activities and structures of yeast and human U
10 e in biological milieus, achieving long-term enzymatic activities can be challenging.
11 d for protein and RNA binding and subsequent enzymatic activities in the context of the Rev/RRE pathw
12 large terminase (TerL) protein contains both enzymatic activities necessary for packaging in such vir
13 e biosynthesis of these molecules where dual enzymatic activities of the DSF synthase and the use of
14                                 Although the enzymatic activities of the replicative DNA Pol III are
15 onding N9 neuraminidases (NAs) display equal enzymatic activities on a soluble monovalent substrate a
16                        After 1 y of storage, enzymatic activities significantly increased for all gro
17 ion (PNG) is crucial for protein folding and enzymatic activities, and has remarkable diversity among
18 sidering DO limitation, direct pH effects on enzymatic activities, and indirect pH effects on activit
19 thods allow fast and inexpensive analysis of enzymatic activities.
20 ns between copper and BACE1 and into its non-enzymatic activities.
21 -terminal extension domains carrying various enzymatic activities.
22 nd mechanistic separation of NuRD-associated enzymatic activities.
23 igh antioxidant metabolites contents but low enzymatic activities.
24          We developed DC nanozymes with high enzymatic activity and ability to retain and protect SOD
25 n loop (T-loop) of protein kinases underlies enzymatic activity and influences the binding of small-m
26  the wild-type protein, including diminished enzymatic activity and prevention of export to the Golgi
27  PncA structure and result in either loss of enzymatic activity and/or decrease in protein abundance.
28                      Mutational analysis and enzymatic activity assays identified features on the sur
29 ent increased mean ALP and bone-specific ALP enzymatic activity between days 2 and 29.
30 osttranslational inhibition of MGDG synthase enzymatic activity by NO.
31  loops, skewed toward being closed, controls enzymatic activity by regulating binding to ssDNA substr
32 f PPO at pH 4.00 and offers an inhibition of enzymatic activity close the 50% in apple extracts.
33 Results showed that MMP13 protein levels and enzymatic activity decreased significantly during SIRT1
34                           Conversely, RelQ's enzymatic activity destabilizes the RelQ:RNA complex.
35           Pharmacological inhibition of MAOA enzymatic activity effectively interrupted osteolysis an
36 e immobilized SrtA was proved to retain full enzymatic activity for peptide-to-peptide ligation and p
37                         Mutants with reduced enzymatic activity had slower replication in mammalian n
38  understand the functional relevance of mTOR enzymatic activity in beta-cell development and glucose
39 rocognitive progression, brain growth, NAGLU enzymatic activity in CSF, and specific anti-NAGLU immun
40 riggered immunity (PTI) independent of their enzymatic activity in Nicotiana benthamiana.
41 in both citrate synthase gene expression and enzymatic activity in skeletal muscle of mice in the cor
42  results demonstrate a direct observation of enzymatic activity in solution by the sensor.
43                  Although hPL inhibits GSTP1 enzymatic activity in vitro, treatment of cells suscepti
44  CD71(+) cells express arginase II, and this enzymatic activity inhibits phagocytosis of B. pertussis
45 ase suggests a common mechanism, a defect in enzymatic activity is not shared among the CMT-causing m
46                                          Cdk enzymatic activity is tightly controlled through cyclin
47                          Next, we tested the enzymatic activity of a recombinant mutant polymerase (r
48 ffects of NAE 12:0, in part by enhancing the enzymatic activity of Arabidopsis FAAH (AtFAAH).
49 oxicity to bacteria or interference with the enzymatic activity of beta-galactosidase.
50                                          The enzymatic activity of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in th
51 he mutation defined dramatically reduces the enzymatic activity of EPT1, thereby hindering the final
52 ese results show for the first time that the enzymatic activity of HDAC3 functions to negatively regu
53          Mechanistically, we showed that the enzymatic activity of JMJD6 was required for a subset of
54                             Furthermore, the enzymatic activity of LSD1 is essential for H3K9me2 deme
55 iated pre-40S particles, suggesting that the enzymatic activity of PARN is necessary for the release
56                                          The enzymatic activity of PMN-MP-associated MPO was enhanced
57 e fit this model genome wide and profile the enzymatic activity of RNA polymerase across various loci
58 ractions were used to in silico estimate the enzymatic activity of signalling kinases.
59 tations at PLA2G7 was associated with absent enzymatic activity of soluble lipoprotein-associated pho
60 that encodes an S188I mutation increases the enzymatic activity of the protein and its ability to res
61 iven functional assay based on the exogenous enzymatic activity of Tobacco Etch Virus Protease.
62     We showed that MAV-1 infection increases enzymatic activity of two key MMPs known to be secreted
63 sion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and diminishing the enzymatic activity of urokinase-type plasminogen activat
64        HA degradation requires either ERManI enzymatic activity or EDEM1/EDEM2 enzymatic activity whe
65  clear whether this function depends on HDAC enzymatic activity per se.
66         However, the functional role of MLL4 enzymatic activity remains elusive.
67 g mechanism for single-molecule detection of enzymatic activity that could be applied to many other b
68 horylation as a novel, critical regulator of enzymatic activity that is consistent with the notion th
69  rendering them uniquely dependent upon SHMT enzymatic activity to meet glycine demand.
70                                   Telomerase enzymatic activity was not directly affected by BRD4 inh
71 her ERManI enzymatic activity or EDEM1/EDEM2 enzymatic activity when ERManI is not expressed, indicat
72 ive inhibitor, among kinases, of human RIPK1 enzymatic activity with a nM Kd; has a non-ATP competiti
73                               Focusing on an enzymatic activity with demonstrated synthetic and thera
74 ization did not require prior skin damage or enzymatic activity within HDM extract, yet was facilitat
75  through the Cav channels reliably initiates enzymatic activity within milliseconds.
76 tive polymerase chain reaction) and protein (enzymatic activity) levels critical transporters and enz
77               Quantifications of liver mass, enzymatic activity, and immunohistochemistry demonstrate
78 cular effects of different regulators of the enzymatic activity, and provides an integrative picture
79 CDPKs) transduces cytosolic Ca(2+) flux into enzymatic activity, but how they function is poorly unde
80 arge surface area, fractal dimension, robust enzymatic activity, good durability, and high magnetic s
81 sess Galpha-RGS complex formation and Galpha enzymatic activity, we found that several previously ide
82 echanism and allows for finer control of the enzymatic activity, which is a basis for the design of e
83 ased hepatic LPCAT3 mRNA abundance and LPCAT enzymatic activity, which is associated with increased i
84 ative splicing events, suggesting both JMJD6 enzymatic activity-dependent and independent control of
85 le in phosphorylation-mediated alteration in enzymatic activity.
86 tion on the chromatin, independently of PTEN enzymatic activity.
87 f the TCR signal results in differential Akt enzymatic activity.
88 hospholipid acyl chains regulate respiratory enzymatic activity.
89 he active site cysteine results in a loss of enzymatic activity.
90 al regulation of lysosomal acidification and enzymatic activity.
91 R domain is a protein motif that can possess enzymatic activity.
92 s to isolate the effect of immobilization on enzymatic activity.
93 sphorylates delta-secretase and enhances its enzymatic activity.
94 of the NA tetramer and, subsequently, for NA enzymatic activity.
95 c modifications of DNA that results from the enzymatic addition of a methyl group at the fifth carbon
96 hat alphaKG binds TDG on Arg275 providing an enzymatic allosteric activation.
97 a biocompatible matrix in the development of enzymatic amperometric biosensors for whole blood analys
98 proaches are not without their shortcomings; enzymatic amplification and ligation of oligonucleotides
99  highly specific endonuclease dsDNase for an enzymatic amplification step.
100 match differentiation capability by this non-enzymatic, amplification-free ADNA method.
101 s affect histone acyl-PTM abundances by both enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms.
102                                       RelQ's enzymatic and RNA binding activities are subject to intr
103                       Despite the success of enzymatic and small molecule iron catalysts mediating ch
104 acterized role in euchromatin, utilizes both enzymatic and structural mechanisms to regulate heteroch
105 y in organic synthesis, we envision that new enzymatic and synthetic transformations will emerge base
106                               Spectroscopic, enzymatic, and structural studies indicate that TtuA car
107 by using commercially available fluorometric-enzymatic assay and liquid chromatography/mass spectrome
108                                              Enzymatic assay and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) ana
109                                  To date, an enzymatic assay and two chemical assays have been develo
110                 We have adapted a continuous enzymatic assay to a medium-throughput format and carrie
111  the official method of analysis is based on enzymatic assay.
112 onventional methods, including fluorescence, enzymatic assays (ELISA), and quantitative real-time PCR
113 he results highlighted the inadequacy of the enzymatic assays and of the HPLC-RI method to analyse la
114 alone and their activities were validated by enzymatic assays with the recombinant proteins or by the
115 l toolbox that includes lipid substrates for enzymatic assays, potent inhibitors, and chemical probes
116 ow and minimize operator intervention, a non-enzymatic assembly method is highly desirable.
117 fy their peptidoglycan to protect it against enzymatic attack through the host innate immune system,
118  thioredoxin-related pathways, with powerful enzymatic back-up systems, are responsible for fine-tuni
119 estigate the effect of NTR extensions on the enzymatic behavior of individual isoforms, we overexpres
120                                          The enzymatic beta-C-H hydroxylation of the feedstock chemic
121                                              Enzymatic biofuel cells can generate electricity directl
122  this work we have developed an amperometric enzymatic biosensor in a paper-based platform with a mix
123 d devices are: a non-enzymatic sensor and an enzymatic biosensor, the latter showing promising result
124 A from D. indica may be useful in preventing enzymatic browning reactions in food products.
125  chromatography (SEC) revealed that both non-enzymatic browning reactions proceeded differently.
126 -pyroglutamic acid was able to influence non-enzymatic browning reactions.
127                                  Cloud loss, enzymatic browning, and flavor changes are important qua
128 inhibitors of the ubiquitin E1-E2-E3 and DUB enzymatic cascade developed over the past decade with a
129                           Chemoenzymatic and enzymatic cascade reactions enable the synthesis of comp
130 okine instigating development of FMF and the enzymatic caspase involved in its secretion currently ar
131 s in their structural organization, modes of enzymatic catalysis, and biological functions.
132 e features of both homogeneous catalysis and enzymatic catalysis, led to a resurgence of interest in
133 orting a major electrostatic contribution to enzymatic catalysis.
134 health and diseases, including signaling and enzymatic catalysis.
135 d potentialities are realized mostly through enzymatic catalysis.
136 ighly variable, which presents a significant enzymatic challenge to the polysaccharide lyases and sul
137 , followed by a slow block generated through enzymatic changes in the extracellular matrix surroundin
138                                        These enzymatic characteristics are discussed in the light of
139           By incorporating information about enzymatic chemistry into quantitative metagenomics, we d
140                                          The enzymatic chemistry involved in constructing both of the
141  understanding of the biosynthetic logic and enzymatic chemistry involved in the construction of X-X
142 iting nucleases, indicative of its effective enzymatic chemistry.
143                   A conceptually new type of enzymatic cleavage assay is reported that utilizes in si
144 mance but poor protection capability against enzymatic cleavage.
145 uence motifs known to be associated with the enzymatic complexes that regulate m(6)A dynamics, and ex
146 and thereby improve the affinity of the NHEJ enzymatic components consisting of polymerases (Pol mu a
147                                  Each of the enzymatic components is distinctive for its versatility
148 cts with, stabilizes and stimulates multiple enzymatic components of the repair process.
149 red by the resistance of plant cell walls to enzymatic conversion, primarily owing to lignin.
150 mpartments share a common architecture of an enzymatic core encapsulated in a selectively permeable p
151                     Screening with selective enzymatic CYP inhibitors identified CYP2A6 as the major
152 splantation (BMT) can correct the underlying enzymatic defect.
153 he monomeric population was promoted through enzymatic deglycosylation.
154 cals to human serum albumin protects against enzymatic degradation and renal clearance.
155 ractions strongly affected the stability and enzymatic degradation of the micelles.
156 .3), complete protection of siRNA from early enzymatic degradation was observed.
157 atively study the various processes, such as enzymatic degradation, that determines the fate of these
158 e structures that are highly recalcitrant to enzymatic degradation.
159                        Lecithin recovered by enzymatic degumming contained more lysophospholipids com
160             To fluoresce, NIR FPs utilize an enzymatic derivative of heme, the linear tetrapyrrole bi
161 ical LOC microfluidic devices to be used for enzymatic detection.
162 residues provides a potential alternative to enzymatic digestion and a possibility for further chemic
163 light mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) after enzymatic digestion of the polysaccharide component.
164 ange) to the regional level by incorporating enzymatic digestion to acquire binding information for p
165 describe a method that uses restricted Lys-C enzymatic digestion to increase the average mass of prot
166 ith a combination of biochemical enrichment, enzymatic digestion, and nano-scale liquid chromatograph
167 lexes also diminished significantly with the enzymatic digestion.
168 ogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzymatic disorder in humans and appears to be protectiv
169 ogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzymatic disorder of red blood cells in human subjects,
170 s binding stimulates ATPase activity with an enzymatic efficiency similar to DDX1.
171                  With this background, a non-enzymatic electrochemical biosensor has been developed t
172                             The proposed non-enzymatic electrochemical sensor was used for determinin
173 a challenge, mainly due to the strong acidic/enzymatic environment of the gastric mucosa.
174 ntial to human health and can be produced by enzymatic esterification.
175 tal synthesis, only three naturally existing enzymatic examples (the intramolecular Diels-Alder react
176                                              Enzymatic extractions with Cellulase and Viscozyme were
177    We also developed a technique to simulate enzymatic fingerprints in silico that were used to build
178  this bio-inspired nanomaterial either in an enzymatic fuel cell together with a multicopper oxidase
179 aracteristics as compared to the drop-coated enzymatic fuel cell, as a result of the higher nanostruc
180 st the 1100 EW Nafion ionomer in glucose/air enzymatic fuel cells (EFCs), EFCs with laccase air-breat
181 gen membrane- and mediator-free, transparent enzymatic fuel cells.
182       However, its mode of action and actual enzymatic function in M. tuberculosis have remained enig
183 H2 inhibitors strongly suppress the enhanced enzymatic function of mutant EZH2 in some lymphomas.
184 studies that have determined the cellular or enzymatic function of UBE3B.
185 ent and provide biochemical insight into its enzymatic function that may be exploited for development
186 H (RNase H) remains the only virally encoded enzymatic function yet to be exploited as an antiviral t
187                Insight regarding how diverse enzymatic functions and reactions have evolved from ance
188 st this hypothesis we screened the potential enzymatic functions of hypothetical proteins encoded by
189  all domains of life, 54 structures, and >10 enzymatic functions).
190             The enhanced iron uptake through enzymatic GAG depolymerisation could be due to the combi
191 ombin-generation capacity that relied on the enzymatic generation and active provision of a procoagul
192 crowave assisted method and examined for non-enzymatic glucose sensing in ionic liquids by cyclic vol
193      We detail a mediator- and membrane-free enzymatic glucose/oxygen biofuel cell based on transpare
194  on an optimised mediator- and membrane-free enzymatic glucose/oxygen biofuel cell.
195                                        Using enzymatic histochemistry, we detected ecto-AMPase activi
196  that thermal processing, pressurization and enzymatic hydrolysis may reduce the allergenic propertie
197                         CRPH was obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of discarded roe by using Alcalase
198 ensitive and high-throughput analysis of the enzymatic hydrolysis of eight aliphatic polyesters by tw
199                      The Alcalase-containing enzymatic hydrolysis treatments generated a greater prop
200                              Autoclaving and enzymatic hydrolysis under sonication separately induced
201 and 8% NaOH solutions and subsequent in-situ enzymatic hydrolysis were thoroughly characterized.
202 using mass spectrometry following controlled enzymatic hydrolysis.
203 s an (S)-stereocenter, which is resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis.
204 on were detected by qPCR and HA secretion by enzymatic immunoassay.
205    The branches were not visible after 2h of enzymatic incubation.
206        5-Oxoproline (OP) is well-known as an enzymatic intermediate in the eukaryotic gamma-glutamyl
207          Oxygen atom transfer by high-valent enzymatic intermediates remains an enigma in chemical ca
208 us time scale, significantly faster than the enzymatic kcat.
209 action with p-benzoquinone (BQ), followed by enzymatic kinetic measurement.
210 -glucosidase from olive (Olea europaea), had enzymatic kinetics similar to the olive native enzyme.
211 use force-dependent extraction and resort to enzymatic liberation only if mechanical forces fail to r
212  FOS and CGA were maintained in the pulping, enzymatic maceration and microfiltration, leading to a c
213  heart revealed profound upregulation of the enzymatic machinery for hydrolysis of extracellular aden
214                         Here, we describe an enzymatic/mass spectrometric fingerprinting method to an
215               Our studies help to define the enzymatic mechanism of macrocyclization, providing evide
216 een made, whenever possible, to describe the enzymatic mechanisms of catalysis within the context of
217 cyl-PTM abundances by both enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms.
218 e of proton transfer and tautomeric state in enzymatic mechanisms.
219                        However, the array of enzymatic mediators and the exact chemical mechanisms re
220 nic milk protein products using the two-step enzymatic modification method involving thermolysin and
221                                          Non-enzymatic oligomerization of activated ribonucleotides l
222 rly from prokaryotes, which are resistant to enzymatic or chemical release, could also be detected an
223 gation most commonly refers to the chemical, enzymatic, or chemoenzymatic formation of new covalent b
224  such as tyrosinase and laccase catalyze the enzymatic oxidation of PCs and thus, can alter their sca
225 sable, efficient, sensitive and low-cost non-enzymatic PAD has great potential for the development of
226 he software, using the stylus to dispense an enzymatic pellet on top of the bare sensor strip affixed
227                  In this way, changes in the enzymatic performances as a result of inactivation of ei
228                                              Enzymatic prenyl and glycosyl transfer are seemingly unr
229                               Ultrasound and enzymatic pretreatments increased the yield of oleoresin
230 omplexes has been documented, but no cognate enzymatic process is known.
231                        Catalysis observed in enzymatic processes and protein polymerizations often re
232                    Historically, these multi-enzymatic processes on two similar PG walls have proved
233 expression of ChREBP but not by its putative enzymatic product 13,14-dihydroretinol, suggesting that
234  cells with 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC), an enzymatic product of CYP27A1, reduced cellular cholester
235 d in response to ZIKV infection and that its enzymatic product, 25-hydroxycholesterol (25HC), was a c
236             Biocompatible nanomaterials with enzymatic properties could play a crucial role in the tr
237 e larger catalytic subunit and influence the enzymatic properties of the DNA polymerase.
238 ifferent targeting ranges, specificities and enzymatic properties, but many of them are inactive in m
239 lization of complex IV and alteration of its enzymatic properties.
240 rogenic substrate that permits to follow the enzymatic reaction in the presence of each chromatograph
241 n the P1 position, which catalyzes the first enzymatic reaction of the amplification loop of the alte
242  class-enzyme leads to a greatly accelerated enzymatic reaction processes without the need of externa
243                    The KIEs measured for the enzymatic reaction suggest a similar mechanism of cycliz
244 imitations inherent to the properties of the enzymatic reaction used to identify interactions and to
245 water (as a first-order approximation of the enzymatic reaction) are evaluated by an exhaustive quant
246                                    After the enzymatic reaction, quercetin is extracted with ethyl ac
247  the decrease in oxygen level as a result of enzymatic reaction.
248 ction as the initial step in a novel type of enzymatic reaction.
249 , which in turn is produced by the preceding enzymatic reaction.
250 oduced from canonical metabolites by defined enzymatic reactions and may represent a large fraction o
251 out the need for cDNA synthesis or any other enzymatic reactions and with a sensitivity of <10 pM tar
252                              Instead de novo enzymatic reactions could more productively benefit from
253                         The shell sequesters enzymatic reactions from the cytosol, analogous to the l
254 ed proteins involved in 83% of all predicted enzymatic reactions in the tomato metabolic network.
255 ate levels of formaldehyde may be derived by enzymatic reactions including oxidative demethylation/de
256 partments (BMCs) that encapsulate sequential enzymatic reactions of diverse metabolic pathways.
257                                              Enzymatic reactions, photophysically monitored in real t
258 roach is a powerful method for investigating enzymatic reactions.
259 for the hydroxylation of strong C-H bonds in enzymatic reactions.
260 y intermediates in atmospheric, organic, and enzymatic reactions.
261 nt of beta-glucans beneath alpha-glucans and enzymatic removal of any exposed beta-glucan polysacchar
262 n platform, termed Specific High-Sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter UnLOCKing (SHERLOCK), to detect speci
263 ng a MB-labelled detection antibody as a non-enzymatic reporter.
264 rmediate group reveals insights into minimal enzymatic requirements for building a peptidoglycan-like
265 has additional functions aside from its main enzymatic role in SCN resistance.
266             This manuscript is reporting the enzymatic routes and strategies followed for the generat
267                      Said devices are: a non-enzymatic sensor and an enzymatic biosensor, the latter
268 glycoprotein, while diverse, has a conserved enzymatic site and presents an appealing target for prim
269   Several studies have aimed to emulate this enzymatic site-selectivity with designed transition-meta
270 ent a Bayesian model that combines intrinsic enzymatic specificity and interaction information in the
271                    Here, we characterize the enzymatic specificity of the Eng1 and Exg8 proteins and
272 e specificity in vivo by combining intrinsic enzymatic specificity with the network of protein-protei
273 an 15 receptors as well as good chemical and enzymatic stability in human plasma.
274 biopharmaceutical shortcomings, such as poor enzymatic stability, rapid body clearance, and unwanted
275    Expression of the gene encoding the final enzymatic step in solanapyrone biosynthesis was specific
276 nd NO, necessitating a mediator of the third enzymatic step.
277 ing separate decarboxylation and deamination enzymatic steps from tyrosine to the key intermediate 4-
278 s, Coenzyme A is synthesized de novo in five enzymatic steps with vitamin B5 as the starting metaboli
279 sion repair where Pol beta catalyzes two key enzymatic steps: 5'-dRP lyase gap trimming and template-
280  of nature's halogenation and dehalogenation enzymatic strategies, highlights gaps in our understandi
281 een electron supply from the electrode or by enzymatic substrate conversion.
282                M. lysodeikticus is a typical enzymatic substrate for lysozyme.
283 migrating to the upper-most layer, where the enzymatic substrate lays in wait.
284  sites for the snoRNP proteins including the enzymatic subunit fibrillarin/Nop1.
285 t chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), whose enzymatic subunit is Aurora B kinase, promotes chromosom
286 l and enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2), an enzymatic subunit of the polycomb-repressive complex 2 a
287 S mechanisms and provide a framework for the enzymatic synthesis of non-natural nonribosomal peptides
288      Here, we describe a combined biological/enzymatic synthesis that is capable of efficiently conve
289 thin the hydrogel and the activity of the bi-enzymatic system was analyzed chronoamperometrically usi
290 intracellular transformation through diverse enzymatic systems appears to be important components of
291 nd in order to provide controls for existing enzymatic technologies and to create alternatives for em
292                                          The enzymatic time course is sigmoidal, signaling an activat
293 tter can be engaged in NADP-specific coupled enzymatic transformations involving conversion to N(tz)
294  We expect that more pericyclic biosynthetic enzymatic transformations remain to be discovered in nat
295 protein dynamics and vibrational coupling to enzymatic transition state passage.
296 rect chitosan addition, without the need for enzymatic treatment.
297  often studied in connection with thermal or enzymatic treatments, but very little is known about the
298 ation of FA and 5-MTHF in milk formulae than enzymatic treatments.
299                                              Enzymatic vitreolysis with intravitreal ocriplasmin is a
300 ars plana vitrectomy, pneumatic vitreolysis, enzymatic vitreolysis, and observation.

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